Fall of Singapore - papers of Sergeant Jack Warren Corey part 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Fall of Singapore
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Iubaticnnirt 330 June 1942. I state you ofinon of 1832 a daparise officiant C02S. Poldien 2 Military disapline of Jafanese a beaving l Dress I tictuality 2 Jafanese Arrry Conmand Decentrglizgatieon Jafanese Aray Traming Comfaryous expectations of Jafanese g entily as foure of 6 Jafaneae Army standared of Civilization A Common Sensl be Qeientifie intelligance t sasshiahin E Humanitarram A Morabty 2. Turthes Serake Bipatn Ranp This questionars put to Serangein Ad. camp on Deft. 6th Apparently only cary pesides Mr Aothers camp to get it. This limits questicnwise to ford command If fin break farithth We shall not rest Hhor foffe go o the e el Heg alall poent ol ten thet ar left grow old the Ag Hath not wary sher n t years cor dermne At the goveing for of he hin, And in the morning Htt emenbe hem 64 29.943 10
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(left page, upside down) 
Sept 21st 44   Letters and snap from home Dec 29th  
Spen received photo of wife. Nug. snaps of kiddies 
Dobbie snap of wife.  Broadbent news of Fiance  
being married. A lot of photos in this mail. 
English & Aust. Several instances of girls at home 
forsaking POW & One man hears of wife remarrying. 
Permanent brown out exists. All entertainment  
to be over by 21-00hrs. 
Sept 25th Opening show of new Theatre. Yesterday 
a command performance was on for Gen. Sito  
and other IJA officials. Much lightening up 
of workshop control. Bill Scott doing sentence  
for trafficing in drugs 60 days with 2 days  
per week penal diet. 90 days surveillance 
sentence to follow.  27th Receive letter from  
parents dated Feb. Had fever for 2 days  
(not malaria) 
(right page very faint) 
craving but a smoke craving as mixtures of 
papaya leaves etc. are the rage. Sweet Potato & Tapioc 
coming on well in garden. Stormy & Rain & Wet weather 
comes with the moon out of season. 
27 Parties changed over from Syme Road & Changi 
Tom Miller, Les Dobsen on party.  Spen Miller in AGH. 
"F" force Hospital cases are from [[Ka?]] (27 - 28) 
3 Deaths to report. Fit men look really fit, quite a 
number of very sick. [[?]] of and [[?]] [[?ly]] 
by our people in [[?]] 
[[?]] headed to another [[but]] [[old]] area now almost 
completely demolished. We are all to move to Changi 
Jail starting the 6 [[No 2]] are a first [[?]] 
[[?]] also to come on [[? ? ? ? ]] 
 [[? ? ? ?]]       Then we all had 
10th may. The move starts on  
[[?]] and to be complete by 13th[[Those]]. 
[[start]] working on [[?Drenber]]. 
May 7th Now billeted in Coolie lines - merchants  
huts being demolished. [[? ? ? ]] Aug 42. Aug & Sept 43
Syme Rd personel already in jail. Tremendous amount


(left page, upside down) 
Sept 16. Life varies little. Injections 
for Typhoid & dysentry. Officers banned  
from OR areas except on duty. Greens 
plentiful. Towgay reappears. Tapioca slipping 
in quality. Rice stocks - till 1945 - 
Theatre nearing completion. Party of 100 go 
to Orchard Road. More mail in. Currin 
camp pulled down. Planes using drome 
Dick Winter does 14 days Clink. Tobacco 
issue. Tobacco & soap factories operate  
Tom Miller has yellow jaundice. Nug 
has nerve itch. Others have Malaria 
relapses. Twice have had emery in  
right eye. Last week had cold. Spen
also been sick. Change of weather  
Plenty of Rain 
(right page) 
of gear being taken from these areas to jail for general 
purposes. Am Messing very well on R.  Corn finished. Rice 
ration now 13 - 14 oz. to compensate for no beans or corn. 
May 18th Shifted to House 208 Friday night & Changi gaol 
on Sat. morning (work shops) Billeted in Clothing Store
of Reception Dept. under clock tower. Quarters much in
advance of those in cells. Food plentiful. Breakfast
[[?ted]] rice in oil. Lunch. Oiled hash Tea soup & white
Rice & perhaps 1 [[down]] W.Shops good garages (at present)
May 22rd Received letters Oct 42 (2 Mothers) & March & April 43 (Joyce)
Much mail now coming in. [[????]] day  
in [[????]] mail. We are now permitted to sing Nat Ant.
Rice now 14.7 ozs. Concert party (combined) now operating.
Next performance ASP H Force personel. Huts outside walled area
being erected gradually will be quite a city.
Censored to this point May 22nd 44
May 23rd Received letter dated  end of May
28th Made another bed steel frame this time. Spen & 2
make blade razor My first shave with open blade to
[[?]] blade. Officers moved out to new quarters 


(left page, upside down) 
Pork. 375 dollars for 200 grammes 
other meats almost unattainable. 
Sugar being bartered for rice by 
Takahashi presents 1500 coconuts for  
"good work" 
Drome party accused of stealing from  
IJA gardens. Threat of having to pay 
for all deficiencies  
Hook worm prevalent in Pasa Panjang  
All wireless sets to be handed in  
"Are there any"? 
(right page ) 
June 1st Rice Ration 480 Grammes, Received 
Feby letter. Pay at 50c NCO  45 OR WO1s. 
10th Rice ration from 5th 500 Gms. Oil CMF. varying 
10 grams. Hosp. shifted to Kranji. Remainder of 
Hosp waiting on completion of huts in the area. 
Nips offering stupendous prices for watches etc. 
Large quantities of oil coming in. 
June 28th Indian sentry shoots himself (27th) (on duty). Shift 
complete. IJA state pleased at effort of shifting & retrenching 
Inspection today by 2.I.C. Southern Regions, Rations. No meat 
since 14th. Fresh fish & salted. Condition of messing not 
too bad. Beri beri % 2.7 should be 3% for safety, Prices 
& supplies make extra purchases difficult . Much petty
thieving in camp. Flogging of almost anything to outside
encourage this condition. Just like a Typewriter missing  
Guards vacate gaol building. 
29th Holiday today given by IJA. Gen Sito losses 
watch charm. 20 odd prisoners brought in. Torpedoed
in Malacca Straits. 3 out of 6 ships. Nearly all due
for operations Aust English & Dutch 270 missing


(left page, upside down)  

Aug 17. Party of 100 leave for  
Singapore. 10 [[Sub?]] Letter sent home 
12th Aug. 
[[screeds]] sinking of 7 Red Cross ships
IJA state Americans capable of  
these sinkings in English not.
Skulls & Bones as souvenier  
Details of Russian - Japan 
AR RPrecautions. Singapore perman
browned out. Commander apologise 
for non-arrival of planes last week  
after sounding of outside alarm. Gaol  
signal was not given due to hitch 
(right page)
30th Also a holiday, starting from today IJA officers have  
to do ARP spotting from tower. Nippon [[?]] gives us
an idea of how well our position is  
July 2nd Shifted quarters to huts southern East -
exercise yard. 
July 11 Personel from Selatar & Sub Base (Loyyoung) moved in 
More mail in mostly English so far 
15th Six sick personel from A force in hospital 
Many in A & B force in Singapore for shipping away 
20th Col Newey takes over from Cols Holmes & Gallager 
Vol. officer caught in Sing by IJA. 
26 Received letter & Photograph (Dec 43) 
Pay 30c today. Officers lose positions
inside Gaol area. Dried veg on issue 
Party standing by for Singapore. Another
Party gone to Baku Panjang 
Aug 4th Camp area extended Kampong removed
to Bedok Kampong. Theatre being erected in  
gaol exercise yard.


The Quiet Heart By Alister McLeary BD
High Country 
Allensen & Co St Printers 
All this and Heaven Too  - Fields  
The good Companions - Priestly 
Human Gold  Frank Crane  (John Lowe) 
Essay of Bacon. 
Misery of Marcus Scarebury
How green was my valley (Mervin Owen) 
SYME. ROs   OE1.3 to 12th 
SUGAR               .75 oz per man per day 
TEA                      .12   "    "        "       "      " 
OIL or MARG.     .75 "     "        "       "      " 
SALT.                     .2  " 
CURRY. PDR.       . 1    " 
RICE.                  24.00 " 
RICE POLISHINGS     1.00  " 
SOAP.                     1.8 
VEGS.                      14.00 
TINNED VEG.          4.00 
The following is an average scale of fresh Rations as  
issued over the previous 10 days. 
VEGS.         12.2      ozs  per man per day 
MEAT.         2.17.       "       "        "      "      " 
FISH.            1.37       "       "        "      "      "


              Questionaire.             30 June 1942 
1.     State your opinion of  
       a. Japanese  officer     b. NCO s   c. Soldiers 
2.    Military discipline of  Japanese 
       a. bearing         b. Dress.   c. Punctuality. 
3.     Japanese Army Command Decentralization  
4.     Japanese Army Training 
5.     Compare your expectations of Japanese & reality as proved? 
6.      Japanese Army standard of Civilization 
         A. Common sense      b. Scientific intelligance 
       C.     Humanitarism              d. Morality 
7.      Further Remarks.   
This questionaire put to Serangdon Rd. camp 
on Sept. 6th.  Apparently only camp Besides McArthur 
camp to get it. This limits questionaire to Ford  
If you break faith with us 
We shall not rest 
Though poppies grow on Flanders fields 
They shall grow not old as we that are left 
grow old 
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn 
At the gowing down of the sun; And in the 
We will remember them. 
SHurO  SHO     No 5


Pay Book No 283960        6- 1 - 41 
                          4 Military District
                           Tube No Hd 936 
                           Group A
End. ROS                       38/41 
App A/cpl ROS             92/41 
App A/S/Sgt ROS         92/41
Promotion Mech S/Sgt  CR 56/41     ROS 417/41 
Substantive Rank   ..       CR 56/41     RO 1/41 Malaya 
Increased Pay     CPO letter 10 NOX 41 
Increased Allot.   CPO letter  10 NOX 41 
Deferred Pay  Active Pay Exchange Allot. Net Rate       Date 
                                5/-                                 3/0         2/-             6-1-41 
                                9/-                                 3/-          6/-            11-1-41 
                              10/6                                3/-          7/6           13-1-41            
                              10/6                                7/6         3/-            13-1-41 
  2/6                      10/6               1/1            7/6         4/1            2-11-41 
  2/6                      10/6               1/1            7/6         4/1            8-11-41 
  2/6                       11/6               1/1            7/6          5/1            7-11-41 
  2/6                       11/6               1/1            8/-          4/7           7-11-41 
Amounts at last payment.    4th Feb. 42.                               
Malaya £55 5-11Total   Officers VX16243 Galloway Stewart Lt 
Payments etc             Earnings etc 
      £55-5-11                       70-14-11        
VOL. XXXVIII    No. 2                                    JANUARY 1940 

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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