Diary No.5 of Rupert Major Downes, 25 July - 26 October 1916 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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&torertin hard. Our gunewere slow inpicking up a harget & daw a fineurget of about a vatallion of 1000 kirke masled coming over a ridge behind wellingtowridge which the gunnere did not; however they guadually got going &as we had about 40guns in the place which houred outshelle as hard as they could & the Twike were doing likewise thing were pretty nowy hante like angacatite beet. afterabit whenever a bighourtyer citede moraleing pepariory swish, & huge report & dense black smoke lalded our howrbyer battery woutd pumpin srounds of batterfire
them hard seemed to keep squied. Railhead got a deverl of a pasting Lanambulance there but truchealey without any damage. Our line fell back till I was beyond Wellington ridge & things looked a by anxiou with at regimend retiring at the gallop close in to we & the sdelle following it, but io was only into recebe &at 00.30 the 150- brigade of the 52nd Dw. joined in withne & 2 companies got into the scrap & cour own batterns hared atwork the turk could hardly concolidate on Wellington Eldge & could notged beyond it sothey were trying
tooutflank our right fwere doing t for abit. Awyacpoed, as all day was getting a lot of by shelle Pereonally I went over to 7st S.H.S.H. several times to see how things were getting on & to arrrange, to 2nd1S. &ther out to their respective collection your the snd being by the Aychile battery of whom took aphotd in action. Later guided an Ammunition column over to the 1st Rde as its commander was rattled & with arrangements for evacuiting wounded + watching battle &enoogen ocing put in afternoon. During aft. when there was not much to do beyond sending & receiving were
watched thing + saw to our relief troope appear to the W. in the distance over the top of eand ranges to N. of M Royston which after some donot found to be owre- N.2. Ade & Geomanry from Hill70 & toward evening a brigale of 42nd durewn appeared to N.W.S thele + knowing that srs Rle. aere further S. It was obviously all upc John Twike dashing & haring attack on the fortified harbot. our poeition which should have been more fortified. In night therewere a lot ofebay bullete wandering round & a general search hound e by
howibere which from their row on a dead still night were implesein but did no damage a fall asfar asI know. broll in in night & Loveridge back Ack. f 5.8.16. When Lawoke at Lagushid was to hear a silence deafening as a contract to the now when went todeep & remerks of Look at them in thousands on that ridge, thes referred not to task ide sing for an attack as thought but to the crowde that were surrendering after the beginning of our charge & who were soon brought in willly in;a therety & very plad to
lot of German surnee & them, mthy delighted to be taken with enception. Was presented & a belt by a turk medical officer in chchange for some agaretted I have him. Tent down to sts Lld. amb. before breakfast about evacuating wounder & to LHSH. Tornd SHSd after & saw broll at meee c 2 happy captured Turk medical officere & a gunner one andrrueman SA. of anmerican cllege at Regrout. He had Turk ambulance men working on their wounded Hercus came out. Bombed while Turk prisoners were at D.H.G. but not near ue. Rode over to and LH.S.d. after lunch
sout c broll & a Turk medico & interpreter over battlefield of yesterdy to bod Seifaniya where the ambulance had been captured & there were a lot. of Turk wounded & a crowd of 4nnd dureion mad for water. Rode on to S. looking for any wounded round to S. of M Meredith Klaw about 327 wit dead & one off ours & in Rod Abu Adi found 6 wounded Twrke who were got in, plenty of ammunition, ruflce & general equipment all round & whole place scattered & shell cases shrapnelmarke rifle & gun pite severy evidence of a battle & rout. Went to join D.o.G. on a hill juet
to E. of our new well but found they had gone on to ridge wos of Katia where a good fight was going on; whenjoined by brole & my groom (Mulleas) rode out to them, as 3rd Bde could not take Hanneah the action was brohan off & the brigades retiret to cuug heaving out officere patrote Got in to camp afteraninterminable ride to find Genl Wiggin & hisstafe there; went to bed quickly tired Had job of enamining the Turk gunner prieoner (a warrant officer but did not get much on to, him of salue encept that the officers themselves went into
the fight knowing they had no chance + the attack was only to keep troope in loyht: he though he family had all been murdered & hated the Germane Semaa 6.8. U. Breakfast at 0000 & rodec Mmmo after to find the srd Rde via Hodel Anna & met Robertson of 9th patally wounded 3days tater under the white flage Travere of Hailegbury killed). Found Bde. at Bir Nagid to our curprise in a state of rest senjoyment when they were expected to bepueking on ashard as possible: the Buil was ingreat, form & gushing & gave me a lot of silly mescaged to the
general which I carefully fargot Dangar & Billy Hughes there + Rod Wrguhart (killed next day Law White have & Stuart & Ltof myoldmen. Rode back chimo to ridge w00 & found D. H.J. wasm fatia where we went paseing through drove of 42nd dwnstragglers all ous & thiret & weaknoss. Went out to cre N.E. Bde CSt of MumUgba in aft. to boy locate their ambulance which was lost & left met before Genl staffarrived to ridy into a good shelling which was hickily owreting to o high to damage Walehegetting a rap on the knuelle

& tore it in hard. Our guns were 
slow in picking up a target & I saw
a fine target of about a batallion
of 1000 Turks massed coming over
a ridge behind Wellington ridge which
the gunners did not; however they
gradually got going & as we had
about 40 guns in the place which
poured out shells as hard as they
could & the Turks were doing likewise
things were pretty noisy & quite
like Anzac at its best. After a bit
whenever a big howitzer its
demoralising preparatory swish, &
huge report & dense black smoke
landed our howitzer battery would
pump in 3 rounds of battery fire 


hard & seemed to keep it them quiet.
Railhead got a devil of a pasting
& an ambulance there but practically
without any damage. Our line
fell back till it was beyond
Wellington ridge & things looked
a bit anxious with no a regiment
retiring at the gallop close in to us
& the shells following it, but it
was only into reserve & at 08.30
the 156th brigade of the 52nd Divn.
joined in with us & 2 companies
got into the scrap & our own
batteries hard at work the Turks
could hardly consolidate on
Wellington ridge & could not get
beyond it so they were trying 


to outflank our right & were doing
it for a bit. Anzac post, as all
day was getting a lot of big shells
Personally I went over to 7th L.H.F.A.
several times to see how things were
getting on & to arrange, to 2nd L.H.F.A.
& then out to their respective collecting
zones the 2nd being by the Ayshire
battery of whom took a photo in
action. Later guided an Ammunition
column over to the 1st Bde. as its
commander was rattled & with
arrangements for evacuating
wounded & watching battle & snoozing
put in afternoon morning. During aft.
when there was not much to do
beyond sending & receiving wires 


watched things & saw to our relief
troops appear to the W. in the
distance over the top of sand
ranges to N. of Mt Royston which
after some doubt found to be
ours - N.Z. Bde & Yeomanry from
Hill 70 & towards evening a brigade
of 42nd division appeared to N.W. of
these & knowing that 3rd Bde. were
further S. it was obviously all
up John Turks dashing & daring
attack on the unfortified part of
our position which should have
been more fortified.
In night there were a lot of stray
bullets wandering round & a
general search round big 


howitzers which from their row
on a dead still night were unpleasant
but did no damage at all as far
as I know. Croll in in night
& Loveridge back sick.
5.8.16. When I awoke at daylight 0600
was to hear a silence deafening
as a contrast to the row when I
went to sleep & remarks of "Look
at them in thousands on that
ridge"; this referred not to Turks
massing for an attack as I
thought but to the crowds that
were surrendering after the
beginning of our charge & who
were soon brought in wildly
thirsty & very glad to be in; a 


lot of German swines them, mostly
delighted to be taken with exceptions.
Was presented a belt by a Turk
medical officer in exchange for
some cigarettes I gave him.
Went down to 3rd Lld. amb. before
breakfast about evacuating wounded.
& to 1st L.H.F.A. To 2nd L.H.F.A. after &
saw Croll at mess 2 happy captured
Turk medical officers & a gunner one -
an Armenian B.A. of an American college
at Beyrout. He had Turk ambulance
men working on their wounded.
Hercus came out. Bombed while
Turk prisoners were at D.H.Q. but
not near us.
Rode over to 2nd L.H.F.A. after lunch 


& out Croll & a Turk medico &
interpreter over battlefield of yesterday
to Hod Seifaniya where the ambulance
had been captured & there were a
lot of Turk wounded & a crowd of
42nd division mad for water. Rode
on to S. looking for any wounded
round to S. of Mt Meredith & saw
about 32 Turk dead & one of ours
& in Hod Abu Adi found 6 wounded
Turks who were got in; plenty
of ammunition, rifles & general
equipment all round & whole
place scattered shell cases,
shrapnel marks, rifle & gun hits
& every evidence of a battle & rout.
Went to join D.H.Q. on a hill just 


to E. of our new wells but found
they had gone on to ridge 100 neasW
of Katia where a good fight was
going on; when joined by Croll
& my groom (Mullear) rode out to
them; as 3rd Bde could not take
Hamisah the action was broken
off & the brigades retired to camp
leaving out officers patrols. Got
in to camp after an interminable
ride to find Genl Wiggin & his staff
there; went to bed quickly tired.
Had job of examining the Turk
gunner prisoner (a warrant officer)
but did not get much out of
him of value except that the
officers themselves went into 


the fight knowing they had
no chance & the attack was only
to keep troops in Egypt: he thought
his family had all been murdered
& hated the Germans
6.8.16. Breakfast at 0600 & rode
Nimmo after to find the 3rd Bde
via Hod el Enna & met Robertson
of 9th (fatally wounded 3 days later
under the white flag Travers of
Haileybury killed). Found Bde. at
Bir Nagid to our surprise in
a state of rest & enjoyment when
they were expected to be pushing
on as hard as possible: the Bull
was in great form & gushing & gave
me a lot of silly messages to the 


general which I carefully forgot;
Dangar & Billy Hughes there &
Rod Urquhart (killed next day)
Saw White, Cave & Stuart & lot of
my old men. Rode back Nimmo
to Ridge 100 & found D.H.Q. was in
Qatia where we went passing through
droves of 42nd divn stragglers
all out thirst & weakness.
Went out to see N.Z. Bde E.S.E.
of Mum Ugba in aft. to try &
locate their ambulance which
was lost & left just before Genl
& staff arrived to ride into a
good shelling which was luckily
bursting too high to damage,
Walshe getting a rap on the knuckle 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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