Cecil Mills Collection - Wallet 1 - Part 12 of 12

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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Caution: sensitive content

The inclusion of words, terms or descriptions from historical records reflects the social and political attitudes of the period in which they were written.

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On A chae service No 82 aboad Mrs. C.B. Mills. Kinellan Dalley St Faverlly Wales h Billilts Anseralia CBokass
Carte postale Universelle Universal Post Card N One of the soediers Cerciforts Poullords It rained in Carro on Friday eight. The streets where quite wit That was somestin wvonderfise. Have had so time yet so use ls Borkels latter of Iubroduchon 36/02/15 m N. Service On ad Biltell Kinellan DalliyS Waderley S. Nales 00000 Australio
Zaitorn Ig School 29.12.15 Dear da Gire Your great byg ludget came along this afternoon, No. 6. 304 have not yet turned up, but there is still hope that they will come Wout attempt to answer your letter until after I get away from this Bally School. Thes afternoon we had from 1.15 off, & have to go out again arrectly at 5.15 on night operation Goodness only knows when wee will get buck. That lovely bg block chocolate will come in very handy tonight. I in full up of this Schoolo so are all the rest of the chaps from our Bast & we will be glad when Saldy 1st any comes & we finish up & get away home to our Batsallions with no iugger cooks & no Puponal Ofpars knocking about all day long I have not been away from the Camp since last & wrote + nothing has happened except hard graft + wreting up bectures at night It was good to hear you, the Boy are quite bk, but I& like to get near some of those dawmed old women who are always talking to you + strel a charge of dynamts uender them An writing on a charen my tent & it is not the most comfortable position, as you know I cannot write decently unless I get wil sheread out
but there are no inhoraption here The wealker is still glorious have no had any dust worth sheaking about all the days are prantiful and surmy. I am kaping awfully well, its great having dodged the Back in a Minute pusiness & I hope I can keep up my record. Yesterday for the first sime we got good Austration Buster ryou should have seen it fy The fread has always been good, but The Caus Badher or whatever it is has been rotter We get as was news worth facking about, but on Xmas Day we know that a NZ crowd of ttoras Kiftes smasked up a crown of Besomn on The Western I ponlies in quite gorgeons style No more now Peltie, must get peady to go out on this Night Ouspost got & be a Senty or some other fally thing. Wish all my love to you & the Boy & to those at Krlan Your loving Husband Cc
ensorld On Ceconce Siice 13 A at p - It B Mills C D A. Bun Kinellan Alleg St Haverle J.C.B. Seclls h. S. Wales 33d Ball Ausoralia
Zeitown School 31s Decr 1915 ear Old Pessie Iwrose so you 3 years ago tonight from Cuensland, hoping it would be the case New Years eve we would ever be apart, &yet we have been separated twice in The four Anyhow less hope for the bist & that Ill be home long before nexs New years ove The School is finishing up thank goodness. It will all be over by 11.30 as somorrow. One more examination, a written one at 8.30 tomorrow Ive been gradually gesting my average up during the week Got 95 590 for two more exams on Muskedry, & got 90 ffor B attallion Drill this morning so my average for everything is now about 8800, so if I doo decent paper tomorrow I will not be nearly last Have not been out of the Camp except on Night Marches &c so have no news Last night was the Concert. The NC Os get up one euch School + everybody is supposed to go. Last night it was especially grand on a/e of the distinguished guests. Seneral Marcwell, G.O.C. in Egght + General Spence were both there together with a couple of thenr Ssaff Officers & of course all the School Staff officers. Joe young was the si ess of the
Evening with Up from Somerset you remember he was the chap I heard sing it as Broadmeadows Another listle Johnnie I mperial officer sang a couple of Coon Longs & dances & Captain Prince Alexander of Bastenberg sang. You made me love you but I didn't want to do it & another Ray about the Moon for an encore. Of course he was the event. He is on Geveral Maxwell ssaff & sams an awfully nice young chap No swand, but very much like the pectures of the German Crown Prince. It must be Len peculiar for him to pear the crowd God Save & then cale for 3 Chers for Kaiser Bill, which are always given in the usual manner with was silting within about 3 much quste. I feet of him, cotve been very close to Rozalty been lately What. The weather has are that it corred possibly be during the School, which is one great plessing & lately the pricker has taken a tern for the bester. It prove my heart to pay £3/10/ - yesterday for 20 days ford here at our own Mess it would only have been 2 & it would have been food. Anyhow now all the annozances & worries are practically over Emvery glad I came, as the Certificate I'll get may cut some ice + I cersainly have learnt a dickins of a lat & also been brishes
3 up with other shupt once learnt shardly fergadsen again. I hope to get a few days leave upon returning bback to the B attallion They nearly always give Offar 3 days off after doing this course. Wew old I areing, Ive not got time for much tonight, asI must return to my swotting. We have a lot to be Shankfire for that happened during 1915 Our little boy came to us, so perfectly in every way & gesting mow wonderful each day ble warrant. I ancy his being 10 months old in 8 days time. And Dearest, though I had to leave you we will always be glad of it when the rotten Nar is over + I go back to you You can rust assured my dear oi wife that my last thought during 1915 willle of you as will also my first in 1916. No more this time my Dears But wish anary love to you Four Boy & looking forward with allay heart to our specay reunion Your over loving Husband Ccil
On Active So N014 wol 4 Mr Bllill C. Dr A Burne Kinellan Dalley Vaverley Wall XS Austalia in

No 12 
On Active Service 



Mrs CB Mills
Dalley St
Waverley N.S. wales

Lt. C.B Mills 
c/- 23rd Batt 


Réproduction Interdite 

S.P. 12 


One of the Soldiers 
Comforts Postcards.
It rained in Cairo 
on Friday night. The
Streets were quite wet. 
That was something
wonderful. Have had
no time yet to use Mrs
Bartels letter of introduction

On Active Service Abroad 
Australian Base 
Details P.O. 

6th Training 

Mrs C B Mills
Dalley St
Waverley N.S. Wales


Zeitoun Tg School

Dear old Girl
Your great big budget came 
along this afternoon, No 6. 3 & 4 have not 
yet turned up, but there is still hope that they will 
come. Won't attempt to answer your letter until 
after I get away from this Bally School. This 
afternoon we had from 1.15 off, & have to go 
out again directly at 5.15 on night operations. 
Goodness only knows when we will get back. That 
lovely big block chocolate will come in very 
handy tonight. Im full up of this School & 
so are all the rest of the Chaps from our Battn 
& we will be glad when Satday 1st January comes & we 
finish up & get away home to our Battallions 
with no nigger cooks & no Imperial officers 
knocking about all day long. Have not been away 
from the Camp since last I wrote & nothing has 
happened except hard graft & writing up lectures 
at night. It was good to hear you & the Boy 
are quite OK, but I'd like to get near some of 
those damned old women who are always talking 
to you & stick a charge of dynamite under 
them. Am writing on a chair in my tent & it is 
not the most comfortable position, as you know 
I cannot write decently unless I get well spread out


but there are no interruptions here. The weather 
is still glorious, have no had any dust worth 
speaking about & all the days are beautiful and 
sunny. I am keeping awfully well, its great having 
dodged the Back in a Minute business. I hope I 
can keep up my record. Yesterday for the first time 
we got good Australian Butter & you should have 
seen it fly. The bread has always been good, but 
the Camels Butter or whatever it is has been rotten. 
We get no war news worth talking about, but 
on Xmas Day we know that a NZ crowd of 
Mounted Rifles smashed up a crowd of Bedouins 
on the Western Frontier in quite gorgeous style
No more now Pettie, must get ready to go out 
on this Night outpost job & be a Sentry or 
some other bully thing. Wish all my love to you 
& the Boy & to those at Kinellan
Your loving Husband


No 13 Censored On Active Service 
CCS Dowding Abroad 
2nd Lieut.

- 3-1-16 

Mrs CB Mills 
C/- Dr A.Burnes
Dalley St

Lt. C.B. Mills 
of 23rd Battn


Zeitoun School 
31st Dec 1915 

Dear old Pettie, 
I wrote to you 3 years 
ago tonight from Queensland, hoping it would 
be the last New Years eve we would ever be 
apart, & yet we have been separated twice in 
the four. Anyhow lets hope for the best & that 
I'll be home long before next New Years Eve. 
The School is finishing up thank goodness. It 
will be all over by 11:30 am tomorrow. One more 
examination, a written one at 8:30 tomorrow. 
I've been gradually getting my average up 
during the week. Got 93 & 90 for two more 
exams on Musketry, & got 90 for Battallion 
Drill this morning. So my average for 
everything is now about 88%, so if I do a 
decent paper tomorrow I will not be nearly 
last. Have not been out of the Camp except 
on Night Marches & so have no news. 
Last night was the Concert. The NCO's get 
up one each School & everybody is supposed 
to go. Last night it was especially grand on 
a/c of the distinguished guests. General 
Maxwell, G.O.C in Egypt & General Spence 
were both there together with a couple of their 
Staff Officers & of course all the School Staff 
Officers. Joe Young was the success of the


Evening, with Up from Somerset. You 
remember he was the chap I heard sing it 
at Broadmeadows. Another little Johnnie 
Imperial Officer sang a couple of Coon Songs 
& danced & Captain Prince Alexander of 
Battenberg sang. You made me love you 
but I didn't want to do it & another Rag 
about the Moon for an encore. Of course 
he was the event. He is on General Maxwell's 
Staff & seems an awfully nice young chap. 
No swank, but very much like the pictures 
of the German Crown Prince. It must be 
peculiar for him to hear the crowd sing God Save, 
& then call for 3 cheers for the Kaiser Bill, which 
are always given in the usual manner with 
such gusto. I was sitting within about 3 
feet of him, so I've been very close to Royalty 
lately. What! The weather has been all that it 
could possibly be during the School, which is 
one great blessing & lately the sucker has taken 
a turn for the better. It broke my heart 
to pay £3/10/- yesterday for 20 days food here 
At our own mess it would only have been £2 
& it would been been food. Anyhow now all 
the annoyances & worries are practically over 
I'm very glad I came, as the Certificate I'll 
get may cut some ice & I certainly have 
learnt a dickens of a lot & also been brushed


up with other stuff once learnt & partly 
forgotten again. I hope to get a few days 
leave upon returning back to the Battalion 
They nearly always give Officers 3 days off after 
doing this course. Nell old Darling, I've 
not got time for much tonight, as I must 
return to my swotting. We have a lot to be 
thankful for that happened during 1915. 
Our little boy came to us, so perfectly in every 
way & getting more wonderful each day, I'll 
warrant. Fancy his being 10 months old in 
8 days time. And Dearest, though I had to 
leave you, we will always be glad of it, when 
the rotten War is over & I go back to you 
You can rest assured my dear old wife 
that my last thought during 1915 will be of you 
as will also my first in 1916. No more this 
time my Dearie, But wish all my love to you 
& our Boy & looking forward with all my heart 
to our speedy re-union. 
Your Ever loving Husband 


No 14 
On Active Service



Mrs CB Mills Censored 
c/- Dr A.Burne W.G office
Dalley St
N.S. Wales


Lt. C.Mills 
c/- 23rd Battn

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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