Letters from Robert James Henderson, January - June 1917 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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have a skate and The me to Sister wants Go chortly push beg coming there is a serys to luust the leg am if I shate sure aud hospital the therefore stay in Again and up was o afraid I sail tempt the devil would excite went would sent me any prush the b social success lately last Have been a quite at Lally Doiguys had some Thursday afternoon on and quite a nice time & music bridge a dance at Mr Pt Chappels Friday afternoon there great lot of girls a residence had forc trot all the they all taught me to stuff at it now quite hot ruge here am ensoyell it umerely show I it was a great Mrs Pop Ployd Rodd now met little Carlive late manage the also her o wife baughan afternoon yesterday f bank Heweas the the city at Lally somebodys dance another was at gooll a real had and tlime forgotten the lovely ball room mans wn time a great beg lunching day Am to good musie flovr ct ele another tomorrow S. Keneing ton Will with Mrs special a Wellnes day strent afternoon afternoon of opening for the invitation from the King the after wards at the House of Lords supper
on Thursdey afternon Mrs Edwerds again then to I see kid so You at to hally Yorgiys fed up of it bit get a some am. gong for about a nowhere and go sometimes all its a again get a move on week then with nothing around this tearing life great the of other from here bit Had a do to marched And dressell up all We day musse supplied hospital bag hipe to the around went into o officers Scotch one the by Joke they enjoyell the waics Fommies the on Setoch cheps put the of one inmensely speers in fruit instead boots kill a field Austration hal blouse back a red of the one in diessed look I a clip did he laughter eoars duisis 7 hurses the it was ball flency diers about a talk will are all to hea Glad l it not you among be We buay & trust at home future lots near the all again in Bobbic brother all from love to EUHG1
Telephone. 211, PICCADILLV. REGENT 6060. Telegrams: LONDON, W. CARLYLE CLUB. CA 72 Mum dear My the procession seen lave just parliament peving the anection in with and of course interesting it was all very part to we was that the most interesting bn King the view excedent I had an drove in an open carriage and O ween who We were invitated to sime manr office the show very wce too tea, cffec to see Saullwickes whichen & soda was sered to the then saw meantimg us in the backs way its on Again whole show in fact street the from to the Palnce George as Uncle quite close to Consin was good Cook a Even would sang so hall at him also the Qucen it was all Had lunch in Town with interesting most tumphery Browning after the show some little
I have discovered in Lindon house Choss Regent Palace totel mo show behind the but the best cooked meal table cloth no tasted and the piece quite ever have the Hin Mrs 156 Just Au iollirate. on afternoon and staying Edwardes fr efternoon afterwards. Here another supper for go socially Am afternoon tomoro stet Mum have you present bur et pietty I sent to little whote ti received yet it should Lindon Libertys from abut Xmas time you you reached before leaving have know to all sorts like would aull War risks faid Loullon get it you hipe i it things leave hospital probably all right Shall fr week then allowing about this day should be in leave about a firlnights France about the Eng back to way my love to till Bot lots IDR month this
Wegsam ward. N.4 houelin Gen llos. Tenmark Hill 122.17. My dear Mlum Have first returned from Cambridge enll week with Nana where I spent the and pleased was indeed surprised excited Saturday from him in to receive note a going through morning last he was saying Course at St. Johns College Officers Fraining an I was still in London and of Cambridge see me or hear from be to glad would Cambridge that afternoon up went to me . he looks semply splendid him saw and getting over here on this lucky and is very about hicked 8 chaps only there were strent which for this school divis un each out 8 a have will months that he so it lasts he some comfort which rest with good the look over hall a deserves. I richly the one is it is it fine Cilley Cambridge University with colliges ennection in
life like a just will be that his se have at college student Unversity they as just wors dining room ete their Lee Scott is in the school boarding a chap armed also a as him same rom they well have that biss from Bega To the Pub stayell time at I a fine and gave the Caubridge for night in them come made good time brys a the me itc of course have weats with and uneble to get thry are all troke being I could what money yet gave Mana any much am not as 9 which is spare written has short myself now he getting the about Bank Ammon wealth the to all right £40 it I hope te gets there more than lot a will. want however te get him to advised that even terally to transfer some U.S. W to Bank the for him. money here accors 8 his be to know will ten you pleased How here comfortable over and is safe Mank 6 months the or 5 another at least for haves the course through gets he time to come Commission fr writing his around
time trust will be all that through etc it have to go across again surely he will nver be nearly over in six month thes show will trust so. Wane is cubling Sincerely I time at the Falten address to to day his o to foward it they will expect Bank should love your face when to see you will write and the news he hear you he is of what you all particulars give have hospital Am still in etc doing Doctor from 10 days the just leve Got to am a great Short who is and ffieer to - night with Scotch a Glasgow me invited has who Mc Callum nawed in this that home for time to his 10 days extre have an shall way I as soon my discharge shall lee gd medical board back then my get as leave of 10 short no doribt a and sick France to To then back days or England you lenving shill cable when second this my be will for France looking and am Scottand trip to is a M. time good a frward to some from have sport we should good
chap who E especially with up then get my leve ropes. When I the knows in London shall try and stay Any if couple for. a down Mana get And him arriend Canbridge show days and 60 miles from London but abmit only is schools are farrly striet course of these Loudon leave is given and fancy no to work the stand may able be however wounded brother C.O. writing to his by shall try. Received letter in doullon etc etc last and fane, horna Luly Cowdery from th only dated about Dec. 20 say Mum night to to you etc home those cards Send want did not bit you up a brick me told fave advertise thery you to the Bankers app caring sorvething in about that sort in am not very keen Reveen forgive you will thing you know. however Again if it does not oceu this time my dear shall be busy to day must well get muoney to the bank and draw to Satund 215 last tickets for Scotland etc drew giving Have some and going to Canbridge but one certainly can get throgh it most upsed probibly write all shall X n bee love he Bot nisch from Scotland
TELEPHONES-3132 CENTRAL (SLINEs). BRDSTRNSS RESTAURANT 74 GORDON STREET. SYAPPOINTMENT TO 14.2 THELATE KING EDWARD. Glasgow 1317 J.EW.MGKILLOP Main dear My above the By that see will you address Great Seotch the in En is sempl glasgow tr one day beastly a fres thick heare those depressing To are which know all about will Father yester here Arrwved them
de Clear lonely mornive a giver a half was to it city it the around look a place levien much is and rather Edinburgh them torn young good a these mn fir except thenk are which fags beast up Am rottn sumple Scotch a with here with him starying Office they people his and itself kindness are

The Sister wants me to go and have a skate 
says there is a big push coming off shortly
and if I skate am sure to bust the leg 
up again and therefore stay in hospital  she 
would tempt the devil said I was ^not afraid 
of any push the excitement would suit me 
Have been quite a social success lately last 
Thursday afternoon at Lady Doiguy's had some 
bridge & music and quite a nice time on 
Friday afternoon a dance at Mrs. Dr Chappel's 
residence had a great lot of girls there
they all taught me to fox trot all the 
rage here am quite hot stuff at it now 
it was a great show I enjoyed it immensely 
met little Carline Rodd now Mrs Pop Lloyd 
also Mrs. Vaughan wife of the late manager 
of the city bank Newcastle yesterday afternoon 
was at another dance at Lady somebody's 
forgotten the name and had a real good 
time a great big mansion lovely ball room 
good music floor etc etc to-day am lunching 
with Mrs Hill S. Kensington tomorrow another 
afternoon stunt Wednesday afternoon a special 
invitation from the King for the opening of 
the House of Lords supper afterwards at the 


Hon. Mrs Edward then again on Thursday afternoon 
at Lady Doiguy's so you see kid I 
am going some get a bit fed up of it 
all sometimes and go nowhere for about a 
week then get a move on again its a 
great life this tearing around with nothing 
to do Had a bit of fun here the other 
day we all dressed up and marched 
around the hospital to bagpipe music supplied 
by one of the Scotch officers went into 
the Tommie's wards they enjoyed the joke 
immensely one of the Scotch chaps put on 
a kilt field boots spurs in front instead 
of the back a red blouse Australian hat 
he did look a chip I dressed in one 
of the nurses dresses roars of laughter 
talk about a fancy dress ball it was 
not in it. Glad to hear all are well 
at home & trust we may be among you
all again in the near future lots of 
love to all from brother Bobbie.


REGENT 6060.
The Carlyle Club
My dear Mum.
Have just seen the procession 
in connection with the opening of parliament
it was all very interesting and of course 
the most interesting part to me was that
I had an excellent view of the kn King 
and Queen who drove in an open carriage
We were invited to some mans office 
to see the show very nice too tea, coffee
sandwiches whiskey & soda was served to 
us in the meantime then saw the 
whole show again on its way back 
to the Palace from the street in fact 
was quite close to Cousin George as Uncle 
Evan would say so had a good look 
at him also the Queen it was all 
most interesting Had lunch in Town with
Humphrey Browning after the show some little


chop house I have discovered in London
behind the Regent Palace hotel no show
no tablecloth but the best cooked meal 
I have ever tasted and the price quite 
moderate.  Am just off to the Hon. Mrs 
Edwards for afternoon tea and staying on 
for supper afterwards. Have another afternoon
stunt tomorrow afternoon so socially am 
pretty busy at present Mum have you 
yet received a little photo I sent to 
you from Liberty's London it should 
have reached you about Xmas time 
would like to know before leaving 
London paid war risks and all sorts 
of things on it hope you get it 
all right. Shall probably leave hospital 
about this day week then allowing for 
about a fortnights leave should be on 
my way back to France about the end 
of this month lots of love to all Bob
*I DRL 345



Wigram Ward.
No 4 London Gen Hos.
Denmark Hill
My dear Mum.
Have just returned from Cambridge 
where I spent the week end with Nana
Was indeed surprised, excited, and pleased 
to receive a note from him on Saturday 
morning last saying he was going through 
an Officers Training Course at St. Johns College 
Cambridge and if I was still in London 
would be glad to see me or hear from 
me. I went up to Cambridge that afternoon 
and saw him he looks simply splendid 
and is very lucky getting over here on this 
stunt there were only about 8 chaps picked 
out of each division for this school which 
lasts 4 months so that he will have a 
good rest with some comfort which he 
richly deserves. I had a look over the 
college it is fine it is one of the 
colleges in connection with Cambridge University


so that his life will be just like a 
University student at college they have
their rooms, dining room etc  just as 
a boarding school Lee Scott is in the 
same room as him also a chap named 
Cros from Bega so that they will have
a fine time. I stayed at the Pub 
in Cambridge for the night and gave 
the boys a good time made them come 
and have meals with me etc of course 
they are all broke being unable to get  
any money yet gave Nana what I could 
spare which is not much as I am 
getting short myself now he has written 
to the Commonwealth Bank about the 
£40 there I hope he gets it all right 
however he will want a lot more than 
that eventually so advised him to get 
the Bank of N.S.W. to transfer some 
of his money across here for him.  
How pleased Mum you will be to know 
Nana is safe and comfortable over here 
for at least another 5 or 6 months the 
time he gets through the course hangs 
around waiting for his commission to come


through etc  it will be all that time trust 
he will never have to go across again surely 
this show will be nearly over in six months 
time I sincerely trust so. Nana is cabling 
to-day his address to Father at the 
Bank expect they will forward it on to 
you should love to see your face when 
you hear the news he will write and 
give you all particulars of what he is 
doing etc. Am still in hospital have 
first got 10 days leave from the Doctor 
who is a great sport and am off to 
Glasgow to-night with a Scotch officer
named McCallum who has invited me 
to his home for that time in this 
way I shall have an extra 10 days 
leave shall get my discharge as soon 
as I get back then my medical board 
and no doubt a short sick leave of 10
days or so then back to France 
shall cable you when leaving England 
for France this will be my second 
trip to Scotland and am looking 
forward to a good time Mc is a 
good sport we should have some fun


up there especially with a chap who 
knows the ropes. When I get my leave 
if any and stay in London shall try 
and get Nana down for a couple of 
days and show him around Cambridge
 is only about 60 miles from London but
of course these schools are fairly strict 
and fancy f no London leave is given 
however may be able to work the stunt 
by writing to his C.O. wounded brother 
in London etc. etc. shall try.  Received letter 
from Jane, Lorna and Lucy Cowdery last 
night dated about Dec 20th say Mum only 
sent those cards etc home to you to 
buck you up a bit did not want 
you to advertise thay Jane told me 
about something appearing in the Bankers 
Review am not very keen on that sort 
of thing you know. however will forgive you 
this time if it does not occur again  
Well my dear shall be busy to day must 
go to the bank and draw money get 
tickets for Scotland etc. drew £15 last Saturday 
but giving Nana some and going to Cambridge
upset most of it one certainly can get through
it here. best of love to all shall probably write
next from Scotland Boby


Glasgow   14.2.1917.
J. & W. McKILLOP.                                           
My dear Mum.
By the above 
address you will see that 
I am in the great Scotch 
town Glasgow It is simply 
a beastly day one of 
those heavy thick fogs 
which are so depressing
Father will know all about 
them. Arrived here yesterday


morning a lovely clear day
it was to had a good 
look around the city it 
is much livier a place 
than Edinburgh and rather 
a good young town I 
think except for these 
beastly fogs which are 
simply rotten Am up 
here with a Scotch 
officer staying with him
and his people they
are kindness itself

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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