Diary No.10 of Rupert Major Downes, 6 March - 29 July 1918 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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thendiant a a boinp in the rught hla to be we accout chaled meray of thes retuing plance & had a half hearled goak aneaned toget the werst of iy & retired all the officerd of one banel were nit s killed, Meillear who was waltening my horee got a sught scraich on hie hand by the came boink. Tre beal bount raid we vlen incince al wuch only having mercingle maching arcwoegquartere in between. After come rea-which had been adryed muchly by the raid went & caw Doween the pot adml & found out abou, te amt arrange mente which were very gifficult & inwolvens so houreas reast from the dureional collecting ceanon near Amman to perichs via Falt moetly by a rough winding shilly road only dall as reag of which would be done by instoramt, Heardthat therewere 100 A wire wounded to come in that morning & that Human hadn't been taken. Tweled mnearly atcupply aump bus ao very tinexleen he there was much talk & work an around. ag.3.18. Roae of far 0000 ctheillear up road to is salt for 14 houre & then trned back. The road rune by the vide of the Mady Sunnes murinaiong the seal of the aite & the valley was beautiful & green & a perfecsgard ofwild nowere of all sont & ciore - dauie, hoppieg wilyhocke, duffodite, caurele & many orner with a rsning stream at the bouom of
high & Steckich wills. trued to arup to geage where the care were ay Howert monowing. When got nearg backto munethimrin very up another noad dst to Amman & only bit for came troffic for a sholy lying othen back to the drimp at ros where had a little wreapfas + then noad back to reyicho meeting tworning back my car on the way through theplan o he pegay had subcided ta lor. Had a little icher ateric grove up to see storey afour operating und nstantes yome taking neulear. Andus farony of the plain when my fyom skeing sinaened & we had to oi iupwith asards wercaon. A weass, of a ane vtorin staried & the fordannlain became abolutely coveryd with miet&dus esasso be mirable deard sgive givng abparenng biing down S nearing head of Dead Sea Dir pyightened we leet thepe might be wike coming up mhat way to ayour thin & vuay lnede communiication of outhe ordan ont to Megwyacearees repouce. Dpove gingerly t up tokenueatein in the lace of a beattly anery, gale sonce more forced to ttay it fwyse magng forine night wherewere to bea verry eatl. 30.3. 18 started off at ogso in pretty cold weather srove scowly home in shre. I incidens Worked in afternoon + drove over c Hunte to endsAt Aslet here to fixtning. t wiked inevening 31 313. Sunday, Sonkhow ever youe very hinky &inavie & depraceed about the war onay emper Agreatneorsamesnon of the fcomeury
hagsuddenty bus forth ount ag whichawont specif oiher pare of our horse here &no one gue knowe what is insorage in the way of changes nor the ressong it awout 6 Yeodw send this hypoet so can writer & 1et wlede xX Corp rear become 3 M. Raton cavalry anotner their place all being filled by 5th Gavaley Own Magan savalery now in the country, theyall go home a fonice as do sand 174- m arow te 2 bee we have onepoceible inception. This of conrce mean alotet work & riuch for someone & weker it may be the necult off the German plans in Frange + may arxe our plans nere. weare ang raie peseinene about Sipnce in case the Germane ae Anniens ainal a royen took on the man. However it always the people away ffrom the trouble that ges parnat vey awieh ney womant. Marked petty colldly an d als qurier uncheepd iineovening whennewion came back from Jerao gthe news whas we were giving up the attack on Hinman tonight & the foricall coming back, which is ead asweve had a lot oo caenalnee & not been successful Woa WN.2I. yet letter from Wek of Feb. 1st yesterday which & ather rliffled me. 418. Coldwindyaay. Drove over in Lunteem to bto to gct cople of establishments of Indian ambiances fowld White (ndien Dome) I talk combined British & anaian ambe aboutnew did a little Newton workmaft. & had walk
wrote to Jock G44 & one from his Robb, Loveridge &elean t Feb 18th 2418. Newealittle better from France & weather bener. Rode over to seeord white at Ctty tono purpose + then to cameen. bountrry looking beautifully qreen now & avr strong c onatce bloceom. Did not do much work in af t. but had walk c Newton, Hunter & Mc Intyre seny deggatt down to Godw. at Belah. 418. Lodging about doing & little work in morning. Rode ahewton & Hunter in eft. to abushusnch & back - about 15 milel - & had a look as a lo, of old underground caues cur in the chalk nocme charrow entrance &stehe down to them. Thie placehas had 7 ctiee buis on it si the ancient Goyer Stwae always a place to be fire songncred by any mnvadereattaching eucatem from the placne beforegettnoak entrance to the hille. Thereif carl todean underioro and haceade tom is well into the pudean hille butthinhg sut been wropering uplased yer anyhowrose a verstions prace nowddays samee atine vient of all the country in anding Kamileh & all the maing dowatd eand iuppast Rantich & Medgel Yava to mhe cea- also thed roadet Jerusaletn. &Ie hould have been a oudh my horne to take in oury advance but washor fairly casny which & hows now dembraused the Tulkemae have been then everyining was verry breeny bgreen
4 4.18 warking all mouning & a bet in aft but had guit acroned in far aft tea. Iison evane, single guettient use- wein methack from the Amman show which cal we quite ww00 cacualties. talked I hope them staten wem off scaught evening train cold of Whue, the hawn Doms, to dantatia 418 the beastly tramn arrived a$0500 an your betore time - sae the noise woulding letingsleep had to git up Had I rean, ay as oit vantlene where Daweon met me suctalked some shop & then caught oget tham to tell Rebir. Metold Drnottin id &ool. sean who had put aveived, in the Oermonde a fine new, oo boat- & had seen tather on wch 4th wooking will spent some honge at telelheber finding ous about the constitution of the widian babalry ambulances me, arrived booking overone them the Nalnore. They seemver good & well equipped seatent with some rellef inad wheniylet Fhancenet beore the ermpn of fenene all wnite head their mane made for removing dymne&c behind the somine to the retirement was no unexpected. Has mrch taft tea there &thenduoe ro Moascar ina cur shad got houth. any it weas aping a drive as we had followed in the wake of a haver tain storm & in ague & the gut from the wheek aid my lase at wask cold. Hod dinner at Moascer stalke that overnon & then on to Forkad by night Frain where we were me t by a car owrove
to baxing notel. all Port said reindackins now agare all the canalcampe stown call never tgyptian towns- on account of the Teppelan ccare. Turned in quicklya $ 2400 6 &18 Had a goodyarn MM Danoar after breakfost - the belooking prettes ill weather unhappy about her Pas. Went socr to hostitel after & fiket ascieled Towler can operation wh trned out love a hudated of the appendin Yarned & sangar till lunch & aster that looked into the Cononeccent ward & ag Leaw I could not get back through what & had tolo ayihe time he evening train went decided to wait till the next night so welked back to the pub -nocoldiers are allowed to travel in Gharrys at present on account of the Typhne in the town thicked up old while &rook him to a party at the P.S. Sparteclub given by the Krunch Kell brose women to the mires & officiers of the 14th H.O.H. at which the matroy dretinguched hereelf by nog appearing some 5 wirces were there. I her ugood there had a came oftening, the wirst sinceliet played at Ahopole when wwint there; had I varttage sele. one eyther way - I worked & ran hard & didn t play so v Hadlye towle Hairlew & waird. Then walked down to mnothaw cold White & Backburin & men did come she 4 shack to hospital tate forainner Garped e Sangar & Cranefiedin nochital then warched them playing briage Wal delighted

they didnt get a bomb in the right place
to hit us. A scout chased the last of their
retiring planes & had a half hearted go at it
but seemed to get the worst of it & retired..
All the officers of one battery were hit & 3
killed; Meillear who was watering my horses
got a slight scratch on his hand by the same
bomb. First real bomb raid I've been in since
El Arish - only having met single machines
at close quarters in between. After some
tea - which had been delayed muchly by
the raid - went & saw Dowsett the 6tth
A.D.M.S. & found out about the amb. arrangements 
which were very difficult & involved
36 hours at least from the divisional collecting
station near Amman to Jericho via Es Salt
mostly by a rough winding & hilly road
only half or less of which could be done by
motor amb. Heard that there were 160 Anzac
wounded to come in that morning & that
Amman hadn't been taken. Turned in early
at supply dump but got very little sleep as
there was much talk & work all around.
29.3.18. Rode off at 0600 c̄ Meillear up road to
Es Salt for 1½ hours & then turned back. The
road runs by the side of the Wadi Shunet
Nimrin along the side of the cliffs & the
valley was beautiful & green & a perfect garden
of wild flowers of all sorts & colors - daisies,
poppies, hollyhocks, daffodils, laurels & many
others with a rushing stream at the bottom of 


of high & steepish hills. Tried to get up to
a bridge where the cars were at El Howey
but no time. When got nearly back to
Shunet Nimrin went up another road direct
to Amman & only fit for camel traffic for
a short time & then back to the dump at 1000
where had a little breakfast & then road back
to Jericho meeting & turning back my car
on the way through the plain. The Jordan had
subsided a lot. Had a little tucker at Jericho
drove up to see Storey at our operating unit
and then started home taking Meillear. Hadnt
got far out of the plain when my front
spring smashed & we had to fix it up with
boards wired on. A beast of a dust storm
started & the Jordan plain became absolutely
covered with mist & dust so as to be invisible.
Heard some guns apparently firing down
S. near the head of the Dead Sea & it frightened
me lest there might be Turks coming up
that way to cut our thin & vital line of
communications from the Jordan out to
the Anzacs & rest of the force. Drove gingerly
up to Jerusalem in the face of a beastly dusty
gale & once more forced to stay at Anzac
Hdqrs. for the night where went to bed very
30.3.18 started off at 0930 in pretty cold weather
& drove slowly home in 3hrs. incident.
Worked in afternoon & drove over c̄ Hunter to
1st & 2nd L.H.F.As left here to fix things.
Worked in evening.
31.3.18. Sunday. Somehow everyone very pippy
& depressed about the war today & I in a vile
temper. A great reorganisation of the Yeomanry


has suddenly burst forth on us & at
other parts of our force which I wont specify
here & no one quite knows what it involves in the
way of changes nor the reason of it. I wont
send this by post so can write it; 6 of Yeodiv
regts. become 3 M.G. Battns & 1 of 7th Bde c̄ XX Corps
cavalry another their places all being filled
by 5th Cavalry Divn Indian Cavalry now in
the country, they all go home at once as do
52nd & 74th Divns - about the 2 best we have c̄
one possible exception. This of course means
a lot of work & rush for someone & we fear
it may be the result of the German plans
in France & may alter our plans here.
We are also rather pessimistic about France
in case the Germans get Amiens as it has
a rotten look on the map. However its always
the people away from the trouble that
get panicky, but I wish they wouldnt.
Worked pretty solidly all day
also further uncheered in the evening
when Newton came back from Jericho
c̄ the news that we were giving up the
attack on Amman tonight & the force all
coming back, which is sad as we've had a
lot of casualties & not been successful.
Wrote to D.27.
Got letter from Jock of Feb. 1st yesterday
which rather ruffled me.
1.4.18. Cold windy day. Drove over in Sunbeam
to G.H.Q. to get copies of establishments of Indian
ambulances from old White (Indian D.D.M.S) & talk
about new combined British & Indian ambs.
Did a little work in aft. & had walk c̄ Newton.


Wrote to Jock. Got D's 44, & one from Mr Robb, Loveridge & Eileen H.
Feb 8th.
2.4.18. News a little better from France & weather
better. Rode over to see old White at G.H.Q. to no
purpose & then to canteen. Country looking
beautifully green now & air strong c̄ orange
blossom. Did not do much work in aft. but
had walk c̄ Newton, Hunter & McIntyre. Sent
Leggatt down to Yeodiv. at Belah.
3.4.18. Dodging about doing v. little work in
morning. Rode c̄ Newton & Hunter in aft.
to Abu Shusheh & back - about 15 miles - &
had a look at a lot of old underground caves
cut in the chalk rocks c̄ narrow entrances
& steps down to them. This place has had
7 cities built on it & is the ancient Gezer.
It was always a place to be first conquered
by any invaders attacking Jerusalem from
the plains before getting an entrance to the
hills. There is said to be an underground
passage from it well into the Judean hills
but this hasnt been properly explored yet.
Anyhow it is a very strong place nowadays
& gives a fine view of all the country including 
Ramleh & all the plains down to Esdud
& up past Rantieh & Medzel Yaba to the sea - also
the 2 roads to Jerusalem. It should have been a
tough nut for us to take in our advance but
was got fairly easily - which shows how
demoralised the Turks must have been
then. Everything was very pretty & green.


4 4.18. Working all morning & a bit in aft.
but had quite a crowd in for aft. tea. Dixon,
Evans, Single - just Lieut Col - & Beith just back
from the Amman show which cost us quite
1000 casualties. Talked shop  c̄ them & later
went off & caught evening train c̄ old
Col. White, the Indian D.D.M.S. to Kantara
5.4.18. The beastly train arrived at 0500
-½ an hour before time - & as the noise wouldnt
let me sleep had to get up. Had breakfast at
A.I.F. Canteens where Dawson met me & we talked
some shop & then caught 0915 train to Tel el
Kebir. Met old Arnott in it & Col. Dean who had
just arrived in the Ormonde - a fine new P.&O.
boat - & had seen Father on Mch 7th looking well.
Spent some hours at Tel el Kebir finding out
about the constitution of the Indian Cavalry
ambulances just arrived & looking over one
of them - the Sialhote. They seem very good &
well equipped. Learnt with some relief that
when they left France just before the German
offensive all units had their plans made
for removing dumps &c behind the Somme -
so the retirement was not unexpected. Had
lunch & aft. tea there & then drove to Moascar
in a car I had got from M. but it was a pig of
a drive as we had followed in the wake of a heavy
rain storm & in a gale & the grit from the wheels cut
my face & it was v. cold. Had dinner at Moascar
& talked shop  c̄ Vernon & then onto Port Said by
night train where we were met by a car & drove



to Casino hotel. All Port Said is in darkness
now - as are all the canal camps & towns & all
lower Egyptian towns - on account of the
Zeppelin scare. Turned in quickly at 2400
6.4.18. Had a good yarn c̄ Mrs Dangar after
breakfast - she is looking pretty ill & rather
unhappy about her Pat. Went over to hospital
after & first assisted Fowler c̄ an operation wh.
turned out to be a hydatid of the appendix.
Yarned c̄ Dangar till lunch & after that
looked into the Convalescent ward & as I saw I
could not get back through what I had to do
by the time the evening train went decided to
wait till the next night so walked back to the
pub - no soldiers are allowed to travel in Gharrys
at present on account of the Typhus in the town - 
& picked up old White & took him to a party at
the P.S. Sports club given by the British Red Cross
women to the nurses & officers of the 14th A.G.H. at
which the Matron distinguished herself by not
appearing & only 5 nurses were there. Met Elgood
there & had a game of tennis, the first since last
played at Heliopolis when living there; had 2
vantage sets - one either way - & worked &
ran hard & didnt play so v. badly c̄ Fowler
Fairley & Ward. Then walked down to the train
c̄ old White & Blackburn & then did some shopping
& back to hospital late for dinner.
Yarned c̄ Dangar & Stansfield in hospital & then
watched them playing bridge. Was delighted


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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