Correspondence relating to Wilfrid Wanostrocht Giblin, 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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no M5 X MHO 590 Anstrah also act 4 by Cor. Young S Bloul Gibl wtioof meda on hst ed Dn (0J 420. a C smation in hed anyaad pees Din Thom ad f
Cr Form (Duplicate). Army Ferm C.Mss. HO. ONOMSO J. C MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charges to Pay. J. Office Stamp. d. 25 4 6 Service Instructions. Uledanding M. Recorad ) Gad. m. Obed Awtton Eleannd T0 on Sender’s Number PTO. SOSR TRoply to Humber AAA And AFCG52O there fou L44 pecuved Repantes 38811 srnate renante 408 did to daa 202th taker to Sea Kindin And Mane ther sendial stap Englan An can draspital canfiam Yan FROM chelon Thisd PLAOEATINE Alexandra W 86881672 50000 Pads. 12114 A. W. & Co. Forms(O.2123.
DDM Ay Cont Hirgar A1 l MS
- o 358/3 a 138 COM A.D.M.S., ANLAG. A.D.M.S. of Divisions have the power delegated to them by the D.M.S. to post tamorary all R.A.M.C. personnel (officers and other ranks) in their Divisions according to their requirements, taking ofLicers and other ranks from one unit to another as nocessity arises. All reinforcoments will be sent up as they arrive. Casualty Clearing Stations, Gonoral and Stationary Eoopitals are under D.D.M.S., L of C who is authorized by D.M.Sey M.E.P. to allot officers and other ranes of L of C Units as considered nocossary by him. Please inform Atmss accordingly. Ws. Bernies Goneral Headquar Surromttror. 131318. Boll.Se, M.E.V. S Cul Jiblin Dow Ll. adow Dove Oyse. vos to theble Chl p Oyal PW 14.0.13
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14 Imnbio bey to acknowledge you letter of 15 wst am hower at a to understand my present from you instruct me to contrl Th e Co H and to ack for ye b unbers I an appointed AB.MS Angar my position is an anounto Corond Kethe instrcted me d I wild be A0M and intt ndt btho wamed otherwise If walld acapter th whe Not hev resfor allbe Iam Not ppointment I would to be relieved of they BK. ti 4 54C 5th 115

Received in M.S.S. by Col Young & shewn to me
by him.
Copy of Cable
MHQ 590 17th  Lt Colonel Giblin O.C.
Australian Casualty Clearing Station
has taken over control of medical
arrangements for evacuation from
C.C. Station to Tows on beaches
and for present remains under DMS
also acts under (P) MLO Anzac.
Keble returns today to GHQ
Giblin's designation is Medical
Control Officer Anzac for at present

GHQ   17.30
True Copy
Local for DDMS


 No. of Message  44      
. A6.VII.15 

Handed in at Alexandria   Office 0820 m.  Received 0909 m.
TO    1st Austln Clearing Hospital
Sender's Number MFC9520
Day of Month 5th Aug

Reports received here show you.
reported H08 private H.B. BRAIN
sixth Bn to have died
and body taken to sea
for burial. stop. this man
in hospital England  stop  Can
you confirm
FROM    Third Echelon
PLACE&TIME    Alexandria 


L of C

I beg to report that considerable
delay has occurred in sending
reinforcements for the 1st Australian
Casualty Clearing Station.  My
unit has been greatly weakened
by men being wounded & sick
and now the strength of N.C.O. & men
is only 49 instead of 77.
I would be obliged if steps
could be taken to ensure these
re-inforcements joining us as soon as
possible.  At present Station some
are used as orderlies in the No 1 General
Hospital, Heliopolis. 
Great delay also occurs in the
return of convalescent men from
the base.
WW Giblin Lt Col
OC. 1st Aust.C.C. Station
Aug 12th 1915 


No 858/15 Date 13.8.15*)

A.D.M.S. of Divisions have the power delegated to them
by the D.M.S. to post temporary all R.A.M.C. personnel
(Officers and other ranks) in their Divisions according
to their requirements, taking officers and other ranks
from one unit to another as necessity arises.  All
reinforcements will be sent up as they arrive.
Casualty Clearing Stations, General and Stationary
Hospitals are under D.D.M.S., L of C who is authorised
by D.M.S., M.E.F. to allot officers and other ranks
of L of C Units as considered necessary by him.
Please inform ADMS's accordingly.

W.G. Berrill
B.M.S., M.E.F. 

General Headquarters,                        
Lt Colonel Giblin
ADMS.   L of C.   Advancd Base

Passed to you.
C Keble

Colonel. RMS for PHQ


M.H.Q. No. 26      15.8.15

Lt. Col. Giblin.
O.C. C.C. Stations  Anzac.
I am very pleased to hear that
hosl have arranged to take over control
of the evacuation of casualties 
from Col Keble at Anzac.  that
includes your own unit, & Nos
13 & 16 C.C. Stations, & control
the evacuation from CC Station
to tows on Beaches.  Better appoint
an acting O.C for your own unit &
generally supervise the task of
the 3.; get in touch with Col.
Young, who is now Commandant
Aust Advanced Base Anzac, & remember
he is experienced as regards 


Military considerations on beaches,
but work in conjunction with
him, & I think you should report
yourself officially to him,
as he is Commdt Advanced Base Anzac.
You are under me. & act for me
as the evacuation officer from C.C.S -
& C.C. Stations have not yet been
taken over at Anzac & Sufla by
the  Adms O.G.C. Line of Communications.
& in any difficulty
write to me (DMS GlHQ)
Your position requires some
tact, as while all Units & officers
doing duty at Advanced Base
Anzac come under Military 
Control of Commandant Advanced
Base, you are acting
also for me as I control


for the present the evacuations
from front to tows on the 
beaches, but I am sure you
can arrange all this. 
Divisions have nothing to do with
C.C Stations, & should evacuate
to them, the xxxx personnel
of C.C. Stations feed, rest, & if
necessary dress the wounded
at C.C. S's & transport them to
tows on beaches, but cannot 
be called on to carry wounded
from F.a.s to C.C. Stations, & of course
if at any period they are having
an easy time, they might give
their services to F.a.s  for carrying but that's
for O.C  C.C. Station to decide,
best for Division, or F.a.s


You can rearrange the personnel
at C.C Stations as a
temporary measure as required,
& if any question arises you
you are acting for the DMS
& I give you the necessary
authority to act.
There are certain returns you
O.C.s C.C. Stations send in & I
am sending the list to you O.C. CCs
by same post.
Good luck to you & dont expose
yourself unnecessarily, & if
things are going normally -
leave matters to O.C. C.C.Ss.
Keep in touch with Commdt
of Adv. Base Anzac, this
will help matters greatly

W.G. Berrill

ClHQ               SG

15.8.15              DMS


At present there is no ADMS.
Advance Base, Anzac.


D.M.S.  G.H.Q.


I beg to acknowledge your
letter of 15th inst.
I am however at a loss
to understand my present position. 
You instruct me to control the
evacuation operations of the three
C.C. Stations and to act for you
but unless I am appointed A.D.M.S.
Anzac my position is an anomalous
Colonel Keble instructed me 
that I would be A.D.M.S. and entitled
to the step in rank that that
position carries, otherwise I would
not have accepted the extra
If I am not to hold
such appointment I would
ask to be relieved of this duty.

W.W. Giblin Lt. Col.
O.C. Aust. C.C.S.
Aug 15' 1915.  

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