Letters from Robert James Henderson, July - December 1916 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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N. 4 London General Hosptor Kings College Tenmark Hill London A.& V Ward 4-9-16 My dear Men Arrived in this great City yesterday afternoon about 5 o clock landed at Southhampton, hospital train from there to Waterloo ctation, thence on to hospital by moter ambulance but being on my back all the time have hath little chance of seeing anything yet however shall make up for at later Have just had my leg under the L Ray but have not heard the resuit yet do not think anything is in it see you clo not worry about me my wound is very clight and before you get this letter will most likely be back in France fighting Have been closing nothing else but travelling since leaving the live Was but about midnight on 29th last month fought on for an hour after being but then had my wound dussell & walked for 5 miles back got lost & raw into a tomny dressing station from there got to row dressing station at
1 131 Albert from thee by motor ambulance to an Officers rest home at Warley where I met Repert Furber who gave me a nice whisken & 1to hospital at soda & bundled me Contay stayed there. one night and went in hospital train to Roven at this place one night then across to Southhampton by hospital ship so you see. I have done some flying about in the last few dwys. Every one has been very nice & kind & do everything they can for you these hospital trains & boats are sumply gorgeons & they fuelt you like kings Still I feel as if I deserved a gooll time now for a bet as we have had a very lough time in France. We have been fighting mostly on the Somme frut having a go for Mogait Farn a great strong hold of the Germans. & beleeve me it has been some stant. There are several other officies from our bbattation here so that when we can all get about what a good time we shall have Also intend to look the good Wohe Yavies up & see what sort of a lass she is. Escheet I shall have lots to tell you later when able to tear around this winderful city. Lot of love to all Bob
A.SW Wark N. 4 Lonllon General Hoshital College Kings Tenenark Hill Loudin. My dear Mam been getting on too well Have not the last few days the wound in my leg lurned septic & gives me fits besitles has sending my temperative up to 103 every night which prevents sleep. & it is quite on the carls and operation will have to be performed to allow the erratating stuff to get away The sister who dresses me & looks after we hurts like the devil inserting tubes and getting of other auties I swear at up to all sirk her a treat but have the utmost confidence her there is no doubt the knows her ir job and when finished I each day one is much easier. am also having a lot of sed hot forments which give me gipp when they first go on. To you see I would sell out at the present moment very cheaply. However with luck there will be a good time coming when dar of this place & sick leave is grented
12 of Austrahn Wrote to the Commonwealth Bank they had £50 if London & asked them there for me from Austrubs telling them for same about I had a cable sent the end of tast Tame by one of our fficers who came to London on leave telling that to date nothing had They replied but they would notify me when came through I was somewhat surprised but same arrived Father did not receive the cable still expect was suspicious however as soon or perhaps convalescent I shall cable again & as I am to send it through shall want ask- Fatter money here having lost most of my of a lot clothes also shall have to get my bett firced up 3 proot telth fallen ot 2 gold fillinge as far as I know shall also take a trip to Scottand or Ireland of possible then of course you will understand how one will shend money in this wonderful city living etc enteadd having a rent good to take this opportunity jast about square anyhow holidy my pay book is the 12/- per day from that will go on hotel expenses. Exbect to get about a fortnights live out of this little lot. Have two 13th officers in the nst 2 beels to me Capt Browning & Capt Murray
6 Browning is having ratter a had time having had an operation on tt his leg with 7 libes insuted so that he is suffering some hain Finy Kell & Wallaek have been up to see me ago they are both well a couble of days again and have both gone to scottand for a week. Then yesterday Ken Pattrick, Mafor Fwynan Colonel Filvey, Mr. Brialey, Edma, & her other daughter came in to see me it was folly descent of them to come also hadl Mrs Tavies and her daughter the letter from people are very kind & apparently of Lwverpood cannot do enough for one. Will dear shall write again soon and let you know how I Trust you are all well & am getting on everything is right at home lots of lono from Bob Nan is all right as far as I know have not seen him or heard of Course him since leaving France Any thing th of August last about the 14h saw him blooming as her usual. Shall he was taken here later & send get my phote some e aews to you.
Ward 1FA Wo. 4 Lonllin General Woshetal Hengs College Feamant Hill London 169.16 thy dunr Munt. having rather have been last a ball time with my leg the few days. The confounded wound lumed the cause of an septer which was operation which they performed last Of course my leg Thursday afternoon is in an awffull state at present 3 large cuts being made and 4 tubes inserted the whole thing is very sore it is dressed twice a day tubes taken put back etc so you can outX iagone all thes is very painful. However now expect the thing to mend rapidly it will be the best part of Although I fortnight a 3 weeks before a Arm shall be able to hop around. when foward to a gool time looking
6 better again. Our late Colonel has me to Scottandl, for some shooting invited Plymouth also Kenleys have invited Sue invitations to go to Liverhool. I have really go and see the Henleys must have never even do you know I first to them since Leche was killed written although I tried I could not but absolutely but shall explain write I see them personally expect when to Mrs. Henley Wern you will write of you have not alreally done so Ruth Murray Prior was here last Thursdlay afternoon finding out what we knew about poor Loly Barton who is missing but having just come up from the opirating theatre I was is a great not feeling too happy she the Anzal worker in connection with me a great Buffet- here she promised I. went down. Edwa Brierly fed when and her sister came in again yesterely two lovely to see me they brought and lots of papers part buskets of them they are it is jolly gooll the hospitals Bnl at 7 both working
the (37 some such here doing hantry work or thing then there are about 18 officers of the 13th battalim some in this Loshital others convaliseent in London they all see me so you see things cme to not too bad. Tell Father not to are any money until I cable again send can arrange without coverying think get the Bank M.SW. here shall him of my current account part transfer to Lydney to thenr branch them in with appears to me to be much here this of doing things then I way better shall have a carrent a/c here will be for able to get a letter of cullit a letter from travelling etc etc. Wall ok and doing Nana yesterday he is cable for money will he wants me to to London I for him to be sent do what I told advised him to am doing when he comes across however if he wants it if he does still I shall cable for him shall probably hear later. Shall cable when convaliscent & able to hop around also when I leave here again for France Best love to all from Bot

3 Sept 16


No 4 London General Hospital
Kings College
Denmark Hill
A & V Ward

My dear Mum
Arrived in this great City yesterday
afternoon about 5 o' clock landed at Southhampton,
hospital train from there to Waterloo station, thence
on to hospital by motor abulance ambulance
but being on my back all the time have had
little chance of seeing anything yet however shall
make up for it later. Have just had my leg
under the X Ray but have not heard the result
yet do not think anything is in it See you
do not worry about me my wound is very slight
and before you get this letter will most likely
be back in France fighting Have been doing
nothing else but travelling since leaving the line
Was hit about midnight on 29th last month
fought on for an hour after being hit then had
my wound dressed & walked for 5 miles back
got lost & ran into a Tommy dressing station
from there got to our own dressing station at


Albert  from there by motor ambulance to an
Officers rest home at Warley where I met
Rupert Fisher who gave me a nice whisky &
soda & bundled me off to hospital at
Contay stayed there one night and went in
hospital train to Rouen at this place
one night then across to Southhampton by
hospital ship so you see I have done some
flying about in the last few days.
Every one has been very nice & kind & do
everything they can for you these hospital
trains & boats are simply gorgeous & they
feed you like kings. Still I feel as if
I deserved a good time now for a bit
as we have had a very rough time in
France. We have been fighting mostly on
the Somme front having a go for Moquet Farm
a great strong hold of the Germans. & believe
me it has been some stunt. There are
several other officers from our battalion here
so that when we can all get about
what a good time we shall have  Also
intend to look the good Hope Davies up
& see what sort of a lass she is. Expect
I shall have lots to tell you later when able
to tear around this wonderful city. Lots of love
to all


A. & V Ward
No 4 London General Hospital
Kings College
Denmark Hill

My dear Mum
Have not been getting on too well
the last few days the wound in my leg
has turned septic & gives me fits besides 
sending my temperature up to 103 every night
which prevents sleep. & it is quite on the
cards an operation will have to be performed
to allow the irritating  stuff to get away.
The sister who dresses me & looks after me
hurts like the devil inserting tubes and getting
up to all sorts of other duties. I swear at
her a treat but have the utmost confidence
in her there is no doubt she knows her
job and when finished the d each day one
is much easier. am also having a lot of red
hot foments which give me gipp when they
first go on. So you see I would sell out
at the present moment very cheaply. However
with luck there will be a good time coming
when done of this place & sick leave is granted


Wrote to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia
London & asked them if they had £50
there for me from Australia telling them
I had a cable sent for same last about
the end of last June by one of our
officers who came to London on leave.
They replied telling that to - date nothing had
come through but they would notify me when
same arrived. I was somewhat surprised but
still expect Father did not receive the cable
or perhaps was suspicious however as soon
as I am convalescent I shall cable again &
ask Father to send it through shall want
a lot of money here having lost most of my
clothes also shall have to get my teeth fixed
up 3 pivot teeth fallen out 2 gold fillings
as far as I know shall also take a trip
to Scotland or Ireland if possible then of course
you will understand how one will spend
money in this wonderful city living etc Intend
to take this opportunity of having a real good
holiday my pay book is just about square anyhow
the 12/- per day from that will go on hotel
expenses. Expect to get about a fortnights leave
out of this little lot. Have two 13th officers in
the next 2 beds to me Capt Browning & Capt Murray


Browning is having rather a hard time having
had an operation on tt his leg with 7 tubes
inserted so that he is suffering some pain.
Tiny Kell & Wallach have been up to see me
a couple of days ago they are both well
again and have both gone to Scotland for
a week. Then yesterday Ken Pattrick, Major Tevynan
Colonel Tilney, Mrs. Brialey, Edna, & her other
daughter came in to see me was it was
jolly descent of them to come also had
letters from Mrs Davies and her daughter Hope 
of Liverpool people are very kind & apparently
cannot do enough for one. Well dear shall
write again soon and let you know how I
am getting on Trust you are all well &
everything is right at home lots of love from
Nana is all right as far as I know
of course have not seen him or heard
anything of him since leaving France
Saw him last about the 14th  of August
he was blooming as per usual. Shall
get my photo taken here later & send
you the some across to you. 


V & A Ward
No 4 London General Hospital
Kings College
Denmark Hill

My dear Mum.
Have been having rather
a bad time with my leg the last
few days. The confounded wound turned
septic which was the  cause of an
operation which they performed last
Thursday afternoon. Of course my leg
is in an awffoll state at present
3 large cuts being made and 4 tubes
inserted the whole thing is very sore it
is dressed twice a day tubes taken
out & put back etc so you can
imagine all this is very painful. However
expect the thing to mend rapidly now 
although it will be the best part of
a fortnight or 3 weeks before I 
shall be able to hop around. Am
looking forward to a good time when 


better again. Our late Colonel has
invited me to Scotland for some shooting
Henley's have invited me to Plymouth also
have invitations to go to Liverpool I
must really go and see the Henley's
first. do you know I have never even
written to them since Leslie was killed 
but although I tried I could not
write absolutely but shall explain.
when I see them personally expect
you will write to Mrs Henley Mum
if you have not already done so.
Ruth Murray-Prior was here last
Thursday afternoon finding out what we
knew about poor Toby Barton who is
missing but having just come up
from the operating theatre I was
not feeling too happy she is a great 
worker in connection with the Anzac
Buffet here she promised me a great 
feed when I went down. Edna Brierly
and her sister came in again yesterday
to see me they brought two lovely 
baskets of fruit and lots of papers
it is jolly good of them they are
both working at one of the hospitals 


here doing pantry work or some such 
thing then there are about 18 officers
of the 13th battalion some in this hospital
others convalescent in London they all
come to see me so you see things
are not too bad. Tell Father not to
send any money until I cable again
think I can arrange without worrying
him shall get the Bank N.SW. here
to transfer part of my current account
with them in Sydney to their branch 
here this appears to me to be a much
the better way of doing things then I 
shall have a current a/c here will be
able to get a letter of credit for
travelling, etc etc.   Had a letter from 
Nana yesterday he is OK and doing 
well he wants me to cable for money
for him to be sent to London I 
told advised him to do what I
am doing when he comes across
if he does. however if he wants it
still I shall cable for him shall
probably hear later. Shall cable when
convalescent & able to hop around also
when I leave here again for France.
Best love to all from Bob



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