Letters from Robert James Henderson, July - December 1916 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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France 18/8/16 My dear Aun of soliting Sorry had I have no chance have just letter as we for some time last line firing come from the where beleeve me those have been through hell of us who are left about sixc times It is not a bit of use trying 0 whole thing to tell you anything about it the to be endescribable & am doing is so ghastly as my level best to get the whole thing out ble hast is endeed hard mind which dny which you will see some very severe fighting brought houghly half by our causality we lest 23 officers we battalion out and out the of to tell lost the take Now I 7 am here Almegaty Providence alone knows. but outsille a few scratches & apset nerves am safe at work again eeorganizig sound and hard the 20 on training for another Ready th see they do not of this month So you 29 that is the give us much a spell worst of having a reputation live up to mne after coming you would not have recognised & Bloody, boots out a beard clothes all toln &no wash a week socks not for
sleck with I wnet of all 20 of any discription very little food cryed like babres X water we all night out devil the first & swore like the was terribly annoyed with my self not being able to control my feelings. The officers we lost were as follows. A toy Toby Barton who bye the bys old Fby who played tenms at Rolbos is the same who Mick knows the Gladeswille pople be is messing am inclined to think wounded & a prisoner of the light I was with him in one part killed B ly Les. Henley Ralf Kell slighty wninded poor lestee was killed just near me on our way tunches it was indeed bad luck out from the were well behind the firing line when a shell we burst & hit him so that you see one is not safe until some miles away everywe is terribly apset for he was dearly loved by all shall write to his brther when I can collect my thoughts Then Frc Capt) was hit & left in B0 Mans heard he was wounded & crawted out Land I 2 o'Clock in the morning trying to find him at a jst exciting time surrounded by Germane bad to dodge them crawking had the good luck but my stomacks from shell hole to shell hole on foor yerry the Germans but alas could not find came. & captured him when day light found Lem he Hen Pattreck got a hit on the hard
him hi Mo Mn lan tallenc to was 4i13 on flying all awend us & bullets with shill fire track back him on the right trying to put was wounded Heville Wallack to our trenches There are just a few of our in the arm 9 you know or know think officcis who K Hendercon is missing Oh one more Capt think it is De, brther do not mex him up Wick knows him I think to Mayore Henderson We all did very good work 13th again you know but got to terribly cut up as becomes terribly one a sicult it is indeed sal working leving fellow all these attached to lot 9 had together Qrate Jobng having hand plation bombing excitement with the of course but goes with the Huns to land these fillows will lost some of my leave lalts them follow you to hell as long as you leed as they do one and tike the same risks o with a cople incident which pleased me came to trench my bien in a German lot smake bomb a I the a 30 ft deep dug-out 3of them to come out in and called on Frity down there any more were came up & I asked if later another came minutes t no a couple he saill called the one who then up one of my ment & put his bayonet through 210 lear saidl a deserved it & one but cold blooded he seems him
Conot had worked along too careful lol be if have come out this fellow the trench would behind and that us from I must also please to robbing dead Germans for papers guilty quite a lit if useful X information collected bed t interesting gray Am Jurst information Lenetog tmorn hill this tumbling letter finish nough of to trying relate wer experiences am trying to f it out my mend shall tell you all about get these incidents of lucky enough to return some Have Church paradle and just returned from day of the enclosed card congratulationg from received Got General Cor who division our Commends I a great surprise my name sent on to being Colonel General from our ame commencing the something speceal must have done think to see one only did but as far I as can will cost him 5/6 ones duty it Fell Wick hands to. day to sheak to we shaking X Geverals etc Plu dear congratulated by being might have card framed + keep it this you for me. He wrist- thing one this sort of line up now which has a reputation to risks be all sorts course will entail Received this sort of thing must go on tobacco socks a parcel yesterday with sweets X brobe etc yesterday also 10 letters 7 from
& 3 from England. It was simply Anctralen grent but do not know when I shall be able to answer them all. The letters from for Hope Yavics were bosca am on a great time in England of ever lucky ennigh to get across there the only chance a decent sort of a sune to be to get the qrstion being out of wound leave intend to carry on and however pirt cond bit as far as to my little lleave the rest to a amtle able too alarmed p not get higher hower receive letters regularly 7 you do not y in & out fighting etc for we shall be to impossible to write & it is next mail away shall cable letters & get & let you know of first opportunity yesterday to he is OK. San Mana arn this & doing well. Excuse hate & hearty epset am turibly very bamn letter but do in more ways than one & hope to better next time bue to all. from Bob.
P5 received my fecone stay about dge harly forgor fretuy on K14 en der £4 t en 26 k tngh e3 X Acton 4 c be tl right the il 4 wl A theon fe 2 th 25 sl 12 tr wnds luck the 4 1 fr watke ten thes n went n r i 5 had Le lef E Gnl 4 Hosetad tell bee l still ba coul gean b fan X her 2 pin X efind the My lone eht 25 fel e le t 4 popet rack We dres clea a a 42 W l 2e4 18 le and 2 beg have sper psd e thing arfied be which 4 tak ti +
Hapti nt a Str an yared stet nter ther a 4 d l Honee i 2 ar week 4 fer Aar 4 hast 2 from London 6 ask in to 12 44 clothe por t my snd as Sh Ae labled t seater stal fla London Macher me hopte l ill e t Charmen tald you to Lews Farur £2 pi fell wifh for t sitte on fis Ns taking exprne 3ot 2 pnfl al 2 h wd f Sondon fa X efcegne Fath Ym e 4 1 fior 6 l t 84 0 20 fn X in 2 ect 2d 2 wred Money e C 2 d0 $ fro bbe Englesh s i an for a Cir p on t s t 4 afm eas
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shall have 2l 46 letter Wt Sha lucky all 4 tell to you have planty have ain sent some a4 get ie tnough shall see a ad i & lot quite the 40 tation be England bit and line the anothe pert Ale going badly it rest Ogt which after 2 left needs 2 1 that who 200 nrr it 1 strong i doubt to espfrcin fe had notwitheta It stert about whch previous after the Atters fom iny lark l you told 4 Mang action will iy Expect this Asigalle I thenk his rele ifg were nigh he hult all thrugh hope ours my all with behind turb Am Lane Escpecd shall but hondlence ce day few for 4 my to Me have shall to Seuere 30 thence lp calfle shall 1ell Father for white more short Aw in money 4 tle it able to be Should Lindon all that right afore See Week 23 gi lls all to love Sfall Sym write Bob


My dear Mum
Sorry I have had no chance of writing
letters for some time past as we have first
come from the firing line where believe me those
of us who are left have been through hell
about six times. It is not a bit of use trying
to tell you anything about it the whole thing
is so ghastly as to be indescribable & am doing
my level best to get the whole thing out of
my mind which is indeed hard. We had
some very severe fighting which you will see
by our causality list we brought roughly half
the battalion out and out of 23 officers we
lost 17. How I am here to tell the tale
almighty Providence alone knows. but outside
a few scratches & upset nerves am safe &
sound and hard at work again reorganising
& training ready for another go on the
29th of this month so you see they do not
give us much of a spell that is the
worst of having a reputation to live up to
You would not have recognised me after coming
out a beard clothes all torn & bloody, boots
& socks not off for a week, & no wash


of any description & worst of all no sleep. with
very little food & water we all cryed like babies
& swore like the devil the first night out I
was terribly annoyed with myself not being able
to control my feelings. The officers we lost were
as follows A Coy Toby Barton missing who bye the bye
is the same old Toby who played tennis at Robbos &
who Mick knows, the Gladesville people he is
missing am inclined to think wounded & a prisoner
I was with him in our part of the fight.
Ralf Kell slightly wounded B Coy Les. Henley killed
poor Leslie was killed just near me on our way
out from the trenches it was indeed bad luck
we were well behind the firing line when a shell
burst & hit him so that you see one is not
safe until some miles away every one is terribly
upset for he was dearly loved by all Shall
write to his Mother when I can collect my thoughts
then (Gerry Fox Capt) was hit & left in No Mans
Land I heard he was wounded & crawled out
at 2 o'clock in the morning trying to find him
had a most exciting time surrounded by Germans
but had the good luck to dodge them crawling
on my stomach from shell hole to shell hole
but alas could not find poor Gerry the Germans
found him when daylight came & captured him
then Pattrick got a hit where on the part he


sits on was talking to him in No Mans Land
with shell fire & bullets flying all around us
trying to put him on the right track back
to our trenches Neville Wallach was wounded
in the arm These are just a few of our
officers who I think you know or know of
Oh one more Capt J.K Henderson is missing
do not mix him up & think it is I, brother
to Marjorie Henderson Mick knows him I think.
We all did very good work 13th again you
know we but got to terribly cut up as
a result it is indeed sad one becomes terribly
attached to all these fellows living, working,
joking together etc. I had quite a lot of
excitement with the bombing platoon having hand
to hand goes with the Huns but of course
lost some of my brave lads these fellows will
follow you to hell as long as you lead them
and take the same risks as they do One
incident which pleased me with a couple of
my men in a German trench we came to
a 30 ft deep dug-out I threw a smoke bomb
in and called on Fritz to come out 3 of them
came up & I asked if any more were down there
he said no a couple of minutes later another came
up one of my men then called the one who
said no a - liar & put his bayonet through
him seems cold blooded but he deserved it & one


cannot be too careful if we had worked along
the trench this fellow would have come out
and shot us from behind I must also plead
guilty to robbing dead Germans for papers
& information collected quite a lot of useful
& interesting information Am just going to bed
will finish this rambling letter tomorrow Sunday. Enough
of trying to relate war experiences am trying to
get it out of my mind shall tell you all about
these incidents if lucky enough to return some
day. Have just returned from Church parade and
received the enclosed card of congratulations from
General Cox who commands our division I got
a great surprise my name being sent on to
the General from our Colonel am commencing
to think I must have done something special
but as far as I can see one only did
ones duty. Tell Mick it will cost him 5/6
to speak to me to-day shaking hands &
being congratulated by Generals etc. Mum dear
you might have this card framed & keep it
for me. The worst of this sort of thing one
has a reputation to live up to now which
of course will entail all sorts of risks but
this sort of thing must go on. Received
a parcel yesterday with sweets, tobacco, socks
& a book etc yesterday also 10 letters 7 from


Australia & 3 from England. It was simply
great but do not know when I shall be
able to answer them all. The letters from
Hope Davies were bosca am in for
a great time in England if ever lucky
enough to get across there the only chance
seems to be to get a decent sort of a
wound leave being out of the question
however first intend to carry on and
do my little bit as far as I am
amable able & leave the rest to a
higher power Do not get too alarmed
if you do not receive letters regularly
for we shall be in & out fighting etc
& it is next to impossible to write
letters & get mail away Shall cable
first opportunity & let you know if I
am OK. Saw Nana yesterday is he is
hale & hearty & doing well. Excuse this
very bum letter but am terribly upset
in more ways than one & hope to do
better next time love to all. From




[*P.S Received my second star about a
fortnight ago nearly forgot to tell
you. RJH.*]
Hospital Ship
My dear mum
Just a few times to let
you know I am still alive and
kicking although I can assure you
it is not my fault. We have been
in action again and as per usual
were badly cut up. I am wounded
in the right leg above the knee
a bullet from a Machine Gun passing
right through without touching a bone
it is simply marvellous being in
the midst of high explovise shells
shrapnel, bombs, etc & having the
luck to stop a single bullet through
a soft part of the leg. I carried
on fighting for 1 hour after being
hit then walked back 5 miles which
took me 5 hrs to a dressing station
from there went to a clearing
station from there hospital train to
Rouen which place we have just
left for England We are passing


down a beautiful river but cannot
[[s?]] anything being in bed with a
timber yard stick on the side of
my leg they are taking no risks
of further complications setting in.
However am quite all right and hope
to be hopping around London in
about a weeks time having a
good time. Trust Father received
a cable I had sent to him
from London a couple of months
ago asking for £50 to be sent
to London as I have most of my
clothes & things kicking around
France & expect shall lose same
and as my pay book is pretty
dry I shall require extra money.
Cabled to Father from Rouen
yesterday, shall cable again when
reaching London Was in an English
hospital at Rouen for a couple
of days & had the time of
my life. The sisters were most
charming & talk about look after
you. It was simply great


have been living on the fat of
the land still we have had a
very rough time and shall be
glad of a spell I expect to
be back again with the battalion
in a months time but shall
try to get a little time off
to have a look around England
also to have my teeth fixed
up they are in a dreadful
condition We lost 8 officers this
stunt up to the time I left the
front line & a lot of men
I have a fellow friend officer with
me here from the battalion Lieut
Browning his father is a member
of the Union Club Dad will probably
know him strange to say he is
hit practically in the same spot
as myself it is great having
the two of us being together
All our chaps previously wounded
are in England, Kell, Pattrick
Wallach etc etc what a good time


we shall all have together Shall
have plenty to tell you all if lucky
enough to get home again have seen
quite a lot of France & shall see a
bit of England and the battalion is
going into another part of the line
aga after a rest which it badly
needs that is what is left of it
I doubt if it is 200 strong now
notwithstanding we had reinforcements
after the previous stunt about which
I told you in my last letters home.
Expect Nana will be in action by this
I think his brigade were releiving
ours hope he pulls through all right
Am terribly behind with all my
correspondence but expect shall have
to rest my leg for a few days
so shall have a chance to square
up Tell Father I shall cable for
more money if I run short while in
London I should be able to meet it
all right see Mick about that
Shall write again soon lots of love to all

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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