Transcript of diary of Barton [possibly Frank Barton Bongers], 1916

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Jance 21st Jan wec 14 notored to ll with woll Mes afternoon. Masuis ar Australian forwerl of b awn alloted to the 10th visited a cathiched which is fartor by for the little ot tr lev shear half of the building is now use wult drive nome in darknens, den W it 1t Wohe po to fina 12 inche Dorr pround Te heaviest fall coveig the All condudate for commun we sperted by May enal Braithwar whow had i dorting about do 0 co drilt at the double wt to cahes liskg to our weils, Th 1th called on Capt called on MrsS litter. A dear old So The much dracled (by some was offer Excan. Woolly + I had dea bridg at the at 53 Yosus Lane wus 50 l n Farewill 1 Much men 2 20. Winner given to successful caslets The fellows of Tunily College. Hadson Audit ale which is nn obtainable any when else & only drunk at Frin College piral occasion on
Lept Cambey 2 44 a wishmunder aMuch 2 intensted, but many tco been l 23 wnt with t gomnbill her Mothers to 2 lovely house in woun Cmil from gate rot closs between akes. owr gaid friand &ar snally on the vor 24 motord to Earllyn Part where were brtter Ca Farge hereo fine old 2 2 it nele 25X2 de not noth Billian to motared to &Dbriflon E 6 aun next of Blarkmar bele nound t followed somtines Senet a fort Extronce erdem Musis & Bridg in even th
sar failus letter for tin C nell to recd
27 Returned to London with Wica Mrs Cunninghar wicas other sister was at Thon will with Daved dran tive her son of 2½ years. very heavy Even late, t iglt oclick steets abooly cpt If wheled traffic Exhraording menting of eges owing Alwve wanted to see a London 7 dontwan another. Dinner at the Piccadil to with Mr. Mr Wordhouse Woolly & his fram Theodove Co afterwards 23 Sunch ot The Berkly with Dica Maline at colisam with Mrs. Inry &hmcorm M Was Romance at the Lync in even De t X Woodhe woll T Wootton 1130. Re or seoclard arrived in Edinbreugh in time makfart visited Holyrood &oan at pots & relie. The caule& Mos inligestn went to Forth Brige, San New far in the old Trou Chuch. neet creed then not very much mr vi Mor Jan 1st Left Edintaugh. Rathes fouth scenery by time alo clips ly see say Berwick, Wirlan carlly & cethedral & oil memly in distein. Arved called in Wica 730.

France 21st Jan
Dec. 14  Motored to Ely with Woodley & Mason very nice
afternoon. Mason is an Australian formerly of the 3rd
but now alloted to the 10th. Visited a cathedral
which is far too big for the little old town.
& less than half of the building is now used.
Difficult to drive home in darkness, dense fog.
15th Woke up to find 1 ½ inches of snow
covering the ground - The heaviest fall I
have seen. All candidates for commission
inspected by Major General Braithwaite (whoever
he may be) He had us dashing about doing
co. drill at the double with cakes of snow
sticking to our heels. Then he addressed us
in a "few well chosen words".
16th Called on Capt & Mrs Gregory to say goodbye.
17th Called on Mrs Selwyn in answer to a
letter. A dear old Lady.
18th The much dreaded (by some) war office
exam. Woolly & I had tea & bridge at the
Woodhouses at 53 Jesus Lane
19 Light fall of snow. Farewell singing
in No 5 lecture room. Much merriment
20. Winner given to successful cadets by
The Fellows of Trinity College. Had some
"Audit Ale" which is no obtainable anywhere
else & only drunk at Trin. College
on special occasions.


21. Left Cambridge
22 Viewed West Minister Abbey. Much
interested, but many tombs & works of
art covered by sandbags. Luncheon with
Wica at Pall Mall restaurant.
23 Went with Wica to Thornhill, his Mothers
lovely house in Dorset; A mile from gate to
front door between lakes. Two grand pianos
& one smaller in the house.
24 Motored to Eastbury Park where Wica's 
sister & brother in law the Farquharsons
live. Fine old house part of the former
residences of the Dukes of Buckingham
It must have been a large place because
the front house is only a wing which
was left when the rest was destroyed
& it is large enough for most people.
Bridge after dinner at Thornhill.
25 Xmas day. Took gun out but saw
nothing to shoot. Billiards after tea.
26 Motored with Wica & Iris Crafton. his
unmarried sister to meet of Blackmore
Vale hounds. We followed sometimes
in car & sometimes on foot. Extraordinary
interest taken by farmers & all inhabitants
of the country side. Music & Bridge in evening


Copy of part of
Bailer's letter for
Will to read & burn


27. Returned to London with Wica Mrs Cunningham
Wica's other sister was at Thornhill with David
her son of 2 ½ years. Very heavy fog Train two 
hours late. By eight o'clock streets absolutely
empty of wheeled traffic. Extraordinary
smarting of eyes owing to fog. Always
wanted to see a London fog - don't want
to see another. Dinner at the Piccadilly 
with Mr & Mrs Woodhouse. Woolly, & his fiancée
"Theodore & Co" afterwards.
28 Lunch at The Berkley with Wica, Malina 
at Coliseum with Mrs Irving & his cousin Jim Francis
"Romance" at The Lyric in evening. V. good.
29 Matinee to the Bing Boys with the
Woodhouses, Wolly & Jim Wootton. Left
for Scotland by 11.30 train
30 Arrived in Edinburgh in time for
breakfast. Visited Holyrood & saw all
interesting spots & relics. The Castle & Monastery
31 Went to Forth Bridge, Saw New Year in at
the old Tron Church. Great crowd there
but not very much music.
Mon. Jan 1st Left Edinburgh. Rather pretty
scenery by line along cliffs by sea saw
Berwick, Winlow castle & cathedral &
York Minster in distance. Arrived London
7.30 called on Wica -

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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