Letters from Robert James Henderson, July - December 1916 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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dil the same which of course we fine fiom. Thut a great chats meant in the ward here who has just gove a Seotthmen by the name of Ellrott a Captain of the Cameron regivent before leaving he asked me if I had any friends in London I told him not me to come particularly so he asked and stay with him he is warried and has a large place Rogart Sutherlands here said he would show we round but was svery he wer of Letrol only allowed a certain amount for her car which would make thres enjoyable still be lirs t would be very pleased if I cared to came along it sounds all right & he is and excepturally nice chat a man about 34yes of age so this chrcken take this trip Whe I has decided to and find am discharged from here get shall how much leave I out couble go to Edinburgh stay a days there then on to Capt Elliotts place for a few days are not pleoble very decent.
Shall be able to talk Scottenst to Father if I return. Tell mick took Given Davies for a fly last Sunday afternoon and evening she is some hot stuff we had a great time and have arranged to have other otings later when mne is not tred donw to time. Expect I shall ha to go and see Hope for a coople of clays later. Saw George Knox (Copt) Nanis Coy commander in trin yesterday he is over on leave for 8 days told me Fane one was OR. 7 wasg firming a party to raid the Germans shortly it is fairly dangerous work this raiding business trust he comes through all right or a nice little wound would not hart a spell across here he would them get good rest? which would give him a would dote on The and a good time. it and of corse throoghly deserves a of getting spell that is the only way one these days the trouble is to get a sweet wound. I should not like a repetition of my little lot. expect it will be fully another week yet before I am these tho when sebtie dischuge all right letter end. until the
W. 4 Kindon. Yen. Hospitul. Tenmark Will 1310. 16. My dear Mun my leg has turned Sorry to say and if not etc doy out me swelling careful may require another operation have gone back to the first stages again insertion confined to of tubes, foments etc and hospital again for rest with the unpleasant the leg will not be all right news that again for another 6 weeks or so. Timply but exhect shall just have rottor luck to put up with it Have been in since last Minday resting the leg, went or so yesterday but out for an hour feel any how this morning it is very hard to get about with tubes running right through ones leg and some painful, so shall just have to take things easily from Have just received an invitation Countess Brussey to attend an At Honce at stunt at her resisdince 24 Park Lane next Teresday afternoon hope I shall be think it is specially able to 9o along
for Austratian officers wounded. it will onr meeting a lot I be a chance chaps and finding out wher they are. been here to see has Menie Hudmarsh she left her address nt me but was the Australian Red at she is working nuolnings only it is Coss. depot in the find you out here wonderful how people her yesterday aft morning I called and saw are going to have and when able we together. Ter brother is some afternoons out across here wounded, also. Had a look Brourdway fones yesterday afternoon the at as cliver as Hiblo man was not half the gurl was very much better than but opinion the show here Niblos wife in my it guat seeing showe excellent was very has seen in Sydney just to here one comparison still plenty to see from a they. have never had out in yet here there is a great rush on the Australia here and very difficult to get a theaties sent at all it is marvellous where are the people come from Will not be going the next 3o 4 days out again for to look after this leg. shall have now
10 want to be chopped up again do not one gets very feel up of staying course of day especially when things are so in all outside. Have just received a fuscinating not know whether from Camden parcel do post mark seemed to say Camden or home mail from Australia the parcel but no contained a pair of socks and a tin lolties thanks very much who of boiled write again soon Shall ever Sent it from Bob to all. lots of love
pull the pr w 1 2 1 p No. H rllen General. Mos. do Wenmark. Wel Lutlin 2410. 16. My dear Mum. Sorry to report my leg is rollo has cmme to a stage the comforinded thing where it seems to stick and will not heal The surgeon had a look at it yesterday and decided not to opirate again for the present sums to have the meantime them thinking a bit in I am stiff & sore ligged with the thing no better than it fortnigh was a hop around with ago fortunately I can is rather it the aid of a but stick git paunful to commencing am and the whole show 8 go feel up o course am out narly every day and but it life my having the time large crowers is not too mee with stips its and a bad leg. however exhects things might be wise still on the other hand they could be better The sister in charge here is very keen to have me cut holife
I shall be about again and if not SayS again, expect if a long time before well I am not cawful shall end up with silly like that a stiff leg or something what trmble a it is indeed astounding Wonder if give. little bullet would can sent about my cable which I Father got fortnight ago. enquired at the Commoncall ti if the £40 was there for Mina Bunk of course it but it had not come but heard may be there now. Have not sime time so exheet for him from France and I hope he is still in all right. He will certainly want some comes acress here it is money if he being in Lindow not the slightest good have been going very money withint living at hospital and in a way lightly only been have shent £50 out having I have a fair but fortnight about a and should be all here money amount indifinitily: Have here not kept if right grand opira lot to the thentie a been going to Faust nixt am has started of the same prople Satunday night some Sydney. Miss Buckman in as played in
Samsin & Dehlak Edna Ihointin in Butterfyz heard before. Went to and others I have it was Pey of my Heart yesterday afternoon Irish girl was great the little simply wonderful Last Sunday afternoon went to it was the Altert Hall to a concent simply splended an excact simili mum to in Sydney the Amitimn Prchishal concerts a splendid Oichestra which playell all high class shiff then a duit from Carmen was sung, also the fewel song from Faust. in confunction with the music Have you ever a been in this hall it is simply the beautiful incide uniderful builting 1 whole place a huge domne and would not like to say how many people it held Thut my eyes on several occasions during the concert and thought I was sitting next to you at the town hall Sydney as of you. Have not done much sight suing in London to date have seen St Panls and the 300 but these things require a lot of walking about thought St Panls very wonderful but sime the cathedrals in France are also very fine they have a beauty at Annens for instance. Pecided to Go to Westminster Abbey to church
140 after the concert last Sunday but alao the city proved too great the attractions yu may think this statement strange but it is just my opinion I have been in Cais & Alexandera in Egght. such places as Murcailler Amnens, Roven, in France & Lindon & ansider the worst morally this place the lust named is simply the lunit. Wne could have a I should say. wonderful time in Londlon much here yet Have not been about very but have learnt many things & seen many things which is indeed an edlucation of us flying in itself. You should see some about in the tubes getting lst its it is great fiom changell 4 times the other day getting from kind St tube to 1iccadilly Cuens which would have been absurd it to anyone knowing the ropes but this sort of thrne afprets all sirts of amusement if not pushed Went through one of the large for time. stores in Of Oxford St the other day Selfridges it is a tumendous place the only place in London you can get Weleome Myset tobaces which cost 18/- her toe same stuff 6/6 in Sydney my experience so for teaches me Australia is the cheapest place to live nearly everything sums cheaper there to me. Will Mu Shall write again sim trust all are well and everything in Boty the garden lovely lots of love
+A ward 71.4 Kindon Gen 160s. London 30. 10.16. my dear Ullum still in hospital although the leg sums to be getting all right and with any luck shall opication can walk much better and dodge another the swelling is going down, but excpect it will be some time yet before getting clear place. Have had quite a busy week enjoyig this myself around Lindon tae afternoon visited the of Commons heard Mr Asquith, Sir Edward thrise speaking these dibates are quite & others Carson to have some more of it. & intend interesting Westminister Aibbey a truly through went also is it not ? Hadl frue tickets wonderful building Peg 6 my Heart & Happay Ma for two thraties Satusday afternoon went with eent to both these office into towo for lunch went a Cunalhan and saw a little bit of Fhiff in the afternoon a very funy fince and after having a splenda I enjoyed dinner went to the opira Faust have booked sents for taales it every munute Satundary. Yesterday afternon nict of doffman

of course we did the same which
meant five four. Met a great chap
in the ward here who has just gone
a Scotchman by the name of Elliott a
Captain of the Cameron regiment before
leaving he asked me if I had any
friends in London I told him not
particularly so he asked me to come
and stay with him he is married
and has a large place at Rogart
Sutherlandshire said he would show
me round but was sorry he was
only allowed a certain amount of petrol
for his car which would make things
xxxx less xxxx enjoyable still he
would be very pleased if I cared to 
come along it sounds all right &
he is and exceptionally nice chap a
man about 34 yrs of age so this chicken
has decided to take this trip When I 
am discharged from here and find
out how much leave I get shall
go to Edinburgh stay a couple of
days there then on to Capt Elliotts
place for a few days are not people
very decent. 


Shall be able to talk Scht Scotland
to father if I return. Tell Mick I
took Gwen Davies for a fly last
Sunday afternoon and evening she is
some hot stuff we had a great time
and have arranged to have other
outings later when one is not tied
down to time. Expect I shall have to
go and see Hope for a couple of days
later. Saw George Knox (Capt) Nanas Coy
commander in town yesterday he is over
on leave for 8 days told me Nana
was OK & was xxx forming one of
a party to raid the Germans shortly
it is fairly dangerous work this raiding
business trust he comes through all right
or a nice little wound would not hurt
he would then get a spell across here
which would give him a good rest?
and a good time he would dote on
it and of course thoroughly deserves a
spell that is the only way of getting
one these days the trouble is to get a
sweet wound. I should not like a
repetition of my little lot. expect it will
be fully another week yet before I am
all right these things when septic discharge
until the bitter end.
Am first going to have my leg dressed then off into the city until
10 pm to-night shall try to get my photo taken to-day one does not
seem to get time to do any thing here such a lot of counter attractions
I suppose. Trust everything is OK. lots of love to all. Bob.
Have only received the one lot of mail from home to date Love. 


No4 London. Gen. Hospital.
Denmark Hill

My dear Mum
Sorry to say my leg has turned
dog on me swelling etc and if not 
careful may require another operation have gone
back to the first stages again insertion
of tubes, foments etc and confined to
hospital again for rest with the unpleasant
news that the leg will not be all right
again for another 6 weeks or so. Simply
rotten luck but expect shall just have
to put up with it Have been in
since last Monday resting the leg went
out for an hour or so yesterday but
feel anyhow this morning it is very hard
to get about with tubes running right
through one's leg and some painful so
shall first have to take things easily.
Have just received an invitation from
Countess Brassey to attend an At House
at stunt at her resisdence 24 Park Lane
next Tuesday afternoon hope I shall be
able to go along think it is specially 


for Australian officers wounded. it will
be a chance of meeting a lot of our
chaps and finding out where they are.
Mimie Hindmarsh has been here to see
me but was out she left her address
she is working at the Australian Red
Cross. depot in the mornings only it is
wonderful how people find you out here
I called and saw her yesterday aft morning
and when able we are going to have
some afternoons out together. Her brother is
across here wounded. also. Had a look
at Broadway Jones yesterday afternoon the
man was not half as clever as Niblo
but the girl was very much better than
Niblo's wife in my opinion the show here
was very excellent it great seeing shows
here one has seen in Sydney just to
form a comparison still plenty to see
here yet they have never had out in
Australia there is a great rush on the
theatres here and very difficult to get a
seat at all it is marvellous where all
the people come from Will not be going
out again for the next 3 or 4 days
now shall have to look after this leg. 


do not want to be chopped up again
of course one gets very fed up of staying
in all day especially when things are so
fascinating outside. Have just received a
parcel do not know whether from Camden
or home post mark seemed to say Camden
but no mail from Australia the parcel
contained a pair of socks and a tin
of boiled lollies Thanks very much who
ever sent it. Shall write again soon
lots of love to all. from Bob.


[*Had photo taken
ready tomorrow
will send them to you
direct from the shop.
in London.
Have only had one lot of
Australian mail but trust
for more some day.

No4 London General. Hos.
Denmark Hill

My dear Mum.
Sorry to report my leg is rotten
the confounded thing has come to a stage
where it seems to stick and will
not heal The surgeon had a look at
it yesterday and decided not to operate
again for the present seems to have
them thinking a bit in the meantime
I am stiff & sore legged with the 
thing no better than it was a fortnight
ago fortunately I can hop around with
the aid of a stick but it is rather
painful and am commencing to get
fed up of the whole show. I go
out nearly every day and of course am
having the time of my life but it
is not too nice with steps etc large crowds
and a bad leg. however expects thing's
might be worse still on the other
hand they could be better The sister in 
charge here is very keen to have me out.



about again and if not says I shall be
a long time before well again. expect if
I am not careful shall end up with
a stiff leg or something silly like that
it is indeed astounding what trouble a
little bullet wound can give. Wonder if
Father got my cable which I sent about
a fortnight ago. enquired at the Commonwealth
Bank if the £40 was there for Nana
but it had not come but of course it
may be there now. Have not heard
from him for some time so expect
he is still in France and I hope
all right. He will certainly want some
money if he comes across here it is
not the slightest good being in London
without money. I have been going very
lightly in a way living at hospital and
have spent £50 having only been out
about a fortnight but I have a fair
amount of money here and should be all
right if not kept here indefinitely. Have
been to the theatre a lot grand opera
has started Am going to Faust next
Saturday night Some of the same people
as played in Sydney. Miss Buckman in 


Butterfly Edna Thornton in Samson & Delilah
and others I have heard before. Went to
Peg of my Heart yesterday afternoon it was
simply great the little Irish girl was
wonderful Last Sunday afternoon went to
the Albert hall to a concert it was 
simply splendid an exact simili Mum to
the Ameteur Orchestral concerts in Sydney
a splendid Orchestra which played all high
class stuff then a duet from Carmen was 
sung. Also the Jewel Song from Faust in
conjunction with the music. Have you ever
been in this hall it is simply a
wonderful building, beautiful inside, the 
whole place a huge dome and would not
like to say how many people it held.
Shut my eyes on several occasions during
the concert and thought I was sitting next
to you at the town hall Sydney as of yore.
Have not done much sight seeing in London
to date have seen St. Pauls and the 300 but
these things require a lot of walking about
Thought St. Pauls very wonderful but some of
the cathedrals in France are also very fine
they have a beauty at Amiens for instance.
Decided to go to Westminster Abbey to church 


after the concert last Sunday but alas
the attractions of the city proved too great
You may think this statement strange but it
is just my opinion I have been in Cairo &
Alexandria in Egypt, such places as Marseilles
Amiens, Rouen, in France & London & consider
the last named the worst morally this place
is simply the limit. One could have a
wonderful time in London I should say.
Have not been about very much here yet
but have learnt many things & seen
many things which is indeed an education
in itself. You should see some of us flying
about in the Tubes getting lost etc it is
great fun changed 4 times the other day
getting from Bond St tube to Piccadilly Circus
which would have been absurd if to anyone
knowing the ropes but this sort of things
affords all sorts of amusement if not pushed
for time. Went through one of the large
stores in Of Oxford St the other day Selfridges
it is a tremendous place the only place in
London you can get Welcome Nugget tobacco which
cost 18/- per lb Same stuff 6/6 in Sydney
my experience so far teaches me Australia
is the cheapest place to live nearly everything
seems cheaper there to me. Well Mum Shall write
again soon trust all are well and everything in 
the garden lovely lots of love  Bob


V & A Ward.
No4 London Gen Hos.

My dear Mum
Still in hospital although the leg seems
to be getting all right and with any luck shall
dodge another operation can walk much better .and
the swelling is xxxxxx going down. but expect
it will be some time yet before getting clear of
this place. Have had quite a busy week enjoying
myself around London  One afternoon visited the
House of Commons heard Mr Asquith, Sir Edward
Carson & others speaking these debates are quite
interesting & intend to have some more of it.
Also went through Westminster Abbey a truly
wonderful building is it not.? Had free tickets
for two theatres Peg O' my Heart & Happy Day
went to both these. Saturday afternoon went with
a Canadian officer into town for lunch went
and saw a Little bit of Fluff in the afternoon
A very funny farce and after having a splendid
dinner went to the opera Faust I enjoyed
every minute of it have booked seats for Tales
of Hoffman next Saturday. Yesterday afternoon

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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