Diary of Wilfrid Wanostrocht Giblin, 1914 - 1915 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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sword hundred Turks today bigof I have been too bury to write wary latily how things have settled down & an qui. Sh daw lond ar to have been i failie Deby of sur hou cat the the advantage of sarpin 0 the ford seon opositin only advenced a fist mily, were held & an now intrincted t ho iater advantage gained. This is of cousce as for can pdge without sure informtin tkision took some tench Wr had heavy work Line Mitia itig the hadent dy, 1900 osd hund tom hand next day $1200. There are tw Butil Cas. Chai Station working difficult ithe worth. Ty have then selver to the to cal cond to adept have see kAric fentil wik well anit Sby are Campbill, Davy, Lykes & also Blackhe & Thompson Sir Ian Hete GDCC his repressed his apprecition if to wik way in which thes Casualty Clear Station carried out the work of exacuating wouded from Lyse Beech I am to rec Kibb i tction
edren an guting command of the C.C. Station, but it also intolle me to promotion bug. 20 I have been buoy & stach lately partly from allhealt) which hes made me The progress on revews on my dran. rumoure left he been unotifucting. We hear Is woks of advances & lon of trench afa hhe settling down to a cot canfugnfr t weather shous signs of huaking. He thoops are showng marked syn of the long stay, & many are being avornted Ianly for inknen The St Brigade; part of the 2n Mnst. Dw. Sandie a few nights ago & got will into th fighting Gen Steen told me they are up to stand in I There seem no question about to pet that oue Iushratian ane stronge & bither fith then any of K's new arm who are out hire. This is not the opinion only of Anstalian but of English & India officers too (Skien & Evans) we got to times of tubt a fwwedays ao & i it saw the best of names mentioned by th C.nC. in dispatchs. Fn the Aust Cuenally Cleany Station majo Curbin & I were down also P Cowtan. Pe Contan's getting th D.C.M. was an unfortunate mistape as many of the other men sne more deserving 27th We had shyll rain hot night after severe threate of a themduston Todiy then is a strong Nwd when i gets roomd tot S.W. & dont know how we shad manage. We had hoped by this time to have either tinished off this tenpest compann or at any sate teninsita where we could have cleared accon
will be imporsible in winter y 31 St Cor- Balponr & Buchaman wumb medical admin Committee amie I received them fromd the dug ler showed then round o Sept 5t I was very knocked up after walking up 1th Bt of the big hill behind Angal and on th advice of Colonel House & Major Gordon Secided to go to the Basi for a rest. I have lost weight consideratly & fell weak so it is necessary to necuperate. After stending the morning in Shaughtenng up my affairs I handed worth command of met so Major Gordon & went on board the Mahens! dur t afternoon a New Iccland Hropilel The makem is in cooul colling y 5 saip under the con bollongton. I was comportably cotted in a ward wifh a mimber of other officer & JCSS The food was good but himited owing to the idin the medical officer apparenty had that I shole be dicked. He three days rest, before we left I am the shif at hindros did me good. now at the 1st Hust Stationary Hospital at kndnos. I am vay confutible here as they have civin an Colonel Bryants bent & I mess with the officers who are all old friends. Cot Byant his returrned to Egyft an route for Hushalia & Majo Povill is in change with Major Newtand Capt berco, be hemrer, matter & three others. The hospital has been entangss cean. 1000 prtents instead of the ony for which it aft
ept15t Stitt waiting at the Stationary Hospital. I am reliy much bitter for the rest, but am still wrak & fit tied if I wifk a couple of iles. There is no indication of any ship (hospital) for Alegan dria. as far as I can hear to Hospitet in Sppt are faily fill + they are sending at base cases to tatte lbratte or England shiifly the last. The Aquitariua 148,000 tom) has been convitted ut a Bosptal shp & came i fast ml. She will fitt go to England. I have dieided t go in her arthere seens no chance of Egylt. The Maust. amd sailed last night. It is provible that the Guons will make everyf effort to sink her. The torpedsed Southlind is ashor in the olter harbour here. She was bringin up hushelo troop of the 2d Diisin the she was but & the troops reported to hour behaved with guet havin & contrasted with the behadin of the crew wh attpted to rush th boats Sept 15 left the 1s AsH & was trainfived to the Hispital ship Agentania. There was considerable delay in getting patients on bound. We arived at Thip at Sping but someof the shetch arres did not get taken off the moter burge titl after 10 pe Twordays ago the convition Dept at Subions hopen up & the pepsents sexe hundredin mumber wee transfired to t conviisent Depot at kindror under lot ford. The arrived late in afternoon. He had had no notice ar him of tei a coming. He was alrady t
w t only get half under cowes th remainder had to sleef out. Dunng the night then we havy full of rain about 13 ngh wich There is no telephome communieatoon with the Headqueiten shif Aragon. If was cut of some tie ago by a trawbr danggiy her anchor but, no renewal of he has ben made I was put uto a very comfortible cabin in which then wire too beds with batt soon attacte Sige 1off sgane Clert of Drawer &hds hundso arlard wood Elictrie becter. my fillow cubin companin ws aspade have He 6/1 Attacl t R.N.Disiion. tu ple Sept 18th Dur departure from Lemnor was delaryi owig wartherl I bind which re then geit of the hartom thang it boone difficul feva sht th sizy of this: WWeser away at Jan Bday & made good headrry passiy Cipe matcha about y p.m. The follow th attenlar of this fort o Honge 47.000l Spew 23 knots Legtt 900fr. Breadt 97 feet Dectt 92 fbitAcon Set p 3250 pussy 1000 crewing my cabn confarm is now S. Cod. arher kancefa gealist Befre lowing Sunnor the Nevathn alnyside to diichan patients. If (51 Bord way an boades came tod me with Col mayo Rotsons whalso united me to Dime will I hear the cabin we occupy cost 100 frinces for the attantie vox of
very fine view Set 19 trowerd Aoples 5.30. of coust, Capin, Vamons & 2o coaling at rat of one tow per soseon They bost uses about 900 tong for de in 21 lept Naples 7. am. 23 off Gibrelto at dawn left 7.30 am. 24 We have not been huvllig at fill speed as cool be took a at Nobl is American Then is a sunning bath on bourd the shp 36f1 by 12pt 5/1 t8 f seep. very enjoyable marble side enamd flov Decated to repreven t Romin bith I bither once in twere a day Sept 25 Reached Southhamph Wrter about 4 p.m anchored for some hours for tode. Fine new of Isleg wight. Ams victory in the distance in Porkmoth Habour. 26 Keft all day awaiting Dsambart at Got aay by ham for ond about t pe tinved about S pm. Sent to No 3 Genell Herptal Wadswirth. In wand with 20 other officer all anstialion 27 Boarded given 4 wecks suplavr. Vaw Cof Sqme. Pat up at Piccudilly Pel Hosil. Dined with Fh McCall. Lumeber at Cock 38th Saw D.DSR. Botton & ow fellow Studn. huncend at Pyms. Caft. OBren had dinner with me afterwards to Garety Yought the night 29 Lunchedwith O'Brenn at Borkok Enpon Club afterwards took him to Borts. Dinedas Pive
ept 30th to chittertan to stay with Ronald Besie. oct R hadnews from t office of Eves dett on 20th ost. Also a letter from Eue of that dity saying how will t gas hi acked killing off the Gennans
/15 Plan of A.C.CStation. Site used from titl 28/22/15 yur onts mens tee NC toll 54 ki Alti Sthn Turses store stous th tn of hay
M Archards Mount Morgan Menstand Anstralia Sisk on Hoputal ledarys Preenmona rapily one to seamher, Recomvery WATORRICHERD 25 24 23 22 27 Naper 20 S19 Kapt 18 3 5

several Hundred Turks today.
Aug 14 I have been too busy to write
diary lately. Now things have settled
down & are quiet. The t new landing
appears to have been a failure.  Delay
of some hours cost them the advantage
of surprise, so they found serious opposition
only advanced a few miles, were held
up & are now entrenched & no material
advantage gained. This is of course as far
as I can judge without sure information
The Aust. Division took some trenches in
Lone Pine Plateau. We had heavy work
evacuating the heaviest day 1900 odd passed
though our hands next day 1200  There are
two British Cas. Clearing Stations working
further north. They have great difficulty
in adapting themselves to the local conditions
I have six RAMC lieutenants working with
them and they are Campbell, Davy, Sykes &
McKay also Blackham & Thompson  Sir Ian Hamilton
the G.O.C in C has expressed his appreciation of
the work way in which this Casualty Clearing
Station carried out the work of evacuating
wounded from Anzac Beach during the recent
operations.  Col Keble is going away today &
is leaving me the position of A.D.M.S. L of C Anzac


this will mean severing giving up my
command of the C.C. Station but it also
entitles me to promotion.
Aug 24th  I have been busy & slack lately
(partly from illhealth) which has made me
remiss in my diary. The progress on our
left has been unsatisfactory.  We hear rumours
of advances & loss of trenches again. It looks
like settling down to a winter campaign for
the weather shows signs of breaking. The troops
are showing marked signs of their long stay, &
many are being evacuated daily for sickness.
The 5th Brigade, part of the 2nd Aust Div. landed
a few nights ago & got well into the fighting
Gen Skien told me they are up to standard.
There seems no question about the fact that our
Australians are stronger & better fighters than any
of K's new arm who are out here.  This is not
the opinion only of Australians but of English
& Indian officers too (Skien & Evans)
We got the Times of Aug 6th a few days ago & in
it saw the list of names mentioned by the C. in C. in
dispatches. For the Aust. Casualty Clearing Station
Major Corbin & I were down also Pte Cowham.  Pte
Cowham getting the D.C.M. was as unfortunate mistake
as many of the other members men were more deserving.
27th We had slight rain last night after severe threatening
of a thunderstorm. Today there is a strong N wind where
it gets round to the S.W. I dont know how we shall
manage. We had hoped by this time to have either
finished off this Turkish campaign or at any rate
to be across the peninsula where we could have cleared


from a port in the Dardanelles. This west coast
will be impossible in winter
Aug 31 Lt Cols Balfour & Buchanan members
of medical advisory Committee arrived
I received them found them dug outs &
showed them round generally.
Sept 5th I was very knocked up after walking up
to the top of the big hill behind Anzac and on
the advice of Colonel Howse & Major Gordon decided
to go to the Base for a rest. I have lost weight
considerably & feel weak so it is necessary to
recuperate.  After spending the morning in
straightening up my affairs I handed over the
command of unit to Major Gordon & went
on board the 'Maheno' during the afternoon.
The Maheno is now a New Zealand Hospital
ship under the command of Colonel Collins of
Wellington.  I was comfortably cotted in a
ward with a number of other officers & N.C.O.s
The food was good but limited owing to the idea
the medical officer apparently had that I should
be dieted.  The three days rest before we left
the ship at Mudros did me good. I am
now at the 1st Aust Stationary Hospital at
Mudros.  I am very comfortable here as they
have given me Colonel Bryant's tent & I mess
with the officers who are all old friends. Col
Bryant has returned to Egypt en route for
Australia & Major Powell is in charge with
Major Newland Capts Fonco, Le Mesurier, Matters,
& three others. The hospital has been enlarged
to receive 1000 patients instead of the original
200 for which it is staffed.


Sept 10th Still waiting at the Stationary Hospital.  I am
feeling much better for the rest, but am still weak
I get tired if I walk a couple of miles.  There is no
indication of any ship (hospital) for Alexandria
As far as I can hear the hospitals in Egypt are
fairly full and they are sending all base cases to
Malta Gilbraltar or England, chiefly the last.  The
Aquitania (48,000 tons) has been converted into
a hospital ship and came in last night.  She will fill
& go to England.  I have decided to go in her
as there seems no chance of Egypt.  The Mauretania
sailed last night.  It is probable that the
Germans will make every effep  effort to sink her.
The torpedoed Southland is ashore in the outer
harbour here.  She was bringing up Australian troops
of the 2nd Division when she was hit & the troops
are reported to have behaved with great bravery
& contrasted with the behaviour of the crew who
attempted to rush the boats.
Sept 15 Left the 1s ASH & was transferred to the
Hospital ship Aquitania.  There was considerable
delay in getting patients on board.  We arrived
at ship at 5 p.m. but some of the stretcher cases
did not get taken off the motor barge till
after 10p.m.  Two days ago the convalescent
Depot at Imbros was broken up & the patients
six hundred in number were transferred to the
Convalescent Depot at Mudros under Col. Ford.  They
arrived late in afternoon.  He had had no notice
to warn him of their ar  coming.  He was already 


full with 1500 cases.  As a result he could
only get half under cover & the remainder
had to sleep out.  During the night there was a
heavy fall of rain about 1/3 nijh inch.
There is no telephone communication with the
Headquarters ship Aragon.  It was cut off some
time ago by a trawler dropping her anchor
but no renewal of line has been made.
I was put into a very comfortable cabin in
which there was two beds with bath room attached
Size 10 ft square chest of drawers & beds handsome
inlaid wood. Electric heater. My fellow cabin
companion was a padre named Moore
attach to R. N. Division. Very pleasant. He left
Sept 18th Our departure from Lemnos was delayed
owing to a Northerly wind which rendered
the exit of the harbour through the boom difficult
for a ship the size of this. We got away at 7am
today & made good headway passing Cape
Matapan about 7 p.m. The following are the
particulars of this boat.  Tonnage 47,000 tons
Speed 23 knots Length 901 ft. Breadth 97 feet
Depth 92 ft 6 inches Accommodation for 3250 passengers
1000 crew. My cabin companion is now
Lt. Col. Archer, RAMC, a genial Irishman.
Before leaving Lemnos the Navasha came
along side to discharge patients. Lt Col Bird
was on board and came to dine with Col
Mayo-Robson who also invited me to
dinner with him.
I hear the cabin we occupy cost 100 guineas
for the Atlantic voyage


Sept 19 Arrived Naples 5.30. Very fine view
of coast, Capri, Vesuvius etc.
" 20 coaling at rate of one ton per 10 seconds
This boat uses about 900 tons per Diem.
" 21 left Naples 7 am.
" 23 Off Gibraltar at dawn let 7.30am.
"24 We have not been travelling at full speed
as coal we took on at Naples is American.
There is a swimming bath on board this
ship 36 ft by 12 ft 5 ft to 8ft deep. Very
enjoyable. Marble sides, enamel floored.
Decorated to represent old Roman bath.
I bathe once or twice a Day.
Sept 25 Reached Southhampton Water about 4pm.
Anchored for some hours for tide. Fine
view of Isle of Wight. HMS Victory in the
distance in Portsmouth Harbour.
" 26 Kept all day awaiting disembarkation
Got away by train for London about 4pm.
Arrived about 6pm. Sent to No 3 General
Hospital Wandsworth. In ward with 20
other officers all Australians.
27th Boarded given 4 weeks sick leave. Saw
Col Syme. Put up at Piccadilly Pahan Hotel.
Dined with Sup. McCall. Lunched at Cork
28th Saw Dr DLR Bolton & old fellow student: Lunched
at Pyms. Capt. O'Brien had dinner with me
& afterwards to Gaiety 'Tonights the Night'.
29 Lunched with O'Brien at British Empire Club
afterwards took him to Barts. Dined at the Troc.


Sept 30th. To Cheltenham to stay with Ronald &
Oct 1st R had news from War Office of Eric's death.
on 28th inst. Also a letter from Eric of that date
saying how well the gas had acted in killing off
the Germans.


Plan of A.C.C. Station. Site used from 4/7/15

                                                    till 10/10/15


Mrs. Richards
Mount Morgan
Queensland Australia
Sick in Hospital 4 days: Pneunmonia
gone to sea in her, rapily
23 Gib 7.30
21 Naples 7 am
20 __
S 19 Naples 5.3

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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