War Diary of A.D.M.S., ANZAC mounted division - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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26.7.16. Visited st LA.F.A. Dean b.O. 2n L4S 1st (Atd wentout late atnight & 2nd returned with Bdes. 27.7.16. Received memo from DaDoR that no spare polee or wheele for sand carts were available. Forwarded to some with request to make there available Law Co. VEA&H. who reported all carred 2nd (44d went out to patia region & 1st (HHH returned. Ikilled 1wounded 28.7.16. As reported that generalattack immunent ordere given that dental sections of reyans t The return to c transport camp. 22nd L112A. returned & 1st (H5H went out into gatia area 4 killed s wounded. Patrol to Hanneah 1 officer killed. Weather now much cooler so that wal distinctly chilly in night. bondition
of mene health good expecially consdering amount of their work but though in good spirits they are very ured + would much benefit by a rect. 22.7.U. Saw ADmns. 52nd Owr to conentl with him. Went out to 9471A &caw 1st (4.70 collecting casualtiee; camell could nothe nted therefore. 5 wounded. 1st LWHA returned 2nd (4Hv sish 30.7.H. Pt L4SA went ontin night SCHTd having previously recurned. Iswere wounded. Wrote to DDmS. asking for reply tows9 clight portable stretchlrs, provision of of June 16th now v. pedwigent. abersed earlymorning iesue of coffee is broope before leaving camp. Barrai begine. H1.T. H. Rombed in morning. Nocas
nattes in this durcion. 1st CA &xtreated some of 52nd did. Rect were from Douns to return 8 sandcarte; returned one from Goc. (4o0g) protecting & asking for more 1.8.W. Vieited 2nd LH. SH. Wired for to see 3rd Section &taff & drecussed queetion of sandcarts with Domil, Gen Hamilton Moare & Street & bol Powles making poind that more were required than by infantry, informed mobele section to beased for brigade when out & not whole ambulance. I repared modified establishment of Mobrle Section. E.F.U. Eetablichment accepted by agine. Sr Section; conculted Dorns on this teledges.1 - AHA. returned and togo our. 4 cacualties-wounded 3.F.W. I wrks had advanced & holding 84T.H. Mobile section according to new
establishment organiced in 142 (W.T.H. 2nd LHTH. remained & Bdo. on outpost line: 1 Cst to go out tn early morning. 4.8.W. Turkiehattack commencingad daylight.
20.7.16. Arrangel fornee Hdrle Convoy 52nd Dw 4 3rd L H. al C.C.S. of regrived. 21.7. 16. Found sufficient trucke were avalatle for probable number of wounded to be evas? 2L.H& 2500 on 475 Casel 1314 Wnded 200 Eneny 180
move 7 dave Mess Supply to ceam. remainder is chellal or family suphenglet t from beary return to famy othen part to Hapimn where H. My be Gearfy - Eenementl 7 lar garer - to complete H9 Cheavy officeetuff Renlets f bag kit ooffice, heel &c. gert the soneday Heavytuff before 246 HNew Canell
Lentls sten Breweter) 4 Lboron 2I Storey 14 Howler Kap 37 31 Ahern Capt 51 anedw admi Apty Smith Awyac adm Nly buttand Wryord wan When ant, re operating uint Carell Seperd infureion of latrne mothste Shock Harmth Splince, Carry only few. Early. Thoma ari 2 Foosprece & back eptent Evacuation Cheet Towlers poeiton aboomen Motorghoor thute litters good -serious calld Towler - varred conditions unperit we done muchuike curt practico Abdom Wounde Time. Bectup to shoupd Pulle Over Majoriny toecoverto In 120m no good after st 90 90 to die 4 Mcownot to operite Holid organ 2 vuc s houe 2 moritund thutee 1204 In ambulancel & Speriations ofemergency. t. compotely smeched titnt - hold day 2 segature of beleels Abdommall at C.C. of 1280 cales abbown wound netriding monbund mortality 50 Incluping 2 808 1250 monatity 530 Mt aventar ? not wanted Nstore bad mull littere good Sout give Utreptig2t
Cettey Coldayton Mecoand treer 1or ill vayts Sine are Litter Sacell net newton Hercul Brenster 38 Admlkoyr 34 adin Storest Fityblying Milnat 10 Frractugel, bad toctemt Abdom deference between Enfanting ambe. Hl. H. Arpell, by Rowlde Ml Spivll Iodine no longstilened knowing arrangements behind you telehon t ofwigen casld for snyrcalreathent Eurfical Bumary operanon iaction in a Mount bork Bittle Surgery in a Mounted Formation Garganguene &ilab. Wl Khuntagory Splent no cartig ait. or near H. Thomalles tgnal 2 Knel l yrangtr Arrm Jonela henrow: only operate where delay endangere life 1afcomm- open 2ti doubtful i cloeed Luyton Dont touch heads even in 3 Eged. Takforcympathety op phalmig wpin 4 daye epeciatly untess ocalies. 4 in theraco abdominal woundo 11 pneegoit xpewmt i1
2 Thomas her regt amd. torearng antpoct- upefed 2 Backsplint pr tregt 4 ant 6 22 32 Soyntary MC.B. a better may sepecally appointed. Sat. &hreat from San Ber Have understend at whattied can sguad are under knt - all day. Leave ain camp when Regt. on smint Doutchoke off sick paruder if come upout othoure malingering tngmental auxpital - vweeful noculation 4. taking off sputting on horseback Information before action Staynear HS 75B. stayc wrgp of trained 1t aid & ante aery. Neel &ths a lot fordresings &c More confrol by M&e over & Be whoare aways beins thangd. O. nextwenget. totek waterduty borft away for Ble.dunce. 1 Thomgher maltell Hercue in moesection King from Vertical upright one bunt Darrell Bizod palre coand 2ari 2thomal t Regt. a Aint 2 Dongal titt Verno pa torenical FitynerdingReid Saint Joyce Myrphy 2 Sict Gpdon Yowr 3 Draining -percounc Field Hercul V Deshy 5Shl. Didcer 6. olition tanion I. information Dikon & Frother I 8. Amss pereound Hercu al te muct do course of Samit before promot3 Mattele cary - propery used kinos knowing ration &call & att, cooking suggelt, ordin & strretcher for abdowle thigh onyy - portable once for other thing Layton Wante tobey account to Bm of the diteuer athope at home thin kinot have no work Devoy Mughing men trainst B. I Moreea withot known in osate. You sae areco for 32

26.7.16. Visited 1st L.H.F.A. and saw C.O. 2nd L.H.F.A.
1st L.H.F.A. went out late at night & 2nd
returned with Bdes.
27.7.16. Received memo. from D.A.D.O.S.
that no spare poles or wheels for sand
carts were available. Forwarded to
D.D.M.S. with request to make these available.
Saw C.O. N.Z.M.F.A. who reported all correct
2nd L.H.F.A. went out to Qatia region & 1st
L.H.F.A. returned. 1 killed 1 wounded
28.7.16. As reported that general attack
imminent orders given that dental
sections of 1st & 2nd L.H.F.A.s return to ca
transport camp. 22nd L.H.F.A. returned
& 1st L.H.F.A. went out into Qatia area
4 killed 3 wounded. Patrol to Hamisah
1 officer killed.
Weather now much cooler so that was 
distinctly chilly in night. Condition 


of men's health good especially considering
amount of their work but though in
good spirits they are very tired &
would much benefit by a rest.
29.7.16. Saw A.D.M.S. 52nd Divn to consult
with him. Went out to QATIA & saw
1st L.H.F.A.  collecting casualties; camels
could not be used therefore.
5 wounded. 1st L.H.F.A. returned 2nd L.H.F.A. went out
30.7.16. 1st L.H.F.A. went out in night
2nd L.H.F.A. having previously returned.
1 severe wounded. Wrote to D.D.M.S.
asking for reply to M739 (light
portable stretchers - provision of)
of June 16th now v. possi urgent.
Advised early morning issue of
coffee to troops before leaving camp.
Bairam begins.
31.7.16. Bombed in morning. No casualties


in this division. 1st L.H.F.A. treated
some of 52nd divn. Recd wire from D.D.M.S.
to return 8 sandcarts; returned one from
G.O.C. (MO39) protesting & asking for more
1.8.16. Visited 2nd L.H.F.A. Wired for to see
3rd Section staff & discussed question of
sandcarts with D.D.M.S, Genl Hamilton Moore
& Street & Col. Powles making point
that more were required than by
infantry; informed mobile section to
be used for brigade when out & not
whole ambulance. Prepared modified
establishment of Mobile Section.
2.8.16. Establishment accepted by
A.Q.M.G. 3rd Section; consulted c̄ D.D.M.S.
on this & sledges.  1st L.H.F.A. returned,
2nd to go out. 4 casualties - wounded
3.8.16. Turks had advanced & holding
QATIA. Mobile section according to new 


establishment organised in 1 & 2 L.H.F.As.
2nd L.H.F.A. remained c̄ Bde. on outpost
line: 1st L.H.F.A. to go out in early morning.
4.8.16. Turkish attack commencing at


20.7.16. Arranged for use Mobile Convoy
52nd Divn & 3rd L.F.A. as C.C.S. if required
21.7.16. Found sufficient trucks were available
for probable numbers of wounded to be evacd
2 L.H.F.A.  ? 500 on 4 & 5
Cases 1314 Wnded 700 Enemy 180 


move 7 days Mess Supply to Esani.
Remainder is Shellal or Gamli.
Surplus left from Esani return to
Gamli & then rail to Karm where
H.Q. will be
1. Esain - requirements 7 days 
2. Gamli - to complete HQ (heavy office stuff 
3. Bem Sela - have kit (office, mess & c.) 
get this one someday 
Heavy stuff before 2 - 6 
2 - 3 - few camels


Lieut Col Layton  
    "        "  Newton (Brewster) 4 
    "        "  Storey           2  
Cap       Fowler         1                            36 
Capt         Ahern          3                          37 
A.D.M.S.   Ansdw       5   Capt Pavy Smith  
ADMS      Anzacs       6  
Mjr           [Whitfard?]           "     Petley 
Mjr            Whitford 
Mjr             Evans 

1,.When amb. re operating unit
2.  Sepses        Carelle 
Shock   infusion of saline methods  
3. Splints. Carry only few. Early. 
? Foot piece c̄ back splint 
4. Evacuation. 
Fowler's position { chest  
Motor's poor 
Mule litters good - serious cases 
Fowler - varied conditions under wh. it is done 
much like civil practice 
Abdoml Wounds 
Time. Best up to 6 hours.              Pulse over 
            Majority recover to 8 "               120 no 
            No good after 36       " ;            go 90% die 
xxxxxxxx not to operate 
        1. Solid organ 
        2. Over 36 hours 
        3. moribund (pulse 120 + 
In Ambulances 
          1. Operations of emergency 
           1. Completely smashed limbs - hold 1 day 
           2. Ligature of vessels 
Abdominals at C.C.S. 
Of 1288 cases abdoml wounds 
Excluding moribund mortality 50% 
Including.        "                   "          60% (250) 
Mortality          "                   "          53% 
Intl angular ? not wanted 
Motors bad 
Mule litters good 
Don't give morphia qr½


Capt Pettey                Newton   
Col Layton                   Brewster      34       
Mjr Evans                     ADMS Awy ✓   39 
                                                   To opn 
Stuart                              Fowler Fractures, bad, to clean up 
Dixon                                             Abdoml 
Storey splints + 
Layton Litter 
                See Carvelle 
                   "    splints  

Difference between Infantry Ambs. & L.H. 
article by Rowlby 
Splints       Me 
iodine no longer issued 
knowing arrangements behind you 
Selection if we gut of urgent 
cases for surgical treatment 
Primary ∧surgical operation in action 
in a Mounted Corps 

Battle Surgery in a Mounted Formation 
Gas gangrene 4 in lab  Me 
Splint factory 
Splints - no carry amb. or regt 
1. Thomas leg 
2.    "      knee 
3. Arm 
Sgt Angler 
Jones arm 
Newton: only operate where delay endangers life
1  (if commn open) 
2    "      "       doubtful 
3.   "       "      closed 
Layton Dont touch heads even in 3 
                 "          "   Eyes.  safe for sympathetic 
ophthalmia within 4 days. Especially 
unless oculier. 
                  "         "  Thoraco abdominal wounds
                  "         "   knee joint (& parts nearby)


2 Thomas per regt. 
6       "           "    amb. 
 Forearm back & autopost - not specified 
2 Back splint pr regt 
6     "          "      "   amb 
2. Sanitary N.C.O. a better man specially 
appointed. Sgt. Hireof from San/Sectn 
Have understand at what time sany 
squad are under R.M.V - all day
Leave 4 in camp when Regt. on stunt 
3. Don't choke off sick parades if come up out of hours. 
Regimental hospital - v. useful 
4. Taking off and putting on horseback 
5. Information before action 
Stay near H.Q. 
? S.Bs. stay c̄ troop of trained 1st aid & ambe: carry. 
Used V.As a lot for dressings re 
more control by MOs over S.B.S. who are 
always being changed. 
6. Inconvenient. to take water duty Corpl away 
for Bde. duties. 
Hercus 1 Thomas per maltese 
               4      "           "    mobile section 
Sling from vertical upright on splint 
                      Bu Iod paste 
Evans.    2 arm 
                 2 Thomas pr Regt - 
                 6        "         "  Amb 
Douglas  Croll  Vernon  Camp 
5 Fitzhardinge Reid     1. Clerical 
6. Joyce           Murphy    2. Sick 
4  Simpson     Gow        3 Training - personnel 
    Hercus    Leahy .                      Field 
    Argles                           5. SBS. 
    Layton                           6. Position 
    Dixon ✓                             7. Information 
    Trotter                            8. R.M.Os personnel 
all Ptes. must do course of Sanitn before promotn 
Maltese cart - properly used 
R.M.O.S knowing ration scale & abt. cooking 
Suggest order 7 stretcher for abdomls thought 
only - portable ones for other things 
Wants better account to BMS. of this discussion 
as people at home think RMOS have no work. 
Murphy. Men trained SB. at Moascar 
but not known in regts. 
Gow SBs are so for 3/12

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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