Letters from Robert James Henderson, July - December 1916 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Hyde Park meet walk through went for a then to afternoon tea took her Given Davies right then the pictures until tarce drive a on to the Procadio for dinner o clock then to finish it was some which took 2 haes some dinner believe me to say nothing of the morning so price. However fuel no effects. this making am every thing is right. This week had a arrangements to have my tuth prcell up letter from Millie Henbey they are staying at a where they have invited Hotel at St James Park but of course at Lrrent me to stay with them have my dressing fixed have to be at hospital to ench day however shall call and see them pustill 4 out to you Got my photo taken and the shop they are from last Saturdy direct you will be pleased not very good but exhect arrive all right. they to have them hope from Jack Fevery The old. Received a magizine the hospital apparently posted Number yesterday at cannot understand why bustalim in from the I do not te get some mait in the same wery am going down to the buse to day to enquire about it. Have you been hearing from hind a wird for the I have not Mana month eschect he is all right. pust
frgot to tell you about Counti Think event to some At Hhrue which Brsreys ago. It wast very Swank little time footman itc itc. there were 18 wounded butters Austration officers there and about the same girls (not wounded though) we had number a very nice afternoon tea but of course had to be polite and did not do full justice to it the girls waited and I splendidly After ti we looked after tes of lounge or alourned to a very lurge sort fine musie we had some room where Smoke had dancing should lived to have a and that the by settled stif but the King Tunrkery Frotting eschitstiin also. ghve girls an appeared to dance well them aime of etc etc Austrulian lusses could I think but the points Well I had a show them many the house appointments afternoon real good were gorgeous I felt pictures carving etc like that or something Juke like a quite The weather here is has time being the for been ripping this month very little rain the Sun Shening every day and the quite warm night yet not wom a coat at I have London sum all the people in although
they whenever thick coats b to great weae cold expect it will however be getting go out. good buy a to shull have enongl Shortly love lots Shall write again sim coat. thick Bot to all
No. 4 Lindon General Nospital Yenmerk Wll London 8.11.16. My dear Muin. with my Apaid I am getting clack but always correspondence to other people in Australia the news write to you and I know you pass Anstration around besides I am receiving ns I really do mail so do not know who owe letters to. There seems little doubt now that I shall be in England this Christmas and no doubt shall be very lonely by myself unless know if I not something turns up. do hospital or not yet the the shall be clear same us better no werse by is just about the have a happier time one will expect however be although it would here than in France with the battalin Am back being short good present the last there at tired rather feeling in until 10 clock each morning being not nights it not. Have been to the insh does sounds the famos tener Heardl deal good a theatse Welshman sing at a Music a Ben Davies night wes rather dissapointed Hull last Saturdery
enjoyed Mr. Cormack much better. Lost night went to the propssors Love. Stery it was great show. H.B. Irving the principet a all the mea part and what made it wounded officers we had a free bix 9 doctor ten in from this ward and the imag mne we had a so you can all evening. All event into the Savoy folly Hitel for a dunk which was served one the waiter £1 for same of the chips gave just going out when he remecked were le about the change which had not ame to light. The waiter was taxed and said yes back the L1 we all laughert In handing whether he was insulted and walked out the change in whether fr asked at being the know but it is not do S drunk Linelow have had in thing only cheap the with the Henlys lunch Hadt to date. at St. Ernins hotel their at day other them great seeing was Park it James T to 90 an open invitation have again and like also met D. becars I when there and Elsie Curish. it is passing strange how peeople all over the world one meets different Was standing waiting for a train on Victoria
station the other day when a charming girl gave me the glad eye I chilked excuse wounded soldier will she invited me to her home at Balham mne of the submbs had a good time meet Mother and generally being in a private It was simply great been there o several Have house again Mother is most interesting she occasions and always has truvelled all over the world. in tak whishey good 1 has a bittle good oper. has a she sings gravel I like admit and in fact grain aplune the daughter Many thres better than mother done in wer time which wnitle are surly in prace time what do you funy sien afternoon when it is fine every think. Nearly aud in Hyde Park walk yor a I 90 people there plenty + it is interesting how in Rotten Row ladies riding see a to wits one sees the and all moter curs things. Well my dear funny sirts all that is about all the news at think I write again soon lots of love Shall present Bobz to all
44 Louelen Gen. Hos. Wenmerk thet 1311.16. Mun. dear My receive this the time Expect ty you letter it will be about Christines time and no doubt all at Whan fired will be gay and you will all be thinking of and know meny the world and I anise this side on us you all. Hope you all we shall be thinking Christmas & a night New Year a very Mey have about the end of this bring and trust 1917 will those of us who are allow and was turible Have been looking get home again left to to send to little thing Loullon for dine around but heve seen nothing so for Christmns you the leg is I think eventually shall but far but has not yet healed and improving slightly healed will require a lot of massage before when be much wse am staying in this it will to see the surgeon and hear what he afternoon Have an invitation to go about it. thinks of some Lord or Duke country house the to the place which forget the name somewhere
should be all right but do not, know when I shall be able to get away can hardly ask ask the old pot to get a mirse in especially for me so that my dressing can be done properly each day. Went and heard Clair Butt last Saturday afternon we hadl Eart Greys bose at the Albert Hall next to the Rings bix if were we not a very excellent sime hot sh concert it was too all hish closs stuff she cetainly has a great voice and a charming manner London streets last Thusdlay were crowded it being the Lord Mayore day. the procession was very gool troops of every nation being represented, banks, postillim siders. And those old custom coaches that you see in pictures it was very novel and new to me The English erowels are very quiet very little cherring anoplanis prince although Guman captured gune and of wu I procession. The only bit of the part was made by some New Geeland & Canddins heard of Charing Cuors perchud on the woy soldiers tiust the colorals to cheer these people station A huge crowd were at Vietona up the other afternoon waiting for a leave station as the chaps came in and to ame tram thought it was a you would have along quite livel being insteact procession funeral
have been. Have been going it should as we a lot for afternoon ten to the Trocadero great a it is there down great times have gets all corts of mee but one corts 2/6 place. Eagtine band, and things, a bealitiful room the decent capes here all concert every day fine and all have excellet are very compotable interesting people one the 9 music to say nothing since about the 10th Have had no mail sees. pretty rotter still it last September which is really go and see no use growling I must i Henbeye again often intend to but never seem the of Precudilly Crens with its fascinitins get out to Have no more news all discriptions and quity. to all and lots prsent kindet remembances at trust we will love to the family sincerily of fom Bob. 1917 Christinas all be together for have Have you been huring from Mana at all I heard nothing fr him for the last 6 weeks all right and in France presume he is still doing his bit.
No. 4 Lonehers Gen Hrs. Wenmark thel London 18.1116. Ulum My dear your letter dated To glad to receive Horseferry Rd. it is 24th Sept. addressed direct to about the first I have had from Australia for ay of 2 months there must be a terrible lot I letters around somewhere if I had tought would have been here so long it would have fact been much better to send letters direct in you and fave might have come to London wha good time we could have had but of course a I did not expect to be here any longer than sums certain I shall be at the a month St hospital for Christmas the surgeon had a look at my leg last Monday said I was getting lo London look about me and wants me a go to the sea side for a couple of weeks so shall probably be sent down to Lady Dudleys convalescent home at Brighton it will be a mice change and they tell me a fine himself place cach officer has a VAD to very nice too depends on the VAD though

went for a walk through Hyde Park meet 
Gwen Davies took her to afternoon tea then
a taxi drive then the pictures until eight
o'clock then on to the "Trocadero" for dinner
which took 2 hours to finish it was some 
dinner believe me to say nothing of the some 
price. However feel no effects this morning so
everything is right. This week I am making
arrangements to have my teeth fixed up had a 
letter from Millie Henley.  they are staying at a
Hotel at St James Park where they have invited
me to stay with them but of course at present
have to be at hospital to have my dressing fixed
each day however shall call and see them.
Got my photo taken and posted 4 out to you
last Saturday direct from the shop they are
not very good but expect you will be pleased
to have them hope they arrive all right.
Received a magazine from Jack Tivey The odd .
Number yesterday at the hospital apparently posted
on from the battalion cannot understand why
I do not re get some mail in the same
way am going down to the base to-day to
inquire about it. Have you been hearing from
Nana I have not heard a word for the
past month expect he is all right.


Think I forgot to tell you about Countess
Brusseys' At Home which I went to some
little time ago.  It was tres bien very swank
butlers footman etc etc. there were 18 wounded
Australian Officers there and about the same
number of girls (not wounded though) we had
a very nice afternoon tea but of course I 
had to be polite and did not do full
justice to it the girls waited and 
looked after us / splendidly After tea we 
adjourned to a very large sort of lounge or
smoke room where we had some fine music
and dancing should loved to have had a
fling but the stiff leg settled that the 
girls also gave an exhibition of Turkey Trotting
etc etc some of them appeared to dance well
but I think the Australian lasses could
show them many points Well I had a 
real good afternoon the house appointments
pictures carving etc were gorgeous. I felt
quite like a Duke or something like that
for the time being The weather here is has
been ripping this month very little rain the
sun shining every day and the quite warm
I have not worn a coat at night yet 
although all the people in London seem


to wear great big thick coats whenever they
go out. however expect it will be getting cold
enough shortly shall have to buy a good
thick coat. Shall write again soon lots of love
to all Boby.


No.4 London General Hospital
Denmark Hill

My dear Mum.
Afraid I am getting slack with my
correspondence to other people in Australia but always
write to you and I know you pass the news
around besides I am receiving no Australian 
mail so do not know who I really do
owe letters to. There seems little doubt now that
I shall be in England this Christmas and no 
doubt shall be very lonely by myself unless
something turns up. do not know if I
shall be clear of the hospital or not yet the
leg is just about the same no better no worse
however expect one will have a happier time
here than in France although it would be
good sport being back with the battalion. Am
feeling rather tired at present the last three
nights not being in until 1 o'clock each morning
sounds swish does it not. Have been to the 
theatre a good deal Heard the famous tenor
Ben Davies a Welshman sing at a Music
Hall last Saturday night was rather dissappointed


enjoyed McCormack much better. Last night
went to The proffesors Love Story it was 
a great show. H.B. Irving the principal 
part and what made it all the nicer
we had a free box 9 wounded officers
from this ward and the doctor ten in
all so you can imagine we had a 
jolly evening. All went into the Savoy 
Hotel for a drink which was served one 
of the chaps gave the waiter £1 for same
we were just going out when he remarked
about the change which had not come to
light. The waiter was taxed and said yes
Sir handing back the £1 we all laughed
and walked out whether he was insulted
at being asked for the change or whether
drunk I do not know but it is the 
only cheap thing I have had in London
to date. Had lunch with the Henly's the 
other day. at their hotel St Ermins at
St James Park. it was great seeing them
again and have an open invitation to go
there when I like also met Dr Vicars
and Elsie Curish. it is passing strange how
one meets different people all over the world.
Was standing waiting for a train on Victoria


station the other day when a charming girl
gave me the glad eye I chipped xxxxxxxxx
excuse wounded soldier well she invited me
to her home at Balham one of the suburbs
meet Mother and generally had a good time
It was simply great being in a private
house again. Have been there on several
occasions Mother is most interesting she
has travelled all over the world. and always
has a bottle of good whiskey on tap
she sings grand opera. has a good
gramaphone and in fact admit I like
Mother better than the daughter Many things
are surly done in war time which would
seem funny in peace time what do you
think. Nearly every afternoon when it is fine
I go for a walk in Hyde Park and
how interesting it is there plenty of people
to see laid ladies riding in Rotten Row
motor cars and all the nuts one sees 
all sorts of funny things. Well my dear
I think that is about all the news at
present shall write again soon lots of love
to all. Bob.


No.4 London Gen. Hos.
Denmark Hill

My dear Mum.
Expect by the time you receive this
letter it will be about Christmas time and
no doubt all at Whanfried will be gay and
merry and know you will all be thinking of
us on this side of the world and of course
we shall be thinking of you all. Hope you all
have a very Merry Christmas & a bright New Year 
and trust 1917 will bring about the end of this
terrible war and allow those of us who are
left to get home again. Have been looking
around London for some little thing to send to
you for Christmas but have seen nothing so
far but eventually shall. I think the leg is 
improving slightly but has not yet healed and 
when healed will require a lot of massage before
it will be much use am staying in this
afternoon to see the surgeon and hear what he
thinks about it. Have an invitation to go
to the country house of some Lord or Duke
somewhere forget the name of the place which


should be all right but do not know when 
I shall be able to get away can hardly 
ask ask the old pot to get a nurse in
especially for me so that my dressing can be
done properly each day. Went and heard Clara
Butt last Saturday afternoon we had Earl Greys'
box at the Albert Hall next to the Kings box
some hot stuff were we not a very excellent
concert it was too all high class stuff
She certainly has a great voice and a charming
manner London streets last Thursday were crowded
it being the Lord Mayors Day.  the procession 
was very good troops of every nation being
represented. bands, postillion riders. and these old
custom coaches that you see in pictures it
was very novel and new to me The out
English crowds are very quiet very little cheering
although German captured guns and airoplanes formed
part of the procession. The only bit of row I 
heard was made by some New Zealand & Canadian
soldiers perched on the roof of Charing Cross
station trust the colonials to cheer these people
up again A huge crowd were at Victoria
station the other afternoon waiting for a leave
train to come in and as the chaps came
along you would have thought it was a
funeral procession instead of being quite lively


as it should have been. Have been going 
to the Trocadero for afternoon tea a lot we 
have great time down there it is a great
place. costs 2/6 but one gets all sorts of nice
things, a beautiful room, ragtime band, and
fine concert every day all the decent cafes here
here are very comfortable and all have excellent
music to say nothing of the interesting people one
sees. Have had no mail since about the 10th
of last September which is pretty rotten still it
is no use growling  I must really go and see
the Henleys again often intend to but never seem
to get out of Piccadilly Circus with its fascinations 
of all descriptions and gaiety. Have no more news
at present kindest remembrances to all and lots
of love to the family sincerely trust we will
all be together for Christmas 1917. from Bob.

Have you been hearing from Nana at all I have
heard nothing from of him for the last 6 weeks
presume he is all right and in France
still doing his bit.


No. 4 London Gen. Hos.
Denmark Hill

My dear Mum.
So glad to receive your letter dated
24th Sept. addressed direct to Horseferry Rd. it is
the first I have had from Australia for about
2 months there must be a terrible lot of my
letters around somewhere if I had thought I
would have been here so long it would have
been much better to send letters direct in fact
you and Jane might have come to London what 
a good time we could have had but of course
I did not expect to be here any longer than 
a month It seems certain I shall be at the 
hospital for Christmas  the surgeon had a look
at my leg last Monday said I was getting
a London look about me and wants me to
go to the sea side for a couple of weeks
so shall probably be sent down to Lady
Dudley's convalescent home at Brighton it will
be a nice change and they tell me a fine 
place each officer has a VAD to himself
very nice too depends on the VAD though.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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