Fall of Singapore - papers of Sergeant Jack Warren Corey part 2

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Fall of Singapore
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tery no fees my Jan19h fet fong tey fit corrabon tak (rany senes to 24 wil fort on dot hond sut ting hee Jan 2 3rod ut eistert shipted to 1smile fost Kuang J O. Rond oleags &ifting slanvar. Dand plenty of bombing formatin botord from Lere, Bilnati wozenny Jan ssshalily seft rehiels a fere farlik off Jook th ho Bitin arros to Kingasor toaland and mads cant at Bmills fat on chloau the height. Mr Evans here as atrune 4 9. as a Jan 28th to 4 e67 Duting this perod noe retured impessed peticler to V. R.P. and drew on own iriue hheroolets. As transfat was flentifull step wese taken 4o from linfantry platsons of suophes dowers and leavk all transpoting to
MINAS a few only recessarf. Bisonwed in fost Pe 7th yeb hintges tating to mane again at t t th nde H Henast maved to 9 mill fort Jerony Rond just to form A03BSC. HI mived found evening of yet followedt lalgs by most of sectiong At. J68 Feb. stelled fo 6 hs. Wary wehiles hit. OC. Schill a work off Dowes folmately left vehiel a few seconds before hit first exprience of being undes stell for not 2o good). Obseventim flanls unapposed from now on Out Disforce wa out. Hisdromes untenable? Dt9 Feb. Ais7 4 sale eveny general scape fom forition Rouds cxammed with traffie a wandering solico Foluately rouds not cut. I wonder even now of Tus perforly left undamayed roudh to fantible
H his own movements. Bivonaced in pook Wepor houd fo night 1. (Lome Rd). Idam fanti Teblt sbe al Aeved to Dcotts Road Inow begin towordes just what was to haffer, Had visiing of evaluntion avymement sleft in his road weought. dent. mornine had showed lan remas of house offorite toruckh lt of as well, try s be nomat. Truffic going all ohrectiong fereong company for Clompeng Feb. 11sth. Slefe to Laglang Load Pelar 5 2980. 1street in nde & bath t yeb wth this ale drpored it Shifled to Natony Cart i. R Ars tore hen parking goods schattels fo emburbation traclically left as walk ort Luty blightiers if dhey got safely to their destination. We took advantage of den the food tey left um et. and prefered for
WAgS beow Gebihinlt ie bdden Destroyed whicles & mived to heve Ad. vise uring Yanghin baracks for to be drafted to infantirg battalions in ferimetes. At neght moved into position along I ares hoad only to move out again within an 4. a s0 t0 Ber. H. G of the comer of Fares s Hollandlotr, sleft fee remander of night Feb 15th Dundoy Meved into position as seserne compary for D compirs of/ Sopn Fensly in moning) off Farsed Rot. copitulation after I doy m times. mr back very bact at this stage. Inpired it at C. CH roud and meving about at night etc oves dramns s crechs caused more trouble In againg al day. Feb 16th Mwld to Tangli Barrucks handed in rifles & amnunition etc. and prefored for
Mo WMITE NONE the inknown. Told we might be billeted here fe 1o days of watit an puitable ara found for bouring forsiver n chasing Demenkiry wlog fus teb t 50oth Marched out of Yangln ed roule for Chung TemSMg strange feeling marcting through streets crowded a Aed dot Mas with a kilent plose, ann not the "Hillo Jocs of afst tery toed after 17 nite march. Hrowed at Crange w about so dlock he mon of 18 ao t in a 1615 Retaring Baracks ona che Lom of ths Arvy indnow the home of the fisoners pame aving on frinciple, Allotted buildings at this early how but most sleft on the gound too tived to worry about whece & how? omaly Feb. 18th to about 22d Atwch 10th Troop reviewed 3 Gives by Lapapese. occuped 4o different houses diing this period. Troop have job of erecling double
his Sn apon fenle round A1F arear Out dvessions were Coconnt gettering furties, timber farties, sall water & perchasing s ration fasher schools & lectures started. I learned elementiny book keeping & Evans and attended agrieuthion TEaty lectures mainly an miked favming tines. All occuped the mandI (Review) About de last week in Mourch fasty under St lottes went into sungafert strengeh about 50) on a road job? about end of offit s6 sader I speakilles alsoe sent in on gob. Moym. Tomph. I verlas farty meved out 3000 strang. 0 pub th sufpied afforest i. stevat an dfaty. sies & dostes it May169 obered to new Qaters in oveao Moy 3th Monday. the remainder of Pub K. Cless unfits about 80 left chunge in cnferty of 800 fo a I moths dob in Lingators Trumisoted to lones of
Missisit Serangoo & Mithenson Rets and established camp in Evacuation buts. Not soggood but when clemed ut teured out guate of a gete acntone to making honsl anter? f s Jofenise son on gob. Abount 330 of faty taken to td Works at Bukill Timah and set to work 50of us sent to weking fark on the thn ang 2. her to carry goot weeked motid reticle facts. 12a Duncay May 31st fanished this area and started new arte aliynid Ractwres Bidge at thime vork) on same (eary carry iot) Hard work this carrying engines I chashi ie. &inst fortnight woken with out day off everyne dhwroughly sick of Job tived out. Jusig June gt c vco ofhic Doy off & Coy day Rates 101 33 Highly faid like felt but, it enabled ans to make a few purchuses ICent has a high

Jan 19th
Left Yong Peng for Coronation Park (Kluang) hence

to 24 mile post on North Road.  Quiet time here

Jan 23rd
Shifted to 1½ mile post Kluang - J.B.Road.

Always shifting rearwards. Saw plenty of bombing

formations (not ours) from here. Situation worsening

Jan 28th
Took W Shop Section across to Singapore Island

and made camp at 12 mile post on Choa Phu Kang Rd.

Mr Evans here as advance H.Qs. 

Jan 28th to Feb 7th
During this period we returned impressed
vehicles to V.R.P. and drew our own issue

Chevrolet's. As transport was plentifull steps 

were taken to form infantry platoons of 

surplus drivers and leave all transporting to


a few only necessary.

Feb 7th Feb.

Things starting to move again. Part of Sub 1k under 

Lt. Stewart moved to 9 mile past Jerong Road 

to form No3 ASC. WS moved round evening of 

7th followed later by most of section.

Feb 8th Feb.

Shelled for 6 hrs. Many vehicles hit. OC' vehicle 

a write off. Driver fortunately left vehicle a few 

seconds before hit. First experience of being under

shell fire (not so good). Observation flanks 

unopposed from now on. Our Air Force was "out".

Air dromes untenable.

Feb 9th Feb.

Late evening - general scarpe from position.

Roads crammed with traffic & wandering soldiers.

Fortunately roads not cut. I wonder even now 

if Jap purposely left undamaged roads to facilitate


his own movements. Bivouaced in park 

off Thapson Adam Road for night. (Lornie Rd)

Feb 10th

Moved to Scotts Road. I now began to wonder just

what was to happen. Had visions of evacuation

any moment. Slept in this road overnight. Next 

morning had shower in remains of house opposite

track. May as well try & be normal. Traffic

going all directions.

Feb. 11th

Shifted to Geyland Road. {Jalan Street 25} & 20.

Feb, 13th

Shifted to Katong Park V.R.P.  Air Force men

packing goods & chattels for embarkation. Practically

left as walk out. Lucky blighters if they got safely 

to their destination. We took advantage of

the food they left.


Feb 14th
Destroyed vehicles & moved to Pierce Rd. via

Tanglin barracks here to be drafted to infantry 

battalions in perimeter. At night moved

into position along Farrer Road only to move out

again within an hr or so to Btn. H.Qrs at the 

corner of Farrer & Holland Rds. Slept here remainder

of night.

Feb. 15th Sunday

Moved into position as reserve company for "D" Company 

2/30 Btn. (early in morning) off Farrer Rd.

Capitulation after 1 day in lines.

MY back very bad at this stage. Injured it 

at C.C.K. road and moving about at night etc

over drains & creeks caused more trouble. In agony

all day.

Feb. 16th

Moved to Tanglin Barracks handed in

rifles & ammunition etc. and prepared for



the unknown. Told we might be billeted here

for 10 days or until a suitable area found for housing


Tues. Feb. 17th

1500hrs Marched out of Tanglin en route for Changi. 

Strange feeling marching through streets crowded 

with a silent people & Red dot flags and not the "Hullo Joes" of afar.

Very tired after 17 mile march. Arrived at Changi 

about 1 o clock the morning of 18th.

Feb 18th

Selarang Barracks once the home of the Army 

and now the home of the prisoners (same army

on principle). Allotted buildings at this early 

hour but most slept on the ground too tired 

to worry about where & how.

Feb. 18th to about 22nd March 10th

Troops reviewed 3 times by Japanese.

Occupied 4 different houses during this 

period. Troops have job of erecting double



apron fence round AIF areas. Our diversions 

were coconut gathering parties, timber parties, salt

water & purchasing & ration parties.

Schools & lectures started. I learned elementary

book keeping (Lt Evans) and attended agricultural 

lectures mainly on mixed farming lines. All

occupied the mind.    (Reviews)

About the last week in March a party under Lt Potter went
into Singapore (strength about 50) on a road job.
About end of April 26 under Stann Milles also sent in on job.


May 12th

Overseas party moved out 3000 strong.

Sub PK supplied approx 26 Lt Stewart on this party.


May 16th

Moved to new Quarters in area.


Tuesday  May 25th Monday

The remainder of sub PK (less unfits) about 80 

left Changi in a party of 300 for a 2 months 

job in Singapore. Transported to corner of


Serangan & McPherson Rds and established camp

in Evacuation huts. Not so good but when cleaned

up turned out quite ok. We are quite accustomed

to making home anywhere.

May 26th

Japanese soon on job. About 250 of party taken 

to Fd Works at Bukitt Timah and set to work.

30 of us sent to wrecking park on Cho Chu Kang Rd.

here to carry & sort wrecked motor vehicle parts.

Sunday May 31st

Finished this area and started new area alongside 

(Railway Bridge at Hume Works) on same (carry carry job)

Hard work this carrying engines & chassis etc.

First fortnight worked without day off. Everyone 

thoroughly sick of job & tired out.

Tuesday June 9th

Day off & pay day. Rates PTES' 10c, NCO' 15c, Officer 25c

Highly paid like hell but it enabled us 

to make a few purchases. 1 cent has a high

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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