Fall of Singapore - papers of Sergeant Jack Warren Corey part 10

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Fall of Singapore
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nd her pr F erynerp o n ps ba o nt Somen o mar orpryn rarnon f er M topel perpe yerpn Mr p asiyapes ulmp ryny cananar pagning tor and persympen in coleey eyine t a hing por top b M p chope py preay ap tay p ortep 6 ipling has firg p pern lrg aten II has aet offer ont poltons suffe Do pit of nge afe at impeing daily Juct Bender ded a fir day aga starvation an sorning ded at it neve weet o soenty) Ot dd th mn atont sent my g e Henty of Sat Colaser Ryhit agyefennt Emany Meat neartyeving men feente perid wealhs to db310 out of aleks ttd vers abet Hentracha deake ahle or asud arterng nearly cory day Faling bavly ofit but notan atoy Hentlen sietente or hen in atet on te to a chote to beny comslett. string rumrh of Pff bark do Malegnstotly Bayly, Ch tedeifte Fange Bagn borntet o D. bny t the for natin ta het tes beng want in cam Ot 1 Aaltarthe hel fartright Males prchuncener Kilde afiffet te new sit rear wate Weather finl Rahintoa not tof Mtent oftrntl cying to get tonphes rea fny obedck 200
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(left hand page upside down) 

directly overhead and almost over Singapore
City before our Raid Alarm given. Great
Dec. 2nd Sunday Platoon have all had 3 days
holiday. Went for swims twice during my spell.
First day received mauling from something
under the water bringing up irritating rash on
left hip lower ribs & left forearm. Has taken 
5 days for irritation to pass. Pleasant though
apart from this likelihood. Friday night
thieves did-over our garden. Sat. morning PSD
Sat. afternoon owners finished it off.
Twinkle toes Review opened last night.
Last Monday Air Alert lasted 2½ hrs.
"Clipper" Type flying boat about regularly.
Doug trading case in. Mathers & Vickers from
concert party involved. Veg. ration reduced


(right hand page)

Stan & I have sweet coffee & roast potatoes for supper.
Bought 1½ pints  of sugar for 1 Rupee. Ration improving daily.
Jack Bawden died a few days ago (starvation)
Jim Downing died at No 1 several weeks ago (dysentry)
Oct 2nd Murray Clarke died this morning (starved)
Food very good. Plenty of sweet potatoes, English Spuds
egg fruit & onions. Meat nearly every meal, fresh &
preserved. Deaths to date 360 out of 1950 in 4 or 5
weeks. Itch very prevalent. Heat rash or scabies.
To be on spud barbering nearly every day. Feeling
fairly fit but not extra strong. Weaker
definitely broken .  Trains galore on new line
very close to being complete. Strong rumors of
shift back to Malaya shortly.  Bayley CR.
died Sept   Tangal Bay bombed [[?5 hrs 23 hours]] 
causing hold up of our rations. Large Red Cross being const.
in camp.
Oct 13th Jack Newman died last night. Water
position serious.  Kitchen shifted to new site near
water.  Weather fine. Ration position not so hot Mjr Hunt
has plenty of trouble trying to get it anywhere near
bedrock Eggs 30c


(left hand page upside down)

Nov 11th 1000th day of being a POW
Should start downhill run now surely
Silence observed set by Japanese (Temple call).
Nov 19th Mick Richard buried this morning
Died suddenly yesterday afternoon. Constricted
artery leading to heart. Air Raid (yellow)
this morning.
Letters received Nov 11th / Oct 20th 43
15th / Oct 19 -28 & Nov 11th 43
Also group snap
Visited Harold. He suggests reunion dinner
at Sth Aus for 3 (one day).
Nov 20th Anniversary of entry to Singapore
Also of departure from Tan Baya.
Attended funeral with Stan of EX Outram Rd
AASC chap.
[[Some?]] allied plane over Singapore. He flew

(right hand page)

Cigarette issue 7 packets Number of deaths from 2 Bay
of No 15 camp No6 [recall] ward now 8 known. Water position
Nov 1st still at Burma hospital Own condition
varying from S to F & back again according to Dr feeling
Food gradually improved. Plenty of beans meat more
evident & English spuds more plentiful. Rice polishings
on issue. Beri Beri has toll of 100 deaths & over 600
sufferers. Camp closed in to one area as 600 Beings occupying
other area. Itch very prevalent do not get to sleep to
early hrs of morning. Bunked alongside S.JM Fine
connection complete Ballasting being carried out
Deaths to date 540. Kitchen shifted to another
site as No. 2 position dried out in 2 weeks. Now about 
1/2 a mile away on side of running stream
Nov 21st. Left Tan Baya for Kanburi arriving
at destination Wed 25th after reasonable trp
Dec 7th In Hospital at Kanburi. H. Force in
transit to a Malaya F Force sick coming in
by droves. Many ill men. Quite a number dead.


(left hand page upside down)

on increasing scale. Small lathe now
motor driven. Press drill being put into
service. Bean issue on ½ scale now
40 grams (from 9d). Have found
[[picking]] of Briam from plot. Delicious
when only lightly cooked.
Hand siren converted to electric drive
installed at Gen. House on Beach.
Nov. 5th. Genuine Air Alarm 10.30
British planes appear over island and
were they a size. Our estimate 32
over for an hour. Very heartening.
Wed. 8th. More planes over.
(Nov 7) Received cable from home &
Increase garden production expected end of month

(right hand page)

ditch trip H Colgan & Alwell down coughing
Our death rate now 30 & 2 with awful abcess (legs)
Received letter from Home.
9th Dec. Ross Wright & Sam Hunter passed
away. H Force moving out every day. Very
cold nights. Death Rate in this hospital not 
less than 6 a day. (Native rate very high).
17 Dec. We leave Kanchanburi for Singapore.
22 Dec. Arrive Singapore at 1 o'clock in morning and
transported to Changi by M. T. (96 Hr trip by train).
Quarantined in 11 Division.  Many new huts with
ES & water laid on.  Rice 11 oz per day but
increased veg. assort.
26 Dec.  Yesterdays specials varied.  Breakfast
sweet bulgur porridge & a rissole.  Dinner
fish soup.  Rissole square, cake & biscuit. Tea
Roast pork (small slice) offal lean & crackle) Pudding
& sauce.  We had Dinner & tea reversed owing
to late arrival of Pork.  Send letter card (24th)
Atmosphere of changi has considerably 
improved chaps health already


(left hand page upside down)

Nov 10th Thursd 
Correction cells full. Punishments up to 90
days with 90 days restrictions. Penal dish
(Rice & water) Solitary confinement.
Crimes, stealing - unlawful possession
attempting to trade illegally, insubordination, 
Sodomy, etc.
GA Mitchells "Serenades" show twice a
week 5-15 to 6-15. Limited enter-
tainments allowed. Restricted classes
Tom Miller out of Hospital (12 weeks) now in
Garden Control tool store. Manufacture of
Mess tins & cups ceases owing to
individuals trading them. The study
the other " attitude is marked by its 
absence nowadays. Part manuf.

(right hand page)

Jan 3rd
Reorganised [[?]] Btn [[?Sub Pk]] together. what there is
of them. F force deaths 17 H Force 7. A7. D7
isolation still on. We are vaccinated & Rodded.
Plenty of beans. Malaria relapses prevalent. Airdrome
construction in area.
Jan 7th Food good. Cooks doing a good job with
whatever food is on preparation. Malaria relapses
plentiful. [[Both trenches]] being dug in area. [[?Selarang
square hall Hospital area]]. Poultry onions galore.
even in tents & shanties Selarang face changed 
real difference in physique of our chaps
who have not left Changi. Issues of clothing
Sunday 23rd Contracted Malaria relapse on 18th. Felt worse than
at any other time. Yesterday M.O. brought over a noted physician
from Selarang to give me once over and clear up my doubts
on Cardiac trouble. Very thorough examination, Result 100%.
Attended concert AIF theatre last Monday night. 3 Parties
now operating. IJA inspected camp
Tues 25th More needles. Rice ration increased slightly but
beans lessened. Weather beautiful & fine. Fresh fish on


(left hand page upside down)

Oct 18 ARP practice this week. Fill
in form stating occupation etc.
Another severe headache. These are very
severe and roll one badly
Tom Miller booked for Kranji. Markheim
looks very well
24th  All watches called in by order IJA
due to attempt of individual to trade watch
to a Chinese. Incident nearly cost camp
3000 lb of Veg. per day.
[[Crews?]] found opening night last night
by command Gen Cieto. Entertainment
ban lifted but only a reduced 
program permitted.
Black beans exchanged for Tiger bean 
Letter & Snap 9 MARCH 44

(right hand page)

31st Jan Received letters on 27th (Written Aug Sept Nov 42).
Out of Malaria Ward. Sgts shifted to new quarters 28th Depot
are going owing to clearing four gardens. Malaria still prevalent
Inspected Harold Amphletts machinery in No 1 area. Guess
for his comfort etc. AIF concert (shooting high). Diaries
Feb. 13th. Admitted to Malaria 12th Hosp. again BTT & [[?]]
fresh patrols. Sgts Mess in operation Garden Parties
Little theatre production "Hay Fever" John Woods, Bradshaw
& Co. Excellent show. Various schemes for raising
amenity funds. Bingo, Rissoles, Housey Housey etc
I had interesting talk with Jim Ohlmeyer on things
that [[?]] etc. from Malaria
MARCH 9th. 
Spent last of week at [?] yesterday Tin Product?.  Potatoes
(American coffee issued. Personal issue [[?]] of chocolate
1/2 of [[?]] [[1/2 of cask of Swan suet.?]]  Kitchen issue
of both? loaf, butter & cheese [[prunes?]], [[Barley?]], sugar [[coffee?]]
Orange juice, [[.... ...?]]eye infectn Sat 5 ozs/ [[ea man?]]
2 oz of [[... being ... ... ration for ...?]]
7 days I [[?felt]] when
[[?]] cancelled medical reasons


left hand page upside down

150 bags of soya beans issued
(in lieu of IJA greens) Still receiving greens 
from IJA despite report of no more a few
week or so ago. Plenty of whitebait coming
in. Camp gardens producing extra well
Drome in operation day & night, presumably
as training. Sapper Harris died yesterday 
after being brought out from Outram Rd
Coconuts 85c Gualla Malarca $5.00
Sugar $10.00 Blatchen $4.80 Salt 2.00
Soy Sauce 1.00 (per measure) Jam sauce 1.80
Biscuits 4.80 Tob. 1.80 (ounce) Chillies 70c
(per ounce) Peanuts $5.40
Earle has toe nails removed. Jolley
Harris Dobson & Coy. fever. Forbes goes
to Kranji. Visit Harold lately

(right hand page)

Parties from Changi now on Drome & garden. Plenty of air activity
New types of Fighter about. Attending class on Slide Rule
Rice now up 1 ounce (11. ozs). Canteen supplies almost unattainable
Preferencial supply to POW. Always civilians.  Bananas 23c Papaya 27c 
Pineapples 20c for the coconuts 42c when obtainable. 
Tobacco very scarce, Beans [[Forgoy?]] 2.00 by lb. Peanuts 1.05
[[??]] of another bed [[??]] for whole camp area to begin [[?ordered]]
March 21st shifted sgts quarters again. Mess tables now under trees
 Maize corn now replacing soya beans.  Rations very light   
[[.... ... facility. Probably ... ... ....?]] Malaria
still very high . Producer going ahead slowly . New POW [[Commander?]]
Maj General [[Ciento?]] had parade inspection in square last week.
30th Tomorrow Changi. [[M organises?]] groups & we shift quarters
again. Increased [[?]] for garden called for. Sfen very sick
sgts going in & out of Hosp regularly visiting men sick with 
fever [[?]] not showing Malaria [[.. slide.?]] [[Overnight?]] had
[[?]]No 1 [[?]] - No 2 a BT etc MT etc
taken away in stretcher . 71 fighters in formation last
wwwk. Flying  boats of Sunderland type & float planes
April 8th Easter and mob moving.  We have been 
advised  to stand by for shift to [[?...]] [[?if men]]
want to be taken with us and erected in vicinity
of [[ ?]]. IJA gift of 70c per man. Sugar has been


(left hand page upside down)

Sept 30th Wedding Anniversary
Oct 1st My turn this month to standby for 
A.R.P. Every moon we reckon something will
happen. Sometime perhaps.
IJA not supplying greens from now on.
To depend on our gardens. P. party Sgt
arrested of Gestapo in Singapore. Map of gaol
in his possession. Tom Miller has dysentry.
Drome party still levelling ground.
Road party still road making. This road
solid for its stability.
Oct 1st. CABLE from home Replied
MAKE small garden
Oct 14th All entertainment & classes
under ban as from Friday 13th
So far only 1 show at theatre. 

(right hand page)

purchased with same. Meat rations continue
Veg [[light?]]. Large size requisitions supplied to
huts. TR.M in [[?malnutrition]] [[... ...]] taken
and all are Negs. [[?]] presentation of Passion
& presentation in ST Andrews Chapel
Thurs 20th  Admitted to Malaria 17th with a BT & after
a fortnight of indifference. Sfen Miller feverish and 
having all the symptoms but still shows Negatives.
 [[Adm?]] are again moving. Huts being dismantled &
personnel being packed everywhere. 700 LD & [[IVO?]] to
go to give [[?]] exchange for 700 fit men who
are required for Drome work. More of Selarang
area along Valley Road evacuated & wired off. We
have to learn the Nippon for [[Aye, ?]] R.L. etc.
[[?]] loses his job. Camp organisation being 
combed for reduction of Administration
90 Hospital cases from Camp Peter during last 24hrs 
Diarrhea & fever. Evidently something common to
this Btn only. Possibly food . Canteen purchases
 almost untouchable.Onions 20c per ounce. Garlic
20c per ounce [[Ragi flour ? 25c per lb?]] [[corn?]] 15c per ounce
[Tobacco[?]]will ask the smokers . Its not a tobacco

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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