Fall of Singapore - papers of Sergeant Jack Warren Corey part 9

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Fall of Singapore
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MchggNat Ke t Hni M F ON Ot ROnL IPIEN Wed & thiraday wt had needlessylan Rod. Clolesa a lague the afeed s method of cls onor beforming he gid reminds te of Dacl punping bring into belf. Every fit man less 3 yhydred fasuffly - this mary trous 10 being taker to get the numbess. 60 oll Rub tak to go. Tr been fisted to house 34 plutson Ao Sub 1H officer gorney. Have severed so tomiles in last few days on TParlies. A movit of the parties would look well. Sectures on Muas & Indies cincest taly have a play munning witten boy inte 60 also Truce lyri tint Aed. 28 Last Friday morning (coy left change and entrained in hice trucks at Lingffere. 36 to a truck Vplimited personnet geas made dings a bit corked Hos to shoutl in out truck. Jop fedt is at emas in afteroin and pnales bunfue in night Maony turchares on nil alops. Frequent halls for trawg farring hyggeene sext menlet Crae of about s ter later The next was sundey about 36 bro late and hen of Rail Lend Ban 1ong Ctaging Canp) Which clocting last to be dixarded fer roud as remainder of joure inby foot. Afterwoking for uceuple of he
mne, aned so veneuM te Cep OY W SISO JI d storny 18th Dw geal Yond myself Baocked uf ane all. 700 much rich food. Eggs, benana & sens. Bymarch out tome Iwrs rearly out to i and vo went to k wra te my relief. Moyy t nday Dater& daps hert to be arhed out as tine as just 2nd flace. Left Banttong sight of at Left Forlanf Night stagestor mght of the seftes on 5 Leff sor ngt of th. staged o on Pth Marches a night mare, men collaping and have to be carried. Hear being gold & discarded. Their not to be counted eaty lost allvy bit last night. My feet sere and R knecaroll rerults of Stampede 8rd nightout. Road follow noes and we have belenable to rur. Sleef in ofen. Rim docond infor comfert. ig left her last might heis huving a lough time. 5 0 compley ftonders yous lay Mey 22t. artne manchs ago we stated at Deringoor Rond. Yodory we are in thailand about 180 odd miles wn of. Banfong in a rarliong construction camp the cam is incomplete, buts not yet roded have collapsed flows have fallen and generally things are very bad. It has raised for 3 days and weve worked 4. The first daywas fine Yesterday was to o bad, fis making embarkments 10 we were but ond roud mantercines. Arrived on
wnos mon to vongum s0 W AMMNEIY Te memning of the 32th and sleft a bit duving the day. atarled work in the N exhanaled. 13nights of marching took it out of ad twice wt hes worked till dask Ire made no accurate record of che trit, up. It has been a senero marcher by night pome cnot) and a hush bivoune by day wpen not doing fatignes Ating as zi give ing a lot of looken west. Might as well called myself c9ms as well commees caused atreft at exeryeang last night Iwur admitted to tafit with Bere her ny legs garl out on the last lat and sangs wort blew them if life fort ball. stomack troubles perutent, wrost of all Choler reopaenes we are bund from the rath attraler has to be boiled, coxtaine doe few, time is limited to u consequently persinal torbet is light Mory men working without boots the silen of tie as being fulled off by chg mad. clother art wef Elestents it work theis wich bullock cats, stock bought in fot ond consuuption bery for cndition. Weas living on ricl verglittly elss too be with us. 24th. Aay Aunry 30th still in d aphet teting mch bethe Legs here hoat awelthing beco still not better. Majs Hent manage to helf all men in cop gesteray fo Cant rontruction Today dugese all out agrin sopion of whe helpfull. (holera is gave. Bob bwvens
errt oA ir t 208 f h m 224 0200fr catycation f fin erer 7 p1 W31 ugdt Dawgers & Me sahin arl supfereors. Bo. Donnelly dred 2daysag wes 3o death 20 fas. Hertitas his been serted of dyrentry other lendtint boad aveyarious. Ratim. lenty of ric deamander is beans (awveral tyfes) firh dried & frest neat when a Jak in shanghleves. Actually she remainder s verylight. Weather has fined up & every bodies afinits with of Deat all had recsles f a Chollon and demo Lose it fecls of dese wilt noon take hold. Agd Rawyers died last wight. first Known 3s6h carnalty. All men in camp wetors as ous feofle fut a dery atony care to the Japs. Vuts a campion much betterslyst $200 Wed. Juns gnd Bob wes gied Mondaynight Mahininforwery s tually amintered wifes buth yeserdoy Hope you hod a peasens no chisking. I would out of tolest tste e t eno now in 3 depts pet /2 duty, Feve Clock s Dysentrs block. Angin y. Duty Cranch. Fasty wen ot fo to todog. an has kn i good going en Dew luting ic 82 Phaton uchs so fur. Runns every dox. shrh every whee. Oh be Chadge sterys. Iof Tros fans aliy ahis rond oftes going itch 1e ter of mabling what e e thery fim tetny ad tholer is referted to be altatie truch for wisked on soud rarying gouned 1009 do tem week a ong teden fultes Fele day Iour e ton same pot tngde tnto dtan thete l a b t nd re rase todagi do not coont as reset way it we hae a fus wieks
M eg v wg 20 oe cunogs whet pempp pro sos 0030 J yn g n 1 fef to try and infint health of camp baly about 3: 400 fit out of affect to so helling in tapit at in defare losat ot Bake toplal oe etetay alaln on t legs dobed doy as cleck in wood sets awelled u utees sprend so it meansgesting them aerentment o ver 1 of am hostit, about 800 mataria caser Henry rains most trouble with supphes Bays take bullock east for aupphes date thet &night 0 Cmalara ttfet he a we tef on light dutong o over a mch Hast das on abit gt sme 10 doafr the wegweat f ty a wising ar go tornet he rt porations lring them wich i pac the Tott Death to tale the b0 s o whet er cholisce the cholera hay atated Ant in creare Matadia tecoulant tnenty of aforce oh fat a saw resepe foicampen Suhin frand by t toket f lofs ti an ptt 50 wit. H Sn pas burh Ber Be to roathent oufth d t h o cant Sis mnadent a s co to pe aerition to lalmet for all other than naatated
wuncof orem h possee w th an Johp 1 133 Jmor schaps rof hymenge pengo pravy Cap ont ging osrp p t 616 85.6 67.6 e Gn p lyne Oc1 9 Jo hp serpt sup tgun o ma p wirthers o which in afternoon o cestation of cnvilen Huntey July 18th Cill in taptat I te but cae two lon dess now in oferation to dratlyne to be worke mt. Hort Nahn m 108 180 Ct 184 Wohes 23 Bea plil pet frot ration mnetared Dred ak nent reflecinag fort ment pasin tar been on out number filarsh Aclan relasses ver feresben Va Ti Contlanton mcrenst ten suffe with feet back of fostueas aking fo ther bally trented Hond beene luoning as late o mshght Hawok anophnicatefoming take toll Hew Garth Finrlen of foran of nen being in laglies Coneguentl tuat fer nights fasties in by sash too furte fom the cousg from next has exased S aong fom fi resercunendt tat en procered lledy of rumn peat nentien fo ai ti ttog e hat on Wantet n t ent ent charti rcese barting our chatgge Hosital morenet on a goun after talfonement h not being fefarest a Wok reo lineti Cusaichin of ron in wenabl goled sont usson buto so sah brought an sanitimn & s back about wolit on goo rittin fooly efs0 from thu con back starling slefot can tont en boy o Ratiand ety ansaring per tally lerty foring and tysier geott n Detahiof a Hirs ait late tdetat os it 300 mance not to denf Jeberay Contrnlen teves t dayseg
h pren n poe pr d ag srut sinng pepp np equidd isd Broth pr o t te satt ttl des 76 Mordey e00 bn tst sea fer fat moreh te Here Moatasint firt day Sinaten m of Sukiha poent in tms to hs Sovesoht alo atihs regesten but in is arec t cone boy o ther unt buts duil a number of sub to the w a row t th tabes to take weeant in lowe ader Alongland from dloge Cordeg pent dlimptart a that of food mast sahinaih so that vate nich light Mhist wahinkevery t leftars, Wdogaret colernely Road fright fut merd seft e sn to astaying anf dobel Rhande elagent at caut to give aprt with at sol but fare been ontaed oe by tomwor farty on oatofaes on ley banking outaguin Aagat toe di hasehnsal t tie tres Retent by Auh camylegs of t Banke dang light fob, tol of y Bordgpota oormeent o apito ape to rlief i wegnt h cased off nde anow y Ang brt tenans auffrand to make exrett. Bod Good son castely witl astenlt & a staluves ensleged in inbentment ent is abo sihe tosad sons of Commann of aynt ea tat atect toplel ame well in fogest tsos bat tongr e camp todeng like laying our acropet befaled to be edvan of hete se t pst affer betale A Wo. Bshila Seft Handes on 1h Masarn te cold, his rotimport in chythers Int by truich very rough t Wmsleles Jouney by train Ot d0o death fer to for Plecr cntiany anfntation Tommen atore very tereafort was not lat oten a own starrution

April 16th Friday
Wed & Thursday we had needles & glass Rod. (cholera & plague).  
The speed & method of the MOs performing the job reminds  
me of Dad pumping brine into beef. Every fit man  
less 3-4 hundred for supply - plus many Group 11s being  
taken to get the numbers. 60 odd Sub Park  to go. I've been  
posted to house 34 platoon. No Sub/K officers going.  
Have covered 50-60 miles in last few days on T. Parties. A movie  
of the parties would look well. Lectures on Muar & Indies  
Concert Party have a play running [written by Mjr. Gunter (MO)] 
also Greece by Mjr. Hunt.   
Wed. 28th. Last Friday morning [[C?]] Coy left Changi  
and entrained in Rice trucks at Singapore. 26 to a  
truck. Unlimited personnel gear made things a bit  
crushed. No '1' to 1 private in our truck. Japs fed us at  
Gemas in afternoon and Kuala Lumpur in night (early Morn.) 
Purchases on rail stops. Frequent halts for train  
passing and hygiene. Next meal at Prai about 18 hrs  
later. The next was Sunday about 36 hrs later and then  
at Rail head Ban Pong (staging camp.) Much clothing  
had to be discarded for road as remainder of journey  
is by foot. After working for a couple of hrs on


storing 18th Div. gear. I found myself knocked up and  
ill - Too much rich food. Eggs, bananas & veges. By march  
out time I was nearly out to it and so went to R.A.P.  
to my relief. 
May 7th Friday. Dates & days have to be worked out as time  
is just 2nd  place. Left Ban Pong Night of 1st. Left No 1 camp night 3rd 
Stayed No 2 night of 4th Left 2 on 5th. Left No 3 night of 6th. Stayed No 3  
on 7th. Marches a nightmare, men collapsing and have to be  
carried. Gear being sold & discarded. Thais not to be trusted  
nearly lost all my kit last night. My feet sore and R knee swollen  
results of stampede 2nd night out. Road follows river and we have  
been able to swim. Sleep in open. Rain does not improve comfort. 
Nug left here last night. He's having a tough time. [[50c couple?]] 
of traders 
May 25th Tuesday. Twelve months ago we started at Serangoon Road.  
Today we are in Thailand about 180 odd miles NW of  
Ban pong in a railway construction camp. The camp is  
incomplete, huts not yet roofed have collapsed floors have  
fallen and generally things are very bad. It has rained  
for 3 days and weve worked 4. The first day was fine . 
Yesterday was too bad for making embankments so 
we were put on road maintenance. Arrived on


the morning of the 22nd and slept a bit during the day. 
started work on the 23rd exhausted. 13 nights of marching 
took it out of us. Twice we have worked till dark. Ive made 
no accurate record of the trip up. It has been a series of 
marches by night (some short) and a bush bivouac by 
day when not doing fatigues. Acting as ISM gave me  
a lot of broken rest. Might as well called myself CQMS as 
well. Tommies caused strife at every camp. Last night  
I was admitted to Hospital with Beri Beri. My legs gave 
out on the last lap and 4 days work blew them up like 
footballs. Stomach troubles prevalent, worst of all Cholera  
very serious. We are barred from the creek all water has to be 
boiled, containers are few, time is limited to us consequently  
personal toilet is light. Many men working without boots 
the soles of mine are being pulled off by the mud.  Clothes  
are wet. Elephants at work. Thais with bullock carts, stock 
bought in for our consumption (very poor condition). We are 
living on rice & very little else. God be with us. 
Sat 29th. May Sunday  30th 
Still in Hospital feeling much better. Legs have lost swelling 
& [[?]] still not better. Major Hunt managed to keep all men in 
camp yesterday for camp reconstruction. Today they are all out again 
it is not very helpfull. Cholera is grave. Bob Owens


Syd Sawyers and Mc Mahon are sufferers. Bob Donnelly died 2 days ago 
over 30 deaths so far. Hospital has been sorted of dysentery & 
others. Conditions very bad & very serious. Rations. Plenty of rice  
& the remainder is beans (several types) fish dried & fresh  
meat when a yak is slaughtered. Actually the remainder  
is very light. Weather has fined up and everybodies spirits 
with it. Weve all had needles for Cholera and the MOs  hope the  
effects of these will soon take hold. Syd Sawyers died last 
night: First known SUBPK casualty. All men in camp today 
as our people put a very strong case to the Japs. Huts & camp in  
much better shape. 
Wed. June 2nd. Bob Owens died Monday night. Mc Mahon improving.  
Actually remembered wifes birthday yesterday Hope you had a pleasant 
day darling. Turned out of [[Pin?]] dept yesterday and now in 3 depts . 
fit for duty, Fever Block and Dysentery Block. Nug in G Duty branch. Party  
went out for Japs today. Camp has had a good going over new latrines  
etc. 52 cholera deaths so far. Rains every day. Slush everywhere. Oh  
for Changi days. Jap Troops pass along this road often going Nth. 
Sat 5th Hear of H force being returned to Changi from Ban pong as cholera  
is reported to be abbating [[truck?]] (3rd) worked on road carrying gravel  
200yds from creek through paddy fields. Yesterday I was No 1 in same job  
long days 8[start] to 8 Fortunate these [[light?]] [[boots?]] broken & no rain  
[[cape?]] today we do not go out as [[reflects as??]] if we have a few weeks 


off to try and improve health of camp. Only about 3:400 fit out of  
1800. Asked for job helping in hospital in response to call.
June 10th Back in hospital from yesterday ulcers on the  
legs.  Worked 2 days as clerk in ward. Legs swelled up & ulcers  
spread so it means resting them and treatment Over 2/3 of  
camp in hospital, about 800 malaria cases Heavy rain  
most troubles with supplies. Boys take bullock carts for 
supplies.   Slater died 3 nights ago (malaria)  
July 1st Thursday Still [[listed?]] with sores on legs hurting.  
Last night we were fed on light rations.  For over a week [[Hesft?]] 
was on about [[Nigs & Japs??]]. Now it 10 &[[soup?]] It's very weakening 
working party gets a bit more. Carrying parties go to [[sects??]] camp 
for rations & bring them back in packs etc. A lot of deaths 
to date 114. 105 of which were cholera. The cholera has abated  
Ulcers on increase & Malaria prevalent Have news of A force 
[[S at section lines 50 miles??]] Thieving & profiteering rife in camp. 
Inspection of camp by J Medical official. Talks of establishing base 
Hospital 50 miles Nth H [[Selgan?]] has cardiac Beri Beri 
Bob [[Broadbent?]] ruptured remainder of Sub Pk various complaints 
July 3rd Sick incident & Yak killing comes to [[head?]] 
Starvation treatment for all others than incapacitated


workers 4 oclock in afternoon sees cessation of [[labour??]] 
Sunday July 18 Still in hospital. Ulcers [[?]]   
out [[?]] Two Con Defs now in operation to enable men to be worked 
out Hosp. Ration was 12oz & 15oz (in def 18oz Workers 23oz & Beans 
split peas fish ration increased. Dried Yak meat replacing fresh meat
Tension has been on over numbers for work. Malaria relapses very 
persistent ulcers & skin complaints on increase Men suffer with 
feet (lack of footwear) Working parties badly treated Have been returning 
as late as midnight Heavy work and no physical stamina take toll 
New guards J instead of Koreans more of men being in earlier consequently
last few nights parties in by dark. Two parties from this camp & one 
from next, No2  have escaped - Lt. Col amongst Tommy party
Repercussions at all camp concerned Plenty of rain. Special mention for  
Major Hunt 
Friday 23rd check on blankets nets & tents. Hunt & Johnston 
receive bashing over shortages Hopeful movement on again 
after postponement. New list being prepared. Work resumed on  
line. Our section of road in workable order. [[perching?]] on 
parts 15 [[joh?]] bought in for ration. 2/29 back about 70 kilos on good 
ration Party of 30 from this camp back starting depot camp unloading  
stores (on J Ration) Legs improving gradually, Plenty of rain 
camp hygiene good. 
29th Details of a [[Hosp site Pahert?]] detailed (glass rod) 300 
commence move to No 3 camp yesterday Contracted fever 4 days ago


Aug 5th Monday 200 from Hospital and a few fit moved to [[?]] 
No 2 130 start with first day [[since after most of Neckie??]] have 
moved in. Tommies to No 3. 300 of No1 also at No 3 Congestion back in 
the area 15 in some boys & then under huts quite a number of Sub 
Pk here.  This camp is now HQ Native labor to take over work in lower 
areas along hard from Malaya Bridge [[at front??]] all important No1 Plenty 
of food except ration [[A cut for Hosp??]] makes meals light. Mud & slush everywhere 
Elephants [[?]] used extensively. Road frightful 
Sept 2nd moved to a staging camp 20  Kils Nth (Kandor) 
3rd stayed at camp to give hand with odd jobs but have been 
ordered on by tomorrows party on account of ulcer on leg breaking 
out again stay at No1 in hospital all the time trying to heal leg. 
back on my legs OK for 3 weeks doing light jobs collect 
permanent duty at No 8 ward [[(dysentry ward?)]] Bridge finished on 3 Aug 
to relief of everyone. Rain eased off considerably during Aug but  
there was sufficient to make condit. Bad.  Food from supply route 
difficult 5th. Natives employed on embankments and they are slowing 
progress. So far 1 out of 3 Tommies of original camp have died. 
[[Pourma??]] hospital move well in progress Lime was laid through this 
camp today like laying out a carpet. Reported to be closing gap at 
nite of 3 Kilos per day & gap [[in offset of?]] 50 kilos 
Sept 20th At Hosp. 55 Kilos left Kandor on 11th. Malaria & heavy 
cold did not improve my stay there. [[Tuf??]] by truck very rough 
I completed journey by train. Over 200 deaths here so far. Ulcers 
cause many amputations. Tommies show very poor spirit 
will not eat. Men die from starvation.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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