Diary of Wilfrid Wanostrocht Giblin, 1914 - 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Dec 25 tmas day Nothing out of usual way except afteraon tha with Tasmami auises, who dived with as fater. Dance in evening Du26 pidant Cosombo at about 7pi five unsit no fanding as neithe noal in miltory officer cameon bout At Watin went on shor & raw naal ofii w gave permonon to and Mad anI table for me from munel telling we that fom had wan the Nicastle chokistip Very pleased Dec. 37 Landed about 630 + caught train for landy at 745 am Captain Iutherband an companion. Major Camptell also host farmating journey through every vanily twmind regiduetion. Expecially interested in brid munerou Kinglibers, & the wader in swaps Mentfurt on train, poor, but enjoyed as the change from monsti shp food was great Rice felos swamps, autber & cocon m pentation afterward fine andi Scenery finishing up bith Kandy; a vesitable enel set on the enbert setting. The artifiens take about three time the size apper resur Horet is sumounded by trees of all kinds whih are very graceful A road rin rond take with only a singly now if thes between at oth take. bery comfoutulty at hope
The Querns Revelling on the contract to shippourd, the easy shain in Lounge, puntit, exerthntwaiting, por Hath & bediorm with bolion just over take In afternoon it rainat. Shecial him with about 60 any amed about 320 look tws t rukshand sode roind lake &to Bussh temple, n Cyen &him O Diyar. Both very biight and enjoying the addition prleg of bung out if unsfor or rather in white sum wit ned coss fromard only. hm C reminds ae very wuch of mayone Levey in her annong way of looking at things. Min OD. is older but very good company. Sutherfand, who has his the mckname of sury fin from th meny tong of Cortyn, completed the party a quarke at doman which we naturally appretanted more th the ro of narses who had to dim at a dong improvised take in the vidil. Ih take very from with moon & pieply eppect. No aim avoilatl to perfect the scene Do 28th Sp at 5 on bisiony enjoying to take natur sixe which teems about in met pretures yn way. Tea & pawpad powith hhi melus) at 7 Propr headfurt ot 9. lasked sound sone shops & tetu to Peradinya Gandin which are world famious on account of them spended collection of tropical peants & tees. Could hae spiret many cryoyable pours here seem the guet vanety of plant, and a must life bong was too 9 is feet a large suate sir me which was probably jst is will as
heard it was most probadly hanlers. sone ton had numbers of plyin foses on thei apper bare tanches. A spider with loing the bigs, covered a a space as large as a ladys hand. Hhe hnds filled the arr with stined but onr mostly invisable in the apper bacer of dure folinge. oter walking any fo more then an hour we got wit carringe agan & hove round. Then adjounned to dipbungatow & got some very indifferent ten & takes after to Railways station to pich up train for Colombe Inspected a ruton plantiton near the station. Our little party pavilled bush to Corombs in comfot but the bran- tpt seevery to be seen from the trum wva hondly losked at after our finst at Kundy & the gardens Afternoon tha an train rached Colombs about 515 where Corbyn met as with a nnter car took is a wash f off to Grand Orretal Hoti or Put a & the strands aday to the beautifuly will out chab Houe & gounds with gaves of all sortEntimly hos pitibly received by Dr Kelly, MLor & Inowe who had taken up the claring Hopitol as ofI friend Thy jounat th Dinner Parts given to one by offiar of Cloarm Hospitis at which Cortyn also was prevent but Iutherand unfortutl by a oust he did ast tum up. Dunner 8. 30 to so afterward bridge ot Colombotht with the
three ford men. Al,l am sowe had five coame Cappet & lange Guantch of tush Hotland all to sittler the other dunks host of ns made specker mow or tim bad & regaired an worny abut 3 at seven I had my sarly ten of tourt & fuit caused it lorbyus room, where we dimind the situbtion both fieling anexpertedt kingiy & fit H had our proper heakfert at 9.50 with the tada insterd yat so with th Cliin Huppes m revilled antin th kee &fit Me 1t shopp & th good attandance mn wowih ding morning hck w the lint iin poud as igon & so off to ship at S prm but aot to sadl tillg prom Dec29 all my shepy oth sea an &. tack of sleep white on shore Se werther we have had all the way in the hopers has bein excellent generally with prest beeze staboued ad as my cabo is a port side of his become too stifpy to ship in. I stiep on bout dict jast aed t bridge a my sing spot with Canll O Brim Aftern Boddom & Caft Sowke. It is bot enough to requir, only a theat evmn in to coot beege if there Dre St. A yancy dress balf was held to celhel occasin considering the secuty material next drin of the doan had to make
the results were highly commendble masks also wire and but not of the sener officers participales weft . Sye who was witlhnt as a old ooman & M Spring thap as a knight Timplar. Atkin made in wad one sweet mm but rather a f esp as regards smoking Eyganths Ja 1s 1815 th outhaak of food porsong oruned affects 14 people chaply offic anchiding ot matin L-Cor R.Sith, h b Brant, It cot tit L Ls Spingthp & Eyo Baritt I wan fortu at enough to excupe as it cleared the teble all soud Sam3 Saud Cafe Guardafin about 8 am. me Saw Sicotn &th brother yesterday. sony good wrk with pund tall We afeet to reach Adm at endday torome & only t stay an to too we will not be able to lawd We heard that the 1t Anthatin Cong. did not land at Colouts as they was andheed too fou out. Me Me Ireland toy tap landed & drund the peare day but behied will Weather very good warm a day b cose night fo last two nights
Captain Cook in charge of Hindaya was afterwards in change of A34 Benale on ay return to Anstraha. January 6th Reached Ada about 2.4. The Captain of Stp landes for orders & th O.C. Troopibp hunder & called on General Officer commanding garnson No others landed. The Empress of Russia armed csen in port conliy the left before us for patrole work in Red Dea She has mined new of English French & Japonere & $100 per de a hard for her. Brantiful moon rose in adm He wity hitl looked like scene from theater. We left about 11 p on Yan7 Parred throgh stgh strait Bolcl-mendil at 7aa from sight Iwe armed convey patlit neypbourhood. Emprin of Russia & Thronge wand on ded ben Hinntayn HinGl right astern but fortunately stong enough to keep thing fairly cool. Passed many ships & another armed cmiser of Empren tyte. lans - ky bot wind stt about & Joing Wenther quike cool. Hend wond not sothon 1o Stt lool I Reached Sincy in evenny. Beautt Funset without clouds however Chieft lights on hills
Jan 12 Sueg; Awaited instruction before enkng the canal all moning. Shig Ocean 3 clon bottlighip built 1890, 4 send sins an port Stated to have receitly been enjugede bow tardy, port in Rad Sea Enteredencanalaf 2 30 yr. Most intererby forney fo many wily as the canal is being held by Indraw toop who are extated on bott bonkn with redonst ot fequent aterouly Thy cheered salitedas in passing officera peply asked where we came om Bached Isham about andark Poed Lange fore cow after Onr man calling t th bunk asked i we had any ben He said. he was a tasmanian from N. Hobirt. Tarkent any Protaby an anquest areported to be two days march Jan B. Reacker Ad Port said at acress direct st ame Did not have to ten up once in consl coalig sarted ot tonce & don was deapness, on ay cabin whih a hear a coal shate & fuor norse y blacks shouting Landsd Charny tok the Hupital at Wa a wonte march about 4 an them gevendl leas till 5p a drmbed at thing Hotl with officer of Ct Roz boa Hospityl very wice afte sap food. O
again by 4 pa watchd Tome my entereitry flight by three Freuch hydw- plane. Varled of ar for Hexandtia at 6 pmm. Calm. fan 14 Rearhed Alexandie about 9 am Fruch caftured Germain shiping an post also about 30 saili spit ships laid up Anchored to buoy in enner harbour & were keep in board all day by usual an entarig part) waiting ab for instructions. At about op ir leave was granted to senior office (St Col thingin) for 48 hours and for Captain till udrght only. Our officer landed & dined at Feroy Hotel very incedin about 8.30 & afteward went to a anic hall. Ileft at Savoy Hotel Jan 15t Was called at 6.45 am to 0 calch trom of y could not do it breakfasted & wat in board Kyana fo a shave & to ser things were all right the caught 9 o'clock tro Cano Trwilled will Turnbull must intercating youmney, just like pictures of Egyftn. Reached Cans 12.30 met by Majon Gordon worlked te Shipteends Hisd for Sunch. Met loronl Charber Ryan & Grovl Camnon Sok of when are ar General Bridwoods Step (Gen. Birdwood command the Aust. &M. Divios
In afternoon to Mina House Hispyt as about 10 miles by ister called in a saw Janc Redclff who losked very fit will t was having a ripp time. Then, on a donkly round the two pavd & sphy X very dusty. Bark t lawo Majo Horry Bothey dined with me looking will; & to musis hall in wening Jan 16 prited Pay office about pay for must sad capt willer (Horart then to Egyptie onsi very finc. lnch at Shipberrd with Janit & Duncan bot very fit. The tather is at hiande a afternoon to ltadae & over hrseve of Sonleiman Barha, it Constan timple. Very ym five riw of cans fom back. The to Keliphs lafterward, boll b Shepheard for afternoon tra, hand or Frai to Alexandear at 635 excellent bard annvy ot 10 po Jan 17 NI Kyana was brought abong. damn Sunday about 9 au & ilonding side wharf carce my moter antlanc some byg in had had steenn gear beut an transit. In afternon visited Hospital at St Staphans Casi run by Indian Ricdial Service Registiar Major M Callisa an authority i forte very interesting eked often Dunkell who I sent to see
an 18th Called on Dr Graville an old Barts tan who is now head of the a girmt affair at Alexandei & a capable administraton weight about 22 stome I would not have recognsn him altho he knew me at one Invited to dman tomorrow night In afternoon were came foud Headmate to me to proceed to cano with my perfelig regestien. Took Capt Campbill & left by 11.30 tram reachy and Jan B. Left Fram abouut 9.30 Not bath 530 am to Ho9 trupfort at Shephand office (in Shepheards) Met you. Budword & Cor Carrathers A.G.M.C. Was instructed to visit camping groud allother to P Cleany Hupites at Leeton. Was received by C. Wills ame 122 t shoo two caup it In both cases extension of road & watte would be equired by sit col be wed Repehd infavouit for sent to Aendowee sit next day Jam 20th This comping grond world not be rady for 10 days, So anangedt 1s abtt to lodge of Hihopohe Paluce Atd with BtA. General Hospitst for ntr called with Camptill an a grend of his houed Ferguson. Also saw aspinal sec Sait Clb & was pup o as mambe

Dec 25 Xmas Day Nothing out of usual
way except afternoon tea with Tasmanian
nurses, who dined with us later. Dance in 
Dec 26 Arrived at Colombo at about 7 pm
fine sunset. No landing as neither naval or
military officer came on board. Col. Martin
went on shore & saw naval officer who
gave permission to land. Mail arrived.
Cable for me from Muriel telling me that
Tom had won the Newcastle scholarship.
Very pleased.
Dec 27 Landed about 6.30 & caught train for
Kandy at 7.45 a.m. Captain Sutherland
as companion. Major Campbell also. Most
fascinating journey through every variety of
tropical vegetation. Especially interested in birds.
Numerous kingfishers & other waders in swamps.
Breakfast on train, poor, but enjoyed as
the change from monotonous ship food was
great. Rice fields, swamps, rubber & coconut
plantations - afterwards fine arboretum
Scenery finishing up with Kandy a veritable
jewel set in the richest setting. The
artificial lake about three times the size of 
upper reservoir Hobart is surrounded by trees of 
all kinds which are very graceful.  A road runs
round lake with only a single row of trees
between it & the lake. Very comfortable at hotel


'The Queens.'  Revelling in the contrast to shipboard, the
easy chairs in lounge, punkahs, excellent waiting, food,
bath & bedroom with balcony just over lake.  In
afternoon it rained.  Special train with about 60
nurses arrived about 3.30.  Took two for
rickshaw ride round lake & to Buddhist
temples, Miss Cuzens & Miss O'Dwyer.  Both very
bright and enjoying the additional privilege
of being out of uniform or rather in white dresses
with red cross brassard only.  Miss C. reminds
me very much of Marjorie Levey in her amusing
way of looking at things.  Miss O'D. is older but
very good company.  Sutherland, who has carried
the nickname of 'Sunny Jim' from the many
tongues of Cortyn, completed the party ā quartre at
dinner which we naturally appreciated more than
the row of nurses who had to dine at a
long improvised table in the verandah.  The lake
very fine with moon & firefly effects.  No
music available to perfect the scene.
Dec 28t.  Up at 5 on balcony enjoying the lake
& nature life which teems about in a
most picturesque way.  Tea & pawpaws (something
like melons) at 7   Proper breakfast at 9.
Looked round some shops & later to Peradeniya Gardens
which are world famous on account of their
splendid collection of tropical plants & trees. Could
have spent many enjoyable hours there seeing
the great variety of plant, bird & insect life.
A large snake six feet long was too quick for
me which was probably just as well as I afterward


heard it was most probably harmless. Some
trees had numbers of flying foxes on their 
upper bare branches.  A spider with long
thin legs covered as a space as large as
a lady's hand.  The birds filled the air with
sound but were mostly invisable in the upper 
branches of dense foliage.  After walking about
for more than an hour we got into carriages
again & drove round. Then adjourned to a
dak-bungalow & got some very indifferent
tea and Cakes. After to Railway station to pick up
train for Colombo. Inspected a rubber plantation
near the station. Our little party travelled
back to Colombo in comfort but the beautiful
scenery to be seen from the train
was hardly looked at after our feast 
at Kandy in the gardens.  Afternoon tea
on train reached Colombo about 5.15 where
Corbyn met us with a motor car took us
off to Grand Oriental Hotel for a wash up
& then straight away to the Sports  Garden Club a
beautifully laid out club House & grounds
with games of all sorts.  Extremely hospitably
received by Dr Kelly, Miss Lorimer & Irvine who
pr had taken up the Clearing Hospital as old friends.
They join at the Dinner Party given to me by
officers of the Clearing Hospital at which Corbyn
also was present but Sutherland unfortunately
by a mistake did not turn up.  Dinner 8.30
to 10  afterward bridge at Colombo Club with the


three local men.  At 1 am we had a 
five course supper & large quantities of 
black Holland ale to settle the other drinks.
Most of us made speeches more or less
bad, & regained our rooms about 3.  At
seven I had my early tea of toast & 
fruit carried into Corbyn's room, where
we discussed the situation both feeling
unexpectedly hungry & fit.  We had
our proper breakfast at 9.30 with the 
Padres instead of at 10 with the Clearing
Hospital.  We revelled much in the tea & fruit
& the good attendance.  Mostly shopping
during morning, lunch with in which the local men
joined us again & so off to ship at 3pm.
but not to sail till 7 p.m.
Dec. 29  All very sleepy with sea air & 
lack of sleep while on shore.  The weather 
we have had all the way in the tropics  has
been excellent, generally with fresh breeze
on starboard side.  As my cabin is on
port side it has become too stuffy to
sleep in.  I sleep on boat deck just under
the Bridge a very snug spot with Campbell
O"Brien Atkins Boddam & Capt Howse. It is 
hot enough to require only a sheet even in
the cool breeze up there.
Dec 31  A fancy dress ball was held to celebrate
occasion.  Considering the scant material most
of the dancers had to make their dresses from


the results were highly commendable.
Masks also were used but none of the senior
officers participated except Lt Col. Syme who was
excellent as a old woman & Lt Col Springthorpe
as a Knight Templar.  Atkins made a
sweet nun but rather a forward one
esp as regards smoking cigarettes.
Jan 1st 1915
An outbreak of food poisoning occurred
affecting 14 people chiefly officers &
including Col Martin Lt Col R. Smith. Lt Col
Bryant, Lt Col White, Lt Col Springthorpe &
Major Barrett.  I was fortunate enough to 
escape as it cleared the table all round
Jan 5th  Passed Cape Guardafui about 8am.
Saw Sidtin & the Brothers yesterday.
Doing good work with punch & all.
We expect to reach Aden at midday
tomorrow & only to stay an hour or 
two.  We will not be able to land.
We heard that the 1st Australian Corp.
did not land at Colombo as they were
anchored too far out.  The New Zealand
trop troop landed & drank the place
dry but behaved well.
Weather very good warm in day but
cool night for last two nights.


Captain Cook in charge of Himalaya
was afterwards in charge of A34 Benaka
on my return to Australia.

January 6th  Reached Aden about 2 p.m.
The Captain of Ship landed for orders
& the O.C. Troopship landed & called on
General Officer commanding garrison.
No others landed.  The 'Empress of
Russia' armed cruiser in port coaling
she left before us for patrol work in
Red Sea  She has mixed crew of English
French & Japanese.  & £1000 per man
is paid for her.  Beautiful moon
rise in Aden.  The rocky hills looked
like scene from theatre.  We left about
11 p m.
Jan 7th   Passed through straigh straits of
Bal el-Mandeb at 7 a.m. fine sight
Two armed cruisers patroling the
neyhbourhood.  Empress of Russia &
Himalya Himalaya. Strong wind in Red Sea
right astern but fortunately strong
enough to keep things fairly cool.
Passed many ships & another armed
cruiser of Empress type.
Jan 8th  Very hot wind still abaft &
not so strong.
Jan 9  Wheather quite cool.  Head wind.
   "   10  Still Cool
  "   11   Reached Suez in evening.  Beautiful
sunset without clouds however.  Chiefly
lights on hills


Jan 12 t  Suez.  Awaited instruction before 
enting the canal all morning.  H.M.S.
Ocean 3rd class battleship built 1896, 4  12 inch
guns in port.  Stated to have recently
been engaged bombarding port in Red Sea
Entered canal at 12.30 p.m.  Most interesting
journey for many miles as the canal is
being held by Indian Troops who are
entrenched on both banks with
redoubts at frequent intervals.  They
cheered & saluted us on passing.
Officers frequently asked where we
came from.  Reached Ishmalia about 
7 in dark. Passed large force soon
after.  One man calling from the bank
asked if we had any beer.  He said
he was a Tasmanian from N Hobart.
Probably an engineer.  Turkish Army
is reported to be two days march
across desert.
Jan 13  Reached Aden Port Said at
1.35 am.  Did not have to tie up once
in canal.  Coaling started at once &
din was deafness in my cabin which is
near a coal shute & from noise of
blacks shouting.  Landed Clearing
Hospital at 11 am & took them for
a route march about 4 miles then
general leave till 3 p.m. Lunched at
Royal Exchange Hotel with officers of Cl.
Hospital.  Very nice after ship food.  On board


again by 4 p.m.  Watched some very
interesting flights by three French hydroplanes.
Sailed again for Alexandria
at 6 pm.  Calm
Jan 14t  Reached Alexandria about 9
a.m.  Much captured German shipping
in port also about 30 sailing spil
ships laid up.  Anchored to buoy
in inner harbour & were keep on board
all day (as usual on entering port) waiting
wl while for instructions.  At about 6 p.m.
leave was granted to senior officers (Lt. Col.
& Majors) for 48 hours and for Captains
till midnight only.  Our officers landed
& dined at Savoy Hotel (very nice dinner
about 8.30 & afterwards went to a
Music hall.  Slept at Savoy Hotel.
Jan 15th  Was called at 6.45 am to
catch train at 7.  Could not do it so
breakfasted & went on board Kyarra
for a shower & to see things were all
right then caught 9 o'clock train for
Cairo.  Travelled with Turnbull.
Most interesting journey, just like
pictures of Egypt.  Reached Cairo 12.30
Met by Major Gordon walked to
Shepheards Hotel for lunch.  Met Colonel
Charles Ryan & Colonel Cannon both
of whom are on General Birdwoods staff
Gen Birdwood commands the Aust. & NZ. Division


In afternoon to Mena House Hospital about
10 miles by motor.  Called in & saw Janet
Redcliff who looked very fit & well &
was having a ripping time.  Then on a
donkey round the two pyramids & Sphynx
&c. very dusty.  Back to Cairo Major
Harry Butler dined with me looking
well, & to music hall in evening.
Jan 16th  Visited Pay Office about pay
for unit  Saw Capt Miller (Hobart)
then to Egyptian Museum very fine.
Lunch at Shepheards with Janet & Duncan
both very fit.  The latter is at Maadi.
In afternoon to Citadel & over Mosque
of Souleiman Basha, xxxxxxx immitation
of mosque in Constantinople.  Very
fine view of Cairo from back.  Then
to Heliopolis afterward back to
Shepheards for afternoon tea, land on
Train to Alexandria at 6.35. Excellent
dinner on board arriving at 10 p.m.
Jan 17th Sunday SS Kyarra was brought alongside
wharf about 9 a.m. & un loading 
began.  Some Three of my motor ambulances
had had steering gear bent in transit.
In afternoon visited Hospital at St
Stephans Casino run by Indian Medical 
Service.  Registrar Major McCallison
an authority on goĩtre very interesting
asked after Dunhill who I sent to see him.


Jan 18th  Called on Dr Graville an old
Barts man who is now head of the
Gf  Government affairs at Alexandria &
a capable administrator  Weight about
22 stone  I would not have recognised
him altho' he knew me at once
Invited to dinner tomorrow night
In afternoon wire came from Headquarters
for me to proceed to Cairo with my
hospital registrar.  Took Capt Campbell
& left by 11.30 train reaching Cairo
5.30 am.
Jan 19th. Left train about 7.30  Hot bath
breakfast at Shepheards then to Hdqrs
Office (in Shepheards)  Met Gen Birdwood
& Col Carruthers A.Q.M.G.  Was instructed
to visit camping ground allotted to
1st Clearing Hospital at Zeitoun. Was
received by Col. Wills A.M.C N.Z. & shown
two camp sites  In both cases extension
of road & water would be required before
sites could be used.  Reported unfavourable
& was sent to Aerodrome site next day
Jan 20th This camping ground would not
be ready for 10 days,  So arranged for
1st A.C.H. to lodge at Heliopolis Palace
Hotel with 1st  A. General Hospital for
interval.  Called with Campbell on a 
friend of his named Ferguson.  Also saw
Aspinal sec Turf Club & was put up as member

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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