Letters from Robert James Henderson, January - June 1917 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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here no good being without lits of money to spend however expect I shall get away eventually but probably be here until shill February but the middle shall do my of best to get away before - that however shall be buck in France for the next bey frush and really do not mind if I get hospital I no leave at all after leaving have had a wonderful time Playell Auction bridge a couple of days ago from 10 am for 1/5 per 100 till 4-30 PrI without a break won 59/- that was rather a good effort dont you think we play here quite a lo. Was out at Lady somibody's place the other afternoon forgortter the name hadt a couple of rubbers with some ladics at 3 fer 100 lost 1/6 had quite an inturesting game have been swanking quite a lot amongst these course you know one is so people but used to this sort life that there to nothing to it the sort of thing I go in for more is to get, Peecadilly Cicus mesc in among people all sorts and all descriptions talk to girls you do not know in fact the gay life having nive led this the experience gained has been life before times grantl. beleeve me one has some funny
just run out 0 have paper, Cdamm you about some hope to tell of these days for little them one stories for men only. Hnd a great evening the other night puit a bunch fellows at the Carlyle Cub 4 member usual thing am. A which I hall a few dunks event to denver real bucks at the Trocalers hall a evening it was grand had lots five of fun good food good music women etc ele one Scotch officer thene English officers & myself & very soldorn with Austielianc like kick around other people nearly finding out about with a Scotch ir kick about Always of course see plenty ffieer Canadean chaps acrors here it is 7 our simply winderful how one runs into people in this large city. Vell Mun i. Dec received her letter dated 3 also the enclosed note from Luly give the dear kill a ge Ress for me
home come shall and tell her I soon as to see her just as and possible. Will write to Mum as soon as some more news collects Have finished with the dentist told him I was thinking saill sowething taking a flat he man stayes the seven about being the last a flat in London his ways like stage I don having been do you have just doctor a serious talk to the he will about getting out think giving without out let me get a couple for me my discharge and Browning weeks - rather will that likewise so a flat live nt in we suit see him just come Aud and he is a terrible good occus semath lot muses such a one spors get back to hospital to having is Yenmark Will quite night ehch
slop out truins itc line run tusces 12.30 pr about ruuning this hard to get. to also very to has decided To fall place. certainly lust he to retue at and trust a gooll rest deservers right. Have all he is quite quite a lot here snow 1 had whole is re the the weather ald bad getting rather too not oe not esrry does it but if one weather lets the much it here them interfere with the end the Section be would for the kid Cheer St Well old exams in luck lots present from brother all lond to etc the Bothe
TelepHone 211, PICCADILLY, REGENT 6060. Telegrams: LONDON, W. CARLYLE CLUS. EA 29.1. 7 My dear Muns. in a whiting piss Am dinner to come in and have chap you & would dross I thought So still news whatever no lines few up with have to be ut will you meek to letter long li wrote ther not To ago days corple a here leave mails know when the not are they now Anstrulia for 2 reason some for now alwedesell hs being etc other shelping
Am still in the state becerious get out badly hospital wanting to will not 1 Sister Doctor & but the to to go say 4 let me do any and hres cot at France susel will leg hean ig work course I again down break in advice take then hrect quite feel matters althony to the all right sugg estecl I Woeter taking a without thas ine my discharge Gle he but allowe do To permission to rest he is te to me mt a chap what know and short
to gay this in he up unild 4 shall shall take tom (het. in hospel as advice and stay his Eonger weeks couple for get to liable one So 5 is not allows is lots he into troubly one as so long tatidute and before guiell gits back To 7 morni the 8 am in keeps it all right is the also keep stber moderate one nt stay a from s one this can night course all archugemen by special atranged one hopital keeps staying liz still
limits you the bless and within doctor knows le he is it great Sister in Char the stort So to can pructlcale the waid these days cks do any thing and nice quite which to the ground to down me suits to ten out tere afternon been afternoon BrownEng & with this English 2 Canadian 1 Es meeting Serter to rea to -nigh dinne in see So making am a meeting hoen knocking with aroundr And like pcople nothing hicke differen
these stuks can o all one up occur Again not man pportunity the to date believe me and if not an best the wate have have shent pportunites although Received sone money lot a 0 which you fom letters to Mus letter the in mentionee here at them not have but had yen think pusin correspondence better future address to the now battation direct anly be back shall sure 0 course two in the them



no good being here without lots of money to
spend however expect I shall get away
eventually but shall probably be here until
the middle of February but shall do my
best to get away before that however shall
be back in France for the next big
push and really do not mind if I do get
no leave at all after leaving hospital I
have had a wonderful time. Played auction
bridge a couple of days ago from 10 am
till 4.30 PM without a break for 1/- per 100
won 59/- that was rather a good effort
dont you think we play here quite a lot
Was out at Lady somebody's place the other
afternoon forgotten the name had a couple of
rubbers with some ladies at 3d per 100
lost 1/6 had quite an interesting game have
been swanking quite a lot amongst these
people but of course you know one is so
used to this sort of life that there is
nothing to it the sort of thing I go
in for more is to get to Piccadilly Circus
mix in among people all sorts and all 
descriptions talk to girls you do not know
in fact the gay life having never led this
life before the experience gained has been
grand. believe me one has some funny times


(damn have just run out of paper)
hope to tell you about some of
them one of these days for little
stories for men only. Had a great
evening the other night met a bunch
of fellows at the Carlyle Cub of
which I am a member usual thing
had a few drinks went to dinner
at the Trocadero had a real bucks
evening it was grand had lots
of fun good food good music fine
women etc etc  one Scotch officer three 
English officers & myself d very seldom
kick around with Australians like
finding out about other people nearly
always kick about with a Scotch or 
Canadian officer.  Of course see plenty 
of our chaps across here it is
simply wonderful how one runs into
people in this large city. Tell Mum
I received her letter dated 3rd Dec
also the enclosed note from Lucy give
the dear kid a g kiss for me


and tell her I shall come home
and to see her just as soon as
possible. Will write to Mum as
soon as some more news collects
Have finished with the dentist
told him I was thinking of
taking a flat he said something
about the seven stages of man
a flat in London being the last 
stage w I dont like his ways
do you Have just been having
a serious talk to the doctor
about getting out think he will
let me get out without giving
me my discharge for a couple 
of weeks and Browning
likewise so that will rather 
suit me live out in a flat
and just come and see him
occasionally he is a terrible good
sport one misses such a lot
having to get back to hospital
each night Denmark Hill is quite


long run out trains etc stop
running about 12.30 AM taxis
also very hard to get to this 
place. So Dad has decided to
to retire at last he certainly 
deserves a good rest and trust
he is quite all right. Have
had quite a lot of snow here
the weather on the whole is
not too bad getting rather cold,
but it does not worry me
much, if one lets the weather
here interfere with them it
could be the end of the section.
Well old kid Cheer oh for the
present lots of luck in exams
etc etc love to all from brother



Regent 6060                                                



The Carlyle Club

My dear Mum.
Am just waiting for a
chap to come in and have dinner
so thought I would drop you a
few lines no news whatever still
you will have to put up with
that wrote a long letter to Mick
a couple of days ago. Do not
know when the mails leave here
for Australia now they are not
advertised now for some reason or
other shipping etc being in a


precarious state. Am still in the
hospital wanting to get out badly
but the Doctor & Sister will not
let me go say if I go to
France at present and do any
heavy work my leg will surely
break down again. Of course I
must take their advice in
matters although I feel quite
all right I suggested to the
Doctor taking a flat without
my discharge he gave me
permission to do so but advised
me not to he is a great
sport and knows what a chap


would be up to in this gay
town Think I shall shall take
his advice and stay in hospital
for a couple of weeks longer
one is not so liable to get
into trouble he allows us lots
of latitdule so long as one
gets back quietly and before
3 am in the morning so
that is all right it keeps 
me moderately sober also keeps
me sta from staying out 
all night of course this can 
be arranged by special arrangement 
still staying in hospital keeps me


within limits and bless you the 
doctor knows it he is a great
sport So is the Sister in charge
of the ward I can practically
do any thing I like these days
which is quite nice and
suits me down to the ground. 
Have been out to afternoon tea
this afternoon with Browning &
2 Canadians & 1 English Officer
meeting a Scotch Officer for
dinner to-night so you see
am making a point of meeting
and knocking around with
different people nothing like picking


up all one can on these stunts
the opportunity may not occur again
and if not believe me to date
I have made the best of my
opportunities although I have spent
a lot of money Received some
letters from you which I 
mentioned in the letter to Mick
but have not them here at
present think you had
better address future correspondence
to the battalion direct now
shall surely be back with
them in the course of two

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