Letters from Robert James Henderson, January - June 1917 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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he wisking sorw at my slowo recovery and was in toullin to have a fly around with also the has me he is a great spors awaided the P.S.D. lately also Major been the Marks & Capt Fulling hav received battaloon has done Military Cwas lately so the enelied frond very well indeell one is battahon with such to belong to such a course is thoroughly good name which a do good work for they always deserved have a lot of Shall write again soon one from Mrs Henner litters to Answer had Herbert, Enmic, Billy Bull, Kney Cowdlery. I post card from Myra tatily shall try aull answer all lots of love to all Rt
Y b fom the enmbk Kouller 211 nd My Leneal H tr o but dlo thet St wle to wcdne aot fee Aa & 8 e ang cet HS Exu ssptal leave Sorhed Aesrolion to the 44 4 Soted eryn Sriat
n odelley S eae t awhd board Aaaaad friend out how much Be ole Sefer bapers to day he for discharge at ay leg palt a said he wo and 2 t Aecon and that lote heim to tn ws streek in carp Sue in Englind the ac bacd went 6
tow et kingdd France break La Sat it feels suto shong wer t ttsa wts wosnated 8 shall the at Hn Teed as AAAd and ck sr Kork and hes If ary am 2 56
having the simply sthll ay life the Sine corts such i is trouble of Weoseey and one a lot g ot without semply consent shenlling n in adon. So you see I am keen to get back & do some some wirk alro stve. know yor honey. Then one is contracting dear bry you hsor bad habits when one can to on when me likes and tike soue whenI to do all day e thing
a little money to anb shend how sempl it is contract bad Hondy etsa still lave toked at the beden or S but ndsoent shell she this long after to settl hard Srad e hen Sr en with erp Lunished heve son Stank the sentest and ver sult twrtl heng In 4 tet b with fore the duration
Denner Law Whate ad nightsago aTenf concursion wes shad bad windows csded of M 15 ate Stough t Nenmet bn Sis a 4 fat Mrmition 1 The hlamee t ias to rs very vay mire but 1 has long information eawed through the tae rest Sereet 8
the Theres tate At peesent t mn fom 4 of d hessent bon 0 t 26 one d
No. 4 Londlin Gen ls. Yenmard Hill 27 1. 18. Year Mick fust received two letters from you to dated 4. Tr &. 2nd Sec. both addressed London direct. Pout be silly about winning that fiver here this checken will never go having too good a time single for thet have met girls with tons of money to but still fancy free As for Hope the dear am have never yet seen her little thing I and probably never shall you know t every thing would be spoilt if we think corple of days a tuet. Had a letter ever oy wanting me to go up to Liverpoot but do not think possibly I shall cannot even for tear my self away from London a gerl besides it is a long wvery away not much of a place and I beleeve From all accounts one that you are the should be careful and mind I shall exact my advice and have a good that fiver. take all its a fine life especially time them with
plentiful in hondlon of course they are very you if oe does not suit over here & another you give her the sack and get my with consumnate ease Oh th some of here would tiekle you to dealh experiences me I have leaent many things And beleeve have missed my kick around would not for anything. Say Mick when you this town you might send some sort of a write again statement would like to know how finenclal if much longer in this town I stand be broke have had £160 from bank shall H.S. to so far it is mawellous Low money goes here I presume the Government are prying in all right extra allotment etc ite still it does not metter so long as one suing things etc. is leavnig things of hospital out to get Have been trying Doctor & Sister but the for a week now had any will not let me go say if I heavy work it would probably break down the museles again say the rest here working good that Towlls all right its will do it and spending but am having too good a time habits it too much money getting into bad cannot be done lad and course it

sorrow at my slow recovery and wishing he 
was in London to have a fly around with
me  he is a great sport He has also 
been awarded the D.S.O.   lately also Major 
Marks & Capt Pulling have received the
Military Cross lately so the battalion has done 
very well indeed one is indeed proud 
to belong to such a battalion with such 
a good name which of course is thoroughly 
deserved for they always do good work
Shall write again soon have a lot of 
letters to Answer had one from Mrs. Davies 
Herbert, Eunice, Billy Bull, Lucy Cowdery.  & 
post card from Myra lately shall try and 
answer all.  lots of love to all    Boby


No. 4 London Gen Hos
Denmark Hill

My dear Mum
Excuse pencil
paper etc but it is
so cold that I do
not feel inclined to
leave the fire. Had
made all arrangements
to leave the hospital 
tomorrow in fact booked
at a room at the
Jermyn Court hotel


Piccadilly where I
intended to stay for
a while until I had
my medical board &
found out how much
leave I get  Asked the
doctor to sign my papers
for discharge to-day he
had a look at my leg
and said he would
recomend me for light
duty told him that
was no good to me
stuck in camp somewhere 
in England he said 
if I went back to


France now it might
break down again still
I do not believe him
it feels quite strong
again now however he
induced me to wait
and see the specialist
who operated and get
his advice tomorrow
on the matter shall
let you know later
the result Feel as
if I could go back 
now but will not
do so against his
advice. Of course am


still simply having the
time of my life  the
trouble is it costs such
a lot of money and one
simply cannot go out without
spending money in London.
So you see I am keen 
to get back & do some 
work also save some
money. Then you know
my dear one is contracting
bad habits you know
when one can go out
when one likes and 
come in when one likes
nothing to do all day


and a little money to
spend how simple it is
to get contract bad
habits especially in London
Still have looked at
things from the proper 
standpoint to date but
after this long spell shall 
find it hard to settle
down to work again
Have finished up with
the dentist now thank
goodness and hope to
have no more trouble
with my teeth for
the duration Any how


while at dinner two
nights ago there was 
a terrific explosion The
conclusion was that
bad windows crashed
etc  thought it was
bombs from a Zepplin
but proved to be a
munition factory blown
up almost 3 miles 
away.  The damage &
loss of life was bad
but of course very vague
information has come
through they cannot 
say much about these


things in the press at
the present time Have
no more news for the
present  Trust you are
all well at home
love to all Bob


No. 4 London Gen Hos.
Denmark Hill

Dear Mick
Just received two letters from you
dated 4th Nov & 2nd Dec.  both addressed to
London direct. Dont be silly about winning that 
fiver this chicken will never go off here
having too good a time single for that
have met girls with tons of money to but
am still fancy free As for Hope the dear
little thing I have never yet seen her
and probably never shall you know. I
think everything would be spoilt if we
ever met. Had a letter a couple of days
ago wanting me to go up to Liverpool but
do not think I shall cannot possibly
tear myself away from London even for
a girl besides it is a long way away
and I believe not much of a place
From all accounts you are the one that
should be careful and mind I shall exact
that fiver take my advice and have a good
time with them all it's a fine life especially


in London of course they are very plentiful
over here & if one does not suit you
you give her the sack and get another
with consummate ease  Oh th some of my
experiences here would tickle you to death
And believe me I have learnt many things
would not have missed my kick around
this town for anything. Say Mick when you
write again you might send some sort of a
financial statement would like to know how
I stand if much longer in this town
shall be broke have had £160 from bank
N.S.W. so far it is marvellous how
money goes here I presume the Government are
paying in all right extra allotment etc etc
Still it does not matter so long as one
is learning things seeing things etc.
Have been trying to get out of hospital
for a week now but the Doctor & Sister
will not let me go say if I had any
heavy work it would probably break down
again say the rest here working the muscles
etc will do it good that sounds all right
but am having too good a time and spending
too much money getting into bad habits it
cano cannot be done lad and of course it

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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