Cecil Mills Collection - Wallet 1 - Part 2 of 12

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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MENU. LUNCHEON Purce of Lentils Rock Cod, Meuniere Corned Brisket of Beef Dressed Cabbage Baked and Boiled Potatoes COLD BUFFET Potted Salmon and Anchovy Ribs of Beef York Ham Cushion of Veal Ox Tongue Cucumber and Onions Flan Caroline Lemon Blanc-mange Stilton Edam Cheshire Dessert Coffee C.S.S. Miysses 29th October, 1915
POST THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE. ALFRED HOLT 8 Co., ladia Buildings, Liverpool. CARD Stamp here.
No. 1 active service abov on 6 B Mills M Hragge C.M Town Ardmellan Road Moonu Pond Victoria
2009 £ wills C 6123 Bath
The Voung Men's Christian Association OF TASMANA ONACTNE SERVICE WITH E. G. CLIFFIN. The Australian Imperial Forces PIELD SAVICE SACRITAR At Sea 30th October 1915 My Darting OloG arry Well old Sweethewit, the big journey has commencer in earnest. with all she serious part of it to be faced. I had intended to write this letter and leave it wish Percy but owing to the rush at the end I had no time. You will only read this lester if the forhune of N ar goes against us, & I do not come home to you anay oknie as I dearly anticipate doing. As you know I fixed up my smad business affairs so as to leave you as little trouble as possible giving you an absolutely free hans in every way. Searie, during our short marries life, you mrade me a very happy and contented man, and then brought into the woold our best ever boy, the bessest little boy that any two people ever had. Boon from our love, he will certainly continue to be loveable- as he grows up, and always be a comfort to you I hope. I know you will bring him up the right way and give him as good a start in life as possible. I hope the dear boy will eventually wis, as wife nearly as good as his father did. I don't say as good Pessie, because there, is not another like you, and if he gets one nearly as good, she will do. If you ever care to get married again, don't let the memory of we prevent you from doing so, but be sure
The Young Men’'s Christian Association OF TASMANA, ON ACTNE SERVCE WITH E. G. CLIFFIN The Australian lmperial Forces FIELD SEAVICE SECRITAN that the man will be good to Johnnne, otherwise you will never be happy, and your happiness is the most important therg of all to me, even though I have almost broken your heart in doing what I consider to be a man's work at the present time Deare, in marching from Poot Milbourne to the Peir, I saw the same look in many womens fads when they were saying good bye to then men that was in yours when you said good bye to me last Teresday afternoon. Oomin do all the suffering in silence, + I honor you mere than ever, for your socrefice, Deares, I in not what one would call a religous man, but I we always been able to distinguish right from wrong, and though Ive not always done the right thing, I don't think there are many actions of mine that will count against me + I in not afraid to go up to the Big Chief when she end comes Dearie this is my last Good Bye to you. May God keep a waschful eye on you and our little boy is my earnest prayer. Tive him another kiss from his Daddy + have mry Wedding Day wasth for him until hes 21st Buthday Good Bye my Darting Wife. God Bless you bosh) Your loving husband to the end Cecit.
Not to be handed over until 3 months after my dearh is reported Bruills Mr Ccie B. Wills G. P. S Mill Esq Crane Hombush LS Wales
Lieut & mils B. Bast
Somewhere out in the Sudion occan 4/11/15 OwrDear old Gire My I hope you got my were from Freemandh. I did not get a shore ipert. but Homieson one of the officers of our Unit sent it for me, also sent one to my Lad wishing him meny Haphy Returns of 5/1/15. The emborkation as remandle was about thelimit. Ne sood about a mile out & she trooks came out in lighters. The Crows had broken through the quars + about 500/ of the soldier were blesheres. Taking it altogether it was a regular old rag time parade & don't think they know get how many men they emborted. They duy up a couple of sowaway, today Men the ocpars had transterred to other tuets on of of them being us good. They sepped in wish then poes & turned ut Loday for Roll Call. Twre of our Birds scaled as Greemanth, Soue know whether they meant io desert, or whether they just wanted a night a show + missed she bus. Things are going presty, were wish our Auit. Newey is ships adjulant & now has


—) (—
Purée of Lentils
Rock Cod, Meuniere
Corned Brisket of Beef

Dressed Cabbage                                      Baked and Boiled Potatoes

Potted Salmon and Anchovy
Ribs of Beef                      York Ham
Cushion of Veal                Ox Tongue

Cucumber and Onions

Flan Caroline                                    Lemon Blanc-mange

Stilton             Edam          Cheshire

Dessert                          Coffee
—) (—
29th October, 1915                       T.S.S. "Ulysses"


lndia Buildings, Liverpool.

Stamp here.


No. 1

On active service abroad

Mrs C.B. Mills
C/- Mrs Wragge
Ardmillan Road
Moonee Ponds


Lt. C.B. Mills
6/23rd Battn




The Young Men's Christian Association
The Australian Imperial Forces

At Sea
30th October 1915.

My Darling old Fairy
Well old Sweetheart, the big
journey has commenced in earnest. with all the
serious part of it to be faced. I had intended to write
this letter and leave it with Percy, but owing to the
rush at the end I had no time. You will only read
this letter if the fortune of War goes against us, & I
do not come home to you and Johnnie, as I dearly
anticipate doing. As you know I fixed up my small
business affairs so as to leave you as little trouble as
possible, giving you an absolutely free hand in every
way. Dearie, during our short married life, you made
me a very happy and contented man, and then brought
into the world our best ever boy, the bestest little boy
that any two people ever had. Born from our love, he
will certainly continue to be loveable as he grows up,
and always be a comfort to you I hope. I know you
will bring him up the right way and give him as good
a start in life as possible. I hope the dear boy will 
eventually win, as wife nearly as good as his father did.
I don't say as good Pettie, because there is not another
like you, and if he gets one nearly as good, she will do.
If you ever care to get married again, don't let the
memory of me prevent you from doing so, but be sure


that the man will be good to Johnnie, otherwise
you will never be happy, and your happiness is the
most important thing of all to me, even though I
have almost broken your heart in doing what I
consider to be a man's work at the present time.
Dearie, in marching from Port Melbourne to the Pier, I
saw the same look in many women's faces when they
were saying good bye to theír men, that was in yours
when you said good bye to me last Tuesday afternoon.
Women do all the suffering in silence, & I honor you more
than ever, for your sacrifice, Dearest. Im not what
one would call a religous man, but I've always been
able to distinguish right from wrong, and though I've
not always done the right thing, I don't think there are
many actions of mine that will count against me & I'm in
not afraid to go up to the Big Chief when the end comes.
Dearie this is my last Good Bye to you. May God
keep a watchful eye on you and our little boy is
my earnest prayer. Give him another kiss from his Daddy,
& save my Wedding Day watch for him until his 21st Birthday.
Good Bye my Darling Wife. God Bless you both.
Your loving husband to the end


Not to be handed over until 3 months
after my death is reported.

Mrs Cecil B. Mills
C/- P. W Mills Esq
Crane St


Lieut. C.B.Mills
 6th / 23 [[?]] Batt


Somewhere out in the Indian ocean
My Old Dearest Girl.
I hope you got my wire
from Freemantle. I did not get ashore myself.
but Homieson one of the officers of our Unit
sent it for me, also sent one to my Dad wishing him
many Happy Returns of 5/11/15. The embarkation
at Freemantle was about the limit. We stood
about a mile out & the troops came out in
[[lighters?]]. The crowd had broken through the
guard & about 50% of the soldiers were
[[blisheres?]]. Taking it altogether it was a
regular old rag time parade & I don't think
they know yet how many men they embarked.
They dug up a couple of stowaways today. Men
the officers had transferred to other Units on of c
of them being no good. They stepped in with
their pals & turned up today for Roll Call.
Three of our Birds scaled as Freemantle, Don't
know whether they meant to desert, or whether
they just wanted a night a shore & missed
the bus. Things are going pretty, well with
our Unit. [[Newey?]] is ships adjutant & now has 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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