Letters from Robert James Henderson, July - December 1916 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AxW Ward N. 4 General Wshital Kings College Yeumar B. Hell London 219.16 My dear Mum. received the enclosed Just Have from Colonel Tuerrant letter and card who commands the 13th Badlilion Uf not desirve all this ds course and shall h be getting a enlish swelled head if this sort of thing This is the second one of these goes on t have sent to you but cards I am indeed honoured by receiving Colonel more Tusrants letter which I valve tham all the cards or dieviations known. having such We are indeed lucky in yours commanding good men for fficer Col. commmanding Om. late Clo fine but unfortunat Filney was simply has had health he on account of ill to came to England for a shell and am afraid is finished as far as
6 concerned. the is active service see me has been twice here to for me arranged and has also sove g0 to his friends to Scottand for some shooting in enough this is characterise whn well the man. Then Colonel Turrant who o tat is has taken over the battation has been 13th man but an old brigable Mafor for some time past hall a In that copacity we all and I good deal to do with him him he is an get on very well with man and an exceptionally fine young simply great having excuent solder. It is work for you there sort of men to will probably have met his wife, who is a keen worker for the comforts Fernd Had such a nice note from Wllie of days ago they are Kenby a couple indeed good having invited me as their quest to the Grand Hotel S like as long as Ply month for of going shall make a point down & stoying a few days with them lor Uf course they all feel then
3 keenly but are very beave & try to be as cheerful as possible. I have of invitations to go and all sirts England in fact see people all over shall manage 3 do not know how of time at amount with a limited Than you know one my disposal. tear ones self away to will have a town called but from this some place accorting Lonelon it is by is getting The old to all accounts fively now it is fist a week in s to day since the peration wis performed and in a couple more days hope to get up on a wherled chan The little girl who dresses my leg is simbly wonderful and although she has hurt me like the devil. she is very thrrough and competent and I give for saving my her all the credit now tules ete timb. The worst is over Expect I being much smaller & shorter. from home shall not receive any mail that cannot for months now out still is oR. be helped. Trust everything lts of love bair Bib
T&H Ward No. 4 Londlon General Hoshital Kings college Penmark Will Sondon 3 16 25 My dear Mun old still in the same spot but getting along if very icely chair whieled a slowly. Got up on days ago for the first time two was a great change they which not let me put my foot to will yet but I have only ground the tube in the leg now one small forments are discontenued hot the inceseons healing succh the and that the course of another so di should be quite all 3 fortnight to am very ascocins again right this and have a of out get S you can imagine around look not take too kindly to wnild still everyne is very hospital life the nurses & sisture sport me nce
2 gent who drsses little The properly have furious dibates self & my beg day as to how long it will every one can get about even with I be before a stick etc but she is too sheewl and will not commit herself. You in I have several invitationg this go out to the week. Ave to Brierbys to diner one night before next Sunday as they will be out of for some time Lollon after that stant next also an At Hhre at which Atle Widms days afternoon sing then I do Cuisley is going Scottand trip to event to have a they of our officers before with we the most go back the nobdaye to a close of them are drawing no truble in now however anticipate here. Herny getting a congenal mate weking all these plans what I am when one may our to do ete going the a couple of days leave of get you see being in the hospital co long and of course battaling being very clost I officers they send you back right lit. The best thin is y away
3 a small ciuck which keeps you in hospital about a week they. you get about 3 weeks holiday which only absents you from your buttaling a month or so but if here for a month or 6 weeks then added to that another month holiding you can see it is some considerable time to he away. however one may be lucky Any how expect glad to get shall be back after a couple days kicking acound same old story anticipation is better than sealization am fesced I up as fir t0 money is ancerned having the Bank of N.S.W here got to transfer £100 poms my a/c at Annondule to their branch here they have notified me that the money is waiting for me so I shall open a/c with them a currend here Ask Mick to find out what balance I have left at Annandule + let me know in case I wish to send for more also tell him I may have some left over here if I ger shuggell not to forget- to get the baltence back to Anstriba
380 4 The battatin sent me a great mail across a couple of days ago 1 letters from Austrata and a Balmain Creket Report from Bille Bull. I letter from great 3 letters from Lorne tope it was I from you Mun 2 from 1 po Mick from Dag. & 2 from Tame ancy Crodlery 2 Back I think I receive Tell Lorne & letters but do not answer all them know they see the ones as them home and it is not much I write came stuff out twice the lise writing an as ever you see bhn beg as laky when me is in the them again is very limited but field time glad to hear from am always everyone Benng in the hospital has given me a chance to get my to date but exhest up correspondence short again as I am I shall fall and pling bridge now able get wp will ask which no need to bridge or writing letters. choose playing here on Sunday night Greet excitement Monday enveningt. on or rather early The German Echpeli Raid again in sums kindow & districts. The bombe &
fact 3 up as a matter we woke were then a lot of casaulities & dumage about 1/2 a mele from this doe only still it did not worry me hospital cigaratle but smoked a much clothes and went my head under the to stelp again feeling very safe these to me after laids seem very minor the front still a boubardnent at it would be rotton to get a clout over here when away from the brnt would it not you will no doubt get full accounts of these hapers so an raids in the futher shall not dis-curse put about to have my bg drenred Am then a game of auction so will shut up. Hee not heard from tane for the last fortuight but expect- he is right shall write again when all then so simething ching. Please etc Seribble excuse the to all from ot Love also Shall cable about convelepeet when again off to Fhrance to fou the Battalun. M
TA ward No. 4 London. General Hospital Kings College Yenmark Hill Kindon 27.9.16 dear Mum. My The mail closes for Austialia ve America tomorrow at midnight so will write a few limes. Think I wrote a few days ago but have forgotten but expect you cannot have too many and although there is no news still I am in the humer. The old leg is progressing favourably though very slowly have assanged to leave for Scottand next Munday week but after today afraid there is no hope. rather bad tuck as I was trying to go with one of our offices who has deferred his trp until the last week of his leave so as to come with me. The shock came about in this manner One of our medical bourd people came along and asked how long before my leg woould be all right again the Sister told him 30 more days I nearly fell through the floor Swore the Sister told the medical officer she at

A & V Ward
No 4 General Hospital
Kings College
Denmark Hill
21. 9. 16.

My dear Mum
Have just received the enclosed 
letter and card from Colonel Durrant 
who commands the 13th Battalion Of 
course I do not deserve all this 
rubbish and shall hav be getting a 
swelled head if this sort of thing 
goes on.  This is the second one of these 
cards I have sent to you but I 
am indeed honoured by receiving Colonel 
Durrants letter which I value more 
than all the cards or decorations known.
We are indeed lucky in having such 
good men for commanding officers
Our late  Col commanding officer Col. 
Tilvey was simply fine but unfortunately 
on account of ill health he has had 
to come to England for a spell and 
am afraid is finished as far as


active service is concerned. His He 
has been twice here to see me 
and has also arranged for me 
to go to some of his friends 
in Scotland for some shooting 
when well enough. This is characteristic 
of the man. Then Colonel Durrant who 
has taken over the battalion was is 
an old 13th man but has been 
brigade Major for some time past 
yer In that capacity we all had a
good deal to do with him and I 
get on very well with him he is an 
exceptionally fine young man and an 
excellent soldier.  It is simply great having 
these sort of men to work for you
will probably have met his wife who is 
a keen worker for the Comforts Fund.
Had such a nice note from Millie 
Henley a couple of days ago they are 
indeed good having invited me as 
their guest to the Grand Hotel 
Plymouth for as long as I like.
I shall make a point of going 
down & staying a few days with them
Of course they all feel their loss


keenly but are very brave & try to 
be as cheerful as possible.  I have 
all sorts of invitations to go and 
see people all over England in fact
 do not know how I shall manage 
with a limited amount of time at 
my disposal Then you know one
will have to tear ones self away 
from this bit of a town called 
London it is some place according 
to all accounts.  The old leg is getting 
on finely now  it is just a week 
sin to-day since the operation was 
performed and in a couple more days 
hope to get up on a wheeled chair
The little girl who dresses my leg is 
simply wonderful and although she has 
hurt me like the devil she is very 
thorough and of competent and I give 
her all the credit for saving my 
limb.  The worst is over now tubes etc 
being much smaller & shorter.  Expect I 
shall not receive any mail from home 
for months now but still that cannot 
be helped. Trust everything is OK.
lots of love to all




V & A Ward
No 4 London General Hospital
King's College
Denmark Hill

My dear Mum,
Still in the same old 
spot but getting along very nicely if 
slowly. Got up on a wheeled chair 
two days ago for the first time 
which was a great change they 
will not let me put my foot to 
the ground yet but I have only 
one small tube in the leg now 
the hot forments are discontinued 
and the incisions healing nicely 
so that in the course of another 
fortnight I should be quite all 
right again am very anxious to 
get out of this and have a 
look around you can imagine I
would not take too kindly to 
hospital life still everyone is very 
nice the nurses and sisters spoil me


properly The little girl who dresses
my leg and self have furious debates 
every an day as to how long it will 
be before I can get about even with 
a stick etc but she is too shrewd 
and will not commit herself. For
me I have several invitations this 
week. One to go out to the 
Brierley's to dinner one night before 
next Sunday as they will be out of 
London after that for some time 
also an "At Home" stunt next 
Wednesday afternoon at which Ada
Crossley is going to sing then I 
want to have a trip to Scotland
with one of our officers before they 
go back the holidays of the most 
of them are drawing to a close 
now however anticipate no trouble in 
getting a congenial mate here. Funny
making all these plans what I am
going to do etc when one may only
get a couple of days leave if that
You see being in the hospital so long
and of course battalion being very short
of officers they send you back right
away if fit. The best thing is


a small crack which keeps you
in hospital about a week then
you get about 3 weeks holiday
which only absents you from your
battalion a month or so but if
we  here for a month or 6 weeks then
added to that another month
holiday you can see it is some
considerable time to be away.
However one may be lucky Any how
expect I shall be glad to get
back after a couple of days kicking
around same old story anticipation is
better than realization I am fixed
up as far as money is concerned
having got the Bank of N.S.W. here
to transfer £100 from my a/c at
Annandale to their branch here they
have notified me that the money
is waiting for me so I shall open
a current a/c with them here
Ask Mick to find out what
balance I have left at Annandale
& let me know in case I wish
to send for more also tell him I
may have some left over here if I
get slugged not to forget to get the
balance back to Australia


The battalion sent me a great mail
across a couple of days ago 12 letters
from Australia and a Balmain Cricket
Report from Billy Bull. 1 letter from
Hope it was great 3 letters from Lorna
1 from Mick 1 from you Mum 2 from
Lucy Cowdery 2 from Dag & 2 from Jane
Tell Lorna & Jack I think I receive
all their letters but do not answer
them as I know they see the ones
I write home and it is not much
use writing the same stuff out twice
being am so lazy as ever you see When
there again when one is in the
field time is very limited but
am always glad to hear from
everyone Being in the hospital has
given me a chance to get my
correspondence up to date but expect
I shall fall short again as I am
able ^to get up and play bridge now
no need to ask which I will
choose playing bridge or writing letters.
Great excitement here on Sunday night
or rather early on Monday morning.
The German Zeppelin Raid again in
London & districts. The bombs &  guns 


woke me up as a matter of fact
there was were a lot of casaulties & damage
done only about ½ a mile from this
hospital Still it did not worry me
much I smoked a cigarette put
my head under the clothes and went
to sleep again feeling very safe these
raids seem very minor to me after
a bombardment at the front Still
it would be rotten to get a clout
over here when away from the
front would it not. You will no
doubt get full accounts of these
air raids in the papers so
shall not discuss further.
Am just about to have my leg dressed
then a game of auction so will shut
up. Have not heard from Nana for
the last fortnight but expect he is
all right Shall write again when
there is something doing Please
excuse the scribble xxxxx, etc
Love to all from Bob
Shall cable when convalescent also
when again off to France to join
the Battalion. RJH


V & A Ward
No 4 London General Hospital
Kings College
Denmark Hill

My dear Mum,
The mail closes for Australia via
America tomorrow at midnight so will write
a few lines. Think I wrote a few days ago
but have forgotten but expect you cannot have
too many and although there is no news still
I am in the humour. The old leg is progressing
favourably though very slowly. have arranged to
leave for Scotland next Monday week but after
to day afraid there is no hope.  rather bad luck
as I was trying to go with one of our
officers who has deferred his trip until the last
week of his leave so as to come with me.
The set shock came about in this manner
One of our Medical board people came along
and asked how long before my leg could be
all right again the Sister told him 30 more
days I nearly fell through the floor Swore
at the Sister told the medical officer she

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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