Fall of Singapore - papers of Sergeant Jack Warren Corey part 6

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Fall of Singapore
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t paud so amoonne of a His afterwoon has been 3 day holiday. Bignrcalling contentions at Ford. fellow flanes (traning?) have made an affearence this week. New camp is good Ao mud and bugs well under control. He have to be at canp gate by 840 for working farties This mland we assinl at Gord at a time when we would nomally leual Derangson Visited Bill stiggants, Ayd Pawryer & C. S. bwven o Arca. Out atlars No3 AB. Golf Tinks and an an of Mihitibis Resevios on opfosite side of roud gives place a county clut almorthere. Fands fatiot writes side of wise with an occasiunal inside fatrof. singafers solunteers are recolcting buts, I heis personnel consists of 3 Judges several lawyers, schoolteachers a thirnbes & his mate and a couple of Ingencers. Thompon Road Prommies & Chiness Highscloof tommies) meved into our Area this week. still casting Diffss prent end Now direct to Rubber Tuctory terhoss tey will rest in this place for some time. Two blackout pactice nights whs search light pacticing. Vay yesterday 2sdays. Rates of fay wary now fot Jecknisians (as employed by dups) Henry work (outside) any Light work,
per so SAINVINOd sast Tuesday a day of proyer for ess consequently as toll day for us camp orders setsclotn one day a week If for all troop, our still remains at Bunday. Audoy 8th Swine sevond held in canf chapet bag English Factor. Giv held a reouce Hongst an 5. Mes Both referred to Armistice Duy. Bought soife tolimalt from Canteen toices much highes ahe serangoon Munday 9th. Angs 2 traced sewee system of our Area. Vrited batch of Yoaves acros the gulley Mary dead in ahis locality Jps soneer out s times. Neve had heary rain at night time. My doy off Dr Your Weche Worked on haptal helf they have a new ocheme for cheis road. As usual trial & crood siptem. Dur Bible study still carries or. Lite of Daniel at perent. Julsday night was opening of Units Groyracing. ther form of efort is posstie in Adam Park Thudsday Home again today Reroofed men's but (this morning) where recessary Whoapnet cnt these buts to fieces. ug making Cross for soliiers grave (onknown) ese riet up at Fordo.
Su OOJAUY- HYLSOSN nay 3 Detailed farties at todo scept in gent & dodged Anagara in afternoon. Bluch out 129,16th. Had qriet Least to heat talk with fim in evening on christianity and it's general application Saturday. Curled Adap from Dingafet in morning a road metal in afternoon. 1e trooks wieking it Irely thi aee Sunday Church services morning & evening. Augo I had ficupples banana salad, Big Iroy Race-electing in afternoon; Rations light. Meas occussionally and Veges falling off. Canteen prces high. Maday Day off Rainee from early morning till about miadry. Bleft all day. Hard to take. Me Venalda Wade pentenced to Detention for constrcd not concucine a Refusing orders. several Orderly hoom Watelys surfoising the number of men who don't look beyond then noses. Mesay. Fiost Doy with Jamuno Clate Hurey Surys Job). Went to Jahere in Morning for Dand. J B. very quet do cwiliamn touffic noticed. Administraticon Building in course of refurs. Canseway only patched Two Menorials at sumping off place.
s00p 1O SUIAOYSOOuu INVIVOI This was my fist trip t8 J.B. Sonll oltreat to Island. some days ago Churlie Me derald had news of some of his fuls who were ont off in irbain land. They could not get part I B whilit ihe show was on 20 made Northwwrils and endee- to excape to Sumatra. Malays gave them away. ed. Stesps Pelhit on hill. 700 troops working at toto dhis day Racecourse & Rubbes Farkey sob completed teconnet switched to tod. whus. Day off. Debugzed bed and domestic, s obe occupied norning pleft in afternoon. Forday Granscutting. Arageia made offices do body- perses hs 70 a caydled not tuon up Very foofure in of ologies when he found ant why chey did not avoue. Personnes from Noslen phifted from cheis comfortable houses to huts about 3 mile from us in same Arla. Annivergay of arrival in Buryafut. Saturday. Day off Read most of moning wiy again sand of. Dinciy Geert alight Brinchitis. A hospital is being transpainted he remains in his room Halian, boat in Lasb or londing aeref Iich Coullers vesin f Healay Rupt feelings ar Jess sautt cofe Dundays2. church sevice in chaset by Copt fadre 7hiss tadol ministered in Japan and is an official
intesfeter for aor cant Cut. Intepeles is an English office Sonted byd. Bill &ogin theis oen t Ium hold's revere in Set, Mess Sundy nighty. Old 4o1 ad pack areas now euculet W. kno ked &. ty wexlived Hed. Minday a general holitay, Jaeshay Iwes on whafe puty. J was fatching To fowntro of with care. thas a vay I did nothing when I af catihes ut with n I work otherwise no 7oday in Losfital till did sume anount of workh. the bays just kelf nwing confitably. Ho C lanf Bubit Timch, hs meved Rumered to Haverock Roud Tranp Reid at Falley Ad in charge of a tramsort pquad reting of left we yhuss. Horfital hill again. 5o men Comony at God now that where once o0 west on a job cheses at leart double now. Haking lawns & garden & tuor about for vchicles. 28 places bember on scens again Sighters about also. This seems to be a ciscle. News is very good. We are not allowerd to buy outside zod of ferhap peofleallowed to 2d Cary Leary rains Fniday My day off Refaid chitk s warled Wrote ount trlecisor1 6 Chafts ob Dunich Bill & Bole
woe ENENCNCYGINAN R LORSby ANSEAN canlores konight. Talking to Trway Mac. one night. 600 men medically examined this week for everlus farty. 100 taken off 500 expected to move this afteror. Donestis trouble in sess Oot. 2d wroks. Horpitat lilt. Bnoscked off 2. 30 after Tons Hacto acted part of apens soldiers. This moring ove reas farty wel lived up on Holfconal clifted in two pasters to savd fare. Bunday, suifted cane to do toea. Hearent alift of Mlitaryeares. stels clowne af gulley between huts. weford in Ihats. Milasthys canp personnel look over oue Artn. d inday. afet foo night. Bngs galert. 7o day goeps cleared of camp. I sut bedin firaocorised bugs aute shore in frovers of organisation into Bat lkee yessr Small 1os. Jach lontly eassell slass townfered to wother boy wnssting of left wes from wveaeus farty. I ny that 2st fer oo3 Alntow at peent. Nug. Btn. Hygilore Aqt. ote wed 2 De. Worstedat Col. Honal, Bukitt Timal Rart Stn. ar road to Vehiels Ehibition aquarl. Manytyles of Lereles & Annoved &chicles etc. Lest, stores hand placed as in nils of roud making among evilians. Took sy ho to get from fallen to fords. & about us ling coming home. houtd now wise New Ro fes Indim Convay, Road anfuce foo. I think frismners booke gass hear a spoilt his Road Dun Howe bridges
h sit w td t t sea ner a0 10 a genetr fie first ime angy of ram ponen thard Hore today. Slatson stifled to new quarlers & Agts menen in to out hup Off & Ayts. At present we are feet from Mens Ct onr EH being built. Bugs still avory me. Yodog wycateh in timber of bed was 3 bugs, issides, & 1 undersed affend. Arla is fast being rebouilt to one best wvarlable of h of fac iday Drew Cohuld taty today Tuyeorys offices &. St. Dowey ato wes shat down 8d ctay of was. Harg haw Lwye me goundes now in oferation sould enable cooks to do gonetling in the way of Cooking. partig aat. wobd forty curniying from old oto1cant to maids one wist Very pleasant in Adam Cack, reminded me of Adelands Hills on a going day. Tat of the houses ae of meatum old build. wait a look through one very modern ol Rathe clabrate Bathdsons. Abore rain. Patched roof immediately over my bed Buntoy 2 day for eegine. Acgour all doy aleefing quastes a washout. Church sevice at night Mindey roday for me nished in byts tatcher attempting to divet wates to dreated du in for cte still gaining sewily every pet pheng0. Tues. lds. Ro. Just a bludge Examined de vehictes in t chile tark Road slowly taking shope. Arowld hove 7. 30 in fain rain. taken a long time to get to work & a ling lint to get lone 12 months ag. Foday Wat atarte of Joday much traffic to stome.

Saturday 7th Nov
This afternoon has been ½ day holiday. Big wrestling 
competitions at Ford.
Yellow planes (training?) have made an appearance this week.
New camp is good. No mud and bugs well under control.
We have to be at camp gate by 8.40 for working parties. This
means we arrive at Ford at a time when we would normally
leave Serangoon. Visited Bill Stiggants, Syd Sawyers & Bob Owen
in No 1 Area. Our area is No 2 - A - AIF. Golf Links and
an arm of Mc Ritchie Reservior on opposite side of road
gives place a Country Club atmosphere. Guards patrol
outer side of wire with an occassional inside patrol.
Singapore Volunteers are reerecting huts. Their personnel
consists of 2 Judges several lawyers, schoolteachers
a plumber & his mate and a couple of Engineers.
Thompson Road (Tommies) & Chinese Highschool (Tommies)
moved into our Area this week. Still carting Diffs &
Front ends. Now direct to Rubber Factory. Perhaps they
will rest in this place for some time. Two blackout
practice nights 4th & 5th. Search lights practicing.
Pay yesterday 21 days. Rates of pay vary now for Technicians
(as employed by Japs) Heavy work (outside) and Light work.


Last Tuesday a day of prayer for Japs consequently
a free day for us. Camp orders sets down one day a week
off for all troops, ours still remains at Sunday.
Sunday 8th. Divine service held in Camp Chapel by
English Padre. Jim held a service tonight in Sgts Mess.
Both referred to Armistice Day. Bought soup & Polimalt
from Canteen. Prices much higher than Serangoon.

Monday 9th. Nug & I traced sewer system of our Area. Visited
batch of Graves across the gulley. Many dead in this locality
Japs driven out 3 times. Weve had heavy rain at night
time. My day off.

Tues. Wed. Worked on hospital hill. They have a new
scheme for their road. As usual trial & error system.
Our Bible study still carries on. Life of Daniel at present.
Tuesday night was opening of Units Frog racing.
This form of sport is popular in Adam Park.

Home again today. Reroofed men's hut (this morning)
where necessary Schrapnel cut these huts to pieces.
Nug making Cross for soldiers grave (unknown)
Chinese tied up at Fordo.


Friday 13th. Detailed parties at Fordo. slept in Tent & dodged
Snagawa in afternoon.
Blackout 12 & 13th. Had quiet heart to heart talk with
Jim in evening on Christianity and it's general application.

Saturday. Carted [[Adap?]] from Singapore in morning & road
metal in afternoon. 

Sunday. Church services morning & evening. Nug & I had
pineapple & banana salad. Big Frog Race-Meeting in
afternoon. Rations light. Meat occasionally
and Veges. falling off. Canteen prices high.

Monday. Day off. Rained from early morning till
about midday. Slept all day. Hard to take.
McDonald & Wade sentenced to Detention for conduct
not conducive & Refusing orders. Several Orderly Rooms
lately. Surprising the number of men who don't
look beyond their noses.

Tuesday. First Day with [[Tamano?]] (late Hurry Hurry's
job). Went to Jahore in Morning for sand. J B. very
quiet. No civilian traffic noticed. Administration
Building in course of repair. Causeway only patched
Two Memorials at Jumping off place.


This was my first trip to J.B. since retreat to Island.
Some days ago Charlie McDonald had news of some of his pals
who were cut off on Mainland. They could not get past J B
whilst the show was on so made Northwards and endeav.
to escape to Sumatra. Malays gave them away.

Wed. Stef & Fetchit on hill. 700 troops working at Fordo this day.
Racecourse & Rubber Factory job completed. Personnel switched to Ford.
Thurs. Day off. Debugged bed and domestic jobs occupied morning
slept in afternoon.

Friday. Grass cutting. [[Snagawa?]] made officers do body-presses
as 70 A coy did not turn up. Very profuse in apologies when he
found out why they did not arrive. Personnel from No 1 Camp
shifted from their comfortable houses to huts about ½ mile
from us in same Area. Anniversary of arrival in Singapore.

Saturday. Day off. Read most of morning. Nug again laid
up. Dingey Fever & slight Bronchitis. As hospital is being
transplanted he remains in his room.
Italian boat in harbor loading scrap. Jack Coulters version
of Malay [[Suft:]] feelings on Japs.

Sunday, 22. Church service in Chapel by C of E Padre. This
Padre. ministered in Japan and is an official


interpreter for No 1 Camp. Our interpreter is an
English officer. Visited Syd, Bill & coy in their Area.
Jim holds service in Sgts Mess Sunday nights. Old No 1
area now vacated.

Wed. Monday a general holiday, Tuesday I was on
wharfe party. Job was patching Go down roof with
tar & bay. I did nothing. When Jap catches up with me I
work otherwise no. Today on hospital hill, did same
amount of work. The boys just keep moving comfortably.
No 5 Camp. Bukit Timah has moved. Rumored to Havelock
Road. Frank Reid at Valley Rd in charge of a transport

Thurs. Hospital hill again. 50 men. So many at Ford now that
where once 20 were on a job theres at least double now.
Making lawns & garden & turnabout for vehicles.
25 planes bombers on scene again. Fighters about also.
This seems to be a cycle. News is very good. We are not
allowed to buy outside Ford. or perhaps people allowed to sell us.
Very heavy rains.

Friday. My day off. Repaired shirts & washed. Wrote out
preceis on 1st 6 Chapts. of Daniel. Bill & Bob


came over tonight. Talking to Tracy Mac. one night.
600 men medically examined this week for overseas party.
100 taken off. 500 expected to move this afternoon. Domestic
trouble in Mess.

Sat. Fd. works. Hospital hill. Knocked off 4.30 after [[Tino]] Hacho
acted part of superior soldier. This morning overseas party were lined
up on Golf Course. Shifted in two parties to Naval Base.
Sunday. Shifted camp to No 1 Area. Heaviest shift of Military career.
steps down & up gulley between huts. Everyone in 2 huts.
McCarthur camp personnel took over our Area.

Monday 1st.  Spent poor night. Bugs galore. Today groups cleaned up
camp. I put bed in fire & scorched bugs out. Show in process
of organisation into Btn. etc.

Tues. Small jobs. Jack Coulter, D. Campbell & [[Cass?]] transferred to another
coy consisting of left overs from overseas party. Im Plat. Sgt for
No 3 Platoon at present. [[Nug?]]. Btn. Hygiene Sgt.

Wed. 2nd Dec. Worked at Cols. House. Bukitt Timah Rail. Stn. on
road to Vehicle Exhibition square. Many types of Vehicles &
Armoured Vehicles etc. here. Stones hand placed as is style of
road making among civilians. Took 1¼ hrs to get from [[fall?]] in
to Fords. & about as long coming home. Route now via New Rd.
per Indian Convoy. Road surface poor. I think prisoners
broke Japs heart & spoilt his Road. Saw Shrine bridges 


& works for first time.

Thurs. Home today. Platoon shifted to new quarters & Sgts moved
in to our hut. Off. & Sgts. At present we are fed from [[Mess?]] CH
our CH being built. Bugs still worry me. Today my catch in
timber of bed was 3 bugs, 1 spider, & 1 unclassed affair.
Area is fast being rebuilt to our best available
Friday. Drew Cols. Rd. Party today. Very easy. Officer Ft Lt. Dowey
who was shot down 2nd day of war. Heavy rain. Large rice grinder
now in operation. Should enable cooks to do something in the way
of cooking.

Sat. Wood party carrying from old No 1 camp to inside our wire.
Very pleasant in Adam Park, reminded me of Adelaide Hills
on a spring day. Most of the houses are of medium old build.
Had a look through one very modern one. Rather elaborate
3 Bathrooms. More rain. Patched roof immediately over my bed.
Sunday. Free day for everyone. Heavy rain all day. sleeping quarters
a washout. Church service at night.

Monday. Free day for me. Worked in Sgts kitchen attempting to divert
water to elsewhere than in fire etc. still raining heavily every
½ hr or so.

Tues. Cols. Rd. Just a bludge. Examined the vehicles in Exhib.
Park. Road slowly taking shape. Arrived home 7.30 in pouring
rain. Takes a long time to get to work and a long time to get home.
12 months ago today War started. Today much traffic to Shrine.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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