Diary No.11 of Rupert Major Downes, 30 July - 17 November 1918 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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withwards the Gan to Hedl followed dwinding ailly iba for about 14 mll itt 26 from Tulderamroguin wnic wonderfully well graded on some of the steep half & very ety. W were nott too sure if ou tioed wfal cllap of Enemy not off the Benuins te haveyour Copallour Rfler Muns mande the noadrepretty ugeto inplace ead &roken transpord wayin note of nfter forria ell woohe nector gung all the way &the wepore gettin hoempthpe a aney of a ryle sant everyming nadeen welln langely wy the thuying Dd Eoore Belins tenin of heather a nawureegue town afthe af en of the plain of Armagedson Dusvery aut 1 dadanmall allover he pided. Wewers thaa awotk this pwo wd ho one fall o wounded the other all dilentitig chicklymitered therewire come wretcded looking people in them Mett woan given to a meadcal stake he had pust und all 98 Them poked boek some Good MeYehman nospital which cansebly wa well sampped t afull say moetly Genman &afew our parient. 1ac were y stnghir all vrained priny hyrse A.A very fine womanin charge a kationes nonettying Whospoke Endlish fairly will. Dnd the poute to them, saw Mexermen to elt looked found lace, drank and the Grampamne of which there wire seas of her tad f st Jead N poue LH whe wer Mr charge Capturen te 46 Deoe oftwe on
Then weat of ambulanger 24 the a wad ea wa 1l Hibsa Hagt which 4 wad Dr with eretht Liteh Ainute ma n 14 hadled Dapon to was 46 Fetoler thepbet Talked Il hose inenes ward ranove Nwyardtc Dow A down to Rerean 110 mile paefing (dayel allong passing thin Dack unprerapied goodouted. isonert o the weun phiopapton Droppin our Hagre at the Slepon tnea Went to tourcay whil Yaghs ffound things al Mooraaame 24 mneataneyas Cakena tth tto fatter wa mepetone towhnlehe Red. Dunne nea to retuity home Dnr pack to a fullh intendin Co Doadinner veryrale &Dawson was back ll B after doveto Suh St come wollt Halk I there a Sh remendays munteck of Goumen toune There werea comped out of ejustence sulek wodd outhesmn on the way to Devean aswell asvrintor sk hereel wek ywheke & minet chulldent fdean 2 Gouneduined up & APM S. Adlenbrickfasta 2 the meee foury dead for prsoner to oldanu amimaly re of the man i capture yls swene hipbell be we had hus ine l l t Huedw wouldy Say pust pitching Mar tulterim by the ti endpovebat tente &th bad Mudmidefale is becoming verly Wet stolking as on the way. illu oh N0 i aft as feeling twes 0ed not much Guistey satoned DM meet al ws at
59:12 Felt prettis notten iin ans odednot i ado up Hare 1 t Iulenaca Didsonea ti Laueonfo Sometitu Lnehlays ddwn Dil the same inat othen strotten i W Loukeau & pt at oul deran Sawion osuni a whof then & Wurkworn ygouven e sch ti wen slvee thgoperating aat whicch hal bech pina shedvere Welore pay y chasegugine raildear. aw the mets anit chas wrdne who ceanted pettyill coned fim senfo Drove nometo voullie nohad Corea ur iar den lat Youn 4 awayatter ner at 1 2l to Lepun where out Dswche Dor Hewrned moringt Haheen Home Rached tere Wood H Wick at voulliee Mac oordered ofk him forward to dpt t Enjuldup Mr Tapenton pot obeying of rl Ccarl downby sendingh egin Yours 4 a adudug was nove made w0 Tahnu e Tonagall patientl d 2 fid 74 it to evacunt a ale waol yeth Wthe way to Vi erain 40 Ducan ered t Seup wrpes Ms for Lar dn seng toke Ant Ho ia by sea ges pawlop wack to held asthing wee Ang i Stremou unginy erred mared Drove to Auled Mi Mt nas meeting onthe way done to pichasite Hoking went Hrild tr sanet 4 ip at. village bufa aHaleur nary Dwnpour offiaiy made the Anecalary W on the one to muelanerong afall to Nayareit coun 2 the ugwa here. Hrtranl A orteleey
A all the inhapitants saed the ex wl acfule ple Wo toagd Feandthe alat afaedsbiian Villa e w h0 Do Nayarett Lagain e hear ad th 82 waNee wasnt oe lible which said and a very heavy pice aillne tater saeath po ew Venyon ours highteuer oftee Dorke oho got mallera opimkudifit conence wwhich th Ehllan or attacking Damas au wen pile over Chanbel y worstmoode in one of hed asite for Madome camp after them w drave 1 $4 afanant. up to Nuyaree CDuule Ahingleady wil Went French hospitalwuich wat a god ter Surian Doctor Mis Hlyea nyreewinl well gipped which &arri precaning t 4a hen walked thee Coutn town Leany looking afrt y tother hospit wfit wa Jark Coneturned hadtea. 44 minbe Bale You Jemakh 4 woundd choughtin. nayagein to reather a pretly withtown in cup with a los oflangerchgou a 4 ine looking &oitable ar Builde 4 had so hospiens there The wit has Nospital other we he veuly pattence tand a about 840 & tialmae tof the cquiment hald been ixviedly io the emply hohied abt the Whabildalt dealoyed & they werevery dity. The Gornien headgartere of Siman von apdere had been ad to bolt for their live outof Lndyl hed garly on the he The road moryin 26 wouthe plas uk Alf soudful Dire fort
a dec of bu then there. upued chidet yll road geaded wgeteal uttered sn e the eak aneion had caugh 46 Ddde the Larer back to aglepmeeting Hhenc rangye p ousarry othe Negarles Hatchrofina Me Dr capment Wn Il very sor seuly b Ccarup y for howselver on wer grar acle Ofeand Wrat nd y &and wvidence adny wto we in acil cohad afair cleek delarted of Fely pritty rothen many 27 9.18 without yeakfast wery io signay office as apuieh & talked to the Dons about tuinger injerviewed iew &henstanefield about eupplica then on to 5th reeog. The, which had arryved Hapulehdastnigh where had some, sea + cursed bepant f not comingnohie neadewnten alowight der boullie Gogo on to Novre capidl ode ahe the Darmell monaltery D poseun over a road, whic hadbeln 0d My Iwasrnea wyine trafpe on t of the am of yesterday to see Naw operanngany & remaine to suedw. Kt were ourines them noth outheir way aen thencerogenin where I was accerted. Irave packed drugg in ai e a ben to help me to goto nazareth - alot had been coored since my ised W ect. Had lunch on chope at Foyyat Germen caw the mattion now ill in bed, squarea hospitet borrow torries upting onn abl fuler t R.
Lape Free bac t to 46 4 camp to Had sent gand the me gud to4 wyater p 10 beeganieine there ospstall 2819.118 Droveup to ettya Narzareth due tat treathadt to bee now thinge were going o theKegg found French hoepital vely full deneud hadnt dong verry much he wal avis seedy, walked up to the burnighte monact 44 which was a deirl of a clumb & was very done Hgoo there, as wal sun beering nlighty When reeble. Hound boullie who was having tne airly building ye 4 claned &had aonea Inea fine begbuilding & a gueas 10 butlook Froom for Several hundred paticuate hy ages was apparently impossible toge tranpany out was about yoorder the ant X oulorys, when we found that there was another plactcable way 4 which muces alrove down below uineflected a 6 come 0l had contained ynpdybuilding that the 245 Fecarayariet gwas quite suitable for hop arransed for Coullie to take over tpt A prace aswell as the one on the hill. Then reared the Austrian hoepital anice little Helgrons cietere, Mhay & well place priect Eloctriclight equippe there weree 1 German camatteilagy by. tuscin Kenepie wetty ill Dcided doctor. rould ine acan officers hospital & wring up the crelr & Spave equinine no from Jenin the former tolive in
h Nol had thakerat lital Frenchhodhits Herbooking my Joking fedom at the pub case owannted it Tibercal CEquiles M & drave to Therewas avery wo road the word As male 444 wer been over. Yu eak Mulel epeason a steep exfending road from to arop ofwhich thereif a great view over the sea of callilee vived ild very bie color wha ch uberiasi nichureeque with demay rooking withit house walle apk pacal &1 was henagot there alowingd gate in 8 Floud dney wentto pert 0 LDuldw CS. Which wp thereof Katen the regd having, goueon found nern in adecent building pr a hogfiten Radg good deal ofplug trouble mevering you the way M A drove right thro to apuleh meeting the has lorrie ad broughtthe squipment prom Cemal Jenin Parry was now at tegall mover 4 Rl. arried upon & l fuleh othat a from which thad chall taken over was order arry 4o Hoenn not 29. 9.15. Went to see 4 Rd afterwreakfaltethen is station to see when a train might begoing swanted a cmall ambllenn Gsemaph on which parly to go to room after wery panents who would bearingng there tomorrow. Found that my whose hoskital town of poyaneth was goin grove come were aeme ine of suppised was tobechanged to run from a
raildead at semaph instead of thro Apppn sothan patients theo coying by lous at the majoring do will only come oune former te thes was a pretty nacly cimation to place. up against as everyone ofiy unn Wa Aldin panents with yo mcan of evalcuation dl swere as naggrett ene a the maynstarled afcen & a dureional one at tey myaune would take ruch here is awoid a mise uip Reng up Dand & told him what was going to happet the agreed to evaguare Nazareth paveme to dlein a pay a quickly, is send an operaring & medicalstone tne corps ope rating ear was vye to daita. Dacked a5 well admounging a $ D.Rl. to handover G Nazarain to onder suedwRl. &epuint for wo kashnan to N crear romswrow, probably moving youeneth thre means preny panawort for hudw ccramble awround but as mhe sthk to remakh allary hethe panente Guldn epeated & had already anaered a cmnall W 4oal to oo there to try will the breach Natry raindidn get to Aa mattery of fact the but inckuy the atey hours fenrakg p4 4 4 wle ta day pagente did not artive Weld on the 2 by thes tyme the late than to as yessp Couledtin CO was a so there I nigleell Anot pomellt toad he yanuel paring Kanenle 1 Nayareth Had e Ireturrned tafuled ch a
th after t 1 aain going the ll is about the 24 Ell D Iwhich 48 s4 4 then reughtful ll a chape 8f uncertain £ setiffety t wou a luaguation a 0 pave ther pascible apal soring cane ever 1 afulen to tarta i the se S from guif Ohen His will be ffle la thete 14 eang solole the reman doeoSemah 4 Ja Mough whether 10 peghe cam allo we &of Ane In which fulleram orbal a depende 10 orarlway & go going fire. autte t Wl 30.9.18 Mesedg wo lemalp nomaine anontt at Durl Joiglman A the bere yepenning, it woo anhout & togeton he said worthe you acouldntnear what thet apt arpangen. bis &e. ges whas lwal we after failing wayy some ttt worpeto 105 him & he could relcevie o Matienteatay 42 4 1 a aet Decan bn the prdon valleyagain 4 vefey aad Hynny krom many round by coon implode stone affices warals Hetil cou fihe tdale ond srone agreding 4e pare 1 Douged afa waar. L wlehofe. Go MDC. at Jewaked an e4 mlledon p 482 yon & had lunch with Myaurie stat fce Macka the elk & off sywoundedo Mear warauentd wairing forr the Wehad outnerwayin tain innoines Dow they'd in motarant ill where Den inSr had a and ak
Hedyd detail the officet em 0 the the unsenainty where inthe n wild 26 country The agthe rieney ofthers pepe 43 Aene ta i wiped onr with myern he tayn with my amibulance deleminent Awhichhad proc &t lastmight sheldnt 1 ea e angine waf no good. 4 arrived at emak anly in afreinson roppe Mykiprocdedto dpib y4e 4 theardan Gpere ineote 44 out of the e f Gaute wa abit to dec Lwend i bepued ti theway Rat 10 exaplning oulioot wut the get on the smiled to tibernal afong ed the t &ke of uberal enaphp 3 miile om fule &oun southe & tre operetin un il y an thine boulliel a wonder nomove went X att Tie the Muu gooden o olooked oal ewo hol doulie. Wayto b Dod S 4 4 again faying wounts find the ford a e tat amed abioy neat the ade R over io cranon to see the detachment of 118 under sangal which had just abouved 4 Espanenteget by good fortune. dnove of as 10ss and syophed to raik ts voullie at tiberiel who wid me that Chacred had wroken out there among the cwvriane + he had wven hand. Hrove on to Kunewra where avrived a 1420 945 mileefe. taberiag] the road meewvie over aflat plain well warered forger ite oublical name + then pact Dapernacum &ry never ending will oeceried a

northwards off the road to Nablus & followed
a winding & hilly road for about 14 miles (its 26
from Tulkeram to Jenin) which is wonderfully
well graded on some of the steep hills & very pretty.
We were not too sure if this road was clear of 
enemy nor of the Beduins behaviour so had our
rifles guns handy; the road is pretty narrow
in places. Lots of dead & broken transport wagons,
motor lorries, guns, field cookers & disinfectors
all the way & just before getting to Jenin there 
is a devil of a mess but everything has been
well rifled & looted - largely by the thieving
Beduins. Jenin is rather a picturesque town
at the apex of the plain of Armageddon but very
dirty c̄ dead animals all over the place. We went
& had a look thro' two Turk hospitals, one full of
wounded, the other all dysentery (200) - chiefly malarial - 
& there were some wretched looking people in them. 
Met Evans & went to a medical store he had just
found & all got some loot. Then looked over
the German hospital which was well & sensibly
equipped c̄ a full staff & mostly German (80) & a few (20)
of our patients. There were 9 sisters here - all
trained army nurses c̄ a very fine woman in
charge - a Baroness something - who spoke English
fairly well. Did the polite to them, saw the German
doctor, looked round the place, drank a lot
of champagne of which there were seas of here &
had a fresh meat lunch c̄ the 3rd L.H.F.A who
were in charge here. Drove one of two captured 


ambulances which was a good car. Then went off
with a good load of loot after Ausdiv Hdqrs which
had left here this morning to Afuleh (11 miles).
Talked c̄ Fowler & then left Dawson to go up to
Nazareth c̄ Fowler to see how things were & drove
down to Beisan (16 miles) passing Chauvel along 
a good but soft unmetalled track passing thousands
of prisoners c̄ the usual proportion dropping out
to die. Went to Fourcav Hdqrs. at the station & had
tea c̄ Moore (A.D.M.S.) & found things all right;
talked to Foster too & heard they'd just taken a 
heap more prisoners down near Jisred Damie. 
Drove back to Afuleh intending to return home
but Dawson was back very late so had dinner
c̄ Genl Hodgson & drove to Lejjun (7½ m) after &
slept there after some work & talk. 
There were a tremendous number of German lorries
on the Jenin Afuleh road, bombed out of existence
& more on the way to Beisan as well as transport
& dead horses everywhere c̄ mules & bullocks.
24.9.18. After breakfast at GS mess fixed up c̄ A.P.M.
for prisoners to clean up the mess & bury dead 
animals. Tried to get one of the many captured
cars we had but the selfish G.S. swine (Campbell Ross)
wouldnt part. Saw Ausdiv. R.S. just pitching
tents & then drove back to Tulkeram by the
musmus defile which is becoming very bad
stopping at Coullies D.R.S on the way. 
Did not do very much in aft. as feeling tired
but messed about quietly & phoned D.M.S. 


25.9.18. Felt pretty rotten in morning so did not
join up c̄ Adv. Hqrs as I'd intended. Did some A.D.F.
stuff c̄ Dawson for some time & then laid down.
Did the same in aft. & then strolled in to Fourcav.
D.R.S. at Tul Keram c̄ Dawson & found a lot of Hun
& Turk wounded lying out in the sun, went to see
the operating car which had been smashed the
day before in crossing the railway. Saw the motor
amb. chap Purdue who seemed pretty ill so had
him sent off. Drove home c̄ Coullie who had
come down in an amb. car. Yarned away after 
26.9.18. Off at 0800 to Lejjun where our Hqrs were
moving to; Dawson returned home; packed Padre
Woods off sick. Stopped at Coullie's place & ordered
him forward to Afuleh; chewed up McLaren for
not obeying orders re sending his cars down by
Jenin. Found that an advance was to be made
to Damascus so decided to hold all patients at
Nazareth as it was impossible to evacuate all the
way to Tulkeram & ordered 4th & Ausdiv. R.Ss. up &
wired D.M.S for drugs & dressings to be sent to
Haifa by sea. Tried to get Dawson back as things 
were going to be strenuous but my wires missed 
him. Drove to Afuleh meeting McNab on the
way looking very done. Tried to pick a site
for our camp in aft. at a Jewish village but a
heavy downpour of rain made the it necessary
to be on the one metalled road - to Nazareth - as all
the country was too soft for transport elsewhere


As all the inhabitants said the place was awful for
Malaria - as was obvious - & sandflies tried to get 
Trew to go to Nazareth & again on the next day, but
he said it wasnt possible which was rot & we
paid a very heavy price later in illness & death
for our 3 nights there - Trew being one of those
who got Malaria. Corps Commanders conference
at which the plans for attacking Damascus were
gone over; Chauvel in one of his worst moods.
Picked a site for our camp after & then had some
tea at an amb. (13th) & drove up to Nazareth (8 miles)
taking Leahy c̄ me. Went to French hospital which
was a good spot c̄ Nuns & sisters Syrian doctors
& local nurse girls & well equipped which Parry
was running c̄ his outfit; then walked thro'
town c̄ Leahy looking for Parry & others hospitals
but it was too dark so returned & had tea. A
number of 4th Bde wounded from Semakh
were brought in. Nazareth is rather a pretty 
little town in a cup with a lot of large religious
buildings very fine looking & suitable for
hospitals. The Turks had had 20 hospitals there
& there were still about 350 patients - Turks. As
usual most of the equipment had been looted by
the inhabitants from the empty hospitals or
destroyed & they were very dirty, The German
headquarters of Liman von Sanders had been
here & they'd had to bolt for their lives out of
bed early on the morning of the 20th. The road
up from Afuleh for the first half is on the flat


but then there's a devil of a climb up a well
graded hill road which was littered c̄ German
lorries the 5th division had caught & cars too.
Drove back to Afuleh meeting McLaren on his
way to the French hospital to take over from Parry.
Got back to find no tents or equipment had arrived
at our camp & only 3 officers very sorry for
themselves on wet ground c̄ a fine brand of sand
fly & mosquito much in evidence. I had my
bivouac tent so had a fair sleep.
27.9.18. Felt pretty rotten in a.m. & started off
without breakfast. Went to signal office at
Afuleh & talked to the D.M.S. about things &
interviewed Trew & then Stansfield about supplies
& then onto 5th Recog. Stn. which had arrived
at Afuleh last night where had some tea &
cursed Leggat for not coming to his headquarters
last night. Ordered Coullie to go on to Nazareth
rapidly & take over the Carmelite monastery.
Drove to Lejjun over a road which had been
good but was ruined by the traffic on
top of the rain of yesterday to see how 
operating unit & remains of Ausdiv. R.S. were
but met them both on their way & Lejjun
was deserted. Drove thence to Jenin where I
packed drugs in a.m. c̄ a Hun to help me to go to 
Nazareth - a lot had been looted since my last
visit. Had lunch on chops at Fizz at German 
hospital & saw the matron now ill in bed, squared
up things on to R.A.F. at Afuleh to borrow lorries 


Saw Trew & back to camp to be well bitten.
Had sent Leggat off to Nazareth in the morning
to organise the hospital there.
28.9.18. Drove up to Nazareth directly after
breakfast to see how things were going on &
found French hospital very full & that Leggat
as usual hadnt done very much - he was a bit 
seedy. Walked up to the Carmelite monastery
which was a devil of a climb & was very done
when I got there as was still feeling mighty
feeble. Found Coullie who was having the
very dirty building cleaned & had done a 
lot; it is a fine big building c̄ a great
outlook c̄ room for several hundred patients
but as it was apparently impossible to get
any transport to it was about to order the
5 D.R.S. out of it when we found that there was
another practicable way up which my car 
had come. Drove down below & inspected a
rifled & untidy building that had contained
the 215 Feldlazariet & was quite suitable for
hospital & arranged for Coullie to take over
this place as well as the one on the hill. Then
visited the Austrian hospital - a nice little
place c̄ priest, religious sisters, X ray & well
equipped - electric light -; there were 17 German
patients pretty ill & a nasty lazy big Prussian
doctor. Decided to use this as an officer's
hospital & to bring up the sisters & spare 
equipment from Jenin - the former to live in


this hospital. Had tucker at French hospital
after booking a nice looking room at the pub
in case I wanted it & drove to Tiberias (19 miles)
There was a very bad 5 miles of road - the worst
I've ever been over. The last few miles are down
a steep & winding road from the top of which
there is a great view over the sea of Gallilee
which is a very vivid blue color. Tiberias is
picturesque but dismal looking with its
walls & houses of black basalt & it was
blowing a gale when I got there c̄ clouds of 
dust. Went to see part of Ausdiv C.S. which
was there c̄ patients the rest having  gone on
& found them in a decent building for a hospital.
Had a good deal of plug trouble in starting 
& on the way home; drove right thro' to
Afuleh meeting the lorries that had brought the
equipment from Seimal Jenin. Parry was
now at Mejdel moving on & 4th D.R.S. arrived
at Afuleh so that 5th D.C.S. from which it had 
taken over was ordered to chase Parry's
lot & join up.
29.9.18. Went to see 4th D.R.S. after breakfast & then
to station to see when a train might be going
to Semakh on which I wanted a small ambulance
party to go to look after lorry patients who
would be arriving there tomorrow. Found 
that my whole hospital town of Nazareth 
was going to become useless as the line of
supplies was to be changed to run from a


railhead at Semakh instead of thro' Af Nazareth
so that patients thro coming by lorries as
the majority do will only come to the former 
place. This was a pretty nasty situation to be
up against as everyone of my units was holding
patients with no means of evacuation till
the train started; 2 were at Nazareth & one at 
Afuleh & a divisional one at Jisr Mejamie; it
would take luck here to avoid a mess up. Rang
up D.M.S & told him what was going to happen &
he agreed to evacuate Nazareth patients to 
Haifa quickly, to send an operating team as 
the corps operating car was bust & medical stores
as well as promising a C.C.S. to Haifa. Dashed
up to Nazareth to order 5th D.R.S. to hand over
its two hospitals to Ausdiv R.S. & sprint for
Tiberias tomorrow probably moving to Semakh
after; this meant pretty hard work for Ausdiv.
R.S. & a scramble all round but as the 5th D.R.S.
couldn't get to Semakh as early as the patients
were expected I had already ordered a small
party of 4 D.R.S. to go there to try & fill the breach.
As a matter of fact this train didn't get to 
Semakh till 48 hours later but luckily the
expected patients did not arrive till a day
later than that (on the 2nd); by this time the 
4th Collecting Stn was also there so by luck
we'd not had a load of homeless & neglected
patients. This is anticipating.
Had lunch at Nazareth & returned to Afuleh 


after going to the 4th D.R.S & station again
to see about the trains which were still in 
a state of delightful uncertainty, Till they
go evacuation of patients wont be on a satisfactory
footing or even possible at all; then can xxx
empty 4th D.R.S. from Afuleh to Haifa if the C.C.S
is up there to receive them & it will be free to 
move to Semakh & close to gap; the Semakh
people can also be got rid of though whether
to Tulkeram or Haifa depends on which line
of railway is got going first. 
30.9.18. Moved to Semakh first ringing up the
D.M.S. to tell him the situation & that no trains
were yet returning; it took an hour &½ to get on
& then I couldn't hear what he said for the noise. 
I forget what it was we arranged. but Left
at 1015 after failing to get D.D.M.S. XXI Corps to
ask him if he could receive at patients at Haifa.
The road past Beisan in the Jordan valley again
is very bad & bumpy from many round
basalt stones at first but soon improved;
there are some fine old stone aqueducts still
in full use too. Got bogged at a wadi ^Bardeh but
soon pulled out & stopped at the 4th D.C.S. at
Jisr Mejamie station & had lunch with
Mackay the officer & some wounded officers
just in. He had 100 patients waiting for the
train & another 20 were on their way in
in motor ambs from Er Renite where they'd
had a hard scrap.


Heard details of this scrap from the officers
& of the uncertainty of the beduins there in the
wild country. The 4th D.C.S. as the result of their
stay here were nearly wiped out with malaria.
The train with my wee ambulance detachment
on it which had started from Afuleh last night
was held up here as the engine was no good.
Arrived at Semakh early in afternoon, dropped
my kit & proceeded to drive across the Jordan
just where it flows out of the sea of Galillee
but it was a bit to deep & we had to be pushed
thr most of the way. Rather a pleasing outlook
about here, Went on the 5 miles to Tiberias along 
the edge of the Lake of Tiberias (Semakh is 33 miles
from Afuleh) & found Coullie & the operating unit
already there; Coullie's a wonder to move. Went
& talked c̄ White the military governor & looked
over the two hospitals Coullie was to run. Drove
back then again failing to quite find the ford across
the Jordan. Camped down near the A.D.S.T. tents
1.10.18. Rode Walked over to station to see the detachment of
4th D.R.S. under Sanyal which had just arrived -
& no patients yet by good fortune. Drove off
at 1030 and stopped to talk to Coullie at Tiberias
who told me that Cholera had broken out there
among the civilians & he had it in hand. Drove
on to Kuneitra where arrived at 1430 (45 miles fr.
Tiberias). The road goes first over a flat plain
well watered - forget its biblical name - then past 
Capernaeum & up never ending hill or series

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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