Fall of Singapore - papers of Sergeant Jack Warren Corey part 4

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Fall of Singapore
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M A 229.47 0 pe se Sunddys as esueges Any-VINOSW Jul Cark at this staye, aplit in 6o differant furties. thought ofter of home wish we knew whether word is home of not Nothing to be gained bey worrying, but at times we can'te helf thinking deeply of te firiliin 7 Inilay Ang o as past night fee retuon truck from Change ig sading tiilet outfit y swallets acoued. No doubt oe does not know what joyes in atoe even in these times. Wallets have thosees of home in them. & & 439u2 5syt wheclamn o/o ficlloy our finded. Ofter expensd wish to recuve outfit as it is a present from my belived wife serhins arl English a I Jach Gilding in Chargi detention barricks for alleged ly allowing men to blef whilst on job. Bundaya free day. ets hop it is to be a regular occurrance. Alightly igured my right hard soweone droffed a 1ft lengeh of Ex2 and I stoffed if or my chest & hand turning back firgers & Much impred now. added to ny clocking by 1 feis of sborts. Refarting member dumfed them in account of a teas. to winders these chaps get short of clothing bre sais of my shorts absolutily wor through but tes can be fatched. Jolunall in that a minumenn sclothing does all weatters: work varies from road
COSIYI-V pe se sudds of uA-INVINOSWI withing at Tords, carting gravel and peraf when ore te list Concreliny. In generai- contracting. Sarge Inciam demenstration last Wednes day Tags flyises alongsids Jafancac, Indian troof marching Homethire to do with Indefendence of India (eskafs) Ma times oor all evidence of Brilish suffirted on stative sid. The thumbo up a salute, a samill and a nod etc. when it twns Im sanve shere will be much genenl rejoyeing. Land being cleased everyitere for blocks fer tenants. such vegetible growing being dine. Food is debs, and pcarce as all timed foods with ih excestion of some sardines ase English VsB Vnlers Jafen har carning industries the country will reed to proctice its own food. Meat is all Austratiun chilled helf. Aot many cattle in the country and fork innit on a lurge controlled scale. Teat frices very sugh; what is avrilably Syoan Times admits offencer on Amerieas fust but says ull attempts abouting. At least de offenins is admitted. M Sunday 32rd More news in paters of heany losses by allies in tanfie also farlurs of invusion of Continent. dativallys Haus viewfoint so we wait a while, and sll how time arons out chese reforts pl
LYMI-F S it iea S Work veryeing Underten why t bay fut ar Bln weal not keln to exchange jobs and our is nothing to what it was Heary lifting and scraf finished. Do Panere havl settled down at fo wok to a steady gob of wish auling equisment, truchs, cass ete and assembling new vehictes Fer 12 time was in the God Buildings Dan. Capitulation toom this room is where ternd were arranged. All acuts are numed. accorting to who ogcuped them, shome roud nearing confltion and thoms itself being evected. At Jahaor B tmn hest is a hige mat get in a garten showing forthins tof attackin ge forces and pesticulars of who lebtt them ste Jchink, shromes a memorials are being exected at all foints at which something impotant tuffered such as benf fighting, tandings Me. May small torts, where stake it Officers & Weot felt B1F. & Epp1SH La e a Chinge. There is also a combined cemilery on Refamatiny Roudt. Infotunately the majority of our dend will be in unknown goaols as we moved back all the time and no chance would be available to give them a respectfull interment. Last Sunday Sgts. beat Offices at Piicet i at he Read book called All this + Heaven to by Rachel Field
8 o ups se sudges o uA-IVINOSWI oh excellent book and everyone who reads it gives it the same olfort. Nankirs Road by Nicks Bunm another good book An at present reading the Lifs of a peyimentin the Gorden Highlander Sote Good books are a blessing le one as Bunday seft tohal hought. 7 80 poute. Lart week end 3 loy shifted across road to B coy Hits? Tommies have been in this week rebuilding onr old huts a exceling conveniences (shower (Helner et) I. to accomsdate 400 men. Yesterday they extended the wise to about double che camp area. Makes de flace look more like freedom. Mont of the Agts settled into aks Hut originally arrigned to them signalles OHlmeyes took (knoch service last Sunday morning. His lessen Deliverance was very assrosni & has been asked to take sevvice each sunday as we have no tadre attacked. Yesterday wasi day off for m Wrlithing a Tring souclice for che diss elers birthday last Frrday My thoughts were more at home that day than ever. Bless his little being change infirms us that casually list has been announcy in Austratia. Why it should
soco take so cong belts merea way it will be a p suiddiee relief to peofle at home but they will wonder what ow condition is after 7 monchs. I wonder if the was will see another anniversary. That it wont and be our way is our natural chought. The Syoner times ahis week (wasns all wireless listene Cowners) to have sets adjusted for now receift of shot wase thy at this stage? Australia House has been moved thiee chis week. Now on a commanding hilt forition at Hlurswoks. they talk of Interfeenes in A.1t. this crowd also have much of the same. &. The house was shilled twiet in 3 days. Its Rumowed therr we Redfror comforts at Change forus. The Chinere tell es de food position is not too good. Low wager and high forces. shoine Hill looks the past. Roud ruoface as complet and seedle exected. Many newly assembled chasars in Jark at Retermatory Road. Tif evidently soting out his lyfes. At works obs have been very easy except Hurries who bashed about & men this week. Activities aound locality quite normal. sothing out of ordinary suffered. Varole Safes & Change Incident
elt 9 Redletter day for us. Recived Rederas ssue of 1 B of Jung 16 aweets. Sout & Mealy ftons went to ooktouse. Ousfirst real contact with our own peoples organisation , hing sonlys, it tn o Barrack Awar miges a of Sept. Bt Parole sigres. muderd shifted quarters again. All ons B7r. now i Ihuts. Readjustment of Coob Louses o menses e Duving week showe was opened. Boitish also had a service on Shoine Will. Japaness evecled a large Crors for ony faller. Work nornal. a linger as it a seft 30 Sest Dunday 8 loy bent th at pocket Jan Oblineges conducts & Lwoet sevvie lack Sunday morning also a Bibly Clars Tures + Friday nights. Puttend cheae for lecon more in trouble of the facts of the Bible w He dave fitted set ness so that we have a lounge besides eating tabler
MSSI poss so suiddiys as eue Ay -INTISOSWI Yomnies (500 odd) meved in a fortnight ago. bey have fisted their came uf very well with Blowersete. Every night we have t Merscrowdes This week we held a surzs, sing sings, & last night a sfelling bee Electore light now atrongh. out our Kithers & Huts. Wired fittings by cowtery of oh & our noble remevers, Todlay, Bng Intes national Cricket Match against Tommies. Relmilt my bed. Friday, Beason Bugs. Red Cross food issue excellent Hose they can get more of it it weare to be here much linger as it is full of Situmins such things we need badly. Oe lis fresent I have not had any complaits due to food deficiency some camp have suffered from Ben Beri tepass out fureares helf a lot Lort trucket by several wickets. Tot in trouble with Indlian guard over ball being outride wire and I getting through were

Sub Park at this stage split in to differant parties. 
Thoughts often of home. Wish we knew whether word is home  
or not. Nothing to be gained by worrying but at times  
we can't help thinking deeply of the position 

Friday Aug 14th 
Last night per return truck from Changi my shaving  
& toilet outfit + 2 wallets arrived. No doubt one does not know  
what joy is in store even in these times. Wallets have  
photoes of home in them. VX43942 SSgt Wheelan 2/10 Field Coy  
was finder. After expressed wish to secure outfit as it is a  
present from my beloved wife.  
Jack Gilding in Changi detention barracks for allegedly allowing  
men to sleep whilst on job. Sunday a free day. Lets hope it  
is to be a regular occurrance. Slightly injured my right hand  
someone dropped a 12ft length of 6x2 and I stopped it on my  
chest & hand turning back fingers. Much improved now.  
Added to my clothing by 1 pair of shorts. Departing member  
dumped them in account of a tear. No wonder these chaps  
get short of clothing. One pair of my shorts absolutely worn through  
but tairs tears can be patched. Fortunate in that a minimum  
of clothing does all weathers. Work varies from road


cutting at Fords, carting gravel and scrap when on the list 
Concreting. In general - contracting. 
Large Indian demonstration last Wednesday. Flags flying 
alongside Japanese. Indian troop marching. Something 
to do with Independance of India; (Perhaps) Many times 
we see evidence of British supporters on Native side. The thumbs  
up, a salute, a smile and a nod etc. When it turns Im 
sure there will be much genuine rejoycing. Land being cleared 
everywhere for blocks for tenants. Much vegetable growing 
being done. Food is dear and scarce as all tinned foods 
with the exception of some sardines are English & USA. 
Unless Japan has canning industries the country will 
need to produce its own food. Meat is all Australian chilled 
beef. Not many cattle in the country and pork isn't on a  
large controlled scale. Meat prices very high - what is available  
Syoan Times admits offensive on Americas part but says all 
attempts abortive. At least the offensive is admitted. 

Sunday 23rd 
More news in papers of heavy losses by allies in 
Pacific also failure of invasion of continent. Naturally 
Axis viewpoint so we wait a while and see how 
time irons out these reports.


Sunday Aug 23rd 
Work very easy. Understand why A Coy (we are B Coy) were 
not keen to exchange jobs and ours is nothing to what 
it was. Heavy lifting and scrap finished. JAPanese have  
settled down at Ford works to a steady job of overhauling  
equipment, trucks, cars etc and assembling new vehicles.  
For 1st time was in the Ford Buildings. Saw "Capitulation Room" 
This room is where terms were arranged. All seats are named 
according to who occupied them. shrine road nearing 
completion and Shrine itself being erected. At Jahore Bahru 
there is a huge map set in a garden showing positions 
of attacking forces and particulars of who led them etc. 
I think Shrines & memorials are being erected at all 
points at which something important happened such as 
heavy fighting, landings etc. Many small "Posts" where 
I take it Officers & NCOs fell. 
A.I.F. & ENGLISH have cemeteries at Changi. There is also 
a combined cemetery on Reformatory Road. Unfortunately 
the majority of our dead will be in unknown graves  
as we moved back all the time and no chance would 
be available to give them a respectfull internment. 
Last Sunday Sgts beat Offices at cricket. 
Read book called "All this & Heaven too" by Rachel Field


An excellant book and everyone who reads it gives it the same 
report. "Nankin Road" by Vicki Baum another good 
book. Am at present reading "The Life of a Regiment"  
The Gordon Highlanders VOL 1. Good books are a blessing. 

Sunday Sept 6th 
Last week end B Coy shifted across road to A Coy Huts. 
Tommies have been in this week rebuilding our old  
huts & erecting conveniences/showers (Houses etc) 
to accomodate 400 men. Yesterday they extended  
the wire to about double the camp area. Makes 
the place look more like freedom. Most of the Sgts 
settled into the Hut originally assigned to them. 
Signaller OHlmeyer took Church services last Sunday 
morning. His lesson "Deliverance' was very appropriate. 
He has been asked to take services each Sunday 
as we have no Padre attached. Yesterday was a 
day off for us. Wrestling & firing practice for the Nips. 
Peters birthday last Friday. My thoughts were  
more at home that day than ever. Bless his little  
being. Changi informs us that casualty list has 
been announced in Australia. Why it should


take so long beats me. In a way it will be a 
relief to people at home but they will wonder what 
our condition is after 7 months. I wonder if the war 
will see another anniversary. That it won't and 
"be our way" is our natural thought. The Syonan  
Times this week warns all wireless listener (owners) 
to have sets adjusted for non - receipt of "short-wave" 
Why at this stage? "Australia House" has been moved 
twice this week. Now on a commanding hill position 
at Glass works. They talk of "Interference" in A.I.F. this 
crowd also have much of the same ."F." The house 
was shifted twice in 2 days. Its Rumored there are Red Cross 
comforts at Changi for us. The Chinese tell us the food 
position is not too good. Low wages and high prices. 
Shrine Hill looks the part. Road surface is complete 
and "Needle" erected. Many newly assembled chassis in 
Park at Reformatory Road. Nip. evidently sorting out his 
types. At work jobs have been very easy except "Hurries" 
who bashed about 8 men this week. Activities around 
locality quite normal. Nothing out of ordinary 
happened Parole Papers & Changi Incident


Sept. 9th 
Red letter day for us. Received Red Cross issue of 
1 LB of jam & 16 sweets. Soup & Mealy flour went to 
cook house. Our first real contact with our own 
peoples organization. 

Sept. 20 13th Parole signed. Barrack square incident 
shifted quarters again. All our BTN. now in  
2 huts. Readjustment of cook houses & messes. 
During week Shrine was opened. British also 
had a service on Shrine Hill. Japanese erected 
a large Cross for our fallen. Work normal. 

Sept. 20th 
Last Sunday B Coy beat Sgts at cricket. 
Jim Ohlmeyer conducts Church service each 
Sunday morning also a Bible Class Tues. & 
Friday nights. I attend these to learn more 
of the facts of the Bible. 
We have fitted Sgts mess so that we have  
a lounge besides eating tables


Tommies (500 odd) moved in a fortnight ago; 
they have fitted their camp up very well with 
Showers etc. Every night we have the Mess crowded 
This week we held a Quizz, sing songs, & last 
night a spelling Bee. Electric light now through- 
out our Kitchens & Huts. Wired fittings by courtesy 
of Nip & our noble removers. Today Big Inter- 
national Cricket Match against Tommies. 
Rebuilt my bed Friday. Reason "Bugs". Red Cross 
food issue excellant. Hope they can get more 
of it if we are to be here much longer as it is 
full of Vitamins. Such things we need badly. Up till 
present I have not had any complaints due to 
food deficiency. Some camps have suffered from 
Beri Beri. Perhaps our purchases help a lot 
Lost cricket by several wickets. Got in trouble 
with Indian guard over ball being outside wire 
and I getting through wire

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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