Fall of Singapore - papers of Sergeant Jack Warren Corey part 8

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Fall of Singapore
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ndrmet o vonanen wo towe on onee in twueof He war at rpuction for perod. Lack of it taking toll no Infortunately it is affecting eyes badly 32. has madewartable offationty for wrondcantiny of. of day ened tuls indisidual mesages, home. riday srs Ieelog much better An o 2d days No Duty Bort holes close. Now on Dewes siptem. This is to eliminate chancer of Dymtry speading. Dutch deathoate was high from this anxe ges a while they have no figlting apoit Bary who had had contait with them soy this is general Were been wirned that we are all to be examined by 1 looks like a move: Iavw farties have been ievle in Jat official inspited arla last week (every we had to be maide out of sight). Hed night attended a Celeberty concest excellunt sters. four to perfermance as distuovance caused lop one man in saftes Offices toled, to get him down planty much barracking by andiencs. Black Jach denounces gneident. Pesterday ave werl all in mut we it. Instance of some onl starting something & couldn't controf it. Eye complaints pevalent, everal men blind, happy feet anothes trouble. vinit has been receiving injections recently. Mire are yet to come. General dumpingy of beets geterlay, cause bugo There houses iot fill of Alrn. dm keeliay by bed though it means a conmient Court. i
8 MOLSDUOUOIIE Bat 13th Hedomoiny earol at 5:30 to be on parace for Jof infection by 10,00 Cancelled af about 0800 ning to rain Inslay morning revlitle at 0 and this time we wee formed upon lasting Inxfection concelled. This moning seeille at 7.30 Insfortun conselled at 08.15 Hearyran every day aires Tuesday and still learg downfour. Mages Hlargon aumitted to tat constant uunknown. 123.& Dycenty needles. ut 20 Nother buthday Hose to be howe fit rest ine dages othired from Hospetal after 2or 3 days. A ay goes down with Vengue & Colig. Gap. insfection turned out to be film location as ss were pavading in foent Glamero of o as was toon troop and we were filmed in block from the rear. Looked like Victors & vanquished several deaths from dissentry cause doubtfull some say olt canes affected by neidles others pay all affeted have worked in gardens and anifect wates. They dy die quchly wren taken 30. Reverat concert farties in oferation. A18 has advantage of half wheras units are at disadvantage by lack of foopa Rumers of Red Cross ship. Lets nope tey a corect as many t complaints Also numors of slifting. odemirratatins unverlect a dedicated ut Cpafer.
Thet o SMTIAMSN Of NAMS IION Do16, Moryo von onni op s Wme a m. Anh. day. 38 Oode of glass wod disweek aso more nadle. thee ius light on account of rladpustment of Jof. issues & new ration plate, were been on about 9. 1007. and its very light Vey: psue faid Fish inne very light. The coret rie ration which i should soon be on is 13.-1407. A lot of fwats cooking Sweet tot. at 1o cents i ll. The problert iswood. Wood ration now 346 fes ney fes day feut from 3 Eo3 in one hit) Drilt compelition yesterdoy. er by aR5e, H 8. sub 14 last. only 18th between Jof bothem Ao disgon Feb. 21st casds rent home; only 3 wod allowed Church Sasudes cause much disagreement. Everyore must attend Clavude wnce or Sunday and from a comfussary full evening pavude if his develofed into a choice of Bervice. A few mort deaths from dysentug. Marycases in the square where broops u rather in cramped equarter. Big begdunt by syts Houses are absolutily Clongy. Spve Road pay arowed Had given uf all hope of this. gastorsatip, floating dock & a couple of small w ship in chamb. Much wind a some rain. Nights fairly cool. Health oKnow sai in stomach completely gone. Runday, Aasch yth soms minthsay o we had news about letters arciving fir pow. They are now at 155 403 being sooted byou own fortal men The paint nor is, will we get them delivered before the mar scheduled port 15th. 2500 A.13 # 1500 Pies fad an in known
ESHISTROL TO UOHISIIINI T Ae O4 WI MSS destination & puofe I have the sore month o ctout conflant reyuncompertable. This conftant is prevalent. Reclive of lust needle Knday. wo'ill effects. Iaasd on Fridoy Det. Booxereny nace notice aver gate with Latin evor CAUDIO OMNIR Recogmanvs. Tremlated. We will later remember sheal chings with pleusure. Prefarations for miving Bill & Frank not restiting socks to originnal tismation filling buge holl a serving in patches. The ducks went into the pols. tack of feett fir tem. Riee iand hus nors adjusted itself to about 1 ogo 5 31 offinces taken every under exet paining every sam this time last yeasasling us it rains in evening if seover a propos namely elimination of check Parade ot 1900 p A enday, 5th Lust Mindoy 52 personnet named for Ove hund at lates reduced to 74 and now to 40. Apt. Cars & Bill ase on it. Various stories as to destinction. Affers to be Banghoh. Men holding Reseros certificates have beek recognized by 18.0. as non: combatants and they receive toy accordingly 89 ses month out of their own soy books. Acoufle more deaths of Anst. from dysentry. All dysentos and diftheria cases now being Cremated, Resealed tronses, almost completely rebult now. seansed a good shist by exchange of small one. Beries of lectuver by 4r Col Cafpy on camping reasen to enable us to fam ons own ofinions an also apprecite position as it stood
Wste, Mned so SangIman N Ne JM SIIIMIAT Serteer by Hlight set Mebabe fin broce Major sehnaider (midell last) Letters being concired and of by a couple Lundred comingin darly. Lufze factorgh tating) ship in gont lately Looks a good buse ship fer Aubs & flout anceruft. V isile a Tomanes in Bouther Aren they are booked fis trip o an hain ing i reesee of peg Ded 24 Pasty left Thusday moning loaded up with food for swealo: Yesterday last of Pommnies left Lext. some mail in today but out of 5 letters I missed out but should get some next issul Dinct Fordays were been supplying a wood carrying farty for the Forestay nees s will walk a day urga sumorous tall is being told from the letters. Fids marrying Tacha which is not rupoizing but she wifed off suffliesit knoe. skits at the concets arl using many of the incidents. I more cases of (dissentry o worms not yet identified which at present. Bfen wirking on flows fet gas prostuced. Hard lectures on Tima, Battlefor Brtain, Aage Derech Mor Badshan) House reens quite emply with 40 out. g a tors thi Wed. 31s sent oat out on tolity gob us heard of a farly of 500nen to go away on arriing home ss of one must packingiuf for early defartud sunctry about first time in reumor has been true.
sanes mok ga wore m so o ou us sises Lieut tottes Jackcoulles Frank Kert were amongst team stiry has it day were destined for a new site and 3 of them were unfit men 500 also went from Younels mgs extra bad in house. they stis we up last night I hardly slett till Coclock. Rice Ratim again redured & Vegs. not so flentiful itot a letter yet wood garrying party forestry has cut out fe us as I have only 10 fit in my rest. Hl do mined jobs such us wood goubbing a blocking at other farties, those duse party peronnet mursing tear of feotle visiting singapeol. H Ed. Byones now in command of arla. A. Sc sevons nints I aoade quite small of an evening Syt Busnes 630 gave interlating talk on his experiences in egght etc thischaf ficked ut by a raider Jaes. 6th Received 7 letters rast Thusday. All mail Larnows been delivered and £50 commander sent in a cart with a porm of R. Brooker about the sddead g dying a hopes for a speedy end of the was. I take a tuon on t Paties & 3n. to vary the lifs. of wood Trailes entails about 5 miles of walking & fusting falling a toriles twons ones thoughts to a team of horses pelling The good fullers, the poor mes, ahe lead swingers etc. the internees work an arla close to where we get wood. Garden arla extending every day. there is a special Garden farty us is ths Foresiy.
aat so peee se so se attended a Glay in pd Di ara last night Ore of G. Benard Ihaws iynical contraptious Androstleber & is Lion S of( concert & AG.F. 220/ 4 20 down with disentry in sdays. Bugo ar extre bad degrs fored me to slief or sids on the soof. Lient Smith now at House 3n. All suplus officers in a house of theis own. vnlya setquota allowed to each honse. Linghts being insued, for use as lowels. Trouses refaisred by sticking on fateher with rubbes. Ire extended two pairs of rocks by using one pais as extensions. T he feet were about 4 inches lang Inrested a I ia fair of tronsers & pactically selived an other paid. sat 10th eatle beantef t & fene. Yelling arcurtoned to the hard flowr allefiryout Howrny from bugs outrid which is nearly all 7000 troops t ge. Ach. Aonlhen ana started o mest yesterday, 3500 to ge from this area and remainde of 18h Dis& Ae & arca to mare into Delarang arla. Inform to effect that farty go to fom a new camp Atd begerain. two ven infured thers by filling off a trailes on host bend Co wood akla. Truilers do about 30 mo4 at tis afst. Yesterday a guard crested on his skill, at same ffot. Katures by Mjs. tunt ou Follel of a Commy an India. Hlarre toees & Frengafarny meke a graand right cut in flowes Aany floweing treesa stoub in this arla and they hae been flovering well. Good e poorlately. ws little veg. Tix for & unusable sometine

ward. He was with A section for period. Lack of Vits
taking toll now. Unfortunately it is affecting eyes badly. 
I.J.A. has made available opportunity for broadcasting of
individual mesages home.

Friday 5th. Feeling much better. Am on 7 days No Duty.
Bore holes closed. Now on sewer system. This is to eliminate
chances of Dysentry spreading. Dutch died death rate was
high from this cause for a while They have no fighting spirit
Many who have had contact with them say this is general.
We've been warned that we are all to be examined by IJA
looks like a move. Java parties have been moved on.
[[Jap.]] official inspected area last week (everyone had to be inside
& out of sight). Wed. night attended a Celebrity Concert
excellent items. Prior to performance a disturbance caused
by one man in rafters. Officer tried to get him down, result
much barracking by audience. Black Jack denounces incident.
Yesterday we were all on mat over it. Instance of some-one  
starting something & couldn't control it.  Eye complaints
prevalent, several men blind; happy feet another trouble.
Unit has been receiving injections recently. Mine are yet to
come. General dumping of beds yesterday: cause - bugs -
These houses are full of them. I'm keeping my bed
though it seems a constant war.


Sat 13th. Wed. morning we arose at 5.30 to be on parade for
Jap inspection by 10.00. Cancelled at about 0800 owing to rain.
Friday morning reveille at 6.40 and this time we were formed
up in lading. Inspection cancelled. This morning reveille at 7.30
Inspection cancelled at 08.15. Heavy rain every day since Tuesday
and still heavy downpours. Major Glasgow admitted to Hosp.
Complaint unknown. T.A.O. & Dysentry needles.

Sat 20th. Mothers birthday. Hope to be home for next one.
Major returned from Hospital after 2 or 3 days. Nug goes
down with Dengue & Colic. Jap. inspection turned out to
be film location as the Nips were parading in front
of it camera as war torn troops and we were filmed in block
from the rear.  Looked like Victors & vanquished.
Several deaths from dysentry. Cause doubtfull.
Some say old cases affected by needles others say
all affected have worked in gardens and suspect
water. They dy die quickly when taken so. Several
concert parties in operation. AIF has advantage of hall
whereas units are at disadvantage by lack of props.
Rumors of Red Cross ship. Lets hope they are correct
as many VIT.D complaints. Also rumors of shifting.
Memorial stone unveiled and dedicated at Chapel.


Sunday 28th 
Order of glass rod this week. Also more needles. Rice issue  
light on account of readjustment of Jap issues & new ration  
scale. We've been on about 9.10oz and it's very light. Veg.  
issue fair. Fish issue very light. The correct rice ration which we  
should soon be on is 13-14oz. A lot of private cooking. Sweet pot. 
at 10 cents a lb. The problem is wood. Wood ration now 2Lb. per man  
per day. (cut from 3 to 2 in one hit). Drill competition yesterday. Won  
by AASC, HQ. Sub 1K last only 15pts between top & bottom. No disgrace  
Feb 21st cards sent home, only 24 words allowed. Church parades  
cause much disagreement. Everyone must attend C.Parade once  
on Sunday and from a compulsory full evening parade it has  
developed into a choice of service. A few more deaths from  
dysentry. Many cases in the square where troops are rather in 
cramped quarters. Big bug hunt by Sgts. Houses are absolutely  
(louzy). [[?]] Road party arrived. Had given up all hope of this. 
 Factory ship, floating dock & a couple of small W.ships in channel.  
Much wind & some rain. Nights fairly cool. Health ok now. Pains  
in stomach completely gone. 

Sunday March 7th Some months ago we had news  
about letters arriving for POWs. They are now at I.J.A.  
HQs being sorted by our own postal men. The point  
now is, will we get them delivered before the move  
scheduled for 18th ... 2500 Aus & 2500 Tommies for an unknown.


destination & future. I have the sore mouth & throat complaint  
very uncomfortable. This complaint is prevalent. Received last 
needle Friday. No ill effects. Guard on Friday Sat. Boomerang 
notice over gate with Latin. CUM  GAUDIO  HAUE HAEL OMNIA 
RECORDIAMUS. Translated. "We will later remember these 
things with pleasure". Preparations for moving. Bill & Frank 
are restoring socks to original formation filling huge hole 
& sewing in patches. The ducks went into the pots. Lack of 
food for them. Rice issues has now adjusted itself to about 
14 ozs. 5 Srg officers taken away under escort. Raining everyday 
same this time last year; as long as it rains in evening it serves 
a purpose namely elimination of check parade at 1900 hrs 

Monday 15th. Last Monday 97 personnel named for overland party. 
Rates reduced to 74 and now to 40. Syd, Cass & Bill are  
on it. Various stories as to destination. Appears to be 
Bangkok. Men holding Red Cross certificates have been 
recognised by I.J.A. as non-combatants and they receive  
pay accordingly $9 per month out of their own pay books. 
A couple more deaths of Aust. from dysentry. All dysentry 
and diptheria cases now being cremated. Reseated trousers, 
almost completely rebuilt now.  Secured a good shirt by  
exchange of a small one. Series of lectures by Lt Col Cappy on camping. 
reason: to enable us to form our own opinions and also 
appreciate position as it stood.


Lectures by Flight Sgt McCabe (air force) Major Schneider (middle 
East.) Letters being censored and only a couple hundred coming in 
daily. Large factory (whaling) ship in & out lately. Looks a good 
base ship for subs & float aircraft. Visited Tommies in Southern Area 
they are booked for trip. 

Wed. 24th. Party left Thursday morning loaded up with 
food for 5 meals. Yesterday last of Tommies left here. 
Some mail in today but out of 5 letters I missed 
out but should get some next issue. Since Friday  
we've been supplying a wood carrying party for the 
Forestry, means 5 mile walk a day. Many a humorous 
tale is being told from the letters. Girls marrying Yanks 
which is not surprising but the "wiped. off "! supplies the 
humor. Skits at the concerts are using many of the 
incidents. 4 more cases of (dysentry or worms) not yet 
identified which at present. Spen. working on plans for 
gas producer. Heard lectures on Timor, Battle for Britain, Stage 
& screen (Mrs Bradshaw). House seems quite empty with 
40 out. 

Wed. 31st .. 
Last Sat. out on Forestry job we heard of a party of 500 men 
to go away. On arriving home 25 of our unit packing up 
for early departure Sunday. About first time a rumor has been true.


Lieut. Potter  Jack Coulter & Frank Reid were amongst teams. 
Story has it they were destined for a new site and 1/2 of them 
were unfit men. 500 also went from Tommies. 
Bugs extra bad in house. They stir me up. last night I  
hardly slept till 6 oclock. Rice Ration again reduced & Vegs. 
not so plentiful. Not a letter yet. Wood carrying party 
for forestry has cut out for us as I have only 10 fit in my 
list. We do minor jobs such as wood grubbing & blocking 
up other parties. Three Java party personnel missing. Hear of 
people visiting Singapore. LT Col Byrnes now in command 
of area. A.S.C service units. Parade quite small of an evening. 
Sgt Burnes USA gave interesting talk on his experiences in 
Egypt etc. This chap picked up by a raider in 

Tues. 6th Received 7 letters last Thursday. All mail has now 
been delivered and IJA Commander sent in a card 
with a poem of R. Brookes about the did dead & dying & hopes 
for a speedy end of the war. I take a turn on T Parties & 
S.W. to vary the life. A wood Trailer entails about 5 miles of 
walking & pushing. Pulling a trailer turns ones thoughts to 
a team of horses pulling. The good pullers, the poor ones, the 
lead swingers etc. The internees work an area close to 
where we get wood. Garden area extending every day. 
There is a special Garden party as is the Forestry. 


Attended a play in 11th DW area last night. One of G. Bernard Shaws 
cynical contraptions. "Androphlebes & the Lion".  L of I concert & A.J.F. 
22 of 4th RMT down with dysentry in 2 days. Bugs are extra bad 
they've forced me to sleep outside on the roof. Lieut Smith 
now at House 34. All surplus officers in a house of their own. 
Only a set quota allowed to each house. Singlets being issued 
for use as towels. Trousers repaired by sticking on patches with 
rubber. Ive extended two pairs of socks by using one pair as 
extensions. The feet were about 4 inches long. Inserted a V 
in a pair of trousers and practically relined another pair. 

Sat 10th. Weather beautiful & fine. Getting accustomed to the 
hard floor sleeping out. No worry from bugs outside which 
is nearly all. 7000 troops to go [[slch.?]] Southern area started 
to move yesterday. 3500 to go from this area and remainder 
of 18th Div & No 5 area to move into Selarang area. Inform - 
to effect that party go to form a new camp (old) by train. 
Two men injured Thurs by falling off a trailer on last bend 
to wood area. Trailers do about 30MPH at this spot. Yesterday 
a guard crashed on his skull at same spot. Lectures by Mjr Hunt 
on Greece & a Tommy on India. Flame trees & Frangapanny make 
a grand sight out in flower. Many flowering trees & shrubs 
in this area and they been flowering well. Food 
issue poor lately. Very little veg. Fish poor & unusable sometimes.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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