Fall of Singapore - Letters of Sergeant Jack Warren Corey part 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Fall of Singapore
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Peft 3 Hags broken out at Howes Marts 1200 bn Lust night ons but collessed Proop doof mer to Har facory. Fasson Women virit men folk Fasties to Sirgafers looding stoff ear on Job livers o Malays fight Parrel 1t010 wen 7 Jesteday I nisguntars short u cam 10th Monday Yesterday & Saturday ae went be leving Dat. with ferachety Nor ket ghutted. Pesterday clothings whitebait 30eggs fish & foro shdding ofean Brondys 2 Toto Sirgaforl. Duving week affairs changing rakidly. I ress refeled, Camera oer Wellare worker at etc. campfood terible sufferienting of troops Joss oleaning uf divy 2 Apen 731 sab 16 leave for Seletar; going home buy Catulinn 13. Mary troof already embersed Mamunda & Crikunch soaded Throday met Gven Clarke out here Ar201T 99.1
Seven fatie to go river Combatant in Me warred for move not gaol Expas nt fire neghty like gin fs Officer entetanment Snest & lot night, but garden beading will Pake toilet coaf from Rest ansararce, two brown outs ight Spen in Hop with Malaran Bonthert han M. ae Jich Bayby alsm wth Malaers Assader in detertion fet martbating set. Aookr thas of them Lage being hag who Williams Ooot 37 us lef. Indians now quarlerd in grof Detertion block taken ove alls in ttelen Juty of 1000 adig by. Naxget Comber har enceyeny ofeati fo punsturing of eye by fiees of steel Harold also wa Nespet of Dartehy brought out from Outor Rost fr busiak banteer for whte batt 38 se ths I sattereasob ofRood 3:80: 7 of 4p 89.60 1izar 70Cats 1.14170 Betacton 1309. O 3.6st soads of fist 90ort at Lawn 26 Sette from Mottes 1 13 months si maving into this but Stote (1000 minstent into oda letter for hed Des Jan heut mt hes pomation of Taze Pegar 140 (st Mthss lease Root f4 thataduthall deslifting about teng in tanf Adman, fof Vetten bef free stayes tordghe O Ar. Nroo Paokbrg) Pol Lummer A Ara) Majo Authe land 6 Brubit troop Gaolotrea, Refair bay now a flateen Atmes grant definst t stop peronnet belandes at 35 /4 duly remainder afor I liabl for Varden & Iouile Waston aro of traily yesteray morning to Fam. C.Clai Iate Burham Conbest Tundlay right Ressts of much feeto work by hats Welder do of a ball tobery of llessis baton all leatures stoffect to entertainment altowed £By bem now not fee Mboy owing to hold upon wort ofen has another boat of maturrn leve at care on but I now emult farble mene out specialish standing by again ortake a Holt marded out white bait 31:60 6ncet sheeld dismantled. CI buoner being installed throughout camp Mumpattuing pases from Salany gouss. (lay pifes being woulded. Heavy rains last fer days some nights very Cold. Fardens froducing well 4 39 ore thes afterooo with 5 Lifftings. Aught 30 one bede Joh 8 fe not there we frementh 3 party g0 ts here ferm Deall from Butram Lond let hall being demolished Construction of lofe milt supition by hit tusting offereat. ttay cures of matarie from but Gween flentifut bon garden founsbuy 8 pirt of green from surghs plants Tomataes being tried. Consoler all Kettens to oif brsners Claypls would. Tuaro commits cuveed rg 1esc vrn faot fabety go bu Ore return havg fousled aentered ut of Nalana 5 days Bill Aurith bas a othe ad ofe Lore. Narold just practed treatment 1o Dillen Exlain eacton of watc exchange for fout Concert Hull mantled Begort 10 s feet Tapoca &ons3 atsid callly? augas) 80 white bait I 60 sut alot of excitement the about 4 3o when newr of Japan beng willing to accast tems An g 16t Dveing tart fur tay ons storks hee mien efatle adication with its rews o ferfees. Jop hast given as a fuist of was and not hant carried on as sotme tem no dint or ardication of knowing att about it. Testeday Ats Jo Lust a paraill and You wito addressed them but as yesterbey was also sts 6 monthly celebrubion of ts conqurest of sugufert an an atilfan Aatat as is meaning Aged We ar vitually forg. Foodt in among is ea by tach toush thousant of troop arnr bast on ctange Fuot Retle pustigetrat 8000 stop atout Astand still 130 a cast to t Serlans Jule lont Lafter night trougl axatement Murch shipting of yarter roops in excellont spirt butron Roat chaps tack m217 940
a of te s ip pospray cme C 1 er o prpps tpon t t t penppieo mwlpe the chapent t f 17:6 he p gose Joury px 706 of Commun onr pry no e spp p to c H p p 7 24 ind sery of punae p fr pt moy hep n no my nby g W pope p so p 7 of treperson tng inpp ppixeg fer Af t sr. Ians fcompt, Ideas /9 at te 19th Everybodg out on rolt ault from 13 or till 0045 tendfiat down by man found next momen Eer Hole Eegarsed bestright 3 i 31st Merletoassufflie ahenss entes go to lingafor fee folm with 2r May cases of foat porsoning in Faslareca (10 lad wiett & 4yday S Reseron clotting irsu. Mere nifslie sof lanes lately French being day on 3d ad of Can. Heve pichest c to matal Bayon ng well also sfinach td etter lyreftenbe etter eft onverter borles to ou busire 4 poisee still bas vrders I ncared thought gain destofy foundrs, Belt being areated yeares of Matana Reidy of ne ratien brought by weight issue insliad of bag issue. Begalas of Redorers. Irew tule of Hhaving crlam s Rege that Yen Leviry quite a bout with his stomach Maywol at lat werting of flag Heold te Meluan Blee ard Ts 10 days, sat f Pfeety in week Manl coartes on dog tating of aters in 5 ateetft pstinces breaks down. Sonverting seing machines get fesoil tonch. Bronelbert Traile M7 Milaris Jolly comesout ou a Clink tomoron Cocount &3. Blackang 20 C142 to to Jolley did n t come out Inat C pleasure to fuet ort Lany Jach makes present off af Root ots in bet storl Receive cake of FennH roy from feet cers (amall mecaes). Maixt with drawn biet owing to excessi fellaga cases. I Certly frnished hust week but west orccalled fir cans sech Bo dasl off Anday tonded with fio Jo 2 Day offert sight fere two fates acont from Sanator, Andilion avout same as as. Iwo alaon atyseck. Renenle Jue sd Dncend, droffed levt week Aefore bured dismorning Distaight firt Auto lask ceremony at change
Luron 9ua. 1 0 9 (B CHANG1-TAIL
Hart of Attab construction. That is the fronds of fabe HOME -INERST COURTYRP.- used bey shalls aftrerng ore rough thle limbfares. Oule Walf June Wall LRUND pAN PAN IREES Wn ir e11 This is aft 6 X0 where speaa I had a garcder for gment Mitter & markes posilier of
Jun 1st 45 Setshop! Telt i since I masday. Think Ian be- cloping fellow Juundies. Food has no attraction Sitchen cooks N. 70 cakes for 138. One cook went to Fins House yesterday to cook tort fet Ten & 10 Men dies from effects of falf from Colone/ Frll (o o Pounds. Anothes caught in Relaring Arca seerel nights ago Tohen to O R Runes of He I evess slip (again 15H issure b aguss furt mas Jan 13th Have, Junnaties possely. Allied slenes ever 8th 10th 1th. Jestioday planes wefe about 1s to Comberry largets Te at Base & Lingafort. Bombes 2 fighters down. Punes ofent very high De 1gth. povrent alarm dosfines alored af Frested of 10 hute note affeerty comen made contat with a thiners for prpere of changing this shirere caught with written note from concerved ashed to come frovired in formers of as retimn to be taken against him. To fas no me owned up. srime excaper but is reforted captured. Iit known at pesent therty of Jam, poleto s Bundl coming in Grert fist again on il. Jaundirs passny off. Devit boxes in 189tofs Bomber came into drome Affacently a lot of lraving goving on Jan 85th Black out went at 0300 thes mooning. Pown out at 2330 my l ofis not I mounted Mbrs for Your, bu Clorg. Then movennt count wall carrved of being cartions of being petted of Paptat 7hentor in Bing Wown of Reptey death Rolf 130. Inlesday s & wen taken back to Ontram bo 300 Hog easer some in from falley Rop. Camp Report of 3000 from Blught embarking to days Inquiry into Canteen Jurchares, for last settenths Cunf has asent from 10, to 100 Lowsand doltard mer than Carf incomt bougly 148,300 Wmonth Jet. sd. Jaundtie Gnl. Reconn planes been cold that day es 20. This morning raiding flands were wes fer about yo me Fomations of 3,777 20 Countes affore 85 a b sebetas affere to be objecties, Iies crastes at Frome Havold o Warren go to praye. I heve I ned days off due to Beri ger i legs. Yfers legs tho swollen budly. Buy Yougay N $ 9.60. attended prformance of Tonight at 8300 Those plays by Ao Cowered. Being a Command seservance cnt othes items were introduced for general entertainment. Harold goer to krange also Warrens Ps Pla stasts new Ratn scheme 34906 103306 VO506. Alf thes commodhes sges Woodntig 144 fronding Recy flanss cve Iwice this week fighles heve been in opention against there sted woth last Wed Pwoller leg's went stown to nomal after found is passed. I ngoy fobally felf.S. Apen on sich list axeled mn Rey plans eve his morning Men cint service A23 to dof Resort from Camp Commandent on foribin on Bergapsr. Cvrlians an defficull strcitis ant footh full alforis nobtand clordking almost aattainable Eel. 15t to Rey pacr ove very high do afis it pnce litely dw. 90 places eve this morning Differal devidion of effoench this hions From aeskingasse, atruight over change Tomatins of 10 sundes ient Smith in hospital operation con Tertes. A Weeder out from Orcbas s Ro 152 brought into fil deedfr m s cont. Conditions bad there aty of 60 go lo Dingafisl Inticahn of petoel restoritions, Ixetenmat damage by Raid. To downs (4) completely guitted Alex burned out twyfowr HE rearly all incenclaries 37 Aur tyle of thm matored bomber makes an afferance. Very slelk & well woed. Rea planes oner pouctically every day. Our gooden flot produces again in catefillar in is cofe Move ground being gardered in one swell evem besoting to tin fis extensions Nberch 1t. Armo about 40 planes raided NaralGere (oyung) & BoneVirte Einjuses in Hospital area by extlasisl bullets. seveal fighters in acien. One plummeted down 2 in verysteef dies fir rattes a lontind before going out of ou right. Canter e corg s 7 Bladan 55 sou &
b a f e he tes f t pn thil ts e t po t e tea tee oes seve t l o in trouble over Ante t actiens. I aie trough the years a Blt aleams poviluction enjoying snrcersful re. Lirs goets in $30 for fflying t B patients with milk,1000 cares of coild 1e9. in C8D pese Ration afferently. To on duty in fawes again arch st artees been in to St Andrews sergn ingesules 746/38 about lamp Right previt. Filling oflissues on by nt ter Sheet sath concert all eown bade 1 Balstong rese 1thration seal as from cay 40375 1035 N180 Endeavers to be made to sufflement reduction with Mon: C. D. Seg. far iclarly root, trown out today (uly oe this week o oncert farty gives part of frogam before 1712 today unigul day in 100 pens 12-3ed officers for censiring His Rand oed this morning, satands furher say they saw planes. Much rain lately. Hights verycool. feture house desige er of Prisone I planes crust at drom as.8FMs as& 21s sendcard fome. At last know nome of our curf 20.12. 38 Malai Turyo shays sho N03. Regyflare es His morning. first 22 since 12th Tomorow o game of mae refaces 506 of Riclarty return from DiGufers (9 after sorting Reet crors 8.8.R peasy rains lately Bane rackes Talk by afsollely in Tubs. Carfinffecion by 1500, no tumle ab 22 asty of 300 left is morning fo o Brle entr ter f uscountry. May loe sagd in 19erso of Leneral Canf adjestmnents repregution of Heary Ouler, s0 in taty of 2 r of crane Huncoe 88.SFMS Razor $30. th togafter in cam getting fistent rend to ous feofle 20/12.38 bea slaves oner genlalyagan Talf by Hill kegen Ias tosdnes being install 2 again sese L. Ppast t of at. [aThusday) Mar. o mines find in 203 apt. O tanks on tu tn at Noles. please of fil thand neft. Broneiny for we y ts patient retur from Hangi 300 English camped at Hrunge porking of Mundan) Arothe faly left chis ing fo singufore to conplonit owen camps Fartes hus Large ver we had isme of sed cors ibrough ertendent, Goneral Cnon Chans auffhied 22 men fs trailes farly endnen to fariet Marday Refein (of Sinsaporo being in gaol. A 23 OEC 183S testeday s touh doass of Redoons sufphis were brought in Tates & dows closed whilst being unloseled a Chundoy) we get another revoe at rut of sparcet to 20 men- Mee farties go to Dingafere. All orguised incelled verson small ration s call not sufficiall fis needless experditivos of energyg. deddjustiment 20 4 N0 an Manday Caused by excssive ony of NO retured from Hrangi Commanihint thretus in to close canteen or pccount of loading. He extend gorden Hamilton fasty retuon. Anothe 3.4100 go to sigafors to work. Red versortions ufended. a Red Cros oation or again, Dunday night we aere out for check faonds at midnight. Rery plae ever occassimally. J. folly landcuffed and in dotention at Commondants pleasure. Tes pochuces op oulig a highlig stant. Simblers & 805 reflacing fit wen in car jots whee possible. Af drith- aoellery dier from ingures received duing His and pt ctargi curually). Aptem of observation of (H & Rationa AMDOITGHG

Sept 3
Flags broken out at Tower Masts. 1200 hrs
Last night our hut collapsed.
Troops drop in
We move to Nail factory.
Eurasian women visit men folk
Parties to Singapore loading
staff cars on job
Chinese & Malays fight
Parcels 1 to 10 men
Sunday Yesterday 2 misquitoes shoot 
up camp. 
10th Monday. Yesterday & Saturday we went bartering Sat. with parachute.  Market
glutted. Yesterday clothing & whitebait 30 eggs fish & fowl. Midday Open Broady & I
go to Singapore. During week affairs changing rapidly. Press reporters, Camera men
Welfare workers etc etc. Camp food terrible- supplementing of troops. Japs cleaning up Sing
12th Sfen  & 21 Sub Pk leave for Seletar: going home by Catalina.
15th   Many troops already embarked Manunda & [[Grikandi?]] loaded.
Thursday met Gwen Clarke out here 
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15th Several parties to go away. Combatants in Med.
area warned for move unit in gaol. Explosions during
last few nights like gun fire. Officers entertainment
reopened Wed night. Our garden bearing well. Cake
of toilet soap from Red cross issue. Two brown outs
during fortnight.
25th Sfen in Hosp. with Malaria. Broadbent has MT again
Dick Bayby also in with Malaria. A warder in detention for 
mutilating Lib. Books. Hear of Plum Gaze being home also
Williams Ord. 27th Wshop. Indians now quartered in
gaol. Detention block takes over cells in Kitchen. Party of 1000
standing by. Nugget Coombes has emergency operation for
puncturing of eye by piece of steel. Harold also in Hospital.
Dutchy brought out from Outram Road for burial. Canteen prices
white bait $28 per lb. 4 Molluscs $16, Tap Rood 3.80. 4 of Chips
$9.60 Cigars 70 Cents [[Piddi?]] 1 oz 10 Belachan 1.20 oz. Oil 2.30 pt
Loads of fish go out at dawn
26th Letter from Mother
July 2nd 12 months since moving into this hut 
2 Parties (1000)& moved out into No 2 Camp. 
3rd 2 letters from home Dec. & Jan. Lieut Small has 
confirmation of Gaze. Cigars 1.40 (stalks & leaves) Root $4 
Repair Coy still intact with all the shifting about 
9th. Change in Camp Admin. Col Dillon Rep Officer Major Bridghurst
OC Aus. Troops (Gaol Area) Col. Summers (Med Area) Major 
Sutherland OC (British troops Gaol Area), Repair Coy now a platoon 
as Admin group defunct. WShop personnel balances at 25 for 
WS. duty remainder stand liable for Gardens & Trailer. 
Went in wood trailer yesterday morning to Farm. C. Claim 
Imla Bukam bombed Sunday night. Reports of much field 
work by hosts.  Welders drop a ball.  Policy of Repair Section. 
All lectures stopped.  No entertainments allowed.
21st T.P. & Gdns now not for R Coy owing to holdups in work 
Sfen has another bout of malaria. Several cases in hut. 
2 more small parties move out.  Specialists standing by again. 
Renlake & Holt marched out. White bait 33.60. Concert theatre  
being dismantled. Oil burners being installed throughout camp 
Manufacturing paper from Lalang grass.  Clay pipes being 
moulded.  Heavy rains last few days.  some nights very  
cold.  Gardens producing well 
25th  4  29o over this afternoon with 5  Lightnings.  
August 2nd  P 38o over today.  Take 0s for ride.  These wer frequently 
P party go to Johore (farm). Death from Outram Road. 
Concert Hall being demolished.  Construction of Paper mill 
Inspection by high ranking official.  Many cases of malaria from hut. 
Greens plentiful.  Own garden flourishing.  2½ pints of green from 
single plants.  Tomatoes being tried.  Converting all kitchens to oil 
burners.  Clay pipe moulds.  Guard commits suicide. 
Aug 10th Several Outram Gaol patients go back. 
One returns having finished sentence 
Sfen in & out of Malaria 5 days.  Bill Smith has another 
dose.  Harold just finished treatment.  Col Dillon explains. 
position of watch exchange for food.  Concert Hall 
dismantled.  Buy oil $10 per pint. Tapioca flour $15 
Outside salt $45 sugar $80 white bait $60 
Aug 11th Quite a lot of excitement this morning from 
about 4-30 when news of Japan being willing to accept 
Aug 16th. During last few days our stocks have risen & fallen 
with the news & [[furfers?]].  Japs have given us no indication 
of finish of war and we have carried on as normal giving 
them no hint or indication of knowing all about it. 
Yesterday the Js. had a parade and Gen Sito addressed 
them,- but as yesterday was also its 6 monthly celebration 
of the conquest of Singapore we are still in the dark as 
to its meaning.
Aug 21st We are virtually free. Food is arriving in camp by truck loads 
Thousands of troops arrive back in Changi Gaol Kitchen feeding about 8000 
shops almost at stand still.  IJA a sad lot.  Koreans jubilant 
Sleepless nights through excitement. Much shifting of quarters 
Troops in excellent spirit Outram Road chaps back. 
AWM2017. 949.1 


22nd Issue of clothing and boots (Jap).  N of planes take us down (new type) 
4th [[Res]] death this morning 
23 Attended funeral 
25 Our Bugle calls commenced today 
Quite a number of hospital admissions with stomach troubles. 
Fresh beef and fish on ration, soya paste on issue.  Lorry load 
of cigs arrived.  Issuing boots all round.  Japs have poured 
in clothing even to great coats & battle dress. Formation 
of Nip planes over gaol low last evening probably last we 
will see in air.  Crowds move in and out of areas [[forming]] 
Impromptu concerts.  Units reorganizing and holding parade. 
28 men caught outside wire (Exchanging clothes for poultry). 
Swimming parades to commence. [[fatavy?]] marked 1°W 
for reception of parachute dropped supplies [[?G Rats?]] 
reports  Many Dutch in camp (disliked for filthy habits) 
Sept 1st  Two days ago 2 Majors Med, 2 LTS combat and 2 M ORD  
dropped on Changi Airfield at dawn. Since then several 
planes have been dropping in supplies, comforts etc. 
Yesterday I watched these operations from kitchen roof when 
3 planes dropped 40 chutes. Lot in evening yesterday 
2 Corporals dropped in with transmitters. Wireless 
news broadcasts direct last night to troops. Medley 
of bugle calls.  Civy trucks now bringing in supplies. 
April 18th Issue of comforts. I draw up a [ ] Blade
19th Everybody out on roll call from 22.45 till 0045
Missing man found next morning head first down
bore Hole. 
21st Med Red Cross supplies come in. Cig issue last night 5 
Wilkens & Renshaw go to Singapore for film work. 
24th Many cases of food poisoning in Gaol area (2000)
last night & today. 
 26th Red Cross clothing issue. More supplies arrive. No 
signs of planes over lately.  Trench being dug in 
Sth. side of camp.  Have picked several tomatoes.  [[ Banyon?]] 
bearing well also spinach 
April 30 Letter  July & September
May 2nd Letter Sept. Converting boilers to oil burning 
Food poisoning still has victims Ive recovered. Thought 
I was again developing jaundice. Bell being erected 
Many cases of Malaria.  Readj. of rice ration brought 
about by weight issue instead of bag issue.  Regular 
issue of Red cross.  Drew tube of shaving cream & Razor blade 
Sfen having quite a bout with his stomach 
May 10th At last. Washing of flag. Harold has Malaria 
Stee and Ts 10 days. Part of P party moved to 
[[?]] [[?]] of planes [[?]] plane. Many 
crashes on drome.  Cooking of [[stews?]] in 5 steel pots 
Mincer breaks down.  Converting sewing machines 
to power.  Trailer rigged for oil truck.  Broadbent 
in Hosp. again with MT Malaria.  Jolly comes out 
of Clink tomorrow.  Coconuts $3. Blachang 70c CPdr 90c 
Soap $1.30 & 2.30 
May 22nd Jolley didn't come out.  I am at CO pleasure 
Boilers on fuel oil.  Long Jack makes present of Tap Root. 
Oil in Kit store.  Receive cake of Fenns N, soap from 
Red Cross (small mercies).  Maize withdrawn from 
diet owing to excessive pellagra cases.  Drome 
Party finished last week but were recalled for another 
week.  Bo dash off Monday loaded with fish 
June 2nd Day off with slight fever.  Two parties arrived from 
Somatra. Condition about same as us.  Two alarms 
this week.  Remembered June 1st. Incend. dropped on 
drome last week. 
June 7th McLaren buried this morning. Died night 
of 5th. First [[Rublack]] ceremony at Changi


AWM2017. 949.1


Hut of Attab construction. That is the fronds of palms 
used for thatching & wall covering over rough tree limb frames.

Outer Wall
Inner Wall

Dividing wall 

This is spot  
where Sfen & I had  
a garden for 9 months.

X marks position of my bed for 12 months. 
O marks Sfen Millers. 


Jan 1st 45
Lets hope! Felt ill since Xmas Day. Think I am developing Yellow Jaundice. Food has no attraction
Kitchen cooks N.Y.D. cakes for 1JA. One cook went to Gens House yesterday to cook pork for Gen. & Co.
Man dies from effects of fall from coconut tree (O O Bounds). Another caught in Selarang Area several nights ago taken to O. Rd.
Rumors of Red Cross ship (again) 1JA issue 6 cigars for Xmas.
Jan 12th Have Jaundice properly. Allied planes over 8th. 10th 11th. Yesterday planes over for about 1½ hrs bombing targets.
Naval Base & Singapore. 1 Bomber 2 fighters down. Planes operate very high.
Jan 19th. Brown out alarm. No planes showed up. Incident of 1000 Guilder note.  Apparently someone made contact with a Chinese 
for purpose of changing this. Chinese caught with written note. Person concerned asked to come forward on promise of no action 
to be taken against him. So far no one owned up.  Prisoner escapes but is reported captured. Fate unknown at present.
Plenty of Jam, potato & Brindle coming in. "Fresh?" fish again on issue. Jaundice passing off. Devil boxes in IJA shopS.
Bombers came into drome. Apparently a lot of training going on.
Jan 25th. Black out went at 0300 this morning. Brown out at 2330 on night of 22nd. I mounted MG's on Tower building. Their movements 
around wall savoured of being cautious of being fitted up. Capital Theatre in Sing. blown up. Reported death Roll 150. Yesterday 18 men 
taken back to Outram Rd. 200 Hosp cases came in from Valley Rd Camp. Report of 3000 from Valley Rd embarking today.
Enquiry into Canteen purchases. For last 3 months Camp has spent from 60, to 100 thousand dollars more than Camp income (roughly 140,000
per month)
Feb 1st. Jaundice gone. Reconn planes been over last day or so. This morning raiding planes were over for about 70 mins
Formations of 3, 7, 11, 17 20. Counted approx 83. Naval base & Seletar appeared to be objective. Trainer crashes at Drome.
Harold & Warren go to Kranji. I have 7 more days off due to Beri Beri in legs. Sfen's legs also swollen badly.
Buy Towgay at $ 9.60. Attended performance of "Tonight at 8:30" Three plays by Noel Coward. Being a Command performance
several other items were introduced for general entertainment. Harold goes to Kranji also Warren.
Feb 11th. Today starts new Ration scheme. HD 490G LO300G ND & HOSP 250G. All other commodities sugar
tea, salt, etc, cut 1/3rd. Wood ration cut.  
Canteen prices rising. Coconuts $2. Cigars 9[[Kasonable??]] 40c 20c
Recy planes over Twice this week fighters have been in operation against them. Started work last Wed. 
Swollen legs went down to normal after Jaundice passed. Towgay probably helped. Sfen on sick list 
(suspected mumps). Recy plane over this morning. Memorial Services AASC today. 
Report from Camp Commandant on position in Singapore. Civilians in difficult straits with food & fuel. All prices 
exorbitant. Clothing almost unattainable. 
Feb 15th 6 Recy planes over very high. No AA fire at planes lately. 
24th 90 planes over this morning. Different directions of approach this time. From over Singapore straight over 
Changi. Formations of 10 & under. Lieut Smith in hospital - Operation on Testes. A Weeder out from Orchard Rd 
15 D brought into Hospital. 4 dead so far, all in bad way. From island dry dock const. Conditions bad there. 
Party of 60 go to Singapore. Indications of petrol restrictions. Extensive damage by Raid. Go downs (4) 
completely gutted. Alex burned out. Very few HE nearly all incendaries. 
27th New type of twin motored bomber makes an appearance. Very sleek & well armed. Recy planes over 
practically every day. Our garden plot produces again: no caterpillar in this crop. More ground 
being gardened in our small area. Resorting to tins for extensions. 
March 1st.. Around about 40 planes raided Naval Base (Lojung?) & Bona Vista. 5 injured in Hospital 
area by explosive bullets. Several fighters in action. One plummeted down 2 in very steep dives for rather 
a long time before going out of our sight. Canteen prices soaring Curry Pdr 77c Blachan 55 Soup 80 ech


March 5th. Official notice of white cross ship being POW expected to receive share about Xmas 
several Gds in trouble over Anti J. actions. "Music through the years" a Bill Williams production 
enjoying successful run. Live goats in CSD for supplying TB patients with milk; 1000 cases of dried 
veg in CSD Reserve Ration apparently. Js. on duty in tower again. 
March 5th Parties been in to St Andrews Serangoon Rd. Handling Red Cross supplies [[?]] 
saw Mjr Naird about lump in Right Breast (Filling of tissues only) 
[Minute Paper No. 746/38] 
March 8th. Concert Hall closed down by order IJA. Bad thoughts: reason. 
10th. New ration scale as from today H.D. 275 Grammes (Rice) LO225 ND180. Endeavors to be made to 
supplement reduction with [Hon: C. S.] Veg. particularly root. Brown out today (only one this week) 
12th. Today unique day in 100 years 12-3-45  Concert party gives part of program before IJA 
officers for censoring. Air Raid red. this morning.  Outside parties say they saw planes. 
Much rain lately. Nights very cool. Lecture on house designing. 2 planes crash 
at drome.  
[stamp: Inspector of Prisons. 
S.S. & F.M.S.] 
March 21st Send card home. At last know name of our camp. 
Malai Furyo shuyo sho No. 5. Recy plane over when morning. First since 12th ...Tomorrow. 
50 grammes of maize replaces 50 G of Rice. Party returns from Singapore (19th) after sorting Red Cross. 
Heavy rains lately. Razor racket. Talk by C Cafrollito on Subs. Camp inspection by IJA, MO. 
27th party of 300 left this morning for To J.B. rumoured they entrain there for up country. Many stories 
of General Camp adjustments; segregation of Heavy Duties, 100 on. Party of 12 go to Singapore on Red Cross job. 
[ entered over text 
To [[hole - 1st]] 
O.h. Hancock *Signature
Inspector of Prisons. *Stamp
S.S. & F.M.S. *Stamp
20 . 12 . 38 
J of P 
Noted please 
E Cumpf 
Superintendent, *stamp
Convict Prison- Changi, *stamp
Singapore. *stamp* 
23 Dec 1938*stamp*] 
Razors $20. Photographer in camp getting pictures to send to our people 
Recy planes over regularly again. Talk by Hill.Regein Gas Producer being installed again. 
[[?damaged image]] raided last week (nights of Wed & Thursday) apparently mines found on Wed 
night.  Oil tanks on [[?]] Bukum set on fire Thursd. night. Burning for over 48 Hrs. 
/400 patients from Hrangi. 700 English camped at Hrangi. (working at Mandai).  Another party left this 
morning for Singapore to construct own camp. Easter Sunday we had issue of Red Cross through 
kitchen. 22 men to 1 parcel. Monday Repair Coy supplied 25 men for trailer partly 
since being in gaol. 2. 
7th. Yesterday 5 truck loads of Red Cross supplies were brought in. Gates & doors closed whilst being unloaded 
Tomorrow (Sunday) we get another serve at rate of 1 parcel to 20 men. More parties go to Singapore. All organised 
sport cancelled reason Small ration scale not sufficient for needless expenditure of energy. Readjustment  
of HO LD & ND on Monday. Caused by excessive no of NDs returned from Krangi. Commandant threatans
again to close canteen on account of trading. We extend garden
15th Hamilton party return.  Another 3-400 go to Singapore to work. Red Cross rations suspended.
Tues 17th Red Cross rations on again. Sunday night we were out for check parade at midnight. Recy planes
over occasionally. J. Jolly handcuffed and in detention at Commandant's pleasure. Gas producer operating 
on lightning plant. Limbless & PUBs replacing fit men in camp jobs when possible.  Sgt Smith-Artillery
dies from injuries received during Air Raid (1st Changi casualty). System of observation of CH & Rations 
AWM 2017.949.1

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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