Fall of Singapore - papers of Sergeant Jack Warren Corey part 3

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Fall of Singapore
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Waire Hone FIRST. ralue tous ar Junt 9tto 23th Duving this period given including of Tict retored to change is medically unfit. Amuth in abad way with perfected Feversay sentry. I ther 8 wer spynt men Celdely Working and very bad d to cutting ut of ground Mary colds amongst men. Book pisition serious as no replacements souitable. worh well froward, and less carrying to be done. Ladye sich farade. tatoor deffeted by cold & deppenting. 33 Reinforements comed from change Cmen farmg flatoon should self. with money an arlable to proctire bisents forits wet noter Cigaretter s tobacco Hiffer go names reflacing English names on street rign's business houses, buses etc 3 ourn louds of Englishtoops on way worh wecan sel touin from Job. Civilians making Veq. gardens. on every available area. Dearerly of Rugal, Rice gflont wo willk ttimeo) very little salt. propising on how
WRITE HOME FIRST few conmodities we can get aloves on alchough lacts of cotarning must have some affect. Io b bd him Baturday July4th lansder te a a tent late e t e f a lo montly having combat practice. At Charge we could all them downg Aenid Vaget Firnly, Hars on the sol its mort fight for towr: Hlerty of bombers about Wewe close to the Pivilian istat ana see plenty of aid activity Sevre flying boats also oferating. Early in ant captivily we saw plenty of savul activrity in the straits. W wanhip in one effet and often 8 10. o so warshif mavine in a out. Severat large merchant convoys also How we see the aut side. Afart from the usuat amount of troops about notmucth compivement. Hbout 3 yen taks faveded alon dysa Change Rot. occarrinally Vowed several criffled anmosed wehiler to Ansin Ret. gafor duing last few days, ity getting cleased up gradually. Aatives on drans, cutting youss & brish Buildings being refainted. In fact N iffor is
doing a good job with his rebuilding. At last we have been able to send home a lard Lerp brief but it is something fuly o) buving to addition of 24 or not Byhnow astable to fell some every few days. Henfout tirie to Brn inta ouhi farty trete on own crowd. Betles devil you know char one youden't our scoup as being cooled, to this place as well so many wehicles about that I chik ahy as mee intent on hiding the seraf chan aggthing else at present; pesenat bootmaken on gob ming tyres fapoes. Heneter most bost trouble, several black out toials been on last we lasted over sweek Bryesss Oldr retured to change injused (ply v) Saturday July 17th Aenday c looked like nearly finiting or Job n Holiday on Tuesday & boy day 39aags his time. We: we staled at Hume wwho fod wohs slifting peraf & good sert to the whares. About 8 ship in louding & inconding Froof, embasking Rice coming off Yesterday Vnday toof divemberh at Crey young)
sed was evidently a line His Force doy as 48 bonber 21 fighters flee about in formation duving fast of che moning Hheu alen monre of King efor dying fat ewe teir eves saw of it. vetensed Aep Dik puctial whitet in dingosiss but day wt hot? Our food for men 30 fas hus been quite good othing like our old ratin, but we don't starve by a lang stick. Look on rice now as I staffof life Meat fouthin still ox. stew is, the onty way is can be dealt up as quantity aaull fest night fis tirst timg fo about 53 weeks pot tyts hail a fices of steak alfarate Only small beut what a change. Ore has to learn to chew again. Abont on our 430a wrst b this meat of ricl Can you imagent it. Te y slyng boats about pain. Also vaw larg neugneth lad i sand flave a coufle of days ago. He hear news occassionally and its not all good so trut it g longalso get Byonan inkes occussioally, naturally thes Givls gefanee ind. I think its claims at fioly araonte bee quite a nanely of finenth go fart fary cemitly about Ia mill away. Muc different from ours. They have mum dance, make fleaty of nore, Aid in with the eoffein
HHOn Aat July 18th Pred much better week 3 different Jobs. Ad. work at fat vo Hons Building at main Tate & Latien farty Apfarently ralison stips i. Mucd bederors cuptlies coming from &heves. the Balt. Boraf stillgoing to wharves Good mackineny & castings included in scrap Not 30 much an activity. sel hew sights of Dingafor fetting gite famihine whith he city. Another fatty reforted to go in overseur trip lart wek Tirea carring a lot of tronble with maty of the troop. Testicles man trouble. Dr thinks lick of P pobable cause Lack of medical supfher for treatment. organised furchasing enables us no buy foods ete. at frices within ont means. Several injures to troo this week on Bcraf Lundling fob About 300 Inctur & no sevenere prisoners errived from wereas last ondays bys Dulis, Dugas Bubt 10. I aeaffes Pulsdg Jaly 280 gt hast into he Rsl i lo hied Yesterday 150 Bick ancapacitated undeaiables were returned to Charge pyslatoon strengch now sall told. went on Dental parede to Adom Rd. Camp 2days ago. Kenmon with Bill Stiggents, Frank Rerd, Bot Owen, bys sawyers & several other 3SB.A.K. Lately been allenatig
July 8th Tuesday daying dayout. Work about the same shilling Engines Differentials from old job to thinese High Pchoo. Heary Joh took sleeps to West coart Re. Secres of Lears fighting in this region. Subber & indereowth bblasted leavily. Actually affears as battle field. Nowter else had doeen such other than blasted whildings. Aovement of fighting charged ground too fast firmuch mutitation of country. Adam Rd. shows a lot of demaged buildings. Henvy fighting also hest. Ang ttunkelt severely basted duing iast week. Lost u shwll. Buch is shelife of a Pow. Heard last night of several o18 sisters being imfornered in gumatre fechey are treated OH. Als. 180 Himen btought over from dunatoe to change. Possibly same crew as were acapg from Katingth when we arrved devl. Good fort they left behind for us. Able to buy Dutes, sugas Sult 20. I neupples coconnts? Gnables un to get a tartl into the Ricl. Also times fish Cooks do a good you with a little fat & cooking oit. stoncests, 1 Quiss & Irectuves have been held. Michy + tincupple gave talks on Alice string & 7he Frach Crivale cars assearines in Roads. Setrol scarus deas. Iuile a lot of stiffing in & out. Troops in sont & supflies
Arte Ndie Vi s0 OUISOYS OA SSUSISYPYANY -INTASOSNI Tulrday Angn during week where had soffdays My day off or taturdlay General hotiday Dunday & a aoy off due to arreyedestilmons westing of Paps recestating a poliday for ten yesterdoy, Veyday Lundry Inerased rales. 15t. 35 33. Pres 6.30 for 26 days. Extramency into Mers for better living. duss evening Sunday & Jesteday. Yook fort in both wo 3loy beat B 1oy Sunday a last mgt. Syts: beat officers. working faties. 5o men wn casting engines & diffe to chinese High schoof & remainder on general at 7d Wohs. Had 1day on engines & son Kat os roud. tehaps Hume to fort will confersale us after was fot imprwing their poosesties. Had hav cliffed shot again duite the fastin much cooles a feels better, Looks as if work getting pcase at Works. Only 20 oottoday 20 far W care werling for truchs. Hoe they dint avie & cant sel much to be done now place well cleared it o fouds nearly comfletat Rumered we were to eft to new cant Lill. torlunately ns pnitable forithin offering. trefes this aola to anything that isnot detntily helted. Heny on mun rowas we do see things

value to us.  

June 9th to 23rd 
During this period 9 men including Lt Smith returned  
to Changi as medically unfit. Smith in a bad way  
with suspected [[fever?]] dysentry. Other 8 were 2/4MT men 
(elderly). Working area very bad due to rain & 
cutting up of ground. Many colds amongst men. 
Boot position serious as no replacements available. 
Work well forward and less carrying to be done. 
Large sick parades. Platoon depleted by colds & dysentry.  
22nd. Reinforcements arrived from changi. 6 men for my 
platoon. should help. 
with money we are able to purchase biscuits, fruit & 
cigarettes & tobacco 
Nippon go names replacing English names on street signs  
business houses, buses etc. 
3 Train loads of English troops on way North. We can 
set trains from job. Civilians making Veg gardens 
on every available area. Scarcity of sugar, Rice & flour 
no milk (tinned) very little salt. surprising on how 


few commodities we can get along on although lack of 
vitamins must have some affect. 

Saturday July 4th. 
Considerable air activity lately. Fighters up a lot 
mostly having combat practice. At Changi we could  
see them doing Aerial Target Firing. Here on the  
job its mock fight for hours. Plenty of bombers about 
We are close to the civilian Airport and see plenty of 
air activity. Large flying boats also operating.  
Early in our captivity we saw plenty of Naval activity 
in the straits. 47 Warships in one effort and often 
8-10 or 20 warships moving in & out. Several large  
merchant convoys also. Now we see the air side. 
Apart from the usual amount of troops about not much 
army movement. About 1/2 a dozen tanks paraded along  
Changi Rd occasionally.  
Towed several crippled armored vehicles to Anson Rd. 
Singapore during last few days. City getting cleared 
up gradually. Natives on drains, cutting grass & bush 
Buildings being repainted. In fact Nippon is


doing a good job with his rebuilding. At last we 
have been able to send home a card. Very brief but 
it is something (July 2nd). Owing to addition of [[2???]] 
& [[1W02?]] we sgts now are able to [[steel]] home every few 
Went out twice to Buena Vista on their party. Prefer our 
own crowd. Better devil you know than one you don't. 
Our scrap is being carted to this place as well. So many 
vehicles about that I think they are more intent on hiding 
the scrap than any thing else at present. 
Several bootmakers on job using tyres for soles. Remedies 
most boot trouble. Several blackout trials have been on 
last one lasted over 1 week. 
Burgess & [[Olds?]] returned to Changi injured. (July 3rd) 

Saturday July 11th 
Monday 6th. looked like nearly finished our job. 
Holiday on Tuesday. & Pay day 29 days this time. 
Wed. we started at Hume Works & Ford Works shifting 
scrap & good scrap to the wharves. About 8 ships in 
loading & unloading. Troop embarking. Rice coming 
off. Yesterday Friday troops disembarked (very young)


wed. was evidently a big Air Force day as 48 bombers 
& 11 fighters flew about in formation during part of the 
morning. Have seen more of Singapore during past 2 weeks 
than ever saw of it. Witnessed Ack Ack practise 
whilst in Singapore. One day we hope! 
Our food position so far has been quite good. Nothing like 
our old ration but we don't starve by a long stick. Look 
on rice now as a staff of life. Meat position still OK. 
Stew is the only way it can be dealt up as quantity small. 
Last night for first time for about 23 weeks we Sgt's had 
a piece of steak separate. Only small but what a change. 
One has to learn to chew again. About on our 430th 
meal of rice. Can you imagine it. 

July 11. Flying boats about again. Also saw large 4 engined 
land plane a couple of days ago. 
We hear news occassionally and its not all good so trust its [[y???]] OK 
Can also get [[Syonan?]] Times occassionally, naturally this  
gives Japanese view. I think its claims are fairly accurate. 
See quite a variety of funerals go past. Large cemetery about 
1/2 a mile away. Much different from ours. They have music 
& dance make plenty of noise, Ride in with the coffin etc


Sat July 18th 
Much better week. 3 different Jobs. Rd. work at [[?]] House 
Building at main Gate & Ration Party. Apparently ration 
ships in. Much Red Cross supplies coming from Wharves. Also 
salt. Scrap still going to wharves. Good machinery & 
castings included in scrap. Not so much air activity. 
See few sights of Singapore. Getting quite familiar with the 
city. Another party reported to go on overseas trip last 
week. Tinea causing a lot of trouble with many of the  
troops. Testicles main trouble. Dr. thinks lack of Vitamin B2 
probable cause. Lack of medical supplies for treatment. 
Organised purchasing enables us to buy foods etc. at 
prices within our means. Several injuries to troop this 
week in scrap. handling job. 
About 500 Indian & 40 Javanese prisoners arrived from 
overseas last Monday. 

Tuesday July 28th 
Yesterday 150 sick & incapacitatid & undesirables were 
returned to Changi. My Platoon strength now 15 all told. 
Went on Dental parade to Adam Rd Camp 2 days ago. 
Reunion with Bill [[Sliggents?]] Frank Reid, Bob Owen, Syd 
Sawyers & several other SUB.PK. Lately been alternating


July28th Tuesday 
dayin & dayout. Work about the same. Shifting engines 
& Differentials from old job to Chinese High School. Heavy job 
look sleepers to West Coast Rd. Scenes of heavy fighting 
in this region. Rubbers & undergrowth blasted heavily. 
Actually appears as battlefield. Nowhere else had I seen 
such other than blasted buildings. Movement of fighting 
changed ground too fast for much mutilation of country. 
Adam Rd. shows a lot of damaged buildings. Heavy 
fighting also here. Nug Plunkett severely bashed during 
last week. Lost a shovel. Such is the life of a POW. 
Heard last night of several AIF sisters being imprisoned in 
Sumatra. Hope they are treated OK. Also 150 Airmen brought 
over from Sumatra to Changi. Possibly same crew as were escaping 
from [[Katung??]] when we arrived here. Good food they left 
behind for us. Able to buy Dates-20c, sugar 42c Salt 20c. Pineapples 6c 
& coconuts 5c. enables us to get a taste into the Rice. Also Tinned  
fish. Cooks do a good job with a little fat & cooking oil 
2 Concerts, 1 Quiss & 2 lectures have been held. "Micky" & 
"Pineapple" gave talks on Alice Springs & "The Track" 
Private cars appearing on Roads. Petrol scarce & dear. 
Quite a lot of shipping in & out. Troops in & out & supplies


Tuesday Aug 4th 
During week have had 2 off days. My day off on Saturday 
General holiday Sunday &  or day off due to alleged strenuous 
wrestling of Japs necessitating a holiday for them yesterday. 
Pay day Sunday. Increased rates. 15c -25c & 35c. Drew 6.50 
for 26 days. Extra money into Mess for better living. 
Quiss evening Sunday and yesterday. Took part in both. 
B Coy beat A Coy Sunday & last night Sgts. beat officers. 
Working Parties. 50 men on carting engines & diffs. to  
Chinese High school & remainder on general at Fd Works. 
Had 1 day on engines & 2 on Kato's road. Perhaps Hume to 
& Ford will compensate us after war for improving their 
properties. Had hair clipped short again. Quite the fashion 
much cooler & feels better. Looks as if work getting 
scarce at Works. Only 90 out today so far. We are waiting 
for trucks. Hope they didn't arrive. Can't see much to 
be done now place well cleared up & roads nearly 
completed. Rumored we were to shift to new camp site. 
Fortunately no suitable position offering. Prefer this area 
to anything that isn't definitely better. Being on main 
roads we do see things 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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