Correspondence relating to Wilfrid Wanostrocht Giblin, 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Doms Mndrer am forced to agained comdtion of th Sutih attention wlt thning the tony wartt g to the deplated sha numbers and ae eadt o th personeal them longwontin Shernons conit hav senounty inder moned the shangt of mat t off 44 mem whohud sad anf m th eth 22 2. ft 0 n nt andIsone more have had al thils this bnt can be given with bep f asdice Ie your knon offier atto cn t pod the me varal stap of whom onl them ng are left.We mg ned not teo tat torly that therty of ton sore men to enfice the attet MGk t hd Conti 1/
X Officer o the panth Hustrah Prese Lablishi Aay 24 HR o tht Clear Aug n Midiu
Or Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Bharses to Pap. JOkes D. 8 23 £ 2 BeHISS MSSOS. 4 Cninenonnn Handed in at OR 22 m. Received. tll t lbter T0 X AA24 Bondor. Jpne DASSHSNN Iareply to Number AAA N of Hr WiIe M Satan 4 And thstra Areno in th tatan atiatil fit II tune Wounded Jly Hnter t0 Algust DrS FROM PLACESTIME (24332). M.R. Co., L4d. Wt. W9668/1672. 50,000 Pads-1115. Forms/ C.2123.
C.M. Form A. 8s. Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Words] Pref Charge. Reed. at. Thismessage is on a/c of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions TAGGGODDOOOOOOOODDOOOSS - Date CCCCGOCOODOON SVICb ECEGGODUDUUO A From- CCCCCOLOOUSCEO CCCCODOO ECovoOD Oncerne LCoOooooo evvovOOD CCUUUUUUUEVSSvv By CvovoDoDD (Signature of Franking Officer. 1) By T0 1 11 RS KendersMner Day of Month. MTESYSMNE AAA 70 3 Det xain Sick Junet Durswon A resty first Dour swety 12 t August three Ser morty 5102 Yearan and Engtalian Divigior New fourte Iume ly nt Say st fty From Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. D CevevevoOOD $00000000000000000ooooooooooooooo Censor. Sirnature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. This line should be crased if not required. -
Cr Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. ofMosso Chares to pase Lte one 24/129 SSTISS TSSSOS. Excuen 14 HandedmGHReco tope 61 fibter medical 20 Beach Control anst basually blear ation n Benders Number OD D OA TreTMS AAA m 66 246 Report that today States received 13 no Casulalt cler in Sconsetion Katie hopele Shal capable officer and Co Vao eceord Eoguise Ehis int and necessar an seled officer from ln of Che odet Youer nits action Wide aad Control laker fully by report letter and - MON BMS Stt PLACESTIME 1230 (24832). M.R.Co., Ltd. Wt. W9668/1672. 50,000 Pads—1/1S. Ferms/ O,2123.
2 C.M. Form A. 88. Ar Form Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Words. Pr Charge. Reed. at. Thismessage is on a/c of: cIIo Office of Origin and Service Instructions. CCUUUUVVOOVVI Ser Date S aeo ECCGGUUUUVEOOEI Hteseoooooooooo2 FroMccsne JCOODODOD ICUUUUUUSSOSE OUUUUUUUUEESUUESOeSUOSSuUOV By. COUUUUUSUv (Signature of Franking Officer.1) By. on To 1 8 WBRo. SentersNilibtr DeYOMON WTEYWSE AAA 24 enquiry After find no Dem and more drasti unless negbit di sdveed From Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. B OOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR eoevoooooor Censor. Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. This line should be crased if not required.
Dir pl No 15 foon Casban actinO.CK ADM Sa do 16 116668 on affairs fumot an 116 the shatt HDp 5 Enpl fh
7 Dins Sent dh icon tfren a chaang Gertn
FOM Aey FowUTE MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Words Charge PreAz 1050 Mn. Reed. at N Ofice of Origin and Berrice Instructions. This message is on a/c of: Sert Date At Service. From 20 133 1Sispature of Fanking Officer Boudeo 5 T0 Ansac - DeTOSIS LOreTBME AAA Leuerlan ane Guallermaster whom ae te hen at Mudrs secn See 2 wen NC0 cn sice aai Lale aad c Le C you stofe 3G accordingy Mudles From I meache Clearuy S/2/ 22 Tc Wiefully Cirzac Redge Time H.B pin The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (2) way Capt. Koinh Censor. Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name This line should be crased if not required. 8350 S.B. Ltd. Wt. W48431541-50,000. 9//L. Forms C2121/1O.
folfett with a of Augo hefur casel s and foud S to a to t fem a Den fi 50 d of the but not to so th bean Wek Fe 18 leared hane with to warn the mnts aff Sndan Ftn of h w to detail, n el X b nt fndca bn renit must ack you to take drayto action 14 l d6 M Ne t of lt 4

I am forced to again draw
attention to the condition of the Australian
Casualty Clearing Station, with regard to
the depleted state numbers and state of
health of the personnel.
The long continued work under
strenuous conditions has seriously undermined
the strength of most of the officers &
men who have all suffered more or less
from the prevalent diarrhoea, with a
result that their resistance to infection
or cold is practically nil and one or
more have to be evacuated daily.
Unless this unit can be given a rest
I am afraid most of the officers & men
will be permanently unfit for xx service.
The four RAMC officers attached
have proved of great service in relieving
the medical staff of whom only three original
members are left.  We urgently need not
less than twenty (but thirty if possible)
A.M.C. men to reinforce this depleted unit.
I attach paper showing strength.
WW Giblin Lt Col
xx Medical Control Officer
Aug 24th 1915


Australian Casualty Clearing Station 

Establishment Present strength Requiring to complete

Officers          8



Ranks          77

8 (4 RAMC officers 







WW Giblin Lt Col
Medical Control Officer
Aug 24 ' 1915


"C" Form (Duplicate).                Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message


Charges to Pay.
£   s.   d.


Office Stamp.
A 24.VIII.15.C
Service Instructions.

Handed in at GHQ  Office  14.27  m.   Received  14 35   m. 

TO  Lt Colonel Giblin ACC station

Sender's Number

MHQ 670 

Day of Month


In reply to Number



Wire total sick of Australian
and Australian New Zealand Divisions
evacuated on first of June
July August Wounded not wanted

(24932). M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.


"A" Form.                                        C.M. Form A.39.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message

TO       GHQ

* Sender's Number.


Day of Month.


In reply to Number



Sick evacuated Australian Division June /
first twenty four July twenty
seven August ninety three stop
New Zealand and Australian Division
June fourteen July forty August


"C" Form (Duplicate).                Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message


Charges to Pay.
£   s.   d.


Office Stamp.
A 24.VIII.15.C
Service Instructions.

Handed in at GHQ  Office  1245   m.   Received  12 57   m.

TO  Colonel Giblin Medical
        Beach Control Aust Casualty
         Clearing Station Anzac

Sender's Number

MHQ 668 

Day of Month


In reply to Number



Report received today states that
no 13 Casualty Clearing
Station is in hopeless condition
and that capable officer to
command is necessary and Enquire
into this and if necessary
select an officer from any
of the units under your
control and Wire action taken
and report fully by letter

PLACE & TIME   1230
(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt.W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.


"A" Form.                                        C.M. Form A.39.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       Army Form C. 2121.  No. of Message

Prefix   Code      m. Words. Charge. This message is on a/c of :
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Sent
At    m.

TO       DMS

* Sender's Number.


Day of Month.


In reply to Number



After enquiry find no demand
for drastic action unless more
evidence of neglect produced  
From  [[P &S? or Medical Control?]] Officer
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  (Z)
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
D.210/9.13.-C.9258    * This line should be erased if not required.


GHQ Imbros
In reply to your cable MHQ668
in which you ask for full report on affairs
of No 13 C.C. Station I beg to furnish
the following information.
Captain Way, R.A.M.C. oficer
acting O.C No 13 C.C.S. reports to me that the
A.D.M.S. 13th Division had been to the shelter
shed of in which patients were awaiting
evacuation at about 8 a.m. this morning
He had asked one man if he had had
anything to eat. On his replying, he
had not. A.D.M.S. had threatened to
report the matter & that the ADMS was
very angry & would hear no explanation.
Lt Jetters of RAMC the evacuating
officer, stated to me that the cases
waiting were walking cases which
had been 'fed' late last night and 
had slept in the shelter. At which
the officer referred to had a cup
of tea whilst the transport of these
patients was being prepared at the
[[?]] the ADMS [[control?]]
I inspected this station
yesterday & the work was proceeding
the [[?]]  [[confusions?]]in his instructions



of DMS and are treating [[this?]]
Lt [[?]] from No 16 CCS
are carried to No 12 & left [[?]] [[?]] xx
evacuated by No 13 at their new
I can see no ground
for drastic action unless the charges
of xxxxx incompetence against
the officer in charge contains something
else.  Please forward particulars
so that I can go fully into the

WW Giblin  Lt Cl 
Medical Control Officer
August 24 1915


"A" Form.                                        Army Form C.2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message

Prefix   Code   m. Words. Charge. This message is on a/c of :
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Sent
At    m.

TO      Medical Control Officer

* Sender's Number


Day of Month


In reply to Number



Lt Col Shanerhan wishes me to
have the Quartermaster whom we
left behind at Mudros sent
here with three men if
the N.C.O. & 2 men
whom I wrote for 5
days ago have not already
started A.C.C.  Will you please
wire D.D.M.S. Mudros accordingly

From    13th  Casualty Clearing Station
Place     Mule Gully  Walkers Ridge  Anzac
Time       4.15p.m
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.

L. Way   Capt.  R.A.M.C.
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
*This line should be erased if not required.
8350  S. B. Ltd.  Wt.  W4843/541-50,000.  9/14.  Forms C2121/10.


The Commandant
L of C.
I have to report that
together with the OC. 21st Sanitary
Section I made a Sanitary inspection
of Anzac Area on 25th inst.
We found that the cleanliness
of the camping areas & disposal of
refuse in the lines were faulty & many
cases resulting in accumulation of food
tins and fouling of surface soil.
Apparently there has been a
misunderstanding on the part of many
units as to their personal responsibility
for the cleanliness of their areas.  The
Sanitary Section has been expected to
do scavenger work whereas the function
of this unit is to supervise & instruct
but not to do the fatigue work of the
various corps.  In some cases where sites
have been taken over from outgoing
units and refuse has been left & xx is
not yet cleaned up.
I have instructed the O.C
Sanitary Section to warn the units affected
& to detail members of his section to
supervise the cleaning up of present
accommodation of [[setback?]].  If this does
not produce a satisfactory result, I
must ask you to take drastic action
in bringing the offenders to book. 
WW Giblin Lt Col
Med Control Officer



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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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