Letters from Robert James Henderson, January - June 1917 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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doing well and right seems all yesterday he new life says the Common wealth Bank the enjoying that £40 there for him have not to say they bank he has fixed up with the however so that he will be all right now U.S. W unsatisfactor The Common walth Bank are most to get money weeks take they deal with to Bank JN.S.C whereas the all at for you if back here and the money have cable for you and or so in 3 days for you an account. oper yesterday you from parcel Received a small writing pad, for which ciganttes tobuccs containing had - no mail for about 3 many thanks hime you are senching them direct weeks but expect then now. so hope to get the buttelinn to egain Ralf Kell is wounded I see eventually and if he is across here out must find been the battalion has so look him up. of again accordling to a letter strokes doing great yesterday Harry Murray and from Marks I had have been recomnended for the his men two V.C hope he gets it he is a great chap and ripping soldier Well my dear shall write soon a again hope all are well and everything in the garden lonly lots of long to all Bot,
Telephone: 211, PICCADILLV. REGENT 6060. Telegrams: LONDON, W. CARLTLE CLUB. 28.2. My dear Mai board mellical my for Went up will disgusted I athroughly morning yesterday kep1 they whole show fedt the up morning the frm 9-30 in lice waiting yes to all them until 12 o'clock I said the third dreging quistions being put through wanted was masked Geneal I as And for I ton they asked me fit Service tired in the getting without up to 20 walk could any theng replied back it I by bad seemed rather taken they was miles quite good from person ally I was kept hangeng beeng temper a fusions bn characters tio of course long So for arount have 14 days hoener head quarters
Perham Yowns at to report due leave am shall- go on the 12th March there from shall cable you puy strught acors to France 214 E before leaving London Am staying at the to stay Regent Palace totel and liberly go doe unless I there all the time. few days the weather fr a to Brighton getting loney again Celetratill here is just yesterday hospital ot day my first morning met Raly the well H.Q all quite Again in hospital tell who is across here bud lunch though very slightly wrruded. five o'clock with him kicked round until chap aeres here with him then met some wet a guil here tell at the dub had after which at seven o'clock had dinner at the Alumbrelia we went to The Bing Guils much stn topper Thertiee it is a than the Beng Roys. though better I came ot about 11-30 p117 went The Shon for supper it Trocadus the to then on
2 TeleOhONE 211, PICCADILLY, REGENT 6060. Telegrems: LONDON, W. CARLYLE CLUB. Cart a prope Of course nce gay and very was for bands one two supper and consse other oitlencry as time music only the rag on othe soes the as one finishes soon muric which has continuons that one 50 being all the second ttem varied every to enfoycd it all very latest rag. time wanted gay very being every thing much and with was 9 the lass take to supper room however right dawn the rag done Left the 1200. Could not be that girl home 1. o clock 1M ren the at to the back got in a taxe and t pulting after Pub about 1.30 1Ny times these gay evening. All a very but one ent ar to alas are Coring for ever to last it cannot eschect can get down to London Mana Only hope
away go days before & ior a conple around and my should like to show him know Lindon quite well him wise aonsider I now and so I should over 6 months here I have had wonderful time and what a it has been simply gorgious trust the tem again it would houe back will let me get a chame to have all this wasted expect be no good in be this experience will the next world except perhaps I should all better chance against the devil be pretty wise to his ways a have possibly le now should tomorrow Rell meeting Rulf to have linet Am Now wunctser hotel going to the ont the Garls Are must ask some time have with the Henleys give them time upon an to the thentic and in a bug time. Expect been there not soul I never sem to have for the next my mail will be every whece over the chasing me all emple of months country but hope to get some eventually excpect March before will be about the end I going as ann ballation it up with the write again soon and your busis etc. Shall in Londo fortnight through let you know about my last Bilz to all lone
REGENT PALACE HOTEL, PICCADILLY CIRCUS TELRGRAMS UNTIPPABLR, PICCY, LONDON. CODE, WESTERN UNION. LONDON, W. THE STHAND HOTEL LIMITED. PROPRIRTORS or STRAND PALACE HOTEL. 3.1 7 REGRNT PALACE HOTEI. dear Loua My ave left hospital and am at large last at this at Loselon stay eny in for hy been pub I ave diclared wedical board hr Service and for generl fit leave 14 days received 6 after much not very hospital still in month took and s knew
being leave some before hospital by 52 from discharged the Siste with arrangement sport. Guen great- a who was light had have could for England en duly or So 3 month another but likel had y ag am tack to get Whit how asked me they now walk could for toles it feeling without couise miles D them thrub but know dont strong quite is beg the
REGENT PALACE HOTEL, 4 PICCADILLY CIRCUS TELEGRAMS UNTIPPABLR, PICCY, LONDON. CODR; WESTERN UNION. LONDON, W. 3) THE STHAND HOTEL LIMITED. PROPRIRTORs Or STRAND PALACE HOTEL. RECGRNT PALACE HOTFI. bit a is ^ now Again will suppose but wastell C eventuall up pick the make shall couse t time my best money ^ now London first Am out holds bant to the up going how much nt will to Somewhere lef. have am hoping £50 about
abmt lust should which have in through me pull pay book my in credit lot terribly a have shins towry this nimne bn ann 160 had having and drawng140 Austrulia pay book my from cures Ansitterion who still seen have all the wonderful truly the And had have & time missell have would not no 000 which fir At have would it doubt
4 TELNGRAMS UNTIPPABLE, PICCY, LONDON. CODK, WESTERN UNION. THE STHAND HOTEL LLMITED. PROPRIRTORS or STHAND PALACE HOTEL. RECGENT PALACE HOTEL in last keen Am when now light all the going would be then Rickon here again of months a duisies REGENT PALACE HOTEL, PICCADILLY CIRCUS LONDON, W. (5) times peace Londn See to declare peace is and every thing up comparision interesting rather you dint back shall be 3 abut in pushing not sune is fillow

yesterday he seems all right and doing well
enjoying the new life says the Common wealth Bank
fo say they have not that £40 there for him
however he has fixed up with the bank of
N.S.W so that he will be all right now
The Common wealth Bank are most unsatisfactory
to deal with they take weeks to get money
for you if at all whereas the Bank of N.S.W
cable for you and have the money back here and
an account open for you in 3 days or so.
Received a small parcel from you yesterday
containing tobacco, cigarettes, writing pad, for which
many thanks have had no mail for about 3
weeks but expect you are sending them direct
to the battalion now so hope to get them
eventually I see Ralf Kell is wounded again
must find out if he is across here and
if so look him up the battalion has been
doing great strokes again according to a letter
I had from Marks yesterday  Harry Murray and
two of his men have been recommended for the
V.C hope he gets it he is a great chap and
a ripping soldier Well my dear shall write soon
again hope all are well and everything in the
garden lovely lots of love to all Bob


REGENT 6060.

The Carlyle Club. 

211, Piccadilly,

My dear Mum
Went up for my medical board
yesterday morning I was thoroughly disgusted and
fed up of the whole show they kept
me waiting from 9-30 in the morning
until 12 o'clock I said yes to all their
questions being put through the third degree
and as I wanted was marked General
Service fit they asked me how far I
could walk without getting tired in the
bad leg I replied anything up to 20
miles they seemed rather taken back it
was quite good fun personally I was
in a furious temper being kept hanging
around for so long characteristic of course
of headquarters However I have 14 days


leave am due to report at Perham Downs
on the 12th March from there shall go
straight across to France shall cable you just
before leaving London Am staying at the
Regent Palace Hotel and likely to stay
there all the time unless I go down
to Brighton for a few days the weather
here is just getting lovely again Celebrated
my first day out of hospital yesterday
quite well H.Q all the morning met Ralf
Kell who is across here in hospital again
wounded very slightly though had lunch
with him kicked around until five o'clock
with him then met some chaps across here
at the club had tea here met a girl
at seven o'clock had dinner after which
we went to The Bing Girls at the Alambreha
Theatre it is a topping show much
better I thought than the Bing Boys
The show came out about 11-30 pm went
on then to the Trocadero for supper it


REGENT 6060.

The Carlyle Club
211, Piccadilly,

was very gay and nice Of course a proper
course supper and two bands one for
rag time music only the other ordinary as
soon as one finishes the other goes on
so that one has continuous music which
is varied every second item being all the
latest rag - time I enjoyed it all very
much everything being very gay wanted
to take the lass I was with and
rag right down the supper room however
that could not be done Left the Troc.
at 1. o.clock PM saw the girl home
in a taxi and got back to the
Pub about 1-30 PM after putting in
a very gay evening. all these times
alas are coming to an end but one
cannot expect it to last for ever
Only hope Mark can get down to London


for a couple of days before I go away
should like to show him around and put
him wise consider I know London quite well
now and so I should over 6 months here
and what a wonderful time I have had
it has been simply gorgeous trust the Hun
will let me get back home again it would
be a shame to have all this wasted. expect
all this experience will be no good in
the next world except perhaps I should
have a better chance against the devil
now should possibly be pretty wise to his ways
now.  Am meeting Ralf Kell tomorrow we
are going to the Windsor hotel to have lunch
with the Henleys must ask the girls out
to the theatre and give them some time have
not been there for a long time upon my
soul I never seem to have time. Expect
my mail will be everywhere for the next
couple of months chasing me all over the
country but hope to get some eventually expect
it will be about the end of March before
I join up with the battalion again going
through bases etc. Shall write again soon and
let you know about my last fortnight in London.
love to all Bob.




My dear Lorna
Have left hospital
at last and am at large
in London staying at this
pub. Have been up for
my medical board declared
fit for general service and
received 14 days leave
not very much after 6
months in hospital still
I knew it and took



some leave before being
discharged from hospital by
arrangement with the Sister
who was a great sport. Guess
I could have had light
duty in England for
another 3 months or so
if I had liked but
want to get back again
now they asked me how
far I could walk
without feeling it told
them 20 miles of course
I don't know but think
the leg is quite strong





again now it is a bit
wasted but suppose will
pick up eventually. Of
course shall make the
best of my time in
London now if money
holds out am just
going up to the bank
to find out how much
I have left somewhere
about £50 I am hoping



which should just about
pull me through have no
credit in my pay book
have spent a terrible lot
of money in this town
having had £160 from
Australia and drawn £140
from my pay book
still who cares considering
the all I have seen
and the truly wonderful
time I have had
would not have missed
it for £1,000 which no
doubt it would have






cost in peace times
Am keen to see London
now when peace is declared
all light up and everything
going the comparison
would be rather interesting
I think dont you.
Reckon I shall be back
here again in about 3
months if not pushing
daisies a fellow is sure

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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