Cecil Mills Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 18 of 22

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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of weeks ago just fancy knowing there are letters flooting round somewhere not having them, but is only 13 days since I got 3 from you. The war news at Malsa looked fresty 900s. Am beginning to shink she ino is drawing fairly close now, & when the big push from the Western Iront slard we should not be too far away so give a hand. The Russians are certainly doing then bit towards finishing things off. Hope all those old Kimpsey ladies are not worrying you too much. They were all such yoppens they may get of your nowe leabayon to a funy place so you wishout Dicd to te your willing slave. you must mis him greatly No more soday. We have another day at sea somorrow & I le be glad when it is over & we get back from Regt. Again 28/3/16. Going so close off now Pessie Woman & hope to post this as soon as she opportunity offers Hope I can cable so you soon. With such a beg love so you & our bistst lestle man. Your own old man Acil.
ly O.A.S alroad PR C.B. Sat W A Bevilie 9 & Kinellan Dalley Waverley 2 ye New Souist Wale Ansestio
& ca broad SCSN 8 Mr CBuliers ABwrne Cl a Rinellan Dalley S Vaverley new Soush Wales ill Aussratia
RolkkTe Theatre des Aris et Pentree de 1a Rue du Crand- Pont
ORS CARTEANMENS TALI abroad Correspondance Roven 24-16 Adveese Your Daddyhopes Burne Wills Esq. you are growing a. Dr A Kurne Kinellan up so be such a big Dalley& man, &looking Naverley after your Main are New Soush Wales she Since Australin Mu
CRANDHOTEL DANCLETERRE 67&S.COURS BOLELDIEU ROUEN TEL. 53 3/4/16 Dear Dea Darling I don't know where to start from things have been sirch a push & bussle of lase Hsope to pave chance of writin you a decent letter inside the next day or so. Have been 2 weeks & 1 day travelling so for shase not yet reached our cilkmate sestination but we pope to do so soon. It would fake me weeks & weeks to describe adequately the beautifue thing + scenss I have hassed through the last few days but lets pope it will not be too long Last Toulond before we do the suh
together. Have never regrested an lack of French so much Make it a cert that Johnnis Boy hes a pmastering at lead oplang. cages that veay come incicipel Please fet me know as soon as possible an particulars about Harry. His General's aame the one he is aDC. to sheDivision Io which he belongs. I san she duckiest plousey arrangement up she street before lench + she shop was closed but am going up again in a few pinutes before going so army Post ffee wish this & you are going to have that plouse as I can just picture you in it. of cours it is while. Wrose a lot of Post Cares last night agave shem to
Ladyllary Edgerton, She runs brg show pere for soldiers, she aid she would get them away or me perhaps before this bout 5 so you & one godl to the rest of the family. Our poor old wver have pas no pay get & all the boys are slift ssone proke, Lday Edgtons show has peer very good & given the boys all soots of things. blit shey do pase saking shings from any one outside ansoralia unless shey can pay in peturs. We will have a few dast remarks fomadle when we do eventually frejoin our Regiment Well oeas alling Gire by the same you get this letter cay I weeks from now we shoued be gradually working our way up sowards the firing fine

7 weeks ago. Just fancy knowing there
are letters floating round somewhere & not
having them, but is only 13 days since I got
3 from you. The war news at Malta looked
pretty good. Am beginning to think the end
is drawing fairly close now, & when the big
push from the Western Front starts we should
not be too far away to give a hand. The
Russians are certainly doing their bit towards
finishing things off. Hope all those old
Kempsey ladies are not worrying you too
much. They were all such yappers they may
get on your nerves.  Kempsey will be a
funny place to you without Dick to be
your willing slave. You must miss him
greatly. No more today. We have another
day at sea tomorrow & I'll  be glad when it is
over & we get back to our Regt. again 28/3/16.
Going to close off now Pettie Woman, & hope
to post this as soon as the opportunity offers.
Hope I can cable to you soon. With such a big
love to you & our bestest little man.
Your own old man


30/            O.A.S.

Mrs C.B. Mills
C/- Dr. A Burne
Dalley St.
New South Wales

[* Censored
F.L. McDougall*]



Mrs C.B. Mills
C/- Dr. A Burne
Dalley St
New South Wales

[* Censored
F.L. McDougall*]



4. ROUEN - Le Théàtre des Arts et l'entrée  de la Rue du Grand- Pont




Rouen 2-4-16
Your Daddy hopes
you are growing
up to be such a big
man, & looking
after your Mum all
the time.



J. Burne Mills Esq
C/- Dr. A Burne
Dalley St
New South Wales



TEL. 53
Dear Old Darling
I don't know where
to start from, things have been
such a rush & bustle of late.
Hope to have chance of writing
you a decent letter inside the
next day or so. Have been 2
weeks & 1 day travelling so far,
& have not yet reached our ultimate
destination, but we hope to do so
soon. It would take me weeks
& weeks to describe adequately the
beautiful things & scenes I have
passed through the last few days,
but lets hope it will not be too long
(not Toulon) before we do the trip


together. Have never regretted
my lack of French so much.
Make it a cert that Johnnie Boy
has a smattering at least of lang-
uages that may come in useful.
Please let me know as soon as
possible, all particulars about
Harry. His General's name the
one he is A.O.C. to & the Division
to which he belongs. I saw the
duckiest blousey arrangement
up the street before lunch, & the 
shop was closed, but am going
up again in a few minutes
before going to Army Post Office
with this, & you are going to
have that blouse, as I can just
picture you in it. Of course it
is white. Wrote a lot of Post
Cards last night & gave them to


Lady Mary "Edgerton", she runs
a big show here for soldiers, she
said she would get these away
for me, perhaps before this,
about 5 to you & one each to the
rest of the family. Our poor old
men have had no pay yet, & all the
boys are stiff stone broke. Lady
Edgerton's show has been very good
& given the boys all sorts of things,
but they do hate taking things
from any one outside Australia
unless they can pay in return.
We will have a few nasty
remarks to make when we do
eventually rejoin our Regiment.
Well Old Darling Girl,  by the
time you get this letter, say
5 weeks from now, we should
be gradually working our way
up towards the firing line

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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