Diary of Wilfrid Wanostrocht Giblin, 1914 - 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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beturned to Alexander by afternoon hain Jon 21 The L General Hop left Alxad for Mena House Hispitie Jou 23 baded Indra Sspitt ship with many return sick & wouded dedian mutty wouded in Lef Hand Tempred of 1s att dondid on tra Jan 20 Enhamed at 90m & lyft for came with 1 General Hospitil Riached Hutbet Spituabout 1pm Ricucbe are t Helopols men altothe room in officer very fine woo by froor Meeks as Hosel opposite Jon 25 Egnspmt tanprted to Hilopot No long in haus it which is more tha mut wnts canday Called on Gineral Fod Director of Mdonl Serice fr hm in Egytt Received instrutin about non Iotor Anula in Cairs to ansist removal of rick Indions Jan 26 Lecciver instruction to hotd sef on readiens to more for aid at short notice answered & cauld on ready to nor on 3/ fours. Lnte receivedorde that whole mort will so a po 1s A General His potal was to sutan next day at & matters on Helwpon Houpilet tico ver uncomfortable over to behave DCor Ramsay Smith who sehares on a most
Ticter ship to Frinmpt which was sunk at Gullipost Both buith for Permran Gov & taken over at him of Lussis. pupain war. peculver mamner toward his officers Ting more remeritle as he has sone of the finet men an his & taft Syme Mandaby Jackson, Dunkill, Fumbull & Sutherland. They are all thoroughly dis- pusted. Of his nnes t the majul innedialty poanteerd t come with th chaing Hispite but nove were informd the an & go till about 830 next money All luggage had tobe pacted by 9.30 Lp ananged for rd an of nitr Jou 27t Left Palan Kutteh Station it wayous 330. At cairs pickedup pr1 Stating Hipitag with 1 aues ichding funet & Red Bird mises Mayor Raill in Command with Newland & turse kng Feres, Pon, Costyn left wherwall oe rad I know ao as I have taken away his favout munes barked Jshmalin 18.30. There henenis nen of some fighting that day on the Cennal Ast th Pr Stationy Hupetit It wint on i but said Pantedth HML. Twiff we Battislip in conl. The hadbenn froms that morning & an cleared p action Reached Prt Laid at 12.20 wet by Maji Battye J MS. & taftain kecon Informe that I was to take charge of a Hospital there
a convent the Asile Conveent having been requisition that morning for the purpose. Sene hurses to Hospital. Then inpading equipit 50 tow & bnoto, bwonacked men constation o officing wint to Hr bid by 330 Jon 28th By 7oclock made start to more rquisint from Setion to Hospits Trumpot by mule cast (Jndian); & my motertore sind to do annigng allotwend of wand & wom in Hopia chanmg atall i Elector light- Sanitariy inspection & ultiration, heceva accorngdtf motor Called & saw Cot Elzeod G.T.O. Encifed mer in desirt near Railwry Station in due Capt O Breen & Camptill In afternoon attended funeral service Hyn Fench corporal Colr h had been killed hast wgls of English Officer while recomenting. By ever things of Hospital began to soon bss depressin huses & man hou worded will Lan 29. Hard at work geting beds wit Hriptat from Pavoy Hotel. a German institutuon which her seans but up. Was visited by Col. Manders. Depety Dinter and sinicer. The arstation transport ares held op at Ishmanha & are now The aurs toworw af Tudday the pee
Sutmarne A E.2 waik came powe with them, harred through comle today SS Kyana ared you Alexandera The is returning to antialia with your inscled & others But Capt M Lutosh. Jan 29h Hospital inspected by Col. manders adond cano makin pergien towards ps to remary patients Hind story of aviatirg death. they had been Scont wer wnkish tues near Bet. Said but macking went wrong. They landed sopl but to close to turket trooks so they bringthen acroplare & waked towards onr him alsng of cannet trank leadig to Pat sund Subt works In the Daik Kin wirl shop fy on Idon pictet to shot wee find the recived 12 hits Jan 30s By 8o clork tran with Capt Hewn to kandana 2o wily down live Inspected the tanal bank between salt & trish wate cannts to see if it were hmbe to run a moter at along if to fied a hospital hrai pack would an difficult but worth trying Retarid by Hispibis trai to ETup ansperted there Brought back o7 sich ddians whowire met by our mote Statin to Eggllian Hospital. One wounds
arickins turkink prsonner had hid a tough time diving to aomof white flag our men had been ordered not to rrespect it. This tark wis shot through pelons. He day a white fiug but in ompound & warrd Indran Sancer changed him graying his back & briaking his sance. He then drmounted & empted the magagi of t his riple as the tust at about 15 yards. No result He nex tried to know his nais out with but of his tiner gust the an hnglist ohi amioed & put the wounded wark in a Concil to comviy him to assistane Pepent brecking on tounl, houndes a te teat bat in git of all in gting Jan. 31 In afternoon to Salt works in on will Poliee Lauk with Capt. Heron RenC Reger Will Ime Inspicted defenses then wil vew t organinging remeral of wounded. afternoon ten with officers of Brahms. Detared Major Richanrd to accompaning an expecition along const in stenwer conviging heroplane Aander commund of Caps Wildon Intelly Officer. Object biing to pich up wout o plan others by mions of peroplanes. Expret to be 6 doys. Lt. Maddrell 7 adH in difficulty hading loss awa tan men from transport. Lept hem a picket
of tem men from A CH. to pick up her strays Nove found. Inchined to think they had gof bach Febs 1915. Caftain Camptill dispitched with onfond Firgt Syme & a men with mote can to kantane by train. To try canal track. 2 days provisions mot tho cases admittd to Hospital Both Dined with Captun & Mr. Heron. Capt. Whtw oith madical Yones also there. All very pleasunt oftheward to pitures 930 -12 Kenow is in Kame man in employ of Egyption Gov. He has been pecited in Port Said to light month 26. 22 Amranged punal of Froper I as as thwand o te e thom bast toho ded gestiong i thet. Horptit Post Pand from bronchs - prenmonn foroing meatles pb 3 Viited Egyllian & Indian Hispitals wall Dr. Hayward & Major Wills respectiily CMS Mongoha came in with alison M Phallamy on board pavilling home with Aknoxs. She loske rather them having had a trying time in voyage with sea sickness. Hebeat will be beld up here some days Firing heard along canal csp. in expect neyghbouhood of Ishailia. 21 cases brought in by Hospital train & remosed by our motors. campbell came back for another car& re ported that there had been some fighting at Kantara today. He had succeeded in working having hope on overth desert with a motor heek
Reported here that howitzu shell had buind i aimed cunser in came kelling captain o Heavy fromy from Hus Swiftn Imen at Kindon & tk han of wa at Smallag. Onr shot yo the firin bunit anong truchgf eemy& laid them all out. The wordid wre chaifly synans Gythen GevLHosps Iwee sent of This Hospial vegings to took more shi shal the westratio Dramage nearng comfletionof opication teater whil hyn Gadin bas taken as good denl of troatl over loods will with white faend wal everything N72 Wr opennes to openting thente with a couple of openntion. The first M. Thempom of the Cleasin Hrspital had afferdicity o a tntnal radical cie for teis. I ordthe first & majn hude the second. Heis a very petty operator. Arrangemts wint off satefacting but stow at first Canlisle, gaveth Chenopin & will inpore with practue The fighting along the Counnl came to very lettle the other day official reports give 59 Cirks Belled Sewound s & 190 pinsuie appainlty t boyly a pontoon brde put it awo the cannl whe it mmediatl diskoyed. They have see fallus back &ur an expety a more serion attach
woon Jauit must hav been th thick of it at Iinalva as the attach wes close up & that town. I sid with her - Bristow tonight He is amercan Consnt and has adventap of not appearig to resemble his Comstrymen in any respect, it fact Toutfeet he i really an English. In Briti is pleasant hes been a murse, act 45? Iwo other ladies of a setor simbar age interested in Redlion work & mayn hmphy 1aS of the Hospital From made p the party. This afternoon I had a very pleasant surprise. A man came up to me, while I was howing afternoon Fia at the casins Hotel, & as mentionig my name asked if I remembered him I did not like to tell thim who I thought be was, (viz Dr Dunn an old fellow s toduit at Barts & one of the best. fillows going) as I had heard Drungwas dead some years ago. However it turned out he had been nearly dread with tutuculori & the report got about he was dead! He is now in fairly good health as long in he takin care if himself. He had heen to Eypt for last 12yea for wter dong a practire among visiton at Dusor. This year it is off so he is port health officer at fert Said He phots is in one of my groups. & the time
On Saturday last the Clearing Hospital played the teal cricked team which has an unbeatin record which however at lust had is end come to are and. Hospital win Feb 15th I out out to Kantain taking Major Gordon laptine campbell took us out in the car anoso canal & about tin miler along camit trank on El Arish road to place when Turk were incomped who had madeattact in Kantaga afewdays go we saw then will & tunch also the marks that the Surphare 7.5 shells had made in the ground.Thest thnked will an the sent The Tide had returd more then 2o wiled & it will unconnidered doubt fit 1t hinke another attent an cannt depeie They received a my narty bump the casnaltes amonting to about $3000 many more that it first reported Lt 12 had gaine of bridse on afternoon with two aviator at Caft Know. Se purt game I have played for som time lapt Food & Panl wire named the latter is only a bymn. I dived with Dr Dunn a Cresio Palire Hotel & had a long yoin after snd ctons old Barts men.
Fo 23 Go Kleghand admin thatnous should return forthwith to conld navpot at Helio holis & gilety distureangthers tall. St star ad sprttyy would perfor fort sand t the Claam Hospfitt all the pleasmen o we think of cant of ther own wntf pparating mort before haven to ong por goe oney tny iting aretin Wn tit my first letter from home Tat I Ber r had appaintly threnste th mylovnd of them bricd here. Hwoletters. fou honto o Geth Baroshatt hory Recened order to hotd myelt in andmeg to mon t lans at short notice Parted of mat of hopol yar sent y man by N. 3. tra to lans. the and wirked will to make hesfit t ifferies & wal disippointed not to he Emaney woudi & wick to practin on. Apparently authoritice fich that cormmstanes I onet waran ixpere of thes indtitation bent Atere firt month de and hedened ion int poet t athing seortoping iy the Direction We hear omoon of work at other, and Lb1t Packing nearly friited. Waitin of canal further orders to more on Reciived and the mait from home dosed Dec 27- also letter from Mrn Prnce Chyywill

Returned to Alexandria by afternoon train
Jan 21st The 2nd General Hosp. left Alexandria
for Mena House Hospital
Jan 23 Visited Indian Hospital ship
with many returning sick & wounded
Indians. Mostly wounded in Left Hand.
Equipment of 1st ACH loaded on train
Jan 24th Entrained at 9a.m. & left for
Cairo with 1st General Hospital.
Reached Kutteh Station about 1pm. Headed
over to Heliopolis then allotted room in
basement. Officers very fine rooms on
ground floor. Meals at Hotel opposite.
Jan 25. Equipment transported to Heliopolis.
No losses in transit. Which is more than
most units can say. Called on General
Ford, Director of Medical Services for Army
in Egypt. Received instructions about
using Motor Ambulances in Cairo
to assist removal of sick Indians.
Jan 26 Received instructions to hold self
in readiness to move forward at short
notice. Answered I could be ready to
move in 3½ hours. Later received order
this whole unit with 21 nurses from
1st A. General Hospital was to entrain
next day at 3pm.
Matters in Heliopolis Hospital becoming
very uncomfortable owing to behaviour of
Lt Col. Ramsey Smith who behaves in a most


[*Sister ship to Triumph which was
sunk at Gallipoli. Both built for
Peruvian Govt & taken over at time
of Russian- Japanese war.*]

peculiar manner towards his officers.
This is more remarkable as he has some
of the finest men on his staff, Syme,
Maudsby, Jackson, Dunhill, Turnbull &
Sutherland. They are all thoroughly disgusted.
Of his nurses us the majority
immediately volunteered to come with the
Clearing Hospital but none were informed
who was to go till about 8.30 next morning
All luggage had to be packed by 9.30
Left Arranged for rapid repairs of motor
Jan 27th Left Palais Kutteh Station at
3.30. At Cairo picked up ½ 1st Stationary
Hospital with 10 nurses. including Janet
Nurse King & Fred Birds nurses. Major
Powell in command with Newland &
Ferce. Poor Corbyn left who will be
mad I know esp as I have taken
away his favorite nurses. Reached
Ishmailia 10.30. There received news
of some fighting that day on the Canal
Left the ½ Stationary Hospital & went on
to Port Said Passed the H.M.S. Swiftsure *
Battleship in canal. She had been firing
that morning & was cleared for action.
Reached Port Said at 12.20 met by Major
Battye I.M.S. & Captain Heron. Informed
that I was to take charge of a Hospital there


a convent the 'Asile Couvreux' having
been requisition that morning for the
purpose. Sent nurses to Hospital. Then
unloading equipment, 50 tons & 6 motors,
bivouacked men on station & officers went
to Hotel bed by 3.30.
Jan 28th By 7 o'clock made start to move
equipment from station to Hospital. Transport
by mule cart (Indian) & my motor lorry
Much to do arranging allottment of ward
& rooms in Hospital, cleaning, installing
electric light, sanitary inspection &
alterations necessary, accommodation for
motor. Called & saw Col Elgood G.S.O.
Encamped men in desert near Railway
Station under Capt O'Brien & Campbell.
In afternoon attended funeral service
of English Officer ∧Flying Corps & French corporal
(observer) who had been killed last night
while reconnoitering. By evening things at
Hospital began to look less depressing
Nurses & men have worked well.
Jan 29. Hard at work getting beds into
Hospital from Savoy Hotel. a German
Institution which has been shut up. Was
visited by Col. Manders. Deputy Director
Med. Services. The Australian transports
are held up at Ishmailia & are now
expected tomorrow at midday. The Australian


Submarine A. E. 2 which came home
with them, passed through canal today
SS. Kyarra arrived from Alexandria.
She is returning to Australia with some
invalids & others. First Capt McIntosh.
Jan 29th Hospital inspected by Col Manders
DDMS Cairo. Making progress towards
provisions for receiving patients.
Heard story of aviators death. They had been
scouting over Turkish lines near Port Said
but machine went wrong. They landed
safely but too close to Turkish troops
so they burnt their aeroplane & walked
towards our lines along old camel-
track leading to Port Said salt works
In the dark they were shot by an
Indian picket 120 shots were fired &
they received 12 hits.
Jan 30th By 8 o'clock train with Capt
Heron to Kantara 20 miles down line.
Inspected the Canal bank between salt
& fresh water canals to see if it were
possible to run a motor all along it
to feed a hospital train. Track would
be difficult but worth trying.
Returned by Hospital train to El Tup &
inspected there. Brought back 17 sick
Indians who were met by our motors
& taken to Egyptian Hospital. One wounded


Turkish prisoner who had had a tough time
Owing to abuse of white flag our men
had been ordered not to respect it.
This Turk was shot through pelvis. He lay
on ground and waved a white flag but an
Indian lancer charged him, grazing his back 
& breaking his lance. He then dismounted
& emptied the magazine of the his rifle at the
Turk at about 15 yards. No result. He next 
tried to knock his brains out with the butt
of his lance. Just then an English Officer
arrived & put the wounded Turk on a 
camel to convey him to assistance.
The girth breaking our Turk landed on
his head but in spite of all is getting 
on well.
Jan. 31st In afternoon to Salt works in 
Police Launch with Capt Heron RAMC & 
Major Wiles I.M.S. Inspected defences there with
view to organising removal of wounded.
Afternoon tea with Officers of Brahmins.
Detailed Major Richards to accompany
an expedition along coast in steamer [*Anarickmos*]
conveying aeroplanes. Under command
of Capt Waldon Intelligence Officer. Object
being to pick up scouts & place others 
by means of aeroplanes. Expect to be
away 5 or 6 days.
Lt. Maddrell 7th A.L.H in difficulty having lost
ten men from transport. Lent him a picket


of ten men from A.C.H to pick up his strays.
None found. Inclined to think they had got back
on board.
Feb 1st 1915  Captain Campbell dispatched with
Sergt Symes & 2 men with motor car to Kantara
by train. To try camel track. 2 days provisions.
First two cases admitted to Hospital. Both 
Dined with Captain & Mrs Heron, Capt Whitworth 
Jones also there. All very pleasant afterwards 
to pictures 9.30-12. Heron is an RAMC
man in employ of Egyptian Govt.  He has
been located in Port Said to eight months.
Feb 2nd - Arranged funeral of Trooper Jas. A. Stewart
3rd Light Horse Regt who died yesterday in Govt
Hospital Port Said from broncho-pneumonia
following measles.
Feb 3rd - Visited Egyptian & Indian Hospitals
under Dr Hayward & Major Wells respectively.
RMS Mongolia came in with Alison
McPhillamy on board travelling home with 
the Knoxs. She looks rather thin having had
a trying time en voyage with sea-sickness.
Her boat will be held up here some days I
expect. Firing heard along canal esp. in 
neighbourhood of Ishmailia. 21 cases brought in
by Hospital train & removed by our motors.
Campbell came back for another car & 
reported that there had been some fighting at
Kantara today. He had succeeded in working
over the desert with a motor having rope on wheels.


Reported here that howitzer shell had burst in 
armed cruiser in canal killing Captain &
12 men. Heavy firing from HMS Swiftsure
at Kantara & French man of war at
Ismailia. One shot of the former burst
among bunch of enemy & laid them all
out. The wounded were chiefly Syrians
& were sent to Egyptian Genrl Hospital.
This ^(the Australian) Hospital begins to look more shipshape.
Drainage nearing completion, operating theatre
which Major Gordon has taken a good deal
of trouble over looks well with white paint
over everything.
Feb 7th We opened the operating theatre with
a couple of operations. The first PI Thompson
of the Clearing Hospital had appendicitis & a
territorial radical cure for hernia. I did the 
first & Major Gordon the second. He is a
very pretty operator. Arrangements went off
satisfactorily but slow at first. Carlisle gave the
Chloroform & will improve with practice.
The fighting along the Canal came to
very little the other day.  Official reports give
59 Turks killed 58 wounded & 190 prisoners.
Apparently they brought a pontoon bridge &
put it across the canal where it was
immediately destroyed.  They have since fallen
back & we are expecting a more serious attack


soon. Janet must have been in the thick of it at
Ismailia as the attack was close up to that
I dined with her & Mr & Mrs Bristow tonight.
He is an American Consul and has advantage of 
not appearing to resemble his Countrymen in 
any respect, in fact I suspect he is really
an Englishman. Mrs Bristow is pleasant, 
has been a nurse, aet 45? Two other ladies
of a schn similar age interested in Red Cross
work & Major Murphy I.M.S. of the Hospital 
train made up the party. This afternoon
I had a very pleasant surprise.  A man came
up to me while I was having afternoon tea at the
Casino Hotel & ask mentioning my name asked
if I remembered him. I did not like to tell him
who I thought he was, (viz Dr Dunn an old
fellow student at Barts & one of the best 
fellows going) as I had heard Dunn was
dead some years ago. However it turned 
out he had been nearly dead with tuberculosis 
& the report got about he was dead.  He is
now in fairly good health as long as he
takes care of himself. He has been to Egypt 
for last 12 years for winter doing a practice
among visitors at Luxor. This year it is 
off so he is port health officer at Port Said 
for the time being. He photo is in one of my groups.


On Saturday last the Clearing Hospital played the
local cricket team which has an unbeaten
record which however at last had been
is end to come to an end. Hospital winning .
Feb 10th I went out to Kantara taking 
Major Gordon. Captain Campbell took us
out in the car across canal & about two
miles along camel track on El Arish road
to place where Turks were encamped who
had made attack on Kantara a few days
ago. We saw their well & trenches also
the marks that the Swiftsure 7.5 shells
had made in the ground. The motor
worked well over the Desert. The Turks
had retired more than 20 miles & it
is considered doubtful if they will
make another attack on Canal defences.
They received a very nasty bump their 
casualties amounting to about 3000
many times more than at first reported.
Feb 12th - Had game of bridge in afternoon
with two aviators at Capt Herons. The
first game I have played for some time.
Capt Todd & Paul were named the latter is 
only a beginner. I dined with Dr Dunn at 
Casino Palace Hotel & had a long yarn afterwards
about old Barts men.


Feb 13th Got telegram ordering that nurses should
return forthwith to Cairo & report at Heliopolis.
Great distress among them all. It
seems as if they would prefer Port Said & 
the Clearing Hospital to all the pleasures of
Cairo & their own unit. We think it is 
only a preparatory move before having to
move on somewhere else ourselves.
Got my first letter from home - dated
Dec 13th. It had apparently travelled to 
England & then back here. Also letters
from Ronald & Edith Wanostrocht.
Feb 14th - Received orders to hold myself in
readiness to move to Cairo at short notice.
Packed up most of hospital gear. Sent
op nurses by 12.30 train to Cairo. They
had worked well to make hospital efficient
& were disappointed not to have many
wounded & sick to practice on.  Apparently
authorities feel that circumstances do not
warrant expense of this institution Rent
£100 per month etc, and evidence does not
point to things developing in this direction.
We hear rumours of work at other end 
of canal.
Feb 15th - Packing nearly finished. Waiting
further orders to move on. Received another
mail from home dated Dec 27th - also 
letter from Miss Price Chigwell.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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