Diary No.7 of Rupert Major Downes, 25 August - 12 November 1917 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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DIARY. N0.7. 518127- 12111117.
CALENDAR For 1915. MARCH APRIL TANUARY. (FEERUARY. TST ant TI 11/18/23. (m 11/8/15/22/. 3/1518212. 15/12/13126/.. ra 12/ 3/16/231.. 9/16/23/3 18/13/20/27/. 13128 10117/24/3. 7/241._ 17/14/21/28/.. 18125/. 118/13/22/29). 2/191251.. 12/18/2 MAEIESISO TenSIselen. SISpol JUNE. IULY. MAY. 178/1318 28/16,2313 M 22121 110/17/24/31 1211. 113/22/237re/- 14/11/18/23/. 23130 12/19726/.. 13/20/271... 1241½.)Tn 2612 14121/28/.. 4/11/181251.. 20.53 27 SIISIEeES 112/191261. 1oli/e 1281 SEPTEMEER. OCTORER NOVEMEE MBER. IGITESS 1143 14/11/181231 13/20 419/19261 15/13/20127/ 114/21128/. 415122124... 110/17/24 231802.32 MPSleSI CALENDAR 501 JANUARY. FEERUARY. MARCH 1218,16,2313 81132012 3/1217 7/14/21/28 -13110/17/24/3 115/22720 251. (16123).. 26/. 3120 13/20127/.. 24 51 14121/28/. 8/ 115/221291 IalSEe MAY. JUNE IULY. 5T. 7114 MIIIEE 1218/16 11372 M. 811 340,17/2413. 21123 8116 251 3/10/12 1412 12/19126/. 5/000 15/22 16/13/20/271.. 24131 12119/26/.. 16/23/30 7/1421/28/. anl 25/000 ISLISIOE 3/ROpMeAl 1811S12213l. ISl2zlislesI. SEPTEMBER. OCTORER. ROVEMBER/ DECEMBER. 3/10117 7-15112/13/28 8/15/2272 73,16172 2313 13121 181251 3/12 28 118 27 214 129128 128/. 29.128 20/27/. 24. 22129. 118123/30 3130l.. 8 2 12.11.1 162 N2 2.5 Please Feeturrn to Solonel RM. Downel Austrapan Headquerter waio H.A. Decert mounted Cork 8 Mr RmnDowner Oarton anth south Yarra Austraha erbourne
25.8.17 stayed in all day working &7. netty stiff; walk o Reathe in evening 26.8. 17 Sunday. Laweon arrived mam. & talked largely & him. allmorning. n afte. Mode over to inspect nothe batteng RH.A.C Dexon. Garned & Daweon in evening 27.8.17. Worked & talked a Daweon m am. aery in same in aft till rode over to see the nyno motor bike in evening while Daweon went to 4th P.H.T.A. Fars in in evening. doorx yot letter from D. 10 from Samarang of 13/7/17, from tathe Heley Mre Robb, ciben Hamilton & Allen to 9/7/17. Very nice too keread thein tilllare.
20.8.7. M officiallam Bode up to see chanvel who had toothech cpn Vnew. Dpon + Hercuein Dawson seedy 29. 8 77. Daweon got siphtherin so pished him off by hospital train a tundday to clarish. Rode over to teey camp later in at & had younc have 30817. an office ell day; finiche writing to jock & weitte tod is & posted one copy. Bombaredmen in evening at 211s & there has been a fair lot since yesterday afternoon. Worrk fairly qives today 31.8. 17. Worked in offeceall day & went fornidec walk farmdn on evening. 1.9.17. Intentativort all ain
50 & talked & Kilton. Rid inevening to draw pay, & went to see I ruckett athie cauk sunpey 2.9. 17. Rode over to Rect Camp in am. cFulton &ccayed for a short time. Donference mnaft, about Reed & Convaleseens campe & Chanvel Powrge, pnca many dwene) Iriew fullon &self which was fairly catisfactory but the ordman is against me going up to dairo & Port laid as of course dought to -mightntlikert c tongmil teoll. New Yen- Staff Brg Gen. (Howard Vyse) turned up d aaie ago & can hutoday -seeme a gooey but nust have friends dsuppose. 3.9.17, Spent alot of time packing up for move & worked well. id cat Ay. Wiote Howel
17 What oy 30 for move & 4 let, our nice pictures gu camp at 5700 & marched up to the new place at advanced HO. looking like a travelling arcue. Rod out a depon to tee a new and guet in- 7 - Mounted Ld Amt from Balonica & a useful looking to then went & had lunch at 4. SAt.H. &Fowler who looked very sick cran into Storey. Had a Malaria meeting & discussion in aft. about st officers there & it was very interesng & clmuleting. the &mnuch work in evening altered. 5.9.17. Wednerday Cablefrom sorie dated stt to Hend Shawl so pleased thereat snodoub
shere too worked hand all am & had Discon for lunch & much lark over arrangements for battle steady days work. Ill alod cooler up here & quite coll at nighte now. 6. 917, Worked hard all day & feeling fatheaded therefrom went far a 6 mile walk & Beatly the AP.M. & fery clearer 7.917. Same ae yesterday working all day & smalll walk Reatly in evening to AueB dw. H 89.17. Hadlongtathmam. & Mackewyre mexightbar Palrob man on roads. Conference in afte onr. iews office then went out for ride on old blynobike to see Fairley at Tuphari, had
pretty hardwork keeping tikeupin and & coming home got a good Dustel secided oike woo heavy to be worth keeping here. Sandbleshabe been had here at night butheat them woned Beroeene oy covering mysey praen 9. 19. 17 Sunday. Rode over to Gt.g. inmorning to see Bagehalve about future openaion. M aft. rode over to3. AHtH. where had a meeting of Moe & airleyfectured on Kunaryroses -badly w0. talledc Green much who had comedown from 14 Algo to diecnce thinge. 10.9.17. First statf conference in am Workegalldayin office Walk c Argyle in evening
11.9. 17. Worked in office till 1730 when rade down into than Yunne for enercice. Got important order 129. 17 Welneedey Quite a day out, drove o Stanefield & Perebia (ale) fire if Sir Clamwher had lunch then acrose Wade saba & down KhaiaseaRS. to p7 where wwined off tot acros country ontomain Khalasea Bercheba Rd. up which we went for a bit & then back to Rashid Rek by Wadialead. Rayed round there abot on difft roads + then drove rome & had a weeful & enjoyable day with car running beautifully 13.9.17. Workedin am. Finaft. rode over & Robin -the new HoM. to
awgac headquarters on the beach & had aft rea& dinner & them. Talked shot e fercus & unofl & vieited the Genl. Loveridge tined uptso. Rode homearong beach & go thack mr & houre. Waves were quite light Moskhouse 14.9.17. & stayed in camp all day working generally. 15.9.7. Drsve over to iotor and park & Pareira i am. & then s see new operating can at Shellal Junction have came in aft to stay with yresive toked muchly; goheore regfrom spill off bake lay Sunday. Angule have yarnes till latt at mM 16. 9. 17. Sunday. Parkedallam I have reading. Rode over to 3n 1402
maft, where Myr. Austen gave a lecure on Wecte. 17.9.17. Workedallday. Wrote to Donie No 11. 189.17. Divicion changed over. Hadlong conference of Addm in tentin am. &aft. & worked after. Walked over to awyae H.S. cNewton in evening. vultstorim. Whote rather. 199.17. Wednesday. Kucy in camp att day; filthly duet storim afternoon. bought 1016 train to Kamara takin Maneaz o me, vearnfilthy so. 9P. barto meeting at Kaniara where gota t0200 & went to Soldieke home where had wash breakfast & yarnts mice Mc Phillany.
bought og 15 train & gotont ad smailia + drove to hoas car whereo in b. was inspecting Had a go round sns AsH with Kirkwood & was pleased & it then drove over tosee bol. White an Indian & Dome of Sthrsn. section. Rack & Mak Yuille talking fuciness + had lunch there & few minutee talk cda arnott who had lost he son &been ill. baught is to I train I went straight to office on arrwving as bairo where worke had tea at Groppie garmen. went to Gog to see old maker who was out- Keble back then round to Daweone flad where he was in bed & will be fora forinight; Blunbyh

DIARY. N0.7.
25/8/17 - 12/11/17.


181 PIT 2  7.

CALENDAR For 1915.

CALENDAR For 1916.

25.8.17 to
No2 L.T.  162.
Please return to
Colonel R.M. Downes
Australian Headquarters
H.Q. Desert Mounted Corps
Mrs R.M. Downes
Punt Rd
South Yarra
Australia Melbourne


25.8.17 Stayed in all day working
& pretty stiff; walk Beattie
in evening
26.8.17 Sunday. Dawson arrived
in a.m. & talked largely him
all morning. In aft. rode over
to inspect Notts battery R.H.Q.
Dixon. Yarned Dawson in
27.8.17. Worked & talked Dawson
in a.m. Parry in. Same in aft.
till rode over to see the Clyno
motor bike in evening while
Dawson went to 4th L.H.F.A. Farr
in in evening.
28.8.17 Got letter from D. (10) from
Samarang of 13/7/17, from Father
Helen, Mrs Robb, Eileen Hamilton & Allen
to 9/7/17. Very nice too & read
them till late.


20.8.17. In office all a.m. Rode
up to see Chauvel who had toothache
Genl Trew. Dixon & Hercus in
- Dawson seedy
29. 8.17. Dawson got Diphtheria
so pushed him off by hospital
train at midday to El Arish.
Rode over to Rest camp later in
aft. & had yarn Cave
30.8.17. In office all day; finished
writing to Jock & wrote to D
10 & posted .one copy. Bombardment
in evening at 2115 & there has
been a fair lot since yesterday
afternoon. Work fairly quiet
31.8.17. Worked in office all day
& went for ride c̅ & walk Jarman
in evening.
1.9.17. In tent at work all a.m 


& talked Fulton. Ride in evening
to draw pay & went to see Trickett
at his camp.
2.9.17. Rode over to Rest Camp in
am. Fulton & stayed for a short
time. Conference in aft. about
Rest & Convalescent camps Chauvel,
Powles, Y.M.C.A man (Owens) Trew,
Fulton & self which was fairly
satisfactory but the old man
is against me going up to Cairo
& Port Said as of course I ought
to - mightn't like it (Tommie people).
New Genl- Staff Brig Genl (Howard
Vyse) turned up 2 days ago & saw
him today - seems a Gooey but
must have friends I suppose.
3.9.17. Spent a lot of time
packing up for move & worked
well. Bed early. Wrote Howse. 


4.9.17 Up at 0430 for move &
left our nice picturesque camp
at 0700 & marched up to the new
place at advanced H.Q. looking
like a travelling circus. Rode
out Dixon to see a new amb.
just in- 7th - Mounted Fld Amb -  from
Salonica & a useful looking lot.
Then went & had lunch at
4th L.H.F.A. Fowler who looked
very sick & ran into Storey.
Had a Malaria meeting &
discussion in aft. about
26 officers there & it was very
interesting & stimulating.
Not much work in evening
as tired.
5.9.17. Wednesday Cable from
Doris dated 3rd to "Send shawl"-
so pleased thereat & no doubt 


she is too Worked hard all a.m.
& had Dixon for lunch & much
talk over arrangements for battle.
Steady days work. Its a lot
cooler up here & quite cold at
nights now.
6. 9.17. Worked hard all day
& feeling fatheaded there from
went for a 6 mile walk
Beatty the A.P.M. & felt clearer.
7.9.17. Same as yesterday -
working all day & small
walk Beatty in evening to
Austn div. H.Q.
8.9.17. Had long talk in a.m.
Mackenzie the Light Car Patrol
man on roads. Conference in
aft. in Trew's office then went
out for ride on old Clyno bike
to see Fairley at Fukhari; had 


pretty hard work keeping
bike up in sand & coming
home got a good buster.
Decided bike too heavy to be
worth keeping here.
Sand flies have been bad here at
night but beat them tonight
by covering myself paraffin kerosene.
9.9.17. Sunday. Rode over to G.H.Q.
in morning to see Bagshawe about
future operations. In aft. rode
over to 3rd L.H.F.A. where had a
meeting of MOs & Fairley lectured
on Bilharziosis - badly too.
Talked Green much who had
come down from 14 A.G.H to discuss
10.9.17. First staff conference
in a.m. Worked all day in office
Walk Argyle in evening 


11.9.17. Worked in office till 1730
when rode down into Khan
Yunus for exercise. Got important
12.9.17. Wednesday. Quite a day out;
drove Stansfield & Pareira
(A.S.C.) first to Bir Esain where
had lunch then across Wadi
Saba & down Khalassa Rd to
Pt. 780 where turned off to E
across country onto main Khalassa Beersheba
Rd. up which we went for
a bit & then back to Rashid
Bek by Wadi Issad. Played
round there a bit on difft
roads & then drove home &
had a useful & enjoyable day
with car running beautifully
13.9.17. Worked in a.m. & in aft.
rode over Robin -the new A.P.M. to 


Anzac headquarters on the beach &
had aft. tea & dinner them. Talked 
shop Hercus & Croll & visited
the Genl. Loveridge turned up too.
Rode home along beach & got back
in 2¾ hours. Waves were quite
light Phosphorous
14.9.17. W Stayed in camp all
day working generally
15.9.17. Drove over to motor amb.
park Pareira in a.m. & then
to see new operating car at Shellal
Cave came in aft. to stay with
me & we talked muchly; got sore
leg from spill off bike last
Sunday. Argyle, Cave & I yarned
till late at night
16.9.17. Sunday. Worked all a.m.
Cave reading. Rode over to 3rd LHFA 


in aft. where Mjr. Austen gave
a lecture on Insects.
17.9.17. Worked all day. Wrote
to Doris No 11.
18.9.17. Divisions changed over.
Had long conference of A.D.S.M.S.
in tent in a.m. & aft. & worked
after. Walked over to Anzac
H.Q. Newton in evening.
Dust storm. Wrote Father.
19.9.17. Wednesday. Busy in
camp all day; filthy dust
storm in afternoon. Caught
1016 train to Kantara taking
Mullear me, train filthy.
20.9.17. Car to meet me at
Kantara where got at 0700
& went to Soldiers home where
had wash breakfast & yarn to
Miss McPhillamy. 


Caught 0915 train & got out at
Ismailia & drove to Moascar
where C. in C. was inspecting.
Had a go round 2ndA.S.H. with
Kirkwood & was pleased it;
then drove over to see Col. White
- an Indian & D.D.M.S. of Sthrn. Camel
section. Back Max Yuille
talking business & had lunch
there & few minutes talk old
Arnott who had lost his son
& been ill. Caught 10 to 2 train
& went straight to office on
arriving at Cairo where worked,
had tea at Groppi's Jarmen,
went to G.H.Q. to see old Maher
who was out- Keble back.
Then round to Dawson's flat
where he was in bed & will be
for a fortnight; [[Bluntzh?]]

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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