Cecil Mills Collection - Wallet 1 - Part 11 of 12

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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+ She camel men ssooa on one side. Then she Phoso Chat informed us Phosos were 10 Peastres each show many did we want We all soox 2 each + had so pay cash on she uail + chance them coming (They have since turned up If then you will agre that they are very good. Then the youngsters wansed their backshiest for being in the phoss. It appears shat it is she sseady job of these youngsters to be there for she purpose. This cost te Peastre. All the way up we were pestered by hordes of natives trying to seel us ald roman coms about a million years old for about 5 Peastres each, we managed to drive shese off with the assistance of the Camel drivers. They were dager to drive them off, for as soon as we dismounted after she phoso jose, they came at it shemselves, It was one of their own side tine. We shew went down into The kings & Quns tombs & has a look round, she pirate ringing in all the old gags about she sot of she Homrt being 16 feet long & made of alabaster. Of course there was a charge to go in an old patriarch standing at the gretts collected 5 Peastres each. Then to have she Sombs let up wish a low class magnisian were cost another 5 Piastres as soon as we finished with she sombs we came across an old perate sissing on his hannches, with a weved circli with aldo soots of points branching out made in she sand with his finger. This was the Official fortune teller, cost 5 Prastres each We each had to pick our own point out from the circle
The Voung Men's Christian Association OF TASMANA, ON ACTHE SERVCE WITH E. O. CIFPIH The Australian imperial Forces FIEID SEAVICE SECRETAR + then he starsed all the business counting round all These spikes + making various deviations out into she sand a back into the circl. After each of these performances which were accompanied with a lot of gibberish, he would tell us what he had found out It was all rather humorous. Now of us are going to be killed. But we are not are going back togester some of us are going bock different ways from the way we came. I ve always got a siniting face "Always merry + Bright +c. One thing he sold me was a bit weved. He said that after younng The Army I had left my own home & gone to live wish a very old friend, previous to coming away. That was presty right, as we certainly did go to live with The Kossys. After we got away from this Chap. or rasher while she performance was going on, a young Chap came along, wish small piecis of Alabaster + Roman Cors made in Bermingham. Fortunasely the price of shise valuable articles was not excessive, Only 2 Peastres, but it was the correct shing to do, so buy these memensoes in the Tomb of the Kings & Arvens from the Son of the Sheik. This young Perase according to Osear Asche, was she son of the Fell she long + short of it ale was, that we did not Sheik see a great deae of the Pyramids at close quarters. One does not want to go closily. They are marvillous enough without
That Of course I cannot astempt so sescribe them They certainly give one a solemn feeling, seeing these relies of ages long past stonding out alone in the Desirt. We got back into Carro about 1.30 + went to Igaies for lunch. Then the trouble started + I got a bit of my own back. I had been doing all the paying for the mob First of an the Motor Johnnu wansed another 20 Peastry I coedly refused to even consider the queston + told him to Buizzz off. He did not seen inclined to go, & imultered a bit to hisself, but on upward movement of my stick semed to secide him. Then it was she guides turn. I procaded so desail all his shorscomings from she beginning + how all his promises had been either booken or oney partially carried out + gave him his P.T. 25 with great relucsance The other chaps were all gatheres on she steps of the restirant enjoying the joke. The Elimag was reached aton the guide but she aced on me for an extra P.T. 5 for she here of his tondey from where we got out of the Car + Sook the Caunes after I regaired my breash I told him off in great style The most scathing shing I could shink of, was that he was not in the fringe on a guides pooslace, that I never wanted to see his egly face again + that it he did not fade inside I seconds I would resint so she power of my boot so shift him He faded quesly but he certainly had a propsable arooning He probably got 1/2 of she money we pair to she perases he 20/12/15 entroanced es to. sot interrupted nunn have to go so Lecture. Will write again as soon as possible Your loving Hhisband and
N. 10 Mr. B C.D OF INSTRU 17 CGMill 6623 of Lely E on actve servire Mill A Burne Kinellan Dalley AsW all Haverley Austalic
p8o 0932 The Young Mens Christian Asociation OF TASMANA, ON ACTNE SERIEE WITH E. G. CLIFFIN. The Australian Emperial Forces FIEID SERVICE SECRETAR) Training School. Zetown 21:12:15 Dearadea Sire Had to finish off my last letter in a very hevried manner, before going on Tarade on Monday morning, as there was she off chance of it casching a mail. Well Petty your Cable reached me last Sunday morning & I was glad to get it to know you of ohniue are quite OR + that you will be over at Kinellan by Christmas. By gove it is wonderful to think that Christmon Day is only 4 days away. Time flies in a most mysterious fashion here. Never time to do anything outside ones job, + perhaps it is just as wel. The telegram you sent me to I reemansle arrives soday + considering the Aushouties would have to dig up what thuts came on she Alysies + then fend out which Uit I was in I dont shink it is so bad on behalf of the Possal People. I think its quise likely that the letter by the Dimboola will arrive in ane course The results of last Saturdays examinations are out. I got St out of 100 + ben quite satisfied That was for the wristen examination on all she wook we had had during the first week. I only got 75 for the Orae examination on iluskety. In about in the usidate of the bunch so for +I hope I can keep it uep. Think Ill do well in the Procheal Exans when they come on next week. Last Sunday afternoon I went out so the Clade That is she oed fordress that N apoleon took & from where he smashed up the mosque. There is still
an oid cannon pullet in one of the Walls. bace There are lots of mosques about there One very beautiful one; The Mahonied Aly Mosque built by some oldg ackerow. It is a glorious but of Architchire with The most glouious widdows of stamed glass. There are 600 lamps in it no all electric lights, but once they were caudles. Some of the cryssal Chandeliers are very beautiful + it would be fine to see the place lit up The chap that built it was a most celebrated Architect. He built 2 the same design one previous to she in Constantinoble. The playfil old Sullan who was boss cocky here in shose days was so pleases with the losque on Completion that he had both hanes of the Architeet cut off, so that he could not build another of Nice way of exhressing his appreciation. There is as doubt about at they were some Builders in those da days Have had no time to write so anyone else lasily so you might let then know youre heard regularly that I in quite a1 There is a very hope fre view of things toker here by the I mmperial men at this School. They are all aelive light duty men, unfit for further service. All from the first Brilish Expecitionary Yora, were is she rebreat from Mous &c. some of She Sales they tell makes one grealise how close we were to being wiped out Last October 12 months there were only the men in the trenches betwen the Germans & Calois Absolutly no Reserves at all. The cooks usss to be in the fighting line at times. They reckon if the Termans with their pickes troops could not break through then, its God help their chancesnon. Everyshing is all ready for the by sweep next spring so at the very lotest you can write down nsch gune as she end of it all, its going to be she ending we all want. No more now old Darling. Give the boy ove to all at Kindlon & suth a lot for yourself old a big hig by cenagine mysel on thi transhost coming home Sisceh Heart. I can alrey tome lardy Dusbona lene,
No111 0 ill C. Dr Chtills D 6/23 Balt a To On Active Service absoad 27-XII Mills 15 A Bivrne Kinellan Dally St Faverly L.S. W ales Ausbalia
Zeiloun School 2612.15 Dear Savry. Nice deaN's letter turned up tonight & as shat is the shord I we had I know there are two others floading round somewhere that may turn up one of these days. I judged that you had reed my lesters from Treemantle. I got a lester from Perey + Raday during the week + they bosh had reed my letters. Well Christmas is over once more, + soking at all pound we had a very happy time a things go E verybody kept to the Mosss Always Merry + Bright. We chaps at the School were invised back so our own Training Battallion for the day. We had a spendid dinner cooked by Australians. After the rossen ingger foor we have been gesting, it was certunly very nice. Ill be glad when The School is over + I get back, as uigger telcker does not agree wish me. The phoso of John &Lawru was great. Our youngster is almost as brg askaloin I shonk. We have all been toiling very hard at shis School. The Gruperial Officers alsho very nice is some ways, often put us up the
wrong way. They very ofter ring in a covert sacer at Austrations that makes us all boil, but we cannot say a word- have to take it sitting down. I did presty were in the Exam this last week. Got 88 for 2nd Orat Muskasry, 96 for Company Drue & 95 for the second written paper That has brought my average up considerably after my poor start + I hope to be able to keep it up. On Christmas Ove, we finished up here about 50 clock sothad a ma pash & change of closhes & went into Sheppeards Hosel in Cairo for dinner, + to admire the yoush & beauty of this gay City Nearly all the men were Officers, Mixhure of Australians & mperials. They had dancing sc & it was all very lively + cosmopolitan but it seemed very duce all the same Amas Day itself was really jolly, I am sending you a Menn (with the Pyramis Phosos to shew you what a swagger show it was. Today we pad Church arade at 9 O' clock then had the whole day off I had lunch in Town &shen went out to Gegviet Hospital to see Mastie Chisholn & Harold OBrien. Had a long yarn to OBreen
but Mastir was out. Resurning to Town I bumped into two of the 3th L.H. (Quensland & made inquiries about Schuchard. He was cent away from Gallipoli about a weeer before the evacuation to Malta. They said he was not very bad but they got ris of everyone that was a bit off colour before the wacnation commenced These 2 chaps only got in last night shey wored 2 pard case pay time soldiers Had Aucenstand Bats on Tomnne Tunes & any oed sor of hands, but shey were quite pappy had any amount of money. They say the evacuation was wonderfu there were onty 4 casualtes, but They recton we must have inflicted great losses on the Turks. The I wixs had shelld our trenches which were empty + then charged. The drenchs were all mined. The mine were pred & She Naval guns got busy + shelled she trenches. Of course to one knows what damage was actually done. Of course this may only be a Labrineagrain as they cal remours over here. There was another distrbance in town last night. The meen full of lear & enshusias got down in the Nazza the natue Quarter I foed you about + commenced to teven shings up. Let tere so a few places + booke all the glass lamps
4 They could come across. Only a couple of men killed I think. Have no idea yet what use we are going to be put to here. Present indication point to a long stay here. I hope they sake us away from Cavro. It would be very much bester for the men. There is sill for much V.I knocking about. I sent you a Cable on Friday that I pope you reed sofely on Tmasday, Anyhow even if you did not get it for a couple of days it would always come in handy. The Mor of the Eastern Excension Cable sold me he was just about fall of the War & Australian Soldien. There were over 700 lables shear of mine + they were still powing in. The Week and cable service is a great idea. That cable only cost oee P.T. Ss or 7/ Io it was not an awful amount of money. ofone of the Kmas Billies came our way yesterday but most of us got a lisshe sin box, with 2 Packets of Agaresser, 2 cigar a Sir of Tobacco, doz Gippy Posseards + a Imas Card. Props the Billies will come to light late on. The men did not get anything very stardling in the way of Xmas Cheer. Double supply of J innea Irsh was about the extent of the generosity of the Authorisies. A couple of our Chaps here at the School have been Tresty bad with the Ile be back in a minute, Ive been
awfully luecky so far & hope it continues, as it knocks the dickens out of then in ao time Well Pessi it is 5 o' clock Reveille Tomorrow morning & Parade at 6 am for about 3 1/2 howrs frees operations. It will be a presty rassen morning, as we will only have a cup of tea + aB escent before we start. I ortunately I ve not eaten all that lovely chocolate you sent one, so tl be presty right Dad my first smoke out of she Kmas pipe yesterday, Altho my oshers were all presty ripe I managed to poed off yours until The octuar day arriver. It started very well- I shiur it will be a beauty. Were olal eare I don't know whether you got all the squeezes I gave you on Christmas Day. If you did your rebs must be pretty son. Its great to know that you + she Boshter are so wed It leaves me for more consensed when I know that wish all my love so my Dear dat if Boy Your loving Husband Ccit. Love so all at Kmellan

& the camel men stood on one side. Then the
photo chap informed us Photos were 10 Piastres
each & how many did we want. We all took 2
each & had to pay cash on the nail & chance
them coming. (They have since turned up & I
think you will agree that they are very good.)
Then the youngsters wanted their backsheesh for
being in the photo. It appears that it is the
steady job of these youngsters to be there for this
purpose. This cost 1/2  Piastre. All the way up we
were pestered by hordes of natives trying to sell us
old roman coins about a million years old for about
5 Piastres each, we managed to drive these off
with the assistance of the Camel drivers. They were
eager to drive them off, for as soon as we dismounted
after the photo joke, they came at it themselves. It was
one of their own side lines. We then went down into
The Kings & Queens tombs & had a look round, the
pirate ringing in all the old gags about the top of the
tomb being 16 feet long & made of alabaster. Of course there
was a charge to go in, an old patriarch standing
at the grills collected 5 Piastres each. Then to have the
tombs lit up with a low class magnesian wire cost
another 5 Piastres, as soon as we finished with the
tombs we came across an old pirate sitting on his
haunches, with a weird circle with all sorts of points
branching out made in the sand with his finger.
This was the Official fortune teller, cost 5 Piastres each.
We each had to pick our own point out from the circle


The Young Men's Christian Association
The Australian imperial Forces



& then he started all the business counting round all
these spikes & making various deviations out into the
sand & back into the circle. After each of these
performances which were accompanied with a lot of
gibberish, he would tell us what he had found out.
It was all rather humorous. None of us are going
to be killed. But we are not all going back together,
some of us are going back different ways from the
way we came. I've always got a smiling face.
Always merry & Bright &c.  One thing he told me
was a bit weird. He said, that after joining the
Army, I had left my own home & gone to live with
a very old friend, previous to coming away. That
was pretty right, as we certainly did go to live with
the [[?]]. After we got away from this Chap, or
rather while the performance was going on, a young
chap came along, with small pieces of Alabaster & Roman
Coins made in Birmingham. Fortunately the price of these
valuable articles was not excessive, Only 2 Piastres, but it
was the correct thing to do, to buy these mementoes in the
Tomb of the Kings & Queens from the Son of the Sheik. This
young Pirate according to Oscar Asche, was she son of the
Sheik.  Well the long & short of it all was, that we did not
see a great deal of the Pyramids at close quarters. One does
not want to go closely. They are marvellous enough without


that.  Of course I cannot attempt to describe them.
They certainly give one a solemn feeling, seeing these
relics of ages long past standing out alone in the Desert.
We got back into Cairo about 1.30 & went to St James
for lunch. Then the trouble started & I got a bit of my
own back. I had been doing all the paying for the mob.
First of all the Motor Johnnie wanted another 20 Piastres
I coldly refused to even consider the question & told him to
Buzz off. He did not seem inclined to go, & muttered a bit
to himself, but an upward movement of my stick seemed
to decide him. Then it was the guides turn. [[?]]
to detail all his shortcomings from the beginning & how
all his promises had been either broken or only partially
carried out & gave him his P.T. 25 with great reluctance
The other chaps were all gathered on the steps of the restaurant
enjoying the joke. The climax was reached when the guide
put the acid on me for an extra P.T. 5 for the hire of his
donkey from where we got out of the Car & took the Camels.
After I regained my breath I told him off in great style.
The most scathing thing I could think of, was that he was
not even the fringe on a guides bootlace, that I never wanted
to see his ugly face again & that if he did not fade inside
2 seconds I would resort to the power of my boot so shift him.
He faded quickly, but he certainly had a profitable morning.
He probably got 1/2 of the money we paid to the pirates he 
introduced us to.
Got interrupted & now have to go to Lecture. Will write again
as soon as possible.
Your loving Husband


No 10  On Active Service Abroad

Mrs C.B. Mills
C/. Dr A Burne
Dalley St
Waverley     NSWales



Training School, Zeitoun

Dear Old Girl
Had to finish off my last letter
in a very hurried manner, before going on Parade on Monday
morning, as there was the off chance of it catching a
mail. Well [[?]] your Cable reached me last Sunday
morning & I was glad to get it to know you & Johnnie are
quite OK & that you will be over at Kinellan by Christmas.
By jove it is wonderful to think that Christmas Day is
only 4 days away. Time flies in a most mysterious
fashion here. Never time to do anything outside ones
job, & perhaps it is just as well. The telegram you sent me
to Freemantle arrived today & considering the Authorities
would have to dig up what Units came on the Ulysses & then
find out which Unit I was in, I dont think it is so bad
on behalf of the Postal People. I think its quite likely
that the letter by the Dimboola will arrive in due course.
The results of last Saturdays examinations are out. I got
84 out of 100 & I'm quite satisfied. That was for the written
examination on all the work we had had during the first
week. I only got 75 for the Oral examination on Musketry.
I'm about in the middle of the bunch so far & I hope I can
keep it up. Think Ill do well in the Practical Exams when
they come on next week. Last Sunday afternoon I went
out to the Citadel. That is the old fortress that Napoleon
took & from where he smashed up the mosque. There is still


an old cannon bullet ball in one of the Walls.
There are lots of mosques about there, one very
beautiful one, The Mahomed Aly Mosque, built by some
old Jackeroo. It is a glorious bit of Architecture, with
the most glorious windows of stained glass. There are
600 lamps in it, now all electric lights, but once they
were candles. Some of the crystal chandeliers are
very beautiful & it would be fine to see the place lit up.
The chap that built it was a most celebrated architect. He
built 2 the same design, one previous to this in
Constantinople. The playful old Sultan who was boss
cocky here in those days was so pleased with the mosque
on completion, that he had both hands of the Architect
cut off, so that he could not build another. of Nice way
of expressing his appreciation. There is no doubt about
it they were some Builders in those old days.
Have had no time to write to anyone else lately, so
you might let then know you've heard regularly & that I'm
quite A 1. There is a very hopeful view of things taken
here by the Imperial men at this School. They are all
light duty men, unfit for further active service. All from the
first British Expeditionary Force, were in the retreat from
Mons &c. Some of the tales they tell makes one realise how
close we were to being wiped out. Last October 12 months
there were only the men in the trenches between the Germans
& Calais. Absolutely no Reserves at all. The cooks used to be
in the fighting line at times. They reckon if the Germans
with their picked troops could not break through then, its
God help their chances now. Everything is all ready for the
big sweep next Spring, so at the very latest you can write
down next June as the end of it all & its going to be the
ending we all want. No more now old Darling. Give the boy
a big hug.  Love to all at Kinellan & such a lot for yourself old 
Sweety Heart.  I can already imagine myself on the transport coming home
Your loving Husband       Cecil 


No 11
On Active Service


Mrs. C. B. Mills

C/. Dr. A Burne
Dalley St
N.S. Wales

Lt. C B Mills
6/23rd Battn
A. I. F.  


Zeitoun School
26 : 12 : 15

Dear Fairy
Nice old N’s letter
turned up tonight & as that is the third
I’ve had I know there are two others
floating round somewhere that may turn
up one of these days. I judged that you
had recd my letters from Freemantle. I
got a letter from Percy & Roddy during the
week & they both had recd my letters.
Well Christmas is over once more, & taking
it all round we had a very happy time as
things go. Everybody  kept to the Motto “
Always Merry & Bright”. We chaps at the School
were invited back to our own Training
Battallion for the day. We had a splendid
dinner cooked by Australians. After the
rotten nigger food we have been getting, it
was certainly very nice. I ll be glad when
the School is over & I get back, as nigger
tucker does not agree with me. The photo
of John & Lawrie  was great. Our youngster
is almost as big as Lawrie I think. We
have all been toiling very hard at this
School. The Imperial Officers altho very
nice in some ways, often rub us up the


wrong way. They very often ring in a
covert sneer at Australians that makes us
all boil, but we cannot say a word &
have to take it sitting down. I did pretty
well in the Exams this last week. Got
88 for 2nd Oral Musketry, 96 for Company
Drill & 95 for the second written paper.
That has brought my average up considerably
after my poor start & I hope to be able to
keep it up. On Christmas Eve, we finished
up here about 5 o’clock so I had a nice
bath & change of clothes & went into
Sheppeards Hotel in Cairo for dinner, & to
admire the youth & beauty of this gay City.
Nearly all the men were Officers, Mixture
of Australians & Imperials. They had
dancing &c & it was all very lively & cosmopolitan
but it seemed very dull all the same.
Xmas Day itself was really jolly, I am
sending you a Menu (with the Pyramid
Photos) to show you what a swagger show
it was. Today we had Church Parade at
9 o'clock, then had the whole day off.
I had lunch in Town & then went out to
Gezireh Hospital to see Massie Chisholm &
Harold O’Brien. Had a long yarn to O’Brien,


but Massie was out. Returning to Town I
bumped into two of the 5th L. H. (Queensland)
& made inquiries about Schuchard. He was
sent away from Gallipoli about a week before
the evacuation to Malta. They said he was not
very bad, but they got rid of everyone that was
a bit off colour before the evacuation commenced.
These 2 chaps only got in last night they looked
2 hard case rag time soldiers. Had Queensland
Hats on, Tommie Tunics  & any old sort of
pants, but they were quite happy & had any
amount of money. They say the evacuation was
wonderful, there were only 4 casualties, but
they reckon we must have inflicted great
losses on the Turks. The Turks had shelled our
trenches which were empty & then charged. The
trenches were all mined. The mines were fired
& the Naval guns got busy & shelled the trenches.
Of course to one knows what damage was
actually done. Of course this may only be a
“Latrineagram” as they call rumours over here.
There was another disturbance in town last
night. The men full of beer & enthusiasm
got down in the “Wazza” the native Quarter I told
you about & commenced to liven things up. Set
fire to a few places & broke all the glass lamps 


they could come across. Only a couple of men
killed I think. Have no idea yet what use
we are going to be put to here. Present indications
point to a long stay here. I hope they take us
away from Cairo. It would be very much
better for the men. There is still too much V.D
knocking about. I sent you a Cable on Friday
that I hope you recd safely on Xmas Day. Anyhow
even if you did not get it for a couple of days
it would always come in handy. The Mgr of the
Eastern Extension Cable told me he was just about
full of the War & Australian Soldiers. There were
over 700 cables ahead of mine & they were still
pouring in. The Week End cable service is a great
idea. That cable only cost me P.T. 33 or 7/-
So it was not an awful amount of money.
None of the Xmas Billies came our way yesterday,
but most of us got a little tin box with 2 Packets
of Cigarettes, 2 cigars a tin of Tobacco, 1 doz Gippy
Postcards & a Xmas card. Praps the Billies will
come to light later on. The men did not get
anything very startling in the way of Xmas
Cheer. Double supply of tinned Fish was about
the extent of the generosity of the Authorities.
A couple of our Chaps here at the School have been
pretty bad with the [[?]]    Ill be back in a minute, Ive been


awfully lucky so far & hope it continues, as
it knocks the dickens out of them in no time.
Well Bessie it is 5 o'clock Reveille tomorrow
morning & Parade at 6 am for about
3 1/2 hours field operations. It will be a
pretty rotten morning, as we will only have
a cup of tea & a Biscuit before we start.
Fortunately Ive not eaten all that lovely
chocolate you sent me, so Ill be pretty right.
Had my first smoke out of the Xmas
pipe yesterday, altho my others were all
pretty ripe I managed to hold off yours until
the actual day arrived. It started very well-
I think it will be a beauty. Well old Dearie
I don't know whether you got all the squeezes
I gave you on Christmas Day. If you did
your ribs must be pretty sore. Its great
to know that you & the Boshter are so well.
It leaves me far more contented when I know
that. With all my love to my Dear old wife 
& Boy.
Your loving Husband
Love to all at Kinellan

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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