Cecil Mills Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 19 of 22

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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Have seen no devessated country get best will be inside she area sometime souight she more ore thinks of it the more awfue it at seems as it is seid a lovely country, I hope I can personally kill a few Termans it would not worry sue in after years. No more now old Pessie With atl my love to now & our John Boy your Pocke Book is always in my lett hand sop pocket + you know what is in She Pocker Book. Your loving ol man Ccit Have not not usy little book but I shink it shoued be Ho St. Am
St B 3 AFR 16 Mr C/a D o AMPB2 At 3 APR 16 342 Mic ABivine Kinellan t Dallen Vaverley New Sorid Wale Austratis
Somew here in France 3:4:16 Hulloo Old Darling Got so our Regr at last on 4th just, & there is no six weeks training behind the firing line for us. We sarsed for she front at once almost + now we are just behind she firing tine, & will be in the trenches somoriow night. I got a cable away to you from Roven & also some listle collar arrangements. The denky blouse I wanded so buy you cast ₤3/10/. & penrds would not run It. Had a fresty pusten prip from Roven in the Iroof Train, about 18 hours We are now in quite a diffrent soot of counsry to Toushern France. This is cold ffoobidding, diell wentry weasher & it will not be summer until crest monsh. My Basman got on the Booze allowed my sent clse & my black kit bag wish all my closhes so be taken away to shep ase &I dont expect to see them again. So I just had what I stood uep in a change of undercloshing & a pair of socks. One dear of letter No22 was waiding
for me N B cane along the next day. Then so shew how my luck was in your parce wish all the sherts was delivered just in same for ue so pack it away wish The Company Transport, so now am not quise so dispoute as I was. We hit that Sin of Crab so leg songht in great style. it followed on cold boiled musson. It made a delightful feed for 3 of us. The Peps are great & will last such a long time The shirt are a bit too light for she present time but next month they will be just the shing. The cheese closh shirt will be As towars nat the preen. Have made one indo Hanks already. There is a very good Expeditionany Force Cansien fight up alongside the Frencher so as soon as we get out of the Tering Line for our first spec, Ill be able to get lot of new Things again The piea we are going into is said tobe verry suit tt require quited tot of bad tiece to got tur but I think there as going to be someshing donng real month, & the Austrdlian are going food dear wod when it come to t
aand some of the churo clost shat day making handages for that with send feet sooe of thei feet arvrg l & tthis shilpe thyshirt is lon of it don't iupfore you will mined of them being tot p So maring agood go you pota oting hape t ar oh ath cardn to writt amongd ando he g on prst pnth when I t alton rlut from rsabo the a an 1 rlennnt rcotint are ewanks but time the at at the wort be omao haghn a Love o as Your
Lunday Hotg Morton ast fohne soy mt fom bs deslers, Geen on hiv now nor ark to fot Duch position Ir bn y lanly want money only mas Monot owee Bsh a fo ue Bo 0 4 2 ue in the present that ratten the white olt ahat I tt of Iave hus pend nour hodin to letter through again ere such denr Decoure the bay inworyl W s a rente Davicka 8 asheht now the as ar casy fotit n aout sung
auithing that come my way Anyhow if an shappente 9 one as looker ofter splendealy here the Hopitor have reached a state of perfeation. If a man is woundsgand England, heis treased so will that benever and Ilease the Hospital. He heen tembly hoves up over my ownt they have gonets the Paco absolutely suring the lass I was way feon them there has been no conduae over them thr late sate of trinding does not su ct an all gst about thars pinatin are flew captine st Ln of th makes one very hak of things, specialy when one seret ae them a fauro Weword warling long before youg his ill beaush ysu p all sorh of sten only heard abou John Pocker Soe the pinch wih m ave hs in by within a ceupl of inch of o Good Hight agan swehear Uoter our old man who thin of nou landly llongs to when nt three will be sogether aga
32 841916

Have seen no devastated country 
yet, but will be inside the area 
sometime tonight, the more one 
thinks of it, the more awful it 
all seems, as it is such a lovely 
country. I hope I can personally 
kill a few Germans, it would 
not worry me in after years. 
No more now old Pettie. With 
all my love to you and our Johnnie 
Boy, your Pocket Book is 
always in my left hand top 
pocket, & you know what is in 
the Pocket Book. 
Your loving old man 
Have not got my little book 
but I think it should be No 31. 


No 31 
Army P.O.2 

3 Apr 16 
Passed Field Censor 
Mrs. C.B. Mills 
c/- Dr. A  Burne 
Dalley St 
New South Wales 
Lt. C B Mills 
23rd Battn 


Grand Hotel Dangleterre 
6  7 & 8 Cours Boieldiel 


Somewhere in France 

Hulloo Old Darling. 
Got to our Regt at last 
on 4th just, & there is no six weeks 
training behind the firing line for us. 
We started for the front at once almost. 
& now we are just behind the firing 
line, & will be in the trenches tomorrow 
night. I got a cable away to you from 
Rouen & also some little collar 
arrangements.  The dinky blouse I wanted 
to buy you cost £3/10/. & funds would not  
run it. Had a pretty rotten trip from 
Rouen in the Troop Train, about 18 hours. 
We are now in quite a different sort of 
country to Southern France. This is 
cold & forbidding, dull wintry weather 
& it will not be summer until next 
month. My Batman got on the Booze 
- allowed my suit case & my black kit 
bag with all my clothes to be taken away 
to the Base & I dont expect to see them 
again. So I just had what I stood up in, 
a change of underclothing & a pair of 
socks. One dear of old letter No 22 was waiting


for me & No 23 came along the next day.  
Then to show how my luck was in, your 
parcel with all the shirts was delivered 
just in time for me to pack it away with  
the Company Transport, so now am not  
quite so destitute as I was. We hit that  
Tin of Crab [to leg] tonight in great style 
it followed on cold boiled mutton. It  
made a delightful feed for 3 of us. The Peps  
are great & will last such a long time.  
The shirts are a bit too light for the  
present time but next month they will be 
just the thing. The cheese cloth shirts  
will be A1 to wear next the skin. Have 
made one into Hanks already. There 
is a very good Expeditionary Force 
Canteen right up alongside the Trenches, 
so as soon as we get out of the Firing 
Line for our first spell, I'll be able to 
get lots of news things again. The place 
we are going into is said to be very 
civil & it requires quite a lot of bad 
luck to get hurt, but I think there is 
going to be something doing next 
month, & the Australians are going 
to have a good deal to do when it comes to


Have used some of the cheese cloth shirts 
today. Making bandages for chaps with 
blistered feet. Some of their feet are very 
bad & the stuff in the shirts is lovely and 
soft, &  I don't suppose you will mind a 
few of them being torn up, for they are 
answering a good purpose. Ive lost all my 
post cards & writing paper, so will not be able 
to write to anyone else until we get our first 
relief from the Trenches, when Ill be able to 
get a supply. This old exercise book is the 
old Mess a/c book and I find a few leaves out 
of it now and again. No more now old girl 
Will write again the first chance I get. 
You will be glad to know that the sound of guns 
going off full tilt a few miles away has not 
made me feel at all nervous. Hope I wont be 
nervy tomorrow night when we are right in  
it. Love to all 
Your Loving Husband 


Sunday Night 
Now Dearest Old Woman a wee note 
for yourself & Johnnie Boy & also an answ 
answer to your two letters. Glad you have 
had your photos taken for me I know you will 
send me one of each position I'm afraid you  
are shorting yourself terribly about money only 
spending ₤16 in 8 weeks. Youve got ₤5/4/. a week 
to spend less about ₤25 per [[?]] for Insurance 
premiums. Johnno looks as tho he knows your 
old chair he is his by right. He is quite in  
possession. The socks you posted will be a  
godsend & I hope to get them next week in the  
Trench. Have only got 2 pairs at present. 
[[?]] a brown pair 
Perle sent me. God struth my Batman 
could murder him but he will get the 
serve up blankets & I can pile ok things in that 
& roll in the white oil sheet & make a valise  
out of it. Have just read your two dear old 
letters through again & they are such dear 
ones. I can picture you & the boy in every line 
of them. Well Darling there is a remote  
chance of getting a bit of a crack anytime 
now. The Germans could lob a shell here if they  
wanted to. Am glad it is an easy post we are  
going to for a start & I do hope I wont funk 


anything that comes my way 
Anyhow if anything does happen every 
one is looked after splendidly here, & 
the Hospitals have reached a state of  
perfection. If a man is wounded & goes to 
England, he is treated so well that he never  
wants to leave the Hospital. Ive been 
terribly broken up over my own Platoon. 
They have gone to the "Pack" absolutely 
During the 16 days I was away from them 
there has been no control over them & this 
Cafe style of drinking does not suit our chaps 
They all got about 6 weeks pay in a lump 
& have been mopping up cheap fizz & they do 
look wrecked a great many of them. It  m kjo 
makes one very sick of things, specially 
when one tries to give them a fair run 
Well old Darling, long before you get 
this I'll be quite used to all sorts of things I've 
only heard about. Johns Pocket Book goes into  
the trenches with me, so you two will always 
be within a couple of inches of my heart. 
Good Night again Sweetheart. 
Your own old man who thinks 
of you constantly & longs for the day, when 
we three will be together again. 


8 - 4 - 1916 
Mrs CB Mills 
C/. Dr A Burne 
Dalley St 
New South Wales 
CB Mills 23rd 

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