Letters from Robert James Henderson, January - June 1917 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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not could months. course say and beg this trade in all Ei and etc Weakness the fnr protabile stay here an difficull duration with out but not this chicken benc nane with oud turnbe a Colonel & Buttalen generally the 4 poent so shall make a the next getter back before do in and offensing by bridge all Auctir Played bit 100 1 her at the mornn the ball carls lost held the about keen is very Sister
to hear fam it wa gaine she would on what views her Browning no and whit do hlays he partie wes un but lueks gave good real lan Havne as was against skating now cold weather here and in Londn place all over the the a have whited to ariind as let no the sister would t heaver fall might & suic these cousse bg my weat man kill a people would reall shall Well my dear was Chook he lone lots dry up for the present from Bothis to all
6 Telephone: REGENT 6060. Telegrams: CARLYLE CLUS. 211, PICCADILLV. Cet LONDON, W. . 4.2 Sunday My dear hora Received two letters from gecterda you i dated about the & 18 you ase Yec. respective. to write t dear perfect hear only you considering be in once int from know however blue morn home letters the you Ecc scew all the get and i
this morning game to Wrote so exchect hospital from the the sume gct will you up to you disbed old 2/2 an hour half bus having would to spaie thought I write you a letter all to very sweet yourself becoming all seedden dont you a down to the put it think it is snowing like weather the devil outside am tickled in it about to death walking think Have most fuscinating I with to - day been lunching Mrs Will she has to sons to working a sheep Australia in
More although the station at has never been out there is course very interested. There were 4 of us lunching ? H ladies very swank to plenty I nece things to cat and drink and the house a perfess mans wi this certainly is the place for fine homes we simply having nothing like it in Australia beautiful large rooms crequisite old pictures furnitine and chince. The funny thing about them all to me is from the outside you that would pass them by as being very ordinary but (4) are very comfortuble they certainly insidle After lunch Audh beautiful us to go in they wanted with them to their moter Wemberley to put the afternoon I in skating unfortunately back to town had to get to keep an appointment at 40 clock so could not go plenty of skating in and about London at present coming back to town walked though the Park the Serpentive is frozen 6 think there hard about were many prople skating course you will know this benutiful stretch of watere in
Telephone: REGENT 606O. Telegrams: CARLYLE CLUS. 211, PICCADILLY, D LONDON, W. (57 know you will Myde Park so gorgeous skating what a all froyen is ground it it is also a wonderful hard ago fortnight about a sight were being rowed about boats im it beils Twinning on it you could drive and now Told Jame it a bus across social engagements about all my going the pace lately have been luncheous dances etc with all of the city the blooming heads
experience wnderful a truly these people meet for one to magnificient homes to their to semply all thes would ite in as a towrest imposs ebte be peace time country in this Have a special envitation for the House. the opening Lorets next Wellnesday am foward to it it looking should be most entiresting Am still in and instructive fancy that hospital just who would 5 whole month expect to it have thought this month some time get out sure so that will give for
9t tie to be t Futy in France for the next bg course I am offensive quite all right now perhaps a shade weak and a little lg wasted in the right that were possible however another months rest should fse me for heavy work what again say old girl sheme if a fellow goes be to Frence and gets back stugged after seeing, doing, and leaving so much in the past 18 months or so I shall be most annoyed Am still having a wonderful 18 time in London experiences descriptions some of all 100 course which one could not mention it is all very interesting and fascinating and me kid I have beleeve few things right learnt a here in this town and althugh of money it casts a lot think it is not wasted in the long rune Well old thing bye bye for the present love to yourself fact. lots of and the kill Trust one back home to see may be next X mas if all by you from brothero Bothe. luck
No 4 London Gen Hospital Penwark Hill 42.17. Jame My dear yesterday from you letter a Received the from Lolnn about deted 10th Pec also two as same date she is a dear to write especially I write to her once in a blue moon. however 90 reads all the letters that presume she will be just as good as home so that direct. Am still in hospital but writing to her all being a bit weak am quite outside. the beg the Doctor just had a yain to right have the everewet had a little sken trouble around Yoctor said the right now which is quite all week next at it look he would have a this away could get and if right said I about gel away want to tane month sime me stay to wants the middle the Sister any not stay shall cull of it the until the month that end than the longer I hospital feel 6 months in will about be do a bit And back to get be gladt shall

months. Of course I could not 
trade on this leg and say 
weakness etc and in all 
probability stay here for the 
duration with not any difficulty 
but not this chicken have 
a terribly good name with 
the Colonel & Battalion generally 
so shall make a point of 
getting back before the next 
big offensive and do my 
bit Played Auction bridge all
the morning at 1/- per 100 
held bad cards lost 9/- the 
Sister is very keen about the 


game it was funny to hear
her views on what she would
do and what not. Browning
was my partner he plays a
real good game but luck
was against us. Having fairly
cold weather here now skating
all over the place in London and
around wanted to have a shot
the sister would not let me
said I might fall heavily on
my weak leg. of course these
people would really kid a man
he was crook Well my dear shall
dry up for the present lots of love
to all from Bobbie.




The Carlyle Club

Telephone: REGENT 6060.
Telegrams: CARLYLE CLUB.


My dear Lorna
Received Two
letters from you yesterday
dated about the 4th & 10th
Dec. respectively you are
a perfect dear to write
considering you only hear
from me once in a
blue moon however know
you see the home letters
and get all the news


Wrote to Jane this morning
from the hospital so expect
you will get the same
old 2s/2d dished up to you
but having half an hour
to spare thought I would
write you a letter all to
yourself becoming very sweet
all of a sudden don't you
think put it down to the
weather it is s snowing like
the devil outside am tickled
to death walking about in it
most fascinating I think Have
been lunching to-day with
a Mrs Hill  she has 2 sons
in Australia working a sheep


station at Moree although she
has never been out there is
of course very interested. There
were 4 of us lunching & 4
ladies very swank to plenty
of nice things to eat and
drink and the house a perfect
mansion this certainly is the
place for fine homes we simply
having nothing like it in
Australia beautiful large rooms
exquisite old pictures furniture
and china. The funny thing
about them all to me is
that from the outside you
would pass them by as
being very ordinary but 

they certainly are very comfortable
and beautiful inside After lunch
they wanted us to go in
their motor with them to
Wimberley to put the afternoon
in skating unfortunately I
had to get back to town
to keep an appointment at
4 o'clock so could not go
plenty of skating in and about
London at present coming back
to town walked through the 
Park the Serpentine is frozen 
hard about 6" thick there 
were many people skating
of course you will know this
beautiful stretch of water in


The Carlyle Club

Telephone: REGENT 6060.
Telegrams: CARLYLE CLUB.


Hyde Park so you will know
what a gorgeous skating
ground it is f all frozen
hard it is also a wonderful
sight about a fortnight ago
boats were being rowed about
on it birds swimming in it 
and now you could drive
a bus across it Told Jane
about all my social engagements
lately have been going the pace
luncheons dances  etc with all 
the blooming heads of the city


a truly wonderful experience
for me to meet these people
go to their magnificent homes
etc  all this would simply
be impossible as a tourist in
this country in peace time
Have a special invitation for
the opening of the House of
Lords next Wednesday am
looking forward to it  it
should be most interesting
and instructive. Am still in
hospital just fancy that
5 whole months who would
have thought it expect to 
get out this month some time
for sure so that will give


me plenty of time to be
in France for the next big
offensive of course I am
quite all right now perhaps
a shade weak and a little
wasted in the right leg if
that were possible however
another months rest should 
fix me for heavy work
again Say old girl what
a shame if a fellow goes
back to France and gets 
slugged after seeing, doing, and 
learning so much in the past
18 months or so I shall be
most annoyed.
Am still having a wonderful

time in London experiences
of all descriptions some of 
course which one could not 
mention it is all very
interesting and fascinating and
believe me kid I have
learnt a few things right
here in this town and although
it costs a lot of money
think it is not wasted in
the long run Well old thing
bye - bye for the present
lots of love to yourself Jack
and the kid Trust one
may be back home to see
you all by next Xmas if
lucky from brother bo Bobbie.


No. 4 London Gen Hospital
Denmark Hill
My dear Jane
Received a letter from you yesterday
dated 10th Dec also two from Lorna about the
same date she is a dear to write especially as
I write to her once in a blue moon however
presume she se reads all the letters that go
home so that will be just as good as
writing to her direct. Am still in hospital but
outside. the leg being a bit weak am quite all
right have first had a yarn to the Doctor
had a little skin trouble around the wound
which is quite all right now the Doctor said
he would have a look at it next week
and if right said I could get away this
month some time want to get away about
the middle the Sister wants me to stay 
until the end of it shall not stay any
longer than the end of the month that
will be about 6 months in hospital feel I
shall be glad to get back and do a bit

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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