Letters from Robert James Henderson, July - December 1916 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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very slowly but still getting along The by is has not healed up it impriving ttrink I much better although walk but I can yet a couple but extect it is still very stiff that. However one fix weeks massage will the poor chaps in France comfortable here to is it is very cold whom I often think about here now snow falling lightly at the present moment and although in purt of a hands are cold. large five it my feet and Was in Liberty's shop Reegent St. a couple days ago where I bought a little phots for you something done in enamel hope you receive it they are sending it direct and insurance etc you do not is paid please let me know if get it for although a very small thing it Went and saw was very large in other respects. they are all days. ago Mrs Henley a couple Leslie and is she is talks a lot abot well a terrible blow for every particular it is keen to her. This is the first I have heard that you did not receive the cable I sent by Pavis wonder why. have cabled to you quite a lot costs 30/- or so am and as each time you do not receive them jost annyed that redress although receipts however one has no you when leaving England are given. Shall cable
January next expect some time in for France you find out about the money I How did the bank of N.S.W.. told you in got from letters but do not think you would one of my pacell the it by the 24th Sept. I have received here. and at the bank NS.W. cabling etc through shall want more shortly it the present rate to shend money should this is a linely place under £15.00 her year. not like to line here that photo all right Ken Pattrick is in Australic leaving here he has returned to about a month ago you might get fave to evening he will ask him home for dinner one interesting news be able to give you lots of about us all told him to ring up game the her has sixe months leave I think Capt Foox is all right in German hands but hoor Toby Barton or Hendnen have heard nothing the poor chaps but I am not surprised afraid must be dead. Meyer & Mc Gowan have a also been reported OR in Gernem Lands. Afraid B. Pattrick has also give no news about him to date. Glad you sent me Gordon Inglis address thought he was at the pont will call at Victoria St. and look him up next week. Pill not receive a letter from Mrs Pennes re Mr Astornes address.
bigger a scawh as ever with the as Wick he were here with me. he wish ladies his life simply have the time would keep clear 16 stay in to has to one are like so many ladies here they the and some girls round one this buzzing going out with been beleive me. Have too the with kilts hence lots a Scotchman a when sick of all the attraction I suppose but girls we generally blow into the Carlyle Club of course you have to be in Pecendlly where a member and ladies are not admitted tall several letters from girls in London & about this week think they have all lost then herds as faw as the soldiers are concerned have had some very very funy experiences. Tell Vaguie I received here letter dated 12th Sept a couple of days ago and shall reply shortly. Shall also write and congratatate Billy Bull wonder where Reg leather wais terat do not sorry abut the i no doubt someone who expect to get it but will at least hope it will needs it more not be wasted. if I get my letters shall be well satified to more news at present meny Christmas & haply New Year to all am ever thinking of you all & Austraba generally lots of lowe Boby
No. 4 Londlon Genl ts. Yenmark Will 25 11.16. My dear Mum you. A Couple by Sent Received a parcel cigarettes, socks, hbe of days ago containing sweets tobuceo, itc sorry they did not which was broken, the battalion and give it to some keep it at the boys who really needed it also received a letter from horna dated 10/9/16 also one from Kney Condeny dated 10/8/16 it is a triat getting some news from Anstratia after being so long without mail there must be a lot of yours letters any me somewhere having only received the one fr you still in hospital to London be sent direct blantifully now can but the leg is healing up have a sort now walk with a very little lunh of the wound outside sken trouble now on the oby only but that also is dissappearing the f6 to hup have 3 inconvenience being that know you days still the whiskey for a few out do Go that is not very hard for me to a having every day as usual and course a theates good time have been to the rent free having in others in some cases plying lot
for Aida to night tickets have booked sents the stalls which cost 12/6 euch and am in lioking foward to a good nights music. afternoon a Went to a Music Hall last Saturdayy Sundley night f the thentus fine concert at one thente Tuiseley Monday afternoon free seats thenk on again afternoon also free sents) and thenl have seen night free box in fact I Fridenr that is every show in London now And nearly Romance in saying Something see they are playing Lydney I have seen it in Loudlon with your is a fine thing Reane in the leading part it the you night to see it. also been having the twas etc with 7 afternoon usal wind the ladies meet Giff. Street in the Trociduo but could not have afternoon having te other a I had of a talk to him you see much at charming lass with me he is stayin very Savoy hotel so shall see him again. Also the meet. Broughton who is a consin to Horman Broughton who was killed a cuiple of months ago in France he sumed to know me all right although I sea. Called on Gordon Lnglis was all at but heard he was not too well in sime so left my card for him expect nersing home from him later. No more nws at mesy fay long to all Bobs. Hhave suel nothing of Hans for 257 long tive expect he 3o all uight. a
No. 4 Lindon Genl Mrs. Tenmark thel Roudon 30 11 16. Jane. my dear your letter dated Only just received 3rd of Sept last night exhect it has been for some time Tell Lora I have chasing me received her letters dated 12/9/16 24/9/10. but know sees all the letters I write home so fuel the she will not mind if I do not answer sure also received Eeleins letter you addrssed to them shall write to her later Am still in tushital me too quickly in the the leg is getting well but will be quite healed course of a few days it of massage so expect but shall ned a lot be here for X mas not puhups in the to hospital but attached expect to be back with battalion in France again about the middle the for 2 weeks holiday January that will allow discharged from hospital Could after being but a job here in England y easely get much rather be back I should fit feet again besides it battalion and in with the to up live to I have a lange reputation
a man has ito prove he and you know is as good a man after being wounded as from that it is he was before then apent and fuscination grand great from &excitement life while it lasts but of course an awful parcell with the received the Tell Mun I and other wice things they leather wais teoat back in France when will be most useful every thing is most useful. Hee you heard from Mane at all the little divit has not written to time hope he is all right me for a long Qiven Davies (Sister of Hope) has made a bosen and is sending it to him cake for him for Christmas. Of course am having the time is the hospital my life here in Kindon house for me boarding a more or less and night which go out every day how money for beleve of of course requires tous in to spend it city the me this is girls of thenties afternoon teas Usual round here were dems dinners etc only wish you this town there fane my you would enjoy Lindon for having is absolutely no place like me I am taking giod time and believe a to Am going advantage of my opportunity with a scotch officer Brighton this week end
Mc Callum we are namell from this ward back and coming afternoon leaving on Fridny corts of made all on Monday afternoon have the hotel mice arrangements booked roms at some time frward to Mitropole etc am looking few hospital for a from my first trip away shall days. but it shall not be the last later have all about the trip let you know come some once girls in kindon who want to but as there are tilenty down with us them no cense in taking there is there dun for Tork Millie & Elsie Henby to the Trocaden Saturdlay afternoon they wanted afternoon the lust dinner at their hotel but me to stay for had sents for "Aida which as could not as I enemensly I ho am having usual I enjoyed dinner to night with the Benleys so expect to have a cheah night for a change Kather a funy experience the other afternoon coming back in the tube from Myde Park Comer where we spend the afternoon in the park writching the ladiic itc rilling in Rotten Row to Viecadilly Circus two chaiming lasses give of course being very naughty us the glad lye them they were going to of couse we spoke we went so tailors their at to be fitted
gurls name was Lawsen along to One of the a consin to the Laweons who libed at Mummon and later at Ashfield she has been and was most interesting Australia & Canada to is it not strange meeting people like that who know people whom you know. Will we girls to tee and dinner at the took these then flat & later went down to Trocallers they were both at Futney where they live drissed with apperently bosch girls beautifully to invitations course have money I of plenty rest the any time and all them see be it so you can bet your life we will town in there. Who do you think I wet Mafor in a yesterday Hugh Mc Clitland who is that sort of transports or something charge as I was a minute could only see him fr having an urgent appoenting terrible hurry in a him my address & told to keep however guve an appointment and make him to write me him and have should love to si next week dry up see a yain. Well from dear shall wish you all have a good Christi was beastly were at home to with this Bot to all over. lots of love

the leg is getting along very slowly but still
improving I think it has not healed up
yet but I can walk much better although
it is still very stiff but expect a couple
of weeks massage will fix that. However one
is comfortable here to the poor chaps in France
whom I often think about. it is very cold
here now snow falling lightly at the present
moment and alright although in front of a
large fire it my feet and hands are cold.
Was in Liberty's shop Regent St. a couple of 
days ago where I bought a little photo for you
something done in enamel hope you receive it
they are sending it direct and insurance etc.
is paid please let me know if you do not
get it for although a very small thing it
was very large in other respects. Went and saw
Mrs Henley a couple of days ago they are all
well she  is talks a lot about Leslie and is
keen for every particular it is a terrible blow
to her.  This is the first I have heard that
you did not receive the cable I sent by Davis
wonder why? have cabled to you quite a lot
and as each time costs 30/- or so am
most annoyed that you do not receive them
however one has no redress although receipts
are given. Shall cable you when leaving England


for France expect some time in January next
How did you find out about the money I
got from the bank of N.S.W.?  told you in
one of my letters but do not think you would
have received it by the 24th Sept. I paid the
cabling etc through the bank of N S.W. here and at
the present rate shall want more shortly it
is a lovely place this to spend money should
not like to live here under £1,500 per year.
Ken Pattrick is in that photo all right
he has returned to Australia leaving here
about a month ago you might get Jane to
ask him home for dinner one evening he will
be able to give you lots of interesting news
about us all told him to loo ring up
Jane the he has six months leave I think.
Capt Fine is all right in German hands but
have heard nothing of poor Toby Barton or Henderson
but I am not surprised afraid the poor chaps
must be dead. Meyer & Mr Gorvan have  all also
been reported OK in German hands.  afraid B.
Pattrick has also gone no news about him to
date. Glad you sent me Gordon Inglis' address
thought he was at the front will call at
Victoria St. and look him up next week.
Did not receive a letter from Mrs. Dennis re. 
Mr. Osborne's  address.


Mick as bigger a scamp as ever with the
ladies wish he were here with me. he
would simply have the time of his life
one has to stay in to keep clear of
the ladies here they are like so many
flies buzzing round one and some girls
too believe me. Have been going out with
a Scotchman a lots with kilts hence the
attraction I suppose but when sick of all the
girls we generally blow into the Carlyle Club
in Piccadilly where of course you have to be
a member and ladies are not admitted Had
several letters from girls in London & about
this week think they have all lost their heads
as fair as the soldiers are concerned have had
some very very funny experiences. Tell Dagmar I
received her letter dated 12th Sept a couple of days
ago and shall reply shortly. shall also write
and congratulate Billy Bull wonder where Reg
is? Sorry about the leather waistcoat do not
expect to get it but no doubt someone who
needs it more will at least hope it will
not be wasted.  if I get my letters shall be
well satisfied No more news at present Merry
Christmas & happy New Year to all am ever
thinking of you all & Australia generally  lots of lov


No 4 London Gen Hos.
Denmark Hill

My dear Mum,
Received a parcel sent by you a couple
of days ago containing sweets,  cigarettes, socks, pipe
which was broken, tobacco etc sorry they did not
keep it at the battalion and give it to some
of the boys who really needed it also received
a letter from Lorna dated 10/9/16  also one from
Lucy Cowdery dated 10/9/16. it is a treat getting
some news from Australia after being so long without
any mail there must be a lot of your letters
for me somewhere having only received the one
to you sent direct to London. Still in hospital
but the leg is healing up beautifully now can
walk with a very little limp now have a sort
of skin trouble now on the outside of the wound
but that also is dissappearing the oly  only
inconvenience being that I have to keep off
the whiskey for a few days still you know
that is not very hard for me to do Go out
every day as usual and of course having a
real good time have been to the theatres a
lot in some cases paying in others having free


tickets have booked seats for "Aida" to night
in the stalls which cost 12/6 each and am
looking forward to a good nights music.
Went to a Music Hall last Saturday afternoon a
fine concert at one of the theatres Sunday night
theatre Monday afternoon free seats theatre Tuesday
afternoon also free seats | and theatre again on
Friday night free box in fact I have seen
nearly every show in London now and that is
saying something. See they are playing Romance in
Sydney I have seen it in London with Doris
Keane in the leading part it is a fine thing
you might to see it. also been having the
usual round of afternoon teas etc with the
ladies meet Jeff. Street in the Trocadero the
other afternoon having tea but could not have
much of a talk to him you see I had a
very charming lass with me he is staying at
the Savoy Hotel so shall see him again.  also
meet? Broughton who is a cousin to Norman Broughton
who was killed a couple of months ago in France
he seemed to know me all right although I
was all at sea. Called on Gordon Inglis
but heard he was not too well in some
nursing home so left my card for him expect
to hear from him later. No more news at present
lots of love to all Bob
Have heard nothing of Nana for
a long time expect he is all right.


No 4 London Gen Hos.
Denmark Hill
30. 11. 16.

My dear Jane.
Only just received your letter dated
3rd of Sept last night expect it has been
chasing me for some time Tell Lorna I have
received her letters dated 17/9/16. 24/9/16. but know
she sees all the letters I write home so feel
sure she will not mind if I do not answer
then also received Eileens letter you addressed to
me shall write to her later Am still in hospital
but the leg is getting well too quickly in the
course of a few days it will be quite healed
but shall need a lot of massage so expect
to be here for Xmas not neces perhaps in the
hospital but attached expect to be back with
the battalion in France again about the middle
of January that will allow for 2 weeks holiday
after being discharged from hospital Could
easily get a job here in England but if
fit feel I should much rather be back
with the battalion and in it again besides
I have a large reputation to live up to


and you know a man has to prove he
is as good a man after being wounded as
he was before then apart from that it is
great fun & the excitement and fascination grand
but of course an awful life while it lasts.
Tell Mum I received the parcel with the
leather waistcoat and other nice things they
will be most useful when back in France
everything is most useful. Have you heard from
Nana at all the little devil has not written to
me for a long time hope he is all right
Gwen Davies (Sister of Hope) has made a bosca
cake for him and is sending it to him
for Christmas. Of course am having the time
of my life here in London the hospital is
more or less a boarding house for me
now go out every -day and night which
of course requires tons of money for believe
me this is the city to spend it in
Usual round of theatres afternoon teas girls
dinners etc only wish you were across here
Jane my you would enjoy this town there
is absolutely no place like London for having
a good time and believe me I am taking
advantage of my opportunity Am going to
Brighton this week end with a Scotch officer


 from this ward named McCallum we are
leaving on Friday afternoon and coming back
on Monday afternoon have made all sorts of
nice arrangements booked rooms at the hotel
Metropole etc am looking forward to some time
my first trip away from hospital for a few
days. but it shall not be the last shall
let you know all about the trip later have
some nice girls in London who want to come
down with us but as there are plenty
down there there is no sense in taking them
Took Millie & Elsie Henley to the Trocadero for
afternoon tea last Saturday afternoon they wanted
me to stay for dinner at their hotel but
could not as I had seats for "Aida" which as
usual I enjoyed immensly I  h am having
dinner to-night with the Henley's so expect
to have a cheap night for a change
Rather a funny experience the other afternoon
coming back in the tube from Hyde Park Corner
(where we spent the afternoon in the park
watching the ladies etc riding in "Rotten Row")
to Piccadilly Circus two charming lasses gave
us the glad eye of course being very naughty
of course we spoke to them they were going
to be fitted at their tailors so we went


along to One of the girls names was Lawson
a cousin to the Lawsons who lived at
Drummoyne and later at Ashfield she has been
to Australia & Canada and was most interesting
is it not strange meeting people like that
who know people whom you know. Well we
took these girls to tea and dinner at the
Trocadero & later went down to their flat
at Putney where they live they were both
bosca girls beautifully dressed with apparently
plenty of money of course have invitations to
see them any time and all the rest of
it so you can bet your life we will be
there. Who do you think I met in town
yesterday Hugh McClelland who is a Major in
charge of transports or something of that sort
could only see him for a minute as I was
in a terrible hurry having an urgent appointment
to keep however gave him my address & told
him to write me and make an appointment
next week should love to see him and have
a yarn. Well Jane dear shall dry up see
you all have a good Christmas wish I
were at home to with this beastly war
over. Lots of love to all, Bob.



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