Cecil Mills Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 4 of 22

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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D. illel 3 Bally
Iel El Keber. 21a J any 1915. Friday Dear slahere. Been down in the desert now for 2 maks + I like it much bester than being close to lairs. Have recd a Builly from you since I wrose last? as a frist lot of mad is sarting to stragge in I in looking for a lester somorrow or Sunday. Things are going werl in the training, of course some of the sw have taken I rench leave + boikd to lairs but they are svon collares there by The Preais & are brought pack to so a few days CB. also lose some pay- I suppose The authorities are seared to let the Gallepol boys loose in Cairo, as I suppose they would roar the place up a bit. They have their small ismount amusements pery at night tame however Down post the Horse Lines after Iea they gather in prinards & they play fair every gambling game that is known one chap in my Paloon starsed with 5 Prastre The night before cast, & ended up with $75 playing Two up. As much ask200 has peen feet on the loss of the coins at one go so our AtT privases ore not afraid to bet when they hold it. L onely full moon tonight, cold & sharp, really glorious weasher, one ought to keep
ffit Ouvilless is geeting very swandy lately The President went up to Carro last week + bought a couple of lamps + some crockery, not to mention some prives & fooks. The possest thing of the lot sho, are the rissue paper serviceses. The cooking is not too bad. At least I show it is jolly good & wornd often like to back ay cart in again, but then we are only drawing rations, ss it is not much use, as for as meat is concerned. We pain extras in the way of salads & auat. Omon & Comato salad is one of our special for lunch. I hope the onion habit does not become chrouso with are alse I will become very unpopular upon my return. We so not seem any closer so going anywhere now, than we were last week, but we are artoinly in a pandy position to go wherever e we may be wanded at any time. in Hancoes is doing OR. I wish I had him in any Company I could easily make pin a Sergeant, as we are frightfully short of good Ntor Coms. I ang up Coop Pestit a few days ago. He is in O.Co He is a fine by young chap + is thought a great dear of bosh by his own Officers & also the other Officers in the Bastallion. I gave him
She phoss of Mr Wragge & the listle gire, that you sent me. He seemes so glad to have it said it was only the other day that he had written over asking his sisters to send him Phosographs. Tonight I got a packet of raisins from Mrs. Hhut, & The acdt adre + I are having a great old go in, having raisin for raisin. I don't want so see them all go but In afrais &o pnock offenting in case he scoft the lat, a young Lub is also doing his share but as its a big packet Im hoping for the pest. Our Cor was on fatigue duty all day today, so I ai not have to go on Parade & tomorrow In orderly offices for the B assallion + will be busy dodging about inspecting lines, tucker, investigating complaints &c. I can get two days leave next neak if I want it + go up to Cairo Don'd know yet whether I will take st or not It would be alright to go ssay at Shepherds Hate for a night & pave breakfast in bed & not care a hang for any sd Bergle, whether it was pounding of parslless or Lights out + as for Reverlle, well that would be countis right out Big bag of Mail has just aome in, so In out so investigase
N othing doing for me in that lot sooil have to wait undir tomorrow to hear how you got on going ovn so syoney. Some of the lesters today are dated Milbourne 22nd Dec, so they were not dllayed any. No more tonight, as neail out for sometime yet so Ill finish this later. Ill send Mrs Bul a Post Card thanking her for the Muscatels sho before I knock off writing Sunday afternoon Bea out for a long waik along the irryation canal. It was very interesting. An the wroks are looking splended but so they ought to as water can fr terned on at anytime it is required also had a lood through the natiee village of Ie St Rebir St is about the cleanest native village Ive seen s0 far, but of course that is not saying much as every other one Ive seen has peer absoludely fiedhy Har to dodge about a good deal yesterday as Bassallion Orderly Officer, but the greatest pard. ship of all was having to stay up fill 100 dlock at night to see Lights out. I ancy the refed cruedly of it, making me dop uep that late at night Did a fit of Military Sanitation yesterday. Had plenty of fatique men, so I designed, sexecuted a new washing place for the men, which I am glad to say is working very well. To my griet + great annoyance i aa
5 I found it fillhy late this afernoon. I am trus + scraps of food chaking up the dramage. I pad a pictet in charge to see the place was kept clean soI put him under arrest for a slart The men or at least a great ncember of the men have absolusity no conception of cleanliness samtation. They are principally to plame for any deseaa, just through their own shew Carelessness & not thinking little things are wost boshering about Law Duart. W alker during the week. He has also joined up with his Bastallion They are probably going to the Cunal tomorrow Half of our Battacion expects to go on Tuesday. The 21s 23n Boths. Ne wele probably follow in about 2 weeks time. Have us roen what is likely to happen to us after the land business The vendors urphys &Labrinagrams say we will are go to of France in the Spring, so as us one has any rdea. an not making any plans about the future. Don't take any notice of ruinours, + always wait senti I see it in Opairs, before I really believe anything. The Argus of 4th Dec came today. + as kd not seenit, it was just as good as it it had been yesterdays. Have not got any lesters out of shis let but then I got a good was last man so will probably get double lot again next time
aight Orders came out last, that all dismounted Officers are to wear full wel equipment & carry reples on all parades in future. Rasher bad puick as it is a musande carrying a Riph at drue when one is dodging round seeing that the men are doing then got corricily. Ia never fur issues with a ritle + I lost mny wel equchment coming her from Carro so I don't know what well happen to me tomorrow. In aot going to rush round gesting the stuff rentil I have to Kow write anymore tonight, & will close this uep + send it off. Have ao iaia when the next Mail goes out, as once iin it will be safe to go. Hope you got the phosos taken at the Pyramids safely. Tive my love so all at home & have a suit for me some ina warm morning. It is rather too cold here in She mornings to go striping at present, bust suppose in about a couple of months sime, it will be someshing so conjore up in oues mind Nisl abry hug so fohenne Your loving husband lecit
Tie Ec Kebir. Sunday 33.1.16 Hri naDarting pust a lissle private note to go in the other one. A rose notes to the Dad Percy auring the week + sent Post Cards to everyone da Will I wonder how my Deares gire - best boy are these days. Am so anxious to get word of how you got over to money, but a there is shill a lot of illart to be ported there will probably be a letter from you tomorrow or the next day. I hape your Father has got over my coming away by this time. Probably tho by now he saes that it was up to me Our boy will be over 11 months old by the sime you get this Fancy him having of seeth & being able to say Daa D as so early. It will be great to hear him say it, although it is a great pity not so hear him when he is just learning to say it. I when myd earest are you going so seach him so say Mlum Man Dope he can say it by now & also know whoillim sands for Had my first off turn last night, since leaving Austratio. Had mince for lunch & during the afternoon had a small bossle of
Stont, anyhow my tea at night did not agree wish it + about 90'clock it came on suddenly 28 got rea of dea stout + she mina in very raped time, is soon as the mina was laid low I was right at once, so fm plaming the mina more than the Egyption Stont. Anyhow In quide right again today. The cant is getting busy with the different tunts making arrangements to move out. Have just heart that we are taking our tents & all our transport so it is not much like fighting. Is it? Anyhow it wout worry me much for another 2 weaks No more how old Pessie. Wish Heaps of love from your old man who wants so get home so you as soon as possible, never lease you again. Ccit
Mr C Snell apalte 0. a. T. toaboad . H B. Mels + A Burne Kinellan Balley S Neverley New Loush Wale austratio

Lt. CB Mills
23rd Battn


Tel El Kebir.
21st  Jany 1915.

Dear Old Girl
Been down in the desert
now for 2 weeks & I like it much better than
being close to Cairo. Have recd a Bully from
you since I wrote last, & as a fresh lot of
mail is starting to straggle in Im looking
for a letter tomorrow or Sunday. Things are
going well in the training, of course some
of the men have taken French leave & bolted 
to Cairo, but they are soon collared there by
the Pickets & are brought back to do a few
days CB. & also lose some pay. I suppose
the authorities are scared to let the Gallipoli
boys loose in Cairo, as I suppose they would
roar the place up a bit. They have their
small innocent amusements here at night time
however. Down past the Horse Lines after
tea they gather in hundreds & they play
every fair gambling game that is known. One
chap in my Platoon started with 5 Piastres
the night before last, & ended up with £75;
playing Two up. As much as £200 has been
bet on the toss of the coins at one go. so our
A.I.F. privates are not afraid to bet when
they hold it. Lovely full moon tonight, cold
& sharp, really glorious weather, one ought to keep


fit. Our Mess is getting very swanky lately. 
The President went up to Cairo last week & bought 
a couple of lamps & some crockery, not to mention 
some knives & forks. The hottest thing of the 
lot tho, are the tissue paper serviettes. The 
cooking is not too bad. At least I think it is 
jolly good & would often like to back my cart 
in again, but then we are our only drawing  
rations, so it is not much use, as far as 
meat is concerned. We have extras in the way 
of salads & sweets. Onion & tomato salad is 
one of our specials for lunch. I hope the  
onion habit does not become chronic with me, 
else I will become very unpopular upon my 
return. We do not seem any closer to going 
anywhere now, than we were last week, but we 
are certainly in a handy position to go wherever 
bec we may be wanted at any time. Jim Hancock 
is doing O.K. I wish I had him in my Company. 
I could easily make him a Sergeant, as we are 
frightfully short of good Non Coms. I dug 
up Corpl Pettit a few days ago. He is in C Co. 
He is a fine big young chap & is thought a  
great deal of, both by his own Officers & also the 
other Officers in the Battallion. I gave him  


the photo of  Mrs Wragge & the little girl, that 
you sent me. He seemed so glad to have it. 
Said it was only the other day that he had 
written over asking his sisters to send him 
photographs. Tonight I got a packet of 
raisins from Mrs. Hub, & the old Padre 
& I are having a great old go in, having 
raisin for raisin. I don't want to see them 
all go, but I'm afraid to knock off eating in 
case he scoffs the lot, a young Sub is also 
doing his share, but as its a big packet I'm 
hoping for the best. Our Coy was on fatigue  
duty all day today, so I did not have to go  
on Parade & tomorrow I'm orderly Officer 
for the Battallion & will be busy dodging 
about inspecting lines, tucker, investigating  
complaints &c. I can get two days leave 
next week if I want it & go up to Cairo. 
Don't know yet whether I will take it or not. 
It would be alright to go & stay at Shepherd's 
Hotel for a night & have breakfast in bed 
& not care a hang for any old Bugle, whether 
it was sounding Officers Mess or Lights Out, 
& as for Reveille, well that would be counted  
right out. Big bag of Mail has just come in, so 
Im out to investigate _



Nothing doing for me in that lot, so Ill have
to wait until tomorrow to hear how you got on
going over to Sydney. Some of the letters today are
dated Melbourne 22nd Decr., so they were not
delayed any. No more tonight, no mail out for
sometime yet, so Ill finish this later. Ill send
Mrs. Hub a Post Card thanking her for the
Muscatels tho before I knock off writing
Sunday afternoon
Been out for a long walk along the irrigation
canal. It was very interesting. All the crops are  
looking splendid, but so they ought to as water
can be turned on at anytime it is required. Also
had a look through the native village of Tel El Kebir
It is about the cleanest native village Ive seen
so far, but of course that is not saying much as
every other one Ive seen has been absolutely filthy.
Had to dodge about a good deal yesterday as
Battallion Orderly Officer, but the greatest hard- 
ship of all was having to stay up till 10 o'çlock
at night to see Lights Out. Fancy the refined
cruelty of it, making me stop up that late at night
Did a bit of Military Sanitation yesterday. Had plenty
of fatigue men, so I designed & executed a new
washing place for the men, which I am glad to
say is working very well. To my grief & great annoyance



I found it filthy late this afternoon. Jam tins
& scraps of food choking up the drainage.
I had a picket in charge to see the place was kept
clean so I put him under arrest for a start.
The men, or at least a great number of the men
have absolutely no conception of cleanliness &
sanitation. They are principally to blame for
any disease, just through their own sheer
carelessness, & not thinking little things are worth
bothering about. Saw Stuart Walker during the
week. He has also joined up with his Battalion.
They are probably going to the Canal tomorrow
Half of our Battalion Brigade expects to go on Tuesday. The
21st & 22nd Battns. We will probably follow in about
2 weeks time. Have no idea what is likely to
happen to us after the Canal business The vendors
of Furphy's & Ladrinagrams say we will all go to
France in the Spring, so as no one has any idea.
am not making any plans about the future.
Don't take any notice of rumours, & always wait
until I see it in Orders, before I really believe
anything. The Argus of 4th Decr came today.
& as I'd not seen it, it was just as good as if it 
had been yesterdays. Have not got any letters out
of this lot, but then I got a good wad last mail
so will probably get double lot again next time 



Orders came out last night that all dismounted
Officers are to wear full web equipment & carry
rifles on all parades in future. Rather bad luck
as it is a nuisance carrying a Rifle at drill
when one is dodging round seeing that the men
are doing their job correctly. I've never been
issued with a rifle & I lost my web equipment
coming here from Cairo, so I don't know what
will happen to me tomorrow. I'm not going to
rush round getting the stuff until I have to.
Won't write anymore tonight, & will close this
up & send it off. Have no idea when the next
Mail goes out, so once it is in it will be safe
to go. Hope you got the photos taken at the
Pyramids safely. Give my love to all at
home & have a surf for me some nice
warm morning. It is rather too cold here in
the mornings to go surfing at present, but I
suppose in about a couple of months time, it
will be something to conjure up in ones mind.
With a big hug to Johnnie
Your loving husband


Tel El Kebir.
23: 1: 16. 

Hello Old Darling. 
Just a little private note to 
go in the other one.  Wrote notes to the 
Dad & Percy during the week & sent Post 
Cards to everyone else. Well I wonder how  
my Dearest girl & best boy are these days. 
Am so anxious to get word of how you got 
over to Sydney, but as there is still a lot of 
Mail to be sorted there will probably be a 
letter from you tomorrow or the next day. 
I hope your Father has got over my coming 
away by this time. Probably tho by now 
he sees that it was up to me. Our boy will 
be over 11 months old by the time you get this. 
Fancy him having 7 teeth & being able to  
say Dad Dad so early. It will be great to 
hear him say it, although it is a great pity 
not to hear him when he is just learning to 
say it.  & when my Dearest, are you going to 
teach him to say Mum Mum? Hope he can  
say it by now & also know who Mum stands 
for. Had my first off turn last night, 
since leaving Australia. Had mince for lunch 
& during the afternoon had a small bottle of 


Stout, anyhow my tea at night did not  
agree with it & about 9 o'clock it came on 
suddenly & I got rid of tea. stout & the mince 
in very rapid time, as soon as the mince was 
laid low I was right at once, so I'm blaming the 
mince more than the Egyptian Stout. Anyhow I'm  
quite right again today. The camp is getting 
busy with the different units making arrangements 
to move out. Have just heard that we are 
taking our tents & all on transport, so it is 
not much like fighting, Is it? Anyhow it won't  
worry me much for another 2 weeks. 
No more now old Pettie.  With Heaps of 
love from your old man who wants to  
get home to you as soon as possible, & never 
leave you again. 


CBMills Lt 
Mrs C.B. Mills 
C/. Dr. A Burne 
Dalley St. 
New South Wales 
Passed by 
No 3018 
Lt CBMills 
23rd Battn.  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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