Correspondence relating to Wilfrid Wanostrocht Giblin, 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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C. Form (Duplicate). Army Ferm C. 22 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Charges to Pay. Ollco Hlemp. 8 2 0 Ellkeroe BettES TSINSSS Handed in at. OMCO [/ X. m. Recesved -In. 70 Ansac. Aders Adms Day of Month Sender's Number. Inreply to Number AAA A4 Keep possible cases slight and sickats with wounds hield practicable at X bular els af Seept of lases Great pengestion aft FRON H mc PLAOHE TMME 1920 N.3884 8ss. 38,000 Pads- SpA. S.B. Ltd.—Forms/ C. 2122.
C 1 cup v t pct i lit proto tr View th You fir th Sir amrsh off ^ ever al no en fit thi wm wt W0 yo bt as tate ont H hake H. 4 remove th 4 over
D Doard d as Note Wer co M
DMS M d 165 6 4 an 4 t
C.M. Form A.88. Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Words. Charge. Prefi Recd at Thismessage is on a/c of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions Sent Date CCCUUUVVV I. OODDDDDODDODDDDDDDDDDDDODODDo L OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO By. By (Signature of Franking Officer.7) 0l To Stution 16cC No w2 t 20 DATOIMSM WTEI SentersMinber AAA avide prernish 1 SRo2 Please FFcant & Ea fou Fecendise Sin Exoure C.M houer ats Fp reperated EoManra office on tham 1 Aadd 11187 Corks tiny Head yea lin n erald be woudd 14 cexam X let pa 11 would a ramn exacueted wch o7 £154 i your Hice landin do dease th Co you olise te Ret to t ttt FT 1 Acting From Place Time 13 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. c occon Censor. Sibe of RAHEOr Of PEPPON BOCEFTANNWUIONAMO. This line should be crased if not D.2101913.- 0-9258.
C’Form (Duplicate) Ary For AnI MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Messasg. Charges to Pay. 17✓215 Tte HARN t XX Manded in at 92 O0c0 Recoreaf 20 In7ac lips ADms en DESSTHSNN D W AAA Medical o one swt Privates tt available ewfoe shall sak H them end FRON ensick wt Colorel PLAORE TTAR WS B.OSOPAde SpS S. B.LI-Forme/O. 2123.
0060 17. 8.13 041 S H. bolone Giblin Ob. Aust: has: bl. Station Augae. Duvring present. operations. I frust you wil Chill canprot the exacuation at Anyal & Angac North. from Aust Cole Station & from 13 & 16. Hb. Stations. I have not the power tomake you an Admis Which I would glavly do, line. I trust thee Ican get the Gob mis force lods so. I gi you a step in rants At. Mes same This will take some time nowever. I tist an gois well at Angae. There is considereblo congesty on L.OfC.& I hope. thit slight cases firsmos + sick cn 6 practicable well remain as. Meen Breroing Stations of D. Ambees o At C.C. stations wher there is room for them W.G. BerSc CH9. 17.8.15 Durs
G.H.C DMS Imbros. beg to acknowledge you letter of 15 inst I am however at a loss to understand my present position. You instruct me to controle the evacuation operetions of the thee CC Station and to act for you but ubers I am appointed AB.M.S. sagas my position is an anonnton Colorl Keble instrnctel me one that I would be AB.M.S. and entitle to the stat in rank that that dosition carnes, otherwise I would not have occepted th exha responsibelthes. & I am not to hold such appointment I would ask to be rehved of this only Mr Gebenn Lt C2 Ol. Ang. C.C.J Angue Aug 15th 8915
D.M. Int 6CC 66 esfd bo te allaten men as shelch farers from Ne 2 Outhort of arying bon a to Walkin Ben at filing wted by Na16 on alcom br M fate hn He tpi He esped betten D about one mite I taton tthers have to he carned day 29.59 wah and adovng at t Young 2 ob ha heavy was the i 6 te would on Hibl Sh i cany b 4 Mabe 6 Of Ant 6 27 Au 1 191

"C" Form (Duplicate).    Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.           No. of Message

SM gr 33.  GHQ
Charges to Pay.
£        s.       d.
Office Stamp.
A. 15.VIII.15.
Service Instructions.                                                                              
Handed in at      GHQ           Office 1925 m.     Received 1935 m.    
TO      ADMS Hdqrs Anzac.    
Sender's Number
MHQ 600                       
Day of Month
In reply to Number

If possible keep slight cases
of wounds and sickness with 
field ambulances if practicable as
great congestion of slight cases 
on L of C

FROM                   DMS GHQ.
PLACE & TIME    1920
W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


Dear Giblin.
In view of a prolonged
occupation of this front - I have to
consider amongst other things the removal
of the Hospitals from present site &
selection of new site
Would you come round to
my Dug out & let us talk it over
John Young



Forwarding for your information.
Can the authority asked
for be issued from Headquarters?
WW Giblin Lt Col
O.C.  A.C.C.S.

Capt Young - 13th C.C.S.
Notified his taking
over command & asks for 
authority to do said change
pay on hospital.


Reinforcement for
C. C. Station
The Australian C.C. Station at 
Anzac Beach has at present a full
staff of officers but only 49 other ranks
Owing to the strain of 16 weeks continuous 
work many of the men are
knocking up. We have received small
reinforcements but in many cases
these are being kept back by other
Hosp. units in Eg & Mudros
There is also great delay in convalescent  
patients returning. Can steps be
taken to bring us up to strength?
The O's C Nos 13 & 16 CCS
have applied for various of personnel.
No 13 with   8 of.  & 65 other Ranks
outpost          3     "     30    "          "
No 16 wants  2    "     10     "          "
Considering that all those men
are fresh they should be able 
to cope with the work if brought
up to strength.
16/8/15  WW Giblin Lt Col
acting ADMS


Colonel Keble
Forwarding application for 
recognition of work received from
OC No 13 C.C.S.
As you were present and
saw the work of this unit, please
attach your opinion and advise
me as to whether a similar
application should be sent in for
other C.C. Stations working
WW Giblin Lt Col
16.8.15 O.C. Aust C.C.S


 C.M. Form A.89.
" A " Form.   Army Form C. 2121.




Office of Origin and Service Instructions.

Words. Charge.


This message is on a/c of :

(Signature of "Franking Officer.")

Recd. at............m.

TO            O.C.
                 No 16 CC Station
                  No 2 Out Post                                                                                                                                   
* Sender's Number.
Day of Month.
In reply to Number

Please furnish return daily showing
numbers evacuated for twenty four
hours ending six p.m. of
wounded and sick seperately also 
names of officers and their
battalions Stop Army Corps Headquarters
would be obliged if you
could let them have Return
of numbers evacuated each day
since your landing Stop If
you can do this please
enclose with return to me
WW Giblin Lt Col
acting ADMS

The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
D.210/9.13.-C.9258.              * This line should be erased if not required.


" C " Form (Duplicate).    Army Form C. 2123.

  Charges to Pay.
£           s.         d.

Office Stamp.
A 17.VIII.15.C
Service Instructions.
Zeitoun 17th
Handed in at   9.35   Office --  m.  Received 1052 m.    
TO      ADMS Anzac Gallipoli Tenedos    
Sender's Number          Day of Month In reply to Number AAA

one Medical officer five privates
available reinforcements aaa Shall I
send them

FROM Lieut Colonel Fenwick
W. 2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.



Director of
Date 17. 8.15
Medical Service

Lt. Colonel Giblin
O.C. Aust: Cas: Cl: Station
During present operations. I trust you will
still control the evacuation at Anzac &
Anzac North. from Aust. C.C. Station & from
13 & 16. C.C. Stations.
I have not the power to make you an A.D.M.S.
which I would gladly do, but I trust that
I can get the G.O.C. Med. Force to do so.
& give you a step in rank at the same.
This will take some time however.
I trust all goes well at Anzac. There is
considerable congestion on L. of C. & I hope.
that slight cases of wounds & sickness,
if practicable, will remain at Main
Dressing Stations of Fd. Ambces or at
C.C. Stations where there is room for them.
W.G. Birrell
SG. D.M.S.
G.H.Q. 17.8.15 


D.M.S.  G.H.Q.
I beg to acknowledge your
letter of 15th inst.
I am however at a loss
to understand my present position.
You instruct me to control the
evacuation operations of the three
C.C. Stations and to act for you
but unless I am appointed A.D.M.S.
Anzac my position is an anomalous
Colonel Keble instructed me
that I would be A.D.M.S. and entitled
to the step in rank that that
position carries, otherwise I would
not have accepted the extra
If I am not to hold
such appointment I would
ask to be relieved of this duty
WW Giblin Lt Col
OC. Aust. C.C.S
Aug 15th 1915.



The O.C. No 16 C.C.S. has 
requested that he be allotted 100
men as stretcher bearers for purpose
of carrying wounded from No 2 Outpost
to Walkers Beach the place of evacuation
at present used by No 16, on account 
of their own jetty being subjected
to sniping.
The distance between these 
stations is about one mile. During
the day stretchers have to be carried
through the sap and at night by
road joining the two stations.
It would only be during
times of heavy work that this extra
help would be required.
Col Keble when here recommended 
that four motor ambulances 
be sent to carry out this work.
I think this would be satisfactory.

WW Giblin Lt Col
O.C. Aust C.C. Stations
Aug 18th 1915 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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