Cecil Mills Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 3 of 22

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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rosten somato sance No bread, but some biscuits that were not too paid. Then we had some slarch like blane mange & gelly + a good byg ename hot of tea. I was never very faddy about my food as long as it was not naghy seasones was $ f just as wer now or else ld have so get out of my little tricks Santy Johnmeperng able to say las so soon Can he really say it or are you only imagining he says it because you want him to? I can just imagin what a little fet he mus be groving to be by your accomption of him + also by the snaks. The collection of snaks youve ant me are great, you can send one just as many more as you like as long as you are posh in them looking as rc as the last lot. Saw J ohnnnie Weedon down at the 19t Rast today, he soed un ocher had a spill from his horse the other day aatocater fon chousse o at hre ant is in the Hospisal Dock has a good jot as tartermaster Hope ao one wirl pave plaser him for it by the sime he gets out of the Hospisal. Today I tried on all my socks + gave away some that aid not ft ie have got about 20 pairs of good wollen ones, so you can sut wont want anny more for ages
There is really nothing that I want sent so me While we are in Egyht we can very proctically anything we want & if we go away, we probably would not get anything that was sent to us. Loss of the chaps are saking heap of phosos wesh these small pocket camoras. I ve not bought one. The phosos are woo small, + any. how I don't want anything to remind mne of the was when I is over. Ile fr only too glad to forgt it all, as chuearly as possible. The evening shades here are delightful. The camp is situased on resing ground & we can see for miles across terfusty tive irregable agreenetial land, all nice + green with occasional clumps of trues, + a riage right away in the back ground. In the shadows it might easily be a streech of that meason land out from Broadmeadows, going into Meebourne. But she phades of colouring are very different I cannot astempt to describe then Am Company Opderty Officer tomorrow I take over a new Olatoon, which has about 10 of the men I brought over in it. They all seenglas I in coming along to them once more. Have had no time to write so Percy or my I ather this week, but will do so this next week. of course
their lesters might cased the same man, as I pave no idea when the Arest. Mail closes No more now. So with love to all + a bighing so Johnnne Your loving Hustand Aci
Mr C. Dr Ausosalia to Active servic Abroad 2 B Mills A Burne Kinellan Dalley St Vaverley New Souch Wale
16:1:16 Dearest. This is the particularly privale it, in which I ll answer the questions in your letters & make any other remarks that are not for any one else. I nose that H arry thought Dangar should have gone. I think that probably you will pase your work cut out to keep him at home before long, as he was feeling it presty banly when last I saw him He sine & use all now influnce to keep him at home as your father cannot spare him. If conscription comes in then someone else accides, but there is one of your broshers there out of two & I'n here out of 2 in my family Hope the new Logs won't be worn out before I get home, so that I can pass any expert opinion on them Anyhow £5.4.0 per wak will give you peenty of money so by more, shats of the bally old Defence Dept pays in your £8.8.0 each two weeks requearly. If they have not been doing it get Percy to write for you & see what is she matter. It must pave given you a shock to have your as friends pack to so you after such a long time. Hope they will not visit you quite so frequently in puture & more regularly, + with no more trouble than is so be expected. Id also forgoser about the possibilit of then return Did adt shink they would come undi John was weared
I shink the printer envelopes are good they are so plain that it is almost impossible for the Post office to make a mistake. Your letters have all reaced me now excepting the om you posted sot rumandle About cashing Chiques al Waverty Branch. The creast there is for you so carh cheques there for 43, you can also pay out any money you like by cheque & can ourdraw your a/c up lof 120 at any time of the occasion arise. If she verdrast gets hard off draw some money out & pay it into your so thy Savings Sand own e/c. You can do that at the Lavings Bank of A S Wall in by duey I think or even at any of She Branchs, but keep a small of Sft. at the Bank in Melbonine. I pner ora J GMlann would chread himself when you went to see him Peesit Wm Nragges brother is still on & with she 23th I have not looked him up yet, but will do as the first chance I get & will give him she suap of Mrs Krago &the libtle gor. Have just heer speaking so one of the officers of the Co he rs in & he says Peetit is a very fine chap. Am sorry to hear of that liste srier of Johnnis, playing with that part that he should not. Keep the smacking up, it ilether cannot tell you someshing better. Its she only cure I ve heard of
Pipes can for bought in Cairs just as wer as in Sydney or Melbourne, the only difference is in the price. She same brauds in Cairo are slightly Cheaper shaw in Austratia They are guatually gelting the good brands of Tobaced also, but they are slightly dearer than in Austratia only about 2 a fin though. Ive read all your dear old letter through tonight again Iweetheart & Im so glad they are all so cheerful. I do hope you feel as happy as they make me fee to get them. To for your old man has only plen a member of the big Auseration I owning party, but it will not be like that always I suppose, though a great ncember of chaps reckon we have seen our last of the fighting unless we are taken away from Eggpt. Well my Deared Ill finish off the other lester & as first Post has gone, or rather is going It clear off & make lip my bunk & turn in. It sounds very nice to hear she bregls at night, starting right away at the 1st Brigade in the distance & each Brigade taking The call rep as she other finishes. There are 6 Brygades of Frefantry alone (4+8 are not here + a Brigade pas & Bassallions, & aB assallion has about 1100 ruen without transhort +e
so when you come to shink of the Transhort Army Medical Artillery, Engineers &1 Regt. of Light Hors (not Dreas & as sorts of other Dularts you may realice in a way, that this is some cant as the American would say a great big hug for my Bestest Over Nide another om for my second Restest Boy. That reads rather fruly. I want to say that he come. 2nd pested to you da Darling Your ever loving Husband Acce
4076 t 25 On Active Service broad Mrs CB Mills 1.C.D. A. Burne Kinellan Dalley St averley asWalis Australia

rotten tomato sauce.  No bread, but some 
biscuits that were not too hard.  Then we 
had some starch like blanc mange & jelly & a 
good big enamel pot of tea.  I was never very 
faddy about my food as long as it was not 
highly seasoned, was I? Just as well now 
or else I'd have to get out of my little tricks. 
Fancy Johnnie being able to say Dad so soon. 
Can he really say it, or are you only imagining 
he says it, because you want him to? I can just 
imagine what a little pet he must be growing to 
be by your description of him & also by the 
snaps. The Collection of snaps youve sent me 
are great, & you can send me just as many more 
as you like as long as you are both in them, looking 
as nice as the last lot. Saw Johnnie Wiedon 
down at the 19th Battn today, he told me 
Docker had a spill from his horse the other day 
& dislocated his shoulder & at present is in the  
Hospital. Dock has a good job as Quartermaster. Hope 
no one will have beaten him for it by the time he 
gets out of the Hospital. Today I tried on all my 
socks & gave away some that did not fit me. Have 
got about 20 pairs of good wollen ones, so you 
can see I wont want any more for ages. 


There is really nothing I want sent to me. 
While we are in Egypt we can buy practically 
anything we want & if we go away, we probably 
would not get anything that was sent to us. 
Lots of the chaps are taking heaps of photos 
with these small pocket cameras. Ive not 
bought one. The photos are too small, & any- 
how I don't want anything to remind me of the 
war when it is over. Ill be only too glad to forget it 
all, as speedily as possible. The evening shades 
here are delightful. The camp is situated on 
rising ground & we can see for miles across 
perfectly level irrigable agricultural land, all 
nice & green with occasional clumps of trees, & 
a ridge right away in the back ground. In the 
shadows it might easily be a stretch of that 
meadow land out from Broadmeadows, going into 
Melbourne. But the shades of colouring are 
very different. I cannot attempt to describe them. 
Am Company Orderly Officer tomorrow and I take 
over a new Platoon, which has about 10 of the 
men I brought over in it. They all seem glad Im 
coming along to them once more. Have had 
no time to write to Percy or my Father this 
week, but will do so this next week, of course


their letters might catch the same mail, as 
I have no idea when the Aust: Mail closes 
No more now, So with love to all & a 
big hug to Johnnie. 
Your loving Husband  


Lt. CBMills 
23rd Battn 
No 16 
On Active Service  
Australian Base 
Details P.O. 
NG [[Pillon?]]  Lieut. 
Mrs. C B Mills 
C/. Dr. A Burne 
Dalley St 
New South Wales 


Dearest.  This is the particularly private bit, in 
which I'll answer the questions in your letters & 
make any other remarks that are not for any one 
else. I note that Harry thought Dangar should 
have gone. I think that probably you will have 
your work cut out to keep him at home before long, as 
he was feeling it pretty badly when last I saw him. 
Be sure & use all your influence to keep him at home 
as your father cannot spare him. If conscription 
comes in, then someone else decides, but there is one 
of your brothers there out of two & I'm here out of 2 
in my family. Hope the new togs won't be worn out 
before I get home, so that I can pass my expert opinion 
on them. Anyhow £5:4:0 per week will give you 
plenty of money to buy more, thats if the bally old 
Defence Dept pays in your £8:8:0 each two 
weeks regularly. If they have not been doing it 
get Percy to write for you & see what is the 
matter. It must have given you a shock to have 
your old friends back to see you after such a 
long time. Hope they will not visit you quite 
so frequently in future & more regularly, & with  
no more trouble than is to be expected. I'd also 
forgotten about the possibility of their return. Did 
not think they would come until John was weaned.


I think the printed envelopes are good, they are so 
plain that it is almost impossible for the Post office 
to make a mistake. Your letters have all reached me 
now, excepting the one you posted to Freemantle.  
About cashing cheques at Waverley Branch. The credit 
there is for you to cash cheques there for £3, you 
can also pay out any money you like by cheque 
& can overdraw your a/c up to £120 at any time 
if the occasion arises.  If the Overdraft gets paid 
off, draw some money out & pay it into your 
own a/c in the Savings Bank. You can do that at the Savings Bank of 
NS Wales in  Sydney I think, or even at any of 
the Branches, but keep a small o/dft at the Bank 
in Melbourne. I knew old JGMann would 
spread himself when you went to see him. 
Pettit, Mrs Wragges brother is still OK & with 
the 23rd. I have not looked him up yet: but will do 
so the first chance I get & will give him the snap 
of Mrs Wragge & the little girl. Have just been 
speaking to one of the Officers of the Coy he is in and he 
says Pettit is a very fine chap. Am sorry to hear 
of that little trick of Johnnies, playing with that 
part that he should not. Keep the smacking up, if  
Mither cannot tell you something better. Its the 
only cure Ive heard of


Pipes can be bought in Cairo just as well as in 
Sydney or Melbourne, the only difference is in 
the price. The same brands in Cairo are slightly 
cheaper than in Australia. They are gradually 
getting the good brands of Tobacco also but 
they are slightly dearer than in Australia, 
only about 2s a tin though. Ive read all 
your dear old letters through tonight again 
Sweetheart, & Im so glad they are all so 
cheerful. I do hope you feel as happy as 
they make me feel to get them. So far your 
old man has only been a member of the big 
Australian Touring party, but it will not be 
like that always I suppose, though a great 
number of chaps reckon we have seen our last 
of the fighting unless we are taken away from 
Egypt. Well my Dearest I'll finish off the 
other letter & as first Post has gone, or rather 
is going Ill clear off & make up my bunk 
& turn in. It sounds very nice to hear the 
bugles at night, starting right away at the 1st 
Brigade in the distance & each Brigade taking 
the call up as the other finishes. There are 6 
Brigades of Infantry alone (4 & 8 are not here) & 
a Brigade has 4 Battallions, & a Battallion 
has about 1100 men without transport &c


so when you come to think of the Transport,  
Army Medical, Artillery, Engineers & 1 Regt of 
Light Horse (not Dicks) & all sorts of other Details,  
you may realise in a way, that this is "some" 
camp as the Americans would say.  
A great big hug to my Bestest Ever Wife &  
another one for my second Bestest Boy. That  
reads rather funnily. I want to say that he comes  
2nd bestest to you old Darling. 
Your ever loving Husband 


No 16  
On Active Service  
A.I.F.Inter.Base P.O. 
Mrs C.B. Mills. 
C/- Dr. A. Burne. 
Dalley St 
NS Wales 
W.A. Cully Lieut.
23rd Battn.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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