Cecil Mills Collection - Wallet 3 - Part 6 of 17

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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SO 26 ARMENTIERES.—La Rue de Dunkergue a la Grande Place. - LI.
CARTE POSTALE JOARESPOMANO 25/8/16 PARS Bally aeropean drophed a bornb here a couply of days ago + killed a few Aivilians. Kause round she corner about 5 msstes afterward. isually am about 5 ssissutes late for shinps like shat Aalucky areet I Lovely weacher & everyshing Of
it S.a Abroad C iils B. ill C. D. ABurne Kinellan Dalley St Naverley CSSSTa New Soush Wale austct
France 46 Friday 26.5. 1916 Dear beaDaring two dear oid lesters N 36 +37 arrived last Tuesday afternoon The day after my last letter was written Then on Wednesday she great beg parcel packed by She Civil service with al shecasables, then last night 2 now porcels, she so wish the Bassr colours Tobocco + She Hanks, Tobacco + veery usefue paper. The crab was eater for Sapper on Wednesday night by 3 of us, & it weat very OR I can tell you as we only came in from the fatique porty I wentioned in ary last that reight + blat she transport in easily + had nothing to eat at our Billets. The rest of the gatable vent inso the Cos Officers As & will be consumed in due course. All she shings are jolly useful & can tell you. The Bassn socks are very rice, the only stouble is I dont want to wear my Peettees ohen wearing them. Have a good supply of sor now & am able so distribute some. Gave my OC two pairs this morning. He was quite on the rocks, but he is a whale on socks, not like your husband who assured you before you consented To marry him shot he never made hot in his socks. Oh he is a perfect modee of a man??? someton or other I feel awflly pt today + would like so be in a beg scrop + have a pop over dgo for she Terman Trenches, at present am a good hours march from the nearest, + by she sime I could get there vey waned serciewhat, specially if enshusiasm night have
i I had so carry my pock Now to give you on idea of what Ive been doing since writing so you last onday night. Bad Tuesday off & insended loafing + going for a Hot Rosh. Weisher came off. The two of us shat went so the Bombing School, got permission so visit a rother decent town which we could walk so in about 11yhours. There was not a great deae so see, as she place had been shewed from simce so tine + The civil possulation had melsed somewhat. We got a lovely lunch boile Tarames + pososo salad. When roast chicken, Champiguors, plenty of nice bread + busser, + also some very nic beer in tiny botsler. The first nice beer Ive passed since leaving Australia Had 2 bossle to unpeet, so did the other chap. Of course I cannot tell you the name of the Sown Ansershep regulations forbids mentioning names of places. W4 bought all soots of shings. Among my purchases:- Rubber Sponge, Ebetric Lorch, An Pillow Nare file + passnt nail cutters. (You would week bisser sears to see she way s hack mey rails about wish them, but the ple is a good one Hair Clipfers as a present for my Rasmar who is a Barber by profission + some very risque posseard of female women, one of which is enclosed. The gire, in she shop assured us shey were practically sold out, but would have some good ones in next Sunday. These French people Tere she limit in some shings. She seened quite a respictable gire, not one of shose at all.
Oh by She way I sent you a PossCard Nt 45. ae it OR o sent am other so one Ipwichasid it on iey day of Hope you get of your geclations, When I got bock about 3/30 had some sea + then down to join vey Coy who were on fatigue close so she firing line. Had a most uncomforsable night sleeping on, bare boards wish one lanket undermash this in itself after by (pen has run out) life of lxcury the last fow days was bad chough, but a dirty nosed bally 18 Pounser would persist in firing farr over the old Stable we were sleeping in Used so wake us up every hime it fired It was one of our own guns, just a listle bit at the bock of us. We cursed the whol Bostery thrayd for thei immediate ecomction by a Ciman Shea, but they were not externinated. We were beginning so doubt she efficacy of prayer for ohe Ihe being, but lases in the day the prayers of The whole Con were answered in that we were all recolled to our Hold Billers He got shope a bit during the morning while we were working Two High Explasives came within about 20 yards They also sent a few Shraks over, but we got into our brenches like rabbits into a burrow as soon as she first shell was heard coming. some of the Hun High Explasive stuft is prest rossen. There was heraly any concussion fom these two in particular got so go mmake up some Bombing fedurs now blonit, is on in juch good mek for lester writing lonight coneoge on narning to you for oreenoteven stavtes so inower none leer hours
SundayMorn. 4 Ive cut out Church P arade this morning to finish my letter so you, as there is a rumnour aftoat that a mail goes so Aussralia very shorsly Well as soon as we got sessled down again in our old Billiss, I got a new got + had so organise the Company Bembers, so have given up my own Plasoon for the tru being to an endeavouring to teach to our men what I learnt at the Trenade School I astended. Going to keep this first lot for a week + then sake on another lot if we ssay on here, until every one in the Cos has gone through The course. Most of the men are sakling a great interest in it & Im quite satisfied with their progress Lamrady half holiday, sook a pardy so the Bashs + Lad a beauty myself so am now a very nice cuan boy once more Expect so get all my togs back again very soon, probably inside 2 weeks. They are at Morseelles wish the Bassation Baggage. The Corporal in charge of our streft had made the acquainsance of I Bond, & in writing to one of his pals in my Plasoon sold him so seeare he had iet a relation of mine there Today is another glorious day + this afternoon Ior going along to the Bomb + chool again to try + get a supply of Grenades, so seach mry chaps are about shim, or rasher so seach then she letter I know myself. In the Cable sent I but Many Happy Retwins Third Gueve. Splendio Love. Hope you get it before the day. Now to have another read Through the dear old lessers, before burning them, We have so burn all our letters, as one cannot carry
them round in ours pockes there is no place so leave shem without she chance of them being, read by some one or other. Hop you got some mail from me on 3d April that it has been going requearly ever since to you. I pate so shink you are not gesting lessers regularly, but of colurse there was some excuse that seme we shif sea out to she Sinai Desirt, as Transport was certainly quise difficiel there for a while until the number of Camils were increased. Daresay you are still at Kimpsey but I address everything to Kevellan as I know your Mosher will forward everyshing promptly so there would be no delay, in any way. Wonder what Crescent Head looks like. Suppose you could teel me, + will ten me before long in your listers. I can tell you what year it was we met in Kemprey. It was in Decr 1906, Very nearly 10 years ago now + after she piemc part of she show was over, we went so she smalls + sat round in a ring + played games. Y Gods the gases we used to play, + all The jollg time I wousd so have you all on my own. Oh will I used so occasionally get you tomyself afterwards in those old Kimpsey days I sent a vt. To Mrs Bland Hoet a couple of weeks ago & will sens one from time so sime. It frenny she did not hear from her Billy Boy. All our men wrote shanking she people shat sent them + how shere is quise a flourishing correspondence going on. The people have wrissen back, resually sending she chaps some papers or cigaresses & our chops write again. Soue first class paper fliraton



26 ARMENTIÈRES. - La Rue de Dunkerque à la Grande Place. - LL.




Bally aeroplane dropped a bomb 
here a couple of days ago & killed a 
few Civilians. I Came round the 
Corner about 5 minutes afterwards. 
Usually am about 5 minutes late for 
things like that. Unlucky aren't I. 
Lovely weather & everything O.K.


45 OAS abroad

Mrs CB. Mills
c/. Dr. A Burne
Dalley St
New South Wales




46 France
Friday 26.5.1916

Dear old Darling
Two dear old letters
No. 36 & 37 arrived last Tuesday afternoon
the day after my last letter was written.
Then on Wednesday the great big parcel packed 
by the Civil Service with all the eatables, then 
last night, 2 more parcels, the sox with the
Battn Colours & tobacco, & the Hanks, Tobacco 
& very useful paper. The crab was eaten for
supper on Wednesday night by 3 of us & it went
very OK I can tell you, as we only came in
from the fatigue party I mentioned in my last
that night & beat the transport in easily & had
nothing to eat at our Billets. The rest of the eatables
went into the Com Officers Mess& will be consumed
in due course. All the things are jolly useful I
can tell you.  The Battn socks are very nice, the 
only trouble is I dont want to wear my Puttees
when wearing them.  Have a good supply of sox 
now & am able to distribute some. Gave my O.C. 
two pairs this morning. He was quite on the 
rocks, but he is a whale on socks, not like your
husband who assured you before you consented
to marry him that he never made holes in his
socks. Oh he is a perfect model of a man ?????
Somehow or other I feel awfully fit today & would like 
to be in a big scrap, & have a "pop over" & go for the 
German trenches. At present am a good hours march 
from the nearest, & by the time I could get there my 
enthusiasm might have waned somewhat, specially if


[*2/ 46*]

I had to carry my pack.  Now to give you an
idea of what I've been doing since writing to you
last Monday night.  Had Tuesday off & intended
loafing & going for a Hot Bath. Neither came off. 
The two of us that went to the Bombing School, got
permission to visit a rather decent town, which
we could walk to in about 1 ¼ hours.  There was
not a great deal to see, as the place had been
shelled from time to time & the civil population
had melted somewhat.  We got a lovely lunch.
Sardines & potato salad.  Then roast boiled chicken,
champignons, plenty of nice bread & butter, & also
some very nice beer in tiny bottles.  The first
nice beer Ive tasted since leaving Australia
Had 2 bottles to myself, as did the other chap.
Of course I cannot tell you the name of the
town, Censorship regulations forbids mentioning
names of places.  We bought all sorts of things.
Among my purchases:- Rubber sponge, Electric
Torch, Air Pillows, Nail file & patent nail cutters.
(You would weep bitter tears to see the way I hack 
my nails about with them, but the file is a good one)
Hair Clippers as a present for my Ratman who is
a Barber by profession & some very risque
postcards of female women, one of which is
enclosed.  The girl in the shop assured us they
were practically sold out, but would have some
good ones in next Sunday.  These French people
are the limit in some things.  She seemed quite
a respectable girl, not one of those at all.



Oh by the way I sent you a Post Card No 45. 
Hope you get it OK (Also sent another to one
of your relations I purchased it on my day off. When I got back about 5/30
had some tea then down to join my Coy who were
on fatigue close to the firing line.  Had a most
uncomfortable night sleeping on bare boards with
one blanket underneath, this in itself after my 
(pen has run out) life of luxury the last few days
was bad enough, but a dirty nosed bally 18 Ponnter
would persist in firing fair over the old Stable
we were sleeping in.  Used to wake us up every time
it fired. It was one of our own guns, just a little
bit at the back of us.  We cursed the whole Battery
& prayed for their immediate extinction by a German
Shell, but they were not exterminated.  We were
beginning to doubt the efficacy of prayer for the
time being but later in the day the the prayers of
the whole Coy were answered in that we were
all recalled to our B old Billets. We got strafed
a bit during the morning while we were working.
Two High Explosives came within about 20 yards,
they also sent a few Shraps over, but we got into our
trenches like rabbits into a burrow as soon as the
first shell was heard coming.  Some of the Hun 
High Explosive stuff is pretty rotten. There was
hardly any concussion from these two in particular
Got to go & mark up some Bombing returns now
Blast it, as I'm in such good mood for letter
writing tonight.  Could go on yarning to you for
hours & Ive not even started to answer your letters.


[*4/*]  Sunday Morn.

Ive cut out Church Parade this morning to
finish my letter to you, as there is a rumour
afloat that a mail goes to Australia very shortly.
Well as soon as we got settled down again in our
old Billets, I got a new job & had to organise the
Company Bombers, so have given up my own
Platoon for the time being, & am endeavouring to
teach to our men what I learnt at the Grenade
School I attended. Going to keep this first lot for 
a week & then take on another lot if we stay on 
here until every one in the Coy has gone through
the course. Most of the men are taking a great
interest in it & I'm quite satisfied with their
progress. Saturday half holiday,  took a party
to the Baths & had a beauty myself so am now
a very nice clean boy once more. Expect to get
all my togs back again very soon, probably, inside 
2 weeks. They are at Marseilles with the Battalion
Baggage. The Corporal in charge of our stuff 
had made the acquaintance of L Bond, & in
writing to one of his pals in my Platoon told him
to tell me he had met a relation of mine there.
Today is another glorious day & this afternoon Im
going along to the Bomb School again to try &
get a supply of Grenades to teach my chaps all
about them, or rather to teach them the little I
know myself.. In the Cable sent I put Many 
Happy Returns Third June. Splendid Love. Hope
you get it before the day. Now to have another read 
through the dear old letters before burning them.
We have to burn all our letters, as one cannot carry



them round in our pocket there is no place to
leave them without the chance of them being read
by some one or other. Hope you got some mail from
me on 3rd  April & that it has been going regularly 
ever since to you. I hate to think you are not
getting letters regularly, but of course there was some
excuse that since we shifted out to the Sinai 
Desert , as Transport was certainly quite difficult 
there for a while until the number of  camels were
increased. Daresay you are still at Kempsey,
but I address everything to Kinellan, as I know
your Mother will forward everything promptly
so there would be no delay in any way. Wonder
what Crescent Head looks like. Suppose you could
tell me, & will tell me before long in your letters. 
I can tell you what year it was we met in Kempsey.
It was in Dec 1906, very nearly 10 years ago now
& after the picnic part of the show was over we
went to the Smalls & sat round in a ring & played
games. Ye Gods the games we used to play, & all 
the jolly time I wanted to have you all on my
own. Oh well, I used to occasionally get you 
to myself afterwards in those old Kempsey days.
I sent  a P.C. to Mrs Bland Holt a couple of weeks 
ago & will send one from time to time. Its funny
she did not hear from her Billy Boy. All our
men wrote thanking the people that sent these &
now there is quite a flourishing correspondence
going on. The people have written back, usually 
sending the chaps some papers or cigarettes & our
chaps write again. Some first class paper flirtations 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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