Correspondence relating to Wilfrid Wanostrocht Giblin, 1915 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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C Form Duplicatel Army Frm A MsL MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mosease2f Charges to Pay. OHco StanP. 20/125 SItHISS LSINSSSS Manded in at O M. Receivel 20 W Office Tedre Aa. Sender's Number Day of Month Iaropy to Number AAA 28th C2HI 7 l infectious a meat ms thet caa X Eeran acconne Ino dation sal M lond that one e g De $es W FROM PLAORETIME W.IE8S. 58,000 Pads-S/S. A. B.Ltd.—Forms/C.2123.
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Cr Form CDuplicatel Army Eam AMM MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of AEaRS CP O Shrics Mistrttons Handed in at Office. LIm. Received, X 70 C eeo D o In reply to Number AAA your a t 13 < Rotha t sle no Id X alho et th store 1 FROM PLAGHETIME W28S4-ES. 8,000 Pad 8p4. S.B.Ltd.—Forme/ C.2123.
64 21 Esternate of hed as confuts aeguned wik for the hre casnl char Station at Kayse tatial is band on so0 patient being held by was station It true more world ha nde be hald but wdee dun wheah 6 warnatn wod be nomn t allow salplen enough to barry our Mik 78 tt of hs 420 th 60. W Butte 34 45 252 th 16. 16 Rice 12.C. Cb. 18th lon flom 63 th 966 an lo 4 Benber 21 W6 44 J F th fnt t 2 lye foolly 32 d 4 do 13d 14d Hr 42 d S 45 Hon Mnbra 4 l Mid 18 4
C’ Form (Duplicate). DAos For C. SRL MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Messase Charges to Pay.J. Ofce Stamp. 2 SerFiES TSMSorS Handed in at. 1 Office. Received mitlh T0 A 5 N 2 LAC Renders Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA tegra ter lear te cathatl N 50 Detion X Arger FROM 58 PLAORSTIE W.3384-58s. 80,000 Pads-8/S. S. B. Ltd.—Forms /C.2123.
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Da 2nd Aust & Nr Giln Siny wit Fouse ding copy of wemoand becen I banl night from DMS I also attach copies of ck an setens for disposal Aug119 wounded Subitho I cnand to Dm and letter date to Commandant L. 7C Angac beg to submit that the question openedup is a very large one and ought to be dealh with holden by an officer to the hank and position of twms who could devot her whole time 10 While willing to the matter do all on my power to assut fiel that undee responiblity being placed upon me hordin th position I do & without adzuat t 2 Geble S lond fiom Argon 30.8.15
DM 46 4 that my th alifferint latly t unfilling me for dutyy On of tao madt offecers woh her 41 10 Mn. 16 Tsh ant as Ihad t cun wt h mublan H C. u 21. 61 tha tg M. Gblin A l tot of officer 1 Hertor a
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“C” Form (Duplicate).                    Army Form C2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS          No. of Message 41

  Charges to Pay 
£   s.   d.
Office Stamp
28. VIII. 15.
Service Instructions

Handed in at GS&Q   Office 0937 m.    Received 0947 m.
To   Medical Control Officer Anzac

Sender's Number 
GHQ 717
Day of Month 
 In Reply to Number 

Two members of infectious
committee arrive Anzac tomorrow
aaa Arrange for their ac
accommodation aaa Inform
Colonel House so that he
might confer with them
FROM                 DMS   GHQ


G.O.C. might like to know this
Let GOC √
Col Howse √
Camp Commd - know


“C” Form (Duplicate).                    Army Form C2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS          No. of Message 172

  Charges to Pay 
£   s.   d.
Office Stamp
A 28. VIII. 15.
Service Instructions 

Handed in at         Office 1835m.     Received 1927 m.
TO    Medical Control Officers

Sender's Number 
Day of Month 
 In Reply to Number 

your cable re details 13
casualty clearing stati Ī should
personnel bring all remaining 
FROM                DDMS MS


Estimate of Medical Comforts required
per week for the three Casualty Clearing
Stations at Anzac
Estimate is based on 200 patients
being held by each station. At times
no doubt many more would have to
be held but intervals during which
evacuations would be normal ought to
allow surplus enough to carry on. 
                        per diem          per week
milk                     60 doz       350 doz
Ext of Meat         75 oz         525 oz
Butter                 60 lbs        420 lbs
Eggs                   48 doz        336 doz
Rice                     36 lb           252 lb
Cornflour            18 lb           126 lb
Arrowroot            9 lb            63 lbs
Sago                     9 lbs           63 lbs
Tapioca                9 lb             63 lbs
Barley                   9 lb            63 lb
Cocoa                   3 lb             21 lb
Fowl tinned      75 tins       525 tins 
Calves foot jelly  3 lbs          21 lb
Brandy                ½ doz         3½ doz
Whisky                ¼ doz         1 3/4  doz
Stout                     6 doz pts  42 doz pts
29.8.15. WWGiblin Lt Col
Medical Control Officer 


 “C” Form (Duplicate).             27       Army Form C2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS               No. of Message 41

  Charges to Pay 
£   s.   d.
Office Stamp
A 29. VIII. 15 C
Service Instructions

Handed in at GHQ Office    0920 m. Received 0948m. 
TO    Colonel Giblin Medical  
         Controller ANZAC

Sender's Number 
MHQ 63
Day of Month 
 In Reply to Number 

Telegraph numbers required to  
complete casualty clearing stations 
by units urgent 
FROM                DMS GHQ 


  “C” Form (Duplicate).             27       Army Form C2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS               No. of Message 41

[[?]] MN 20 Ny Davies      Charges to Pay 
£   s.   d.
Office Stamp
A 29.VIII.15                                       
Service Instructions

Handed in at  .........Office 1240 m. Received 1300 m. 
TO Medical Control Officer 

Sender's Number 
Day of Month 
 In Reply to Number 

Numbers required to complete establishment 
Officers nil other ranks 12 
FROM                   OC . 16 CCS 


L of C. 
Forwarded for your 
W W Giblin Lt Col 
Medical Control Officer   
I should be very glad to 
meet these gentlemen .-  
Presume you are arranging 
 signature John [[M?]] Young 
Lt Col


D.A & 2. M.G, 
Aust & New Zealand Army Corps. 
Forwarding copy of memorandum 
received last night from D.M.S. 
I also attach copies of 
scheme for disposal of sick and 
wounded submitted on August 19th
to D M S. and letter of same 
date to Commandant, L. of C. 
I beg to submit that the 
question opened up is a very large 
one and ought to be dealt with 
by an officer hold the holding 
the rank and position of D.D.M.S. 
who could devote his whole time 
to the matter. While willing to 
do all in my power to assist 
I feel that undue responsibility 
is being placed upon me holding 
the position I do & without adequate 
W W Giblin Lt Col 
Medical Control Officer 

I regret to have to report 
that my health has been very  
indifferent lately and is now 
unfitting me for duty On the advice 
of two medical officers who have 
gone into my case I am returning 
to the Base for treatment 
I have endeavoured to carry  
out the work of Medical Control Officer 
to the best of my ability and am 
instructing Lt Col Corkery OC No 16 
CCS that as SMO. of L. of C. units 
he is to carry on the duties until 
he receives instruction from you. 
I have forwarded my views 
on the question of accommodation for 
sick during winter months to General 
Carruthers and have discussed the question 
with him.  I understand the matter is 
receiving due attention. 
Lt Col Balfour & Lt Col Buckingham 
arrived yesterday morning (31st inst) and  
are conducting their investigations of  
Anzac area 
W W Giblin Lt Col 
Medical Control Officer 
September 1st 1915


Lt Col. Corkery 
 O.C. No 16 G.O C C Station 
No 2 Outpost 
I am leaving Anzac this 
afternoon for the Base having been 
invalided.   l 
I hand over the duties of 
Medical Control officer, Anzac to 
you as Senior Medical Officer 
L of C. units to carry on till 
you receive instructions from 
the DMS 
W W Giblin Lt Col 
Medical Control Officer 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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