Letters from Robert James Henderson, January - June 1917 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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knows the 1 and as he Wliat t the Men are we ite people time fine a having Cham And lnch have ineet day each nt who of Scotchmay plenty have make one bill or several whiskees a course them with ok it give is the do me always will to Enchabug going nn Am deys a Coruple in way back or on tiue a wthe to London to have ther Wong look around feelig Coll time a great batt a fn of excet impossible cold which is in this to shake just had lave Country out 1 here lunch ti ten for afternoon lasgow lasns Sime weet party tonight bridge go you see after dinner will write strong going sion lts of lve again B3ot to all
18 1 182 17. Mem dear My Granl a Having holeday and ten days rest ny ts Scottand. This in Edi buigh to visit second Glusgow from here arrivedl leaving night reday lust has you tomurion Sir again in Glas gou leaving And ir ues day re rdi fr night Le it London Wednes day
(2 Mon da last glas you for free Seotch A with night aves sister marriell whose staying are we as gou tn very are they her with do we uis to give Cl like we 2 any thing Glasgon in both course Are things & Edin burgh Loudon after shr terrill very is every then yes a wute and intires ting
H6rt (3) 901 be Can from lot very little doing been Have day 5 these seeing sight bit bored a less o Mere thing sort that with I the chap besieles walk lannot with Am we just that So much take and about botter a ect easy things do lot a dripk W etc block etc. the
(4) the es this couse bit a all after but life most and unsates factory at suffering Am expensive coly bull a with present throat sire gums sere cough which a rotton and most awake keeps we and exhect worm night the about one people other host at doctor the See mst bac 2 when has pital the
(5) up it ficell get And get rell to umposs ible 1 this in ald te winter the las Country has winter this althoug been te have to supposed have to date severe very the out it felt no that hair the way 1s hre mc strikes each dulvess the
(C) the on day bit A think side depressing know will you Expect that Mang teme this by Slve England in is and likely sound and the 6 her to be or months 5 nesct wnill he Saill To you let and Cable address he have
Am pleased greater And es he to know relewell have a should and here splendid a and rest good usual the Leading time. plenty Loudlon in life lent ineeling times Gool and people. interesting from the in generally about on my just Am as far now legs last gves time good this as
16 1 Wack gettin to be expect am & still now shotly have had satisfull quite and simply spell good a right time wonderful a you are Espect throughout. lime graud a having all trust Avll coust the o before long not be will it for back gct shall 6 we long lts Iwer sur a ret remembrance. And kindish Bob to all
Telephone. 211, PICCADILLY REGENT 6060. Telegrams: LONDON, W. CARLYLE CLUS. 25th Feb. 1917 My dear Mum. Am once again back in London after very pleasant holiday in Scotland Arrived a back last Wednes day and went struight to for the where I stayed bed and the hospital having a horrid septic two days the next very bad cold. Felt pretty rotten throat and traing are all the beths in sleeping the pech air seems to be very searse and heated ot am quite all right again However am report to our hospital tomorrow when I leaving what leave board who will decide millical meantime have in the give me will then a room at the Regent Palace thtel taken for the present Peccadilly where I shall stay shall protabl granted long enough leave is where London for a while get out Nana yet. Had a letter from know dont

and as he knows the
men of the town plenty
of people etc we are
having a fine time
have lunch and dinner
out each day meet
plenty of Scotchmen who
will make me have
a or several whiskies
with them of course
the grog is OK it
will always do me.
Am going on to Edinburgh
in a couple of days
time on our way back
to London to have another
look around there Having
a great time and feeling
OK except for a bad
cold which is impossible
to shake off in this
country  Have just had
lunch here off out
for afternoon tea to
meet some Glasgow lasses
bridge party tonight
after dinner so you see
going strong.  Will write
again soon.  lots of love
to all, Boby


8966 TO 8972
My dear Mum.
Having a grand
ten days rest and holiday
in Scotland.  This is my
second visit to Edinburgh
arrived here from Glasgow
last Friday night leaving
again for Glasgow tomorrow
and leaving Glasgow for
London on Tuesday or
Wednesday night Left London


for Glasgow last Monday
night with a Scotch officer
whose married sister lives
in Glasgow   we are staying
with her   they are very
good to us   we do
anything we like of
course both in Glasgow
& Edinburgh things are
terribly slow after London
yet everything is very
interesting and quite a 


8966 to 8972
lot of fun can be got.
Have been doing very little
sight seeing these days
more or less a bit bored
with that sort of thing
besides the chap I
am with cannot walk
much so that we just
potter about and take
things easy  eat a
lot drink a lot do
the block etc etc.


of course this is the
life but after all a bit
unsatisfactory and most
expensive.   Am suffering at
present with a bad cold
sore gums sore throat
and a rotten cough which
keeps me awake most of
the night and expect worries
most other people about one
must see the doctor at
the hospital when back


8966 to 8972
and get fixed up   it
is impossible to get rid
of a cold in this
country in the winter
although this winter has
supposed to be have been
very severe   to date have
not felt it   out of the
way the part that
strikes me most is
the dulness of each


day a bit on the
depressing side I think
Expect you will know
by this time that Nana
is in England save
and sound and likely
to be here for the
next 5 months or
so said he would
cable  and let you
have his address.


8966 to 8972
and am greatly pleased &
releived to know he is
here and should have a
good rest and a splendid
time.  Leading the usual
life in London plenty of
good times meeting plenty
of interesting people and
generally in theform
Am just about on my
last legs now as far
as this good time goes.


expect to be getting back
shortly now still I am
quite satisfied have had
a good spell and simply
a wonderful time right
throughout.  Expect you are
all having a grand time
on the coast and trust
it will not be long before
we shall get back for
a surf swim.  lots of love
and kindest reb remembrances
to all    Boby


The Carlyle Club

25th Feb. 1917.

My dear Mum,
Am once again back in London after
a very pleasant holiday in Scotland   Arrived
back last Wednesday and went straight to
the hospital and bed where I stayed for
the next two days having a horrid septic
throat and very bad cold.  Felt pretty rotten
the sleeping berths in the trains are all
heated and fresh air seems to be very scarce.
However am quite all right again now am
leaving hospital tomorrow when I report to our
medical board who will decide what leave
they will give me in the meantime   have
taken a room at the Regent Palace Hotel
Piccadilly where I shall stay for the present
if long enough leave is granted shall probably
get out of London for a while   where I
don't know yet.  Had a letter from Nana

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