Letters from Robert James Henderson, January - June 1917 - Part 15

First World War, 1914–18
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arrangements but making is in it & of necessar it then to have reyed removed but the niece shall have this good it is feeling pretty at goes on if it and morning all quite be this shall sule ten days again in about right officers are about 24 here There who fellows N2 English Aust weeks spell just So or want 6 the place to 2 them right set who are N. Gealanders rn by forget chaps. Nearly to great a a received Baices mention tobacco taiing day con tha other Mr Whiting cle socks scarf from shall many thank for which first Mrs W write and thank you opportunity Amd ir cobling wounded being about teig this from hear slight you To is it doubt don't military which the a scratch is Just be seased soon again the Shall wit tin tove
4 to mncanged suencenen 15 10 4 t House 2rd Auzac Rest 1 Motte La France p 19th June fo t dear Mun My tip top Still here feeling and stef and but little a sore leg- just again about home escpect be to write to nothing days ariple a again in right all quite Thurs day and here about nixt leave Shall of the now our who are Buttn the refine at believe they Ace month A for line hope ner about from 12 weles place a wn here a get Cor there in to some lay shlen did do Am having a occasinal bridge An reading, swrmming not a Hay ebrouck which is to trip excellent fver here is the town. then bad night Bingundy and at course dinner 4 every thing bovt that to To port doine lovely. We are having garden is the in hot as the devil quite Austraban weather February in like world the all for what too well know only you Sydney English officers some the is like that must be there Expect muchly here it fiel have not had me. somewhere mait for some receive to glad be shall love to all Boby Avry Sre lots
mn cage Angac Rect thuse Motte fa 21st June 17 Men My dear ho lne fine a Am leaving here tomorow and should ba be day whether they with the Battalion the same are in the line or not l know bu dont 66 not actually in will close up S0 are very shortly wonder what it will it at again afraid one cannot go for me this time be lucky indifiritely however that remain being all right again ca to be sun. The leg is Stuff Just fell it at times the little piece presces one same when in some muscle burned positions no inconvenienc is i certain bey the have occasion to g caused though if date shall probably hospital at sing future correly ten de taken out had a Have it fird plenty rest here givd very comfortable this would do billeards tenmes bridge semmming conse one mus byt 4 me for durttion the more. Expect to have be a do g0 and me on my return waiting mail same to month. Shall nearly a had Si have have 2 lols of lond ball Bot wrte again soon
Belgmum June 23 dear Mu My Bullen the Arrived back with Saturday night from Le Mothe we are last to the lime doing fatique work which close is all right except we are working under shell fine and usually lose a few men each day. The Colonel and Capt. Murray have let me been very decent to me will not go and do anything except play cricket want me to rest tho leg and have a good spell whele we have the chance We are leading for the cucket cup the having a gooll game Against 4th Field Ambulance yesterday whom we beat by 20 ruins with ten minute go started at 4.30 P17 call to finished at 8.20 pry when it was light of we wult the 16h. Buth quite next Wedmesday if not in the line time. t is intend 4 that again by
Crestiat with ecitive Ssleying An121 and and s byng ipleang guine going times. Humphery Browning ais back dre at the Battey and several other officers Again with so we are firly well off in that respect- at present. No doubt lots of us will so we expect a lot of heavy work in the near future wonther if ever this shortly top. Harry awful business is going to Murray saw Lew while he was across in Enclened vinting the Hunlys at the Wuntien thty that me the wes ofh bed his slar quers swanking in London up and I poeelly imptintly whea he int toe giodness 6o acrons here again shortlyg hop him Toby Bartons his luck sticks to commission bother who his just received. hi in the and reformed the 45th was Bulleel his Mother last strnt wnet it rothen fo to both boys gone now. Will I have for the go and get the tram pructicing tcencor letters next match also a lot also some bruidge to play everyine is back work having started at 3. am. thes from to all. Bb. best Love my last mail it morning lack missing has been sent on to England but hoke Bad back eventually comes same BORL 3453

in it but is making arrangements 
to have it X rayed then if necessary 
shall have the piece removed but 
it is feeling pretty good this 
morning and if it goes on at 
this rate shall be quite all 
right again in about ten days.
There are about 24 officers here 
N.Z. Aust & English fellows who
just want a weeks spell or so 
to set them right the place is 
run by N. Zealanders who are 
a great lot of chaps. Nearly forgot 
to mention I received a parcel 
the other day containing tobacco
socks scarf from Mrs Whitney etc 
for which many thanks shall 
write and thank Mrs W first 
opportunity Am not cabling you 
this time about being wounded 
it is so slight  if you hear from 
the military which I doubt dont 
be scared it is just a scratch 
this time. Shall write again soon
lots of love to all Bob


Is Nana still
in London expect
he is about due
to return his Battn
caught it rough in this
last stunt however it is
almost time they did something
for their living they have
been rather lucky to date

2nd Anzac Rest House
La Motte
19th June.

My dear Mum,
Still here and feeling tip top
again leg just a little sore and stiff but
nothing to write home about expect to be
quite all right again in a couple of days
Shall leave here about next Thursday and
rejoin the Battn who are now out of the 
line for a month I believe they are at
a place almost 12 miles from here hope
to get there in a car from here
Am having a splendid loaf do some
reading, swimming, bridge an occasional
trip to Hazebrouck which is not a
bad town. Then the food is excellent here
4 course dinner at night Burgundy and 
port wine to boot so that every thing
in the garden is lovely. We are having
quite Australian weather hot as the devil
for all the world like February in
Sydney you know only too well what
that is like Some of the English officers
here feel it muchly. Expect there must be 
some mail for me somewhere have not had 
any for some time. Shall be glad to receive it
lots of love to all Bob


2nd Anzac Rest House
La Motte
21st June 17

My dear Mum
Just a line to let you know I
am leaving tomorrow and should be back
with the Battalion the same day whether they are
in the line or not I don't know but they 
are close up so if not actually in will be
at it again very shortly wonder what it will 
be for me this time afraid one cannot go on
being so lucky indefinitely however that remains
to be seen. The leg is all right again can
just feel it at times the little piece of stuff
buried in some muscle presses on same when 
the leg is in certain positions no inconvenience
caused though if I have occasion to go to
hospital at some future date shall probably get
it taken out. Have had a lovely ten days
rest here very comfortable good food plenty of
tennis bridge swimming billiards this would do
me for the duration but of course we must
go and do a bit more. Expect to have
some mail waiting for me on my return
have had none for nearly a month. Shall
write again soon lots of love to all Bob


25th June 17

My dear Mum
Arrived back with the Battn
last Saturday night from La Motte we are
close to the line doing fatigue work which
is all right except we are working under
shell fire and usually lose a few men
each day. The Colonel and Capt Murray have
been very decent to me will not let me
go and do anything except play cricket
want me to rest the leg and have a 
good spell while we have the chance.
We are leading for the cricket cup
having a good game against the
4th Field Ambulance yesterday whom we
beat by 20 runs with ten minutes 
to go  started at 4-30PM and
finished at 8-20PM when it was
quite light if we meet the 16th Battn
next Wednesday if not in the line
again by that time. It is indeed funny


and most exciting playing cricket with
guns going off and shells flying unpleasantly
close at times. Humphrey Browning is back
again with the Battn and several other officers
so we are fairly well off in that respect
at present. No doubt lots of us will go
shortly we expect a lot of heavy work
in the near future wonder if ever this
awful business is going to stop. Harry 
Murray saw Len while he was across in
England visiting the Henley's at the Windsor
Hotel told me he was OK had his star
up and I guess swanking in London
generally unfortunately expect he will be
across here again shortly hope to goodness
his luck sticks to him Toby Bartons
brother who has just received his commission
and rejoined the 45th was killed in the
last stunt isn't it rotten for his mother
both boys gone now. Well I have to 
go and get the team practicing for the
next match also a lot of letters to censor
also some bridge to play everyone is back 
from work having started at 3 am this 
morning best love to all Bob
Bad luck missing my last mail  it
has been sent on to England but hope
some comes back eventually 

1 DRL 345 3/3

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