Diary No.12 of Rupert Major Downes, 17 November 1918 - 26 March 1919 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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officere who want to go home early. 31.1.19. Werked hard the whole day in my office &one trih c Hunter to look as some flate prece £12 or £22 per month &ineveningto a bed pencion, not aking any of there Letterfrom of Dec. 10th firss for age from home 1.219 Worked hand all amern aft as could not get anyone for tening walked downto ourich & Hunter, meeting ferine on way + paid a subscription at Sporting blub & Watehen Cnme. Back by tram & bereue came our while we looked as more penecone & wehad a garn. Went to Opina Huce which is a very mein little theatre like the Valace theatre lyding hiec was grumpy every good. Grapain Deweon Faecky also. Sanonie off ctowr theie days stepted sito D. 219. Wey ingo office &etruck $ 7318 one between, long one fromJick & Allen Lone from Howee suggning awoal on the begpeema ymorrow o my mind made up wha tdwented to do al Charlvel would be there. Had a dney time & decided to w england letting haon gohome. ayed innitinaft as aelishite ctummond &derlly & ward & had 4 goodet reach, we supon famel. Thencent & called onLady Chanvel of the Oakee, ond Lady made leface than nenal - Lonbphiss she knew me atficel. Then drave yeu Mr Hoageon int avio & canpttiou
train to Pont said I walked to Cacternenchange Hotel wherestayed night. 3.2.19. Went, out to Wyeema fust afterbresh pasy & lalked much a Howed, Griffithe & Rutter till Chanvel arrrived larc & flying William & Robertson. Howee said he put the doot in about the thingswanted to thane Drave back to town to t my kis tthen t salch Frain &130 I hanvel said nce thinge adout mefical show at Samacen bus couldnt get him out queetion of Daweon & Iening su propely Went to office why got s lairs & found saweon was more seedy. Bed earily Cabled son acking t comin pap n 4219 Work hard all lay from oo so ull 19so which are my office houre about atpresent beraune arrived sepidencie of inffiewas when te cause of much trouble rack plley & mo very have only phoned him Finhed 157 to D. & came back to office afterdinner to write to father 2 12 n early to try & get beranne emptied broop & llet had coulet & Chanve, Dn to maywaring on cuttess & decided to deiberk at Luery. Warkea all ady a comiugl flow of Vicitoro, insentated Mr Hoazeon Dinneras raod fair Siy mey weall guinting their own ane & unamiing thanseen beginning. 19 Worked in officeall am & moved into Dever
office Williame (45) Woeter Rot Strong Yulle Arnoldre in to see me last2 of Wengland tomorrow. Played tenmeat Gherer maft & Hunter, Tanley & Ward- Feett an & windy wrote to pack after &met Blacktwen a lontmentar for shok talk reberannc Sawon in, the seme Wetty Seedy. Yarned at night WWade, Marefell (the Pmo. of edfazarmy & mue baed from England where hed taken Fereal Wargill & Cox. 7.8.19. Worked all am. in office. Ward, Marrch & Statford wanted to go home. Daweon in receive Beller, Blowing Verry hard & reached climan mafe e rain in evening. Went out to the Med Officeneachoal at Tulkich of W. hospital tuslened to rectured by Wade, Carmalttonee & Blaskburn Back i office & found my beg toes mail awailing me c $9.73-76, tather Mr Robd, pertie totherlocal onee. Had to come back afterdinner to Elepnone, to suey. 3. 2.19. On office all am. Hack flley arriied from Sner wapt & had lunch & me &wve had a poutwow & 9 & mammaning & decided to let berannc proceed Playedienme a prman Ward & Gumer as purrch & had a fall gaine though played basly head as cnt after & yarned inevening 2819 to office & then out to kavre lim hospital to arrange for new choolteel how it i getting on Had atalt CD. Heelinn who re leaving here shoutly adalook
at the fine thing he is going to sell of went out to lunch c Dawcon Clraham why have avery wice little plas at beliopolie Played a hard a sits of tenig a lunimond Abern chand. Back to Dawsone plas o read then to dinner & the savieat Hehopolichoue mr Tuille there for cable from sance of i2 g none happy return & come home waten sent before mide arrived which muet heve been vely clow. wo 219. Not averyexciting wiithday. Has too many ime wasting people inchding tice rinday in to see m in morning suuch at Sporting cuit & Yilbert Brown & watched good poro after in which in the first mateh of a lowinement, the Auzac eam ranar ouer a 10th Owt team (4 toml. Walched a recond match & then he back to office ctulton Telean, Hering & lave camefor a confat laily & then to chid o toeler Yarned & Moleeworth, flying youne Ms Dangall after ainter 4p 19. Goadmorninge work penly in afte wo Left continental sen ho wen our aapaberah on the vittle rile at the back of the sporng our. Iieafine woas - the Cheste & shaved trags bedelead & quue a good cabin the light re bad as present. Intith & me wife bei W hane farman, Huner, & & mare by the herty wheres still an emply berth.
A219 Went to kit ctoped on way in to office in car, we all woke aplate & therefwaen much wreakfast. Nor many people in in antd wowald come work bu lave, O Helloran, (regear ramn; had a confatc comd &. he demibilication agrangemente. I wens to sporting club ay unch time in car & law an extrachitt of y beween pwyace & Cayan alyng which pe allowed foryth to with isked uppypion & took him wrunee on breoke (chop). slongwint collnch & lase Heard my ouy eistence allowance pubup to £1a dat wh. is good news sowhile in take mytolal Drawsin are £1570 a yeas hope therear eong long ty atthgate Rayedlnme as cuitt c hunler trou couldns get a four- 5eew & was ipretty good Jolm 2nd polomalch & 10 Drt tuce alloon at same img. Walked hackto own ckiswn & dla g bit ofwork Denver brough Bat hapherf If had a very anueing time & the two Seotch laser doctort from Miehoepual - Alexander & Lmart. Had our car home. 13219. n office all day working gunetly oa small plow of vicusve. Knockea of far 1,800 Droung is cuit to read. Had dinner at Shepher CercyWebeter & a nice littlechappe is 142.19. Usual morning. Went ad lunch at cunbe Bill Foelst & then drove down
to theyuich to see final a polo rowinament which was won rather ededly by the Hurac team against a sallary eam Hatkty office after, work slackening a bitnow. Shent the evening on the dahabeych & started reading cargeny. Theyare rather answy crowd on board sowing to the wooden walle as nor much neagoing to bed before the others. 15.219. Had 4 hard sete oftenmig at egire g arthur Giblin, farman & ward which Irowon fa was rainer hot & bxt me prenyured. Werked on boar at night 16219 Sunday Had Ousy day in the office aselly abranging & or the popt-graf. schol & wery down to Mafcringh. To office for few mmutee in aft. His Cetickerman at of War doch on way to tenmoal bewohohe & summons porman & wand had scept Hail won4. fultone to dinner said arlittle more work 172.19. Got soriecable that she cont come to engand & was very disappointed, Had crowle ofersitor in the morning about tho medical officen &shooe. Went to the teet mateh polo in the aft & the Awgac ream got well wealen walked vack to of fise &od ofleterconing hiel from new top upor so that shadto go out to the boat to get some & hoed. sined o the Hiteline a Shephilldg who gregving home tomorriow stalted anawfullor.
48 2.19. Worked all day susual interruption tome fordinner & ded come work after at curgeny. Wrote to D.S3. 197.19. Went to alecture at haergh hochital by majorkellinghan Smith on on fang feeding went but to have dinner c Gblinay 40th stat & hospital, at abbascea which & found calos of difficulty after a long walk 20 219 Workin am. Hadlynchatt Shepherde C Bule Walks who ime ton his wains tud & Percy Smih of Ggyptian armywhomI mebin Jerueatem. HHad dinner at came place a boate, te oack from Engand & bol tracer of Kot chrewife whode whe ahuman pramoptione very n amucing yeny to inuching & caw Charhe Chapin forfell time. Wrote to Father. 21219. fuet plain work & home atngh 22.219. Played tenme at Geriret cWard, Giblin Rovertlan &got my neele skinned. At home adnight 23214. Had a good game of tenmematt. c bave, Sinde &farman - Searg. Had 2 & ad addmne & quite a merryparly 26 219. Ded some reading in evening- anatony 2.19. started to write $.154 on deck & tobet carly 25 affor change the others werent making a row 24 yens out before reekfaes played poss 2 or the firet nine & flton informed ane hould may a good game found is hander to hit the
ball than abgolf abetart. Toued& home Be ctiff thied in evening of ter a walk to kifetora 27 5 19. 0olo again & had a colid 3/4 houron I pomes & in concequence was veryy cliff sured allday. Ihove out to Helonan Tknagge Casin torin Egiht] I Nickelte toeee an ackoplane title to carry patients. I aft out to wadeslecuure at ofw hospital. Hnd dinner at Continuntal shome cariy out too much noice to sleep 2 219 Went to finale of t EF spopte at Gheyren & thoroughlyenjoyed them. It was the hae organiea show of il kind five ever ceen, valway joysting going on to in C. & the Cultan there &ine taien maae avery improseive avreal I asqualtion & excellentlly drulled & mounted coupuen caule he in a landan begadtoptiap rattie German looking man. Back ooffice after & farrout rodinher 1314 tenig at Gheqrich have, Wared & Dblin bell out not good. into office after dinner I ded a good 1/2 hrs. work 319. Sunday. Iream out to mena CHunter? picked up ow chorses &out to lakhara where we had a look at tomb of 10 & of tuelacred bulle, lunched there & ho backforaft. Wa atthena housewh. Was very full. uvery good day, not as not & going was good 319 Shelng of Megical Murcum an aft ourch dweks & stayed till meent going thes avery good & how. Went tosle abit of
Luce at Laway (Durs) as wemightnt meethere again he thanked me very icely for all you have done I said how he had enjyed working cme, which was denced chere of him. two will to dinner & danced. 431 most of purpatiy to br Haid byearity main. named a little & blow hard all day Went to slecture by Bellingham Smith wale at of W. hoepitell rea challer atclubafter walked ho me al no car &wroten evening letter to Father 5 319 Very cold & ctill we t attunce. venyunnen for bairo in March. Did a good toli days work & wrote narrative of 2nd Ie talt caunt at night. Cotlaid Karry returned 6.3.19. Hold austining yot De 81. Went tosee Kealinge howe fwrnttre in aft. other to medical nuceum. on to of fce in car after dinner foray he work othen went to club to read the rapers. 73.19. Went for awalk in town maft. o club Home gale wrote to Jock & worked after dinner 379. Went down to Moarcas bi 1100 viain accoe siven into administration now that talked Huedwo. re coming into the camp. CArnott & Seccombl, viened aame Traming nd & handed atover to Stuart, went over 2Ald. dined & Annott & backby evening train bar met me &coon houe 3.19. Played polo before breakfast had a

officers who want to go home early.
31.1.19. Worked hard the whole day in my office
c̄ one trip c̄ Hunter to look at some flats
price £17 or £22 per month & in evening to a bad
pension; not taking any of these. Letter from
F. of Dec. 16th - first for ages from home
1.2.19 Worked hard all a.m. & in aft. as could
not get anyone for tennis walked down to
Gezireh c̄ Hunter, meeting Hercus on way &
paid a subscription at Sporting Club & watched
tennis. Back by tram & Hercus came c̄ us
while we looked at more pensions & we had
a yarn. Went to Opera House which is a very
pretty little theatre like the Palace theatre Sydney,
piece was Grumpy & very good: Graham,
Dawson & Leahy also. Dawson is off colour
these days. Started 57 to D.
2.2.19. Went into office & struck D's 77, 78 &
one between, long one from Jock & Allen & one
from Howse suggesting I was on the Wyreema
tomorrow c̄ my mind made up what I wanted
to do ere as Chauvel would be there. Had a
busy time & decided to go England letting Dawson
go home. Played tennis in aft. at Heliopolis 
c̄ Summons, Fairley & Ward & had 4 good sets
- 2 each, we 2 up on games. Then went & called
on Lady Chauvel at the Oakes; old Lady O.
made less faces than usual - I dont think
she knew me at first. Then drove Genl
& Mrs Hodgson into Cairo & caught 1815


train to Port Said & walked to Eastern Exchange
Hotel where stayed night.
3.2.19. Went out to Wyreema just after breakfast
& talked much c̄ Howse, Griffiths &
Rutter till Chauvel arrived later c̄ flying
Williams & Robertson. Howse said he put the
boot in about the things I wanted  - to Chauvel.
Drove back to town to get my kit & then
to catch train. Ct (1230). Chauvel said nice
things about medical show at Damascus
but couldnt get him onto question of
Dawson & I getting out properly. Went
to office when got to Cairo & found Dawson
was more seedy. Bed early. Cabled Doris asking if coming 
to England c̄ me.
4.2.19 Work hard all day from 0830 till
1930 which are my office hours about
at present. Ceramic arrived c̄ epidemic
of influenza which is cause of much trouble;
Hack Jolley as M.O. but have only phoned him.
Finished 57 to D. & came back to office
after dinner to write to Father.
5.2.19. In early to try & get Ceramic emptied
of troops & later had confab c̄ Chauvel, D.A.T.O.
& Mainwaring on subject & decided to disembark
at Suez. Worked all day c̄ a continual
flow of visitors; inoculated Mrs Hodgson.
Dinner at 14 A.G.H - fair but they are all
grinding their own axes & unamusing.
Khamseen beginning.
6.2.19 Worked in office all a.m. & moved into Dawson's


office Williams (A.F.C.), Foster, Bob Strong, Yuille
Arnold &c in to see me. last 2 off to England
tomorrow. Played tennis at Ghezireh in aft.
c̄ Hunter, Fairley & Ward- 3 sets but v. windy.
Wrote to Jock after & met Blackburn at Continental
for shop talk re Ceramic. Dawson in; he seemed
pretty seedy. Yarned at night c̄ Wade, Marshall
(the P.M.O. of Hedjary army & just back from England
where he'd taken Feisal) Argyll & Cox.
7.2.19. Worked all a.m. in office. Ward, March &
Stafford wanted to go home. Dawson in & seems
better. Blowing very hard & reached climax
in aft. c̄ rain in evening. Went out to the
Med. Officers school at Turkish P.of W. hospital
& listened to lectures by Wade, Carmal & Jones &
Blackburn. Back to office & found my big
lost mail awaiting me c̄ D's. 73-76, Father (2),
Mrs Robb, Bertie & other local ones. Had to come
back after dinner to telephone to Suez.
8.2.19. In office all a.m. Hack Jolley arrived from
Suez in aft & had lunch c̄ me & we had a
pow wow c̄ Q & Mainwaring & decided to let
Ceramic proceed. Played tennis c̄ Jarman,
Ward & Hunter at Ghezireh & had a fair game
though played badly. Read at club after
& yarned in evening.
9.2.19 To office & then out to Kasrel Eini
hospital to arrange for new school & see
how it is getting on. Had a talk c̄ Dr Keatinge
who is leaving here shortly & had a look


at the fine things he is going to sell off. Went
out to lunch c̄ Dawson & Graham who have
a very nice little flat at Heliopolis. Played
a hard 4 sets of tennis c̄ Simmons, Ahern
& Ward. Back to Dawson's flat to read &
then to dinner c̄ the Davis at Heliopolis house,
Mrs Yuille there. Got cable from Doris of
10.2.19 Not c happy returns & come home evidently
sent before mine arrived which must have
been very slow.
10.2.19. Not a very exciting birthday. Had
too many time wasting people including
Miss Finlay in to see me in morning. Lunch
at Sporting club c̄ Gilbert Brown & watched
good polo after in which in the first match
of a tournament, the Anzac team ran all
over a 10th Divn team (11 to nil). Watched a
second match & then home back to office
c̄ Fulton. Lelean, Hercus & Cave came for
a confab later & then to club c̄ Foster.
Yarned c̄ Molesworth, flying youths &
Miss Dangar after dinner.
11.2.19. Good morning's work & plenty in aft.
too. Left Continental & went to live on our
dahabeyah on the Little Nile at the back of the
sporting club. It is a fine boat - the Cheops
& I have a brass bedstead & quite a good cabin.
The light is bad as present. Smith & his wife, 
Curly Williams, Jarman, Hunter, & I make up
the party & there's still an empty berth.


12.2.19. Went to kit stores on way in to office in
car; we all woke up late there wasnt much
breakfast. Not many people in a.m. but
so I did some work but Case, O'Halloran, Tregear
&c in; had a confab c̄ Commdt. re demobilisation
arrangements. G Went to Sporting club
at lunch time in car & saw an extra chukka
of polo between Anzacs & Egyptian army
which just allowed former to win. Picked
up Brown & took him to lunch on Cheops
(& chops); strong wind so lunch v. late.
Heard my subsistence allowance put up
to £1 a day wh. is good news, so while in Cairo
my total drawings are £1370 a year - hope
the war goes on a longtime at this rate.
Played tennis at club c̄ Hunter & Brown -
couldnt get a four - 5 sets & was in pretty
good form. 2nd polo match & 10th Div'n
races also on at same time. Walked
back to town c̄ Brown & did a bit of work
Dinner c̄ Strong (Bob) at Shepherds & had
a very amusing time c̄ the two Scotch lassie
doctors from his hospital - Alexander & Stuart.
Had our car home.
13.2.19. In office all day working quietly c̄ a
small flow of visitors. Knocked off at 1800
& round to club to read. Had dinner at Shepherds
c̄ Percy Webster & a nice little chap he is.
14.2.19. Usual morning. Went Had lunch
at club c̄ Bill Forster & then drove down


to Ghezireh to see final of polo tournament
which was won rather easily by the Anzac
team against a Savoy team. Back to office
after; work slackening a bit now. Spent
the evening on the dahabiyeh & started
reading surgery. They are rather a noisy
crowd on board & owing to the wooden
wall its not much use going to bed before
the others.
15.2.19. Had 4 hard sets of tennis at Gezireh
c̄ Arthur Giblin, Jarman & Ward - which
J. & I won. It was rather hot & left me
pretty tired. Worked on boat at night.
16.2.19. Sunday. Had busy day in the office
mostly arranging for the post-grad. school
& went down to Gasiriyeh. To office for
few minutes in aft. & to see Vickerman
at P. of War. Hosp. on way to tennis at
Heliopolis c̄ Summons, Jarman & Ward;
had 5 sets fair, won 4. Fultons to dinner
& did a little more work.
17.2.19. Got Doris' cable that she cant come to
England & was very disappointed. Had crowds
of visitors in the morning about the medical
officer's school. Went to the test match polo
in the aft. & the Anzac team got well beaten.
Walked back to office & got blisters on my heels
from new top boots so that I had to go out to the
boat to get some shoes. Dined c̄ the Austins at
Shepherds who are going home tomorrow & talked
an awful lot.


18.2.19. Worked all day c̄ usual interruptions.
Home for dinner & did some work after at
surgery. Wrote to D. 53.
19.2.19. Went to a lecture at Nasiriyeh hospital
by Major Bellingham Smith on infant feeding.
Went out to have dinner c̄ Grolin at 48th 
Staty  hospital at Abbassia which I found
c̄ a lot of difficulty after a long walk.
20.2.19. Work in am. Had lunch at Shepherds
c̄ Russ Wallis who is just on his way to England,
& Percy Smith of Egyptian army whom I'd
met in Jerusalem. Had dinner at same
place c̄ Coates, just back from England,
 Col Fraser of R.A.F. & his wife who is like
a human gramophone but v. amusing,
Went to the pictures & saw Charlie Chaplin
for first time. Wrote to Father.
21.2.19. Just plain work & home at night
22.2.19. Played tennis at Gerzireh c̄ Ward, Giblin &
Robertson & got my heels skinned. At home
at night
23.2.19. Had a good game of tennis in aft. c̄ Cave,
Single & Jarman - 6 sets. Had 2 V.A.Q.s at dinner
& quite a merry party.
24.2.19.  Did some reading in evening - anatomy
25.2.19. Started to write D. 54 on deck & to bed early
as for change the others weren't making a row
26.2.19. Went out before breakfast & played polo
for the first time & Fulton informed me I should
play a good game. Found it harder to hit the


ball than at golf at start. Tried 2 ponies. Bit
stiff & tired in evening after a walk to kit stores.
27.2.19. Polo again & had a solid 3/4 hour on 3
ponies & in consequence was very stiff & tired
all day. Drove out to Kelouan c̄ Knaggs (A.D.M.S
Force in Egypt) & Ricketts to see an aeroplane fitted
to carry patients. In aft. out to Wade's lecture
at P. of W. hospital. Had dinner at Continental
& home early but too much noise to sleep.
28.2.19. Went to finals of E.E.F. sports at Ghezireh
& thoroughly enjoyed them. It was the best organised
show of its kind I've ever seen & always something
going on. C. in C. & the Sultan there & the latter
made a very impressive arrival c̄ a squadron
& excellently drilled & mounted Egyptian cavalry,
he in a landau. He's a stoutish rather German
looking man. Back to office after & Farr out
to dinner.
1.3.19. Tennis at Ghezireh c̄ Cave, Ward & Giblin
- 6 sets but not good. Into office after dinner
& did a good 1½ hrs. work.
2.3.19. Sunday. Train out to Mena c̄ Hunter &
picked up our horses & out to Sakhara where
we had a look at tomb of Tc & of the sacred
bulls; lunched there & ho back for aft. tea
at Mena house wh. was very full. A very
good day, not too hot & going was good
3.3.19. Opening of Medical Museum in aft.
to which I went & stayed till the end, going thro'
a bit of it; a very good show. Went to see


Luce at Savoy (D.M.S.) & as we mightnt meet there
again he thanked me very nicely "for all you
have done" & said how he had enjoyed working
c̄ me, which was deuced  civil of him.
Two girls to dinner & danced.
4.3.19. Most of our party to Port Said by early
train. Rained a little & blew hard all day.
Went to 2 lectures by Bellingham Smith & Wade
at P. of W. hospital & tea c̄ latter at club after.
Walked home as no car & wrote in evening. -
letter to Father.
5.3.19. Very cold & still wet at times; very unusual
for Cairo in March. Did a good solid day's
work & wrote narrative of 2nd Es Salt stunt
at night. Port Said party returned.
6.3.19. Cold but fining. God D's 81. Went to see
Keatinges house furniture in aft. & then to
medical museum. In to office in car after
dinner for an hrs. work & then went to club
to read the papers.
7.3.19. Went for a walk in town in aft. & to club
Home late & wrote to Jock & worked after dinner.
8.3.19. Went down to Moascar by 1100 train c̄
Pascoe & went into administration now that
Ausdiv. is coming into the camp. Talked
c̄ Arnott & Seccombe, visited A.A.M.C Training Unit
& handed it over to Stuart, went over 2 A.S.H.
dined c̄ Arnott & back by evening train.
Car met me & soon home
9.3.19. Played polo before breakfast & had a 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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