Letters from Robert James Henderson, January - June 1917 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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6 in this Cruck another get to shall which I. hush here hees into War run right German's retreating seems buighter line but the part M old bird wily he is a suspicious bit Am A be sxprised shall still finish does not stent the hope Sincerer year this see getting am si show shall be whole the home again get glad to to see down going Am to - day with Henleys the free a after Ruly Rill
REGENT PALACE HOTEL, PICCADILLY CIRCUS TELKGRAMSUNTIPPABLE, PICCW, LONDON. CODE, WESTERN UNION. LONDON, W. THE STHAND HOTEL LIMITED. ( PNOPRIETORs OF STHAND PALACE HOTEL. RECGENT PALACE HOTEI. a Ain know you lunch not been have naught bor Io weeks to su them to Sum always but I to else something have interestnng much more do ask the must however dinner and to have girls nigh afterwards one theate they away Go before to kind very been have
you think me What do it stunt Yana across been him great back long To hae for and a to civit izetin again hope good time to get able be he will see and to London duin would ye C before me round him to show like know all reckor A. bit now and City this about much better a have can me you know where tie to do what and go to to be careful etc elc where thon sayest what
REGENT PALACE HOTEL, 22 PICCADILLY CIRCUS TELEGRAMSI UNTIPPABLE, PICCY, LONDON. CODE, WESTERN UNION. LONDON, W. (9) THE STHAND HOTEL LIMITED. PROPRIRTORe or STRAND PALACE HOTEL. RECGENT PALACE HOTEI. to Cambridge to up Went end week one him se enlarge not shall but And witlen has he guess news the all you given time gay quite a pad resterdey and last night about 10.30 had breakfast walk up nent for a Oscprd St into Regent St Selfridge at valise fought a by Americia you know the
19 Marble Arch thingt Store then e out 1ark 1yde into buck Corner Hyde Pak mit a Scotehy Piccadily into the Carlyle Club Officer at blow club I (a bosca litt drinks comple of hel a to in to Scotts then went oysters sime had lunch met Humphie later & stont li down went Brown in about 10 met flat his yaig had here Austrations many whis kies and 7 o'clock about tor to the club went back to
REGENT PALACE HOTEL, 2 PICCADILLY CIRCUS TELNGRAMS UNTIPPABLE, PICCW, LONDON. CODE, WESTERN UNION. LONDON, W. THE STHAND HOTEL LIMITED. PNOPRIETORS Or STHAND PALACE HOTEL. (1 RECGENT PALACE HOTEI. Gane little nice A mes to and dinner to te took out evenin read 2 had da how know not do lucky if hold we will baes it to lnough worn shall hel however it come when that about well old kid had along shall dry up or I better putting on and be rambling
11 Tellen And in it for him friom the all sirts you them until shall reserve lots back 249 ges Yack ked the 1 love set old and your Bobbic Cooks at Shall store my stuff going away in case London before get outed you will know how I back home few old get it to ets some papers, masss dirty clothe ets that might be of interest bosc suit case am leaving a brown bag in London Jucs kit and black valuse aeross to Thance taking a this time
Telephore 211, PICCADILLY. REGENT 6060. Telegrams: LONDON, W. CARLYLE CLUB. E March 1917. Mum My dear some letters Am dying to have for some home have not had any from are all going exhect they but weeks now the delay now and bultalin to the Have another 6 days great will be course too good not am to go but with my leave trouble 0 having a lot Am ulsers in guins sore swollen & very month hardly eat and it can month etc to the dentist the going am very painful me says my month is to who is treating reckns he and every bad very an extre week a in least at give weit going to will me ups is medical people fise to ur to leave do not know letter me a for an extens wns go back to what will happen says
it et is as Mwrith my France with I am before tne will be a very short will want they in hospital again and there course guiss to take out all my tieth matter the say in a shall have o fieed trouble want to get the however is very it possible first if up here in England and very prevalers rotton Can Sle it as far as at present most hossible septic mont simply a ts trust this dentist will fixe however for a run down to thing up shorlly went dul enpoyel the afternoon Sunlliry last Richmond great down it must be linneret trp being right summer time in the etc and there boating plenti the river weathe here at in the ause pietty that sort - of thing very Against premnt is all night it was 11 oclock on Sunden I know it at knowing in London and well lady home and I had to see a as that this get a taxi so could not
Telephone. 211, PICCADILLY, REGENT 6060. Telegrams: LONDON, W. CARLYLE CLUS. Cartole quite until it out in whs chicken before I got about 12.43 was a great late to Went hotel to the back boy given afternoon last Satullary dance the fiees at SS. Aprica Austiatun going who is pot the residence forgoth shortly Governor as as mania to were present There the fior his name lange beautiful a present 250 abnt excetlet music and ball room top ups shon went 16 whole the ti been have lest the ne also afternoon yesterda dance had a that so afternon this one Another becoming Am shing going still am but there the Fox as strp hot quite


to get another crack in this
next push which I shall
run right into War news
seems brighter Germans retreating
on part of the line but
he is a wily old bird
I am a bit suspicious
still shall be surprised if
the stunt does not finish
this year sincerely hope
so am getting sick of
the whole show shall be
glad to get home again
Am going down to see
the Henleys to-day with
Ralf Kell after a free




lunch you know am a
naughty boy have not been
to see them for weeks
but I always seem to
have something else to
do much more interesting
however must ask the
girls to have dinner and
theatre afterwards one night
before I go away they
have been very kind to


me What do you think
of Nana's stunt it is
great him being across
here for so long    back
to civilisation and a 
good time again   hope
he will be able to get
down to London and see
me before I go   would
like to show him round
a bit reckon I know all
about this city now and
one can have a much better
time if you know where
to go and what to do
where to be careful etc etc.
what sayest thou?




Went up to Cambridge to
see him one week end
but shall not enlarge
guess he has written and
given you all the news
Had quite a gay time
yesterday and last night
had breakfast about 10.30
went for a walk up
Regent St into Oxford St
bought a valise at Selfridges
you know the big American


Store then through Marble Arch
into Hyde Park out at 
Hyde Park Corner back
into Piccadilly met a Scotch
Officer at the Carlyle Club
(a bosca little club I belong 
to) had a couple of drinks
then went to Scotts for
lunch had some oysters
& stout later met Humphrey
Browning went down to
his flat met about 10
Australians there had yarns
and many whiskies
to boot about 7 o'clock
went back to the club 




to met a nice little Jane
took her to dinner and
had a real evening out
do not know how Sydney
will hold me if lucky
enough to get back
however we shall worry
about that when it comes
along Well old kid had
better dry up or I shall
be rambling on and putting


my foot in it and telling
you all sorts of funny things
shall reserve them until
I get back   lots of
love for the kid Jack
and your old self
Shall store my stuff at Cooks
London before going away in case
I get outed you will know how
to get it back home few old
dirty clothes etc some papers, maps
etc that might be of interest
am leaving a brown box suit case
and black kit bag in London just
taking a valise across to France
this time. 


REGENT 6060.

The Carlyle Club
6th March 1917.

My dear Mum
Am dying to have some letters 
from home have not had any for some
weeks now but expect they are all going
to the battalion now and the delay of
course will be great   Have another 6 days
leave to go but am not too good
am having a lot of trouble with my
mouth swollen & very sore gums ulsers in
the mouth etc can hardly eat and it
is very painful am going to the dentist
who is treating me says my mouth is
in a very bad way and reckons he
will want at least an extra week
to fix me up   is going to give
me a letter to our medical people
for an extension of leave do not know
what will happen   says if I go back to 


France with my mouth as it is it
will be a very short time before I am
in hospital again and there they will want
to take out all my teeth of course guess
I shall have a say in the matter
however want to get the trouble fixed
up here first if possible   it is very
rotten and very prevalent in England
at present   as far as I can see it
is simply a septic mouth most horrible
thing however trust this dentist will fix
me up shortly Went for a run down to
Richmond last Sunday afternoon enjoyed the
trip immensely it must be great down
there in the summer time being right
on the river plenty of boating etc and
very pretty of course the weather here at
present is all against that sort of thing
at 11 o'clock on Sunday night it was
snowing in London and well I know it
as I had to see a lady home and
could not get a Taxi so that this 


REGENT 6060.

The Carlyle Club

chicken was out in it until quite
late   was about 12.45 before I got
back to the hotel. Went to a great
dance last Saturday afternoon given by
Australian & S.African officers at the
residence of the pot who is going
to Tasmania as a Governor shortly forgotten
his name for the present There were
about 250 present a beautiful large 
ball room and excellent music
the whole show went off Tip Top
one of the best I have been to
had a dance yesterday afternoon also
Another one this afternoon so that
I am still going strong am becoming
quite hot stuff at the Fox Trot there 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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