Correspondence relating to Wilfrid Wanostrocht Giblin, 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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C0 91 od. M.8I.S 10 Dous pundws Re informantifu C.C. Station at C The purtista Angas Bearh has at present a full stalf of officers but only 49 other nantes Davng to the shann of 16 weeks con 7th men are tnour work many knockang up. We have received small he inforcements but in many cases there are being kept back by other Hospital wnts an Egglt & hindros Then is also great sstayy in convate putunt returning yen stips be taken to bring ins up to strngth. NeO.C. No 13 8R016 C.C.S. he afpled for ancrers of personal No 13 with 8 officers & 65 other ranks asks for 3 ofer & 30 10 No 16 wait 2 in thit all de ferst they should be abe to cope will then work of brought up to shegth M Giblin St C1 Anyac Acting Adus. hyac 56/5
TOR f 1 8. 195 EO Durs C.H.G mmnarder in favo of rempicements ir the dustralian casualty clearing Stative, to bring it up to strength beingcabled fr. None are available here Inigem- General Snrell, who is now here, states he thinks that nos 13 & 16 do not require any at present sundus pretom 1484 I docal fo DDnis Lo. Colme Frblen Medring Cntisdler Aner. Reinforcement hav ben applie for Austration C. C. Statin In time of pressue dworied ougrest that Nrtche braven tr asked for (to be obtaines from and resting or donigdug at the Berch) to assisd in loading sih & wounded from CC Satin D Shgis E. E. Franda Dr. C. for DM. ta may. 26.8.4
00--a000 -- C.M. Form A.28. Ar Form Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Words. HCLL IIII Adle Ilt Charge. Thismessage is on a/c of: Recdat Office of Origin and Service Instructions CCGGSSSSGSSGSESSSSGOAOOOOOOODDOOO Sert Date CCCOOGOOOOOOD cmm Dervice. aweoooooOD CAGAGGGGAGGOOGOOGODOOOEOOOOOOOOD ALceccenc II FroMxcusesec DOOODOOOOODOOO L CCCOOOO COUUUUUOSOSOOPV ebebee y By (Signature of Franking Officer.) mcse T0 bary X SenersNiber Dey OfMOME WPESWIE 22 AAA Seare e 1 me the 2 in Wo 12 Te you i Du men +4 fiter medical Conkot Of Place And Time 14.30 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. B anevoo ECCCOOODCDD p Censor. SFAUOEO LUUVEROIOE MdWVeFETN WVIUNAMO. This line should be crased if not required. D20P3-O58
DDms Mudw I recommend that 6o mangue tut and 24 Bill but be sent to Angal at0 The wer the may adany how beak up and we mny he unable to wacuaty ware did wonk for sevi days Then are tace here where tent could be crectid but the sapity of doing Is would defend on the military situation at the time. I think they should availate on the spot so as to be used at one if resuvred The number named would allow so marge bunt & s bill teat to cach of the C.C. Stir The bent agafmet of the Anshal C Station i i are by the Lnd Just. Stationan Ho kindros, but Colonel Reble inform me that other ten awaitable Groe 4 Cr The dicie Corte Aug 223 Anja
t availubl 5 to margin use byth b 2 Mtave Medicve Contis
RO 29/254/15 0d KRNS Medical Control offers Anzac You should requisition on Cos Minnictonka Mudros staling number & pattern of tenk you require Brethon eudros Lcof anms TH.P. 15 fr DDmslofe
To Rom Consicato. Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Messass Charges to Pay. of Oloe Slamn 114 S £ 8 d THI R B Sand E Meneennn Handed in 2t.2. S Ofed GDi Recoved VGPG T0 0 tter ster Bea L Sorteto HIMSS D SSOAR L AAA MH Mecess Coue Order Daity Wounded and seture 2k all Warke lesocuated Peninsula by atto casuall dearing Derec 1 to senct 5 fice the IFAA 4 E odder not has been with complied FROM C D PLACESTIME 0910 (4833. M.R. Co. Lid. WE. WIESSH672. 50,000 Pads-115. Forms/ O. 2123.
The Commandant Gof Anxe The area required by Aust Casualty thearing Station for exection of necessary working It need not shelters would be 120 ft by 15t necessarily be in one long block It is also necessary to allot areas for the erection of sheds or shelters capable of holding 200 patents in event of severe weather preventing evacuation lach shed would require to be 56/1 by 8ft. &seven of such would be necded I would sugged that the Ch. beplaced in such aporition as to be protecto from he wealher by stack of A.S. stose M.G. 460 MeJ. Coutrt off 24/8/15 an 29lL 1232 AUSTRALLAN WAR MEMORIAL
AH.L.M.C. A2421 net The ploff tust asnate fleas thati ameg latt o H Ah S 45 begang will he was a gp to Bta he p Henre f 4 h at tfa 9 tth t Sd knoilded Augant 20 e Major Fankindon 1p 16 MrGiben Hont 6 C t

No 916/15

Date 11.8.15


Re-inforcements for
C.C. Station
The Australian C.C Station at
Anzac Beach has at present a full
staff of officers but only 49 other ranks.
Owing to the strain of 16 weeks continuous
work many of the men are
knocking up. We have received small
re-inforcements but in many cases
these are being kept back by other
Hospital units in Egypt & Mudros.
There is also great delay in convalescent 
patients returning. Can steps be taken
to bring us up to strength?
The O.'s C. No 13 & No 16 C.C.S. have
applied for increase of personnel.
*4* No 13 with 8 officers & 65 other ranks
            asks for 3 officers & 30    "        "
No 16 wants      2      "        & 10    "        "
Considering that all their men are
fresh they should be able to cope with
their work if brought up to strength.
WWGiblin Lt Col
Acting A.D.M.S.


No 21/105/15
Date 19.8.15 
Forwarded for favour of reinforcements for the Australian
Casualty Clearing Station, to bring it up to strength,
being cabled for. None are available here
Surgeon-General Birrell, who is now here, states he
thinks that nos 13 & 16 do not require any at present.
Doc Thom
LtCol for DD.M.S


Lt. Colonel Giblin
Medical Controller Anzac.
Reinforcements have been applied for
Australian C.C. Station
In terms of pressure I would suggest that 
stretcher bearers be asked for (to be obtained from units
resting or doing duty at the Beach) to assist in 
loading sick & wounded from C.C. Station & Ships.
D.D. Shanahan  Lt Col
for D.M.S.


"A" Form.    C.M. Form A. 39.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       Army Form C.2121.  No. of Message.......




This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at....m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.


TO  O.C.
        Sanitary Section
* Sender's Number.          Day of Month.       In reply to Number       AAA

Please let me know the 
number of men in your
Sanitary Section stop The information                                                                              
is required for the D.M.S.
1 officer and 25 men
Lt Col

From                  Medical Control Officer                                                                                                       
Place                  Anzac
Time                   14 30
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.     (Z)
                                                                        (Censor).       Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.

D.210/9.13. -C.9258.              * This line should be erased if not required.





Sanitary Section


I recommend that 60 Marquee
Tent and 24 Bell Tents be sent
to Anzac at once.
The weather may at any time
now break up and we may be
unable to evacuate wounded & sick
for several days. There are places
here where tents could be erected
but the safety of doing so would
depend on the military situation at
the time. I think they should be
available on the spot so as to be
used at once if required.
The number named would allow
20 marquee tents & 8 bell tents to each
of the C.C. Stations here.
The tent equipment of the
Australian C.C. Station is in need
use by the 2nd Aust. Stationary Hosp
Mudros, but Colonel Keble informed 
me that there were other tents
WW Giblin Lt. Col.
Medical Control Officer
Aug 22nd


I recommend that 60 Marquee
Tent and 24 Bell Tents be sent
to Anzac at once.
The weather may at any time
now break up and we may be
unable to evacuate wounded & sick
for several days. There are places
here where tents could be erected
but the safety of doing so would
depend on the military situation at
the time. I think they should be
available on the spot so as to be 
used at once if required.
The number named would allow
20 marquee tents & 8 bell tents to each
of the C.C. Stations here.
The tent equipment of the
Australian C.C. Station is in need
use by the 2nd Aust. Stationary Hosp
Mudros, but Colonel Keble informed 
me that there were other tents
WW Giblin Lt. Col.
Medical Control Officer
Aug 22nd


No 29/304/15
Date 24.8.15

Medical Control Officer

You should requisition
on C.O.O Minnietonka
Mudros stating number
& pattern of tents you
Doc Thom
for DDMS L of C
Mudros )
24.8.15   )



  "C" Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123.
Sm JE 44  Charges to Pay. Office Stamp.
GHQ £ s. d.


A. 23 .VIII.15 C


H. T. James  
Service Instructions.  
Handed in at GHQ Office 0925   m. Received 0929 m.
TO Colonel Giblin Beach Controller
Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
mHQ50 23  
Give necessary orders that daily
return sick and wounded all
ranks evacuated from Peninsula by
casualty clearing stations is rendered
punctually daily to this Office
AAA This order has not
been complied with
(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.


The Commandant
L/ of C
The area required by Aust Casualty
Clearing Station for erection of necessary working
shelters would be 120 ft by 15 ft. It need not
necessarily be in one long block
It is also necessary to allot areas
for the erection of sheds or shelters capable of
holding 200 patients in event of severe
weather preventing evacuation each
shed would require to be 56 ft by 8 ft & seven
of such would be needed.
I would suggest that the C.C.S.
be placed in such a position as to be protected
from the weather by stacks of A.S. stores
WWG Lt Col
Med. Control Officer

2DRL 1232


A & NZ. HQ

The following officers have been invalided
from Aust. Casualty Clearing Station.
Capt C.H Atkins Invalided June 1st Tracheitis On his
being well he was sent from
Egypt to Australia as medical
officer to hospital ship.
Capt. P D Campbell Invalided June 5th Pleurisy
In hospital at Malta. Sent to 
England to convalesce
Capt J. D. [[Pointer?]] Invalided June 9th Pleurisy
In hospital at Malta. Sent to 
England to convalesce
Major J Corbin Invalided August 20th Pyrexia
of unknown origins.
Sent to Mudros.
Major S J. Richards Died. Pneumonia July 14th

WW.Giblin Lt Col
O C Aust C.C. Station
Aug 24th 1915

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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