Letters from Robert James Henderson, July - December 1916 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Grane 3.7.16. My dear Mun We are once again in the thick against Frity this time insteadt of the fighting and although we have only of Foe Burke been firing line a very short while in the have been large several officers our casualities + men having left us killed, wounded and has us chance if caught shock. One Shell shells, bombs etc the Germans with the large acrors. of course he gets something to go send with from us also it is a perfect hill on when these artillery dents start and they do start every day and night I have seen some awful sights already men having thenr heads etc but why talk of these blown cleard 4 things I do not know of you will receive this letter or previous ones written from France we do not know any thing about postal arrangewents yet however will chance to luck. I have just came away from the trenches for 5 days to attend a bombing school where I am writing
this letter from at present. It is st about 10 miles from the trenches and situated in an edeal shot pretty farms around plenly of crops; cherny trees, ito the Lidges and walks are simply lovely I am doting on the s, milk, butte rest and beautiful scency, fresh. etc for while in the vrenches you get no sleep and a hell of a row going on all the while which is very nere racking have had escapes from shrapnet & shill several husrow am down but so far have been luicky I something about bounts having been here learning detailed for bombing officer to the battalion of course it is a very tricky fob and expect to be blown up with the rotten things sooner or later which If course is all in the game. Bombing plays a large part in the war here raids on the enen's trenches etc so if bucky enough to pull through will have had some great experiences course may be a exciting stunts which of H atter received you wonder if bit too exciting t sent acrors with a cable from me I
6 Pavis-one of our officers who went London on leave and got him to send it across from there saying I was in Fravee & well also asked for £50 to Commonweallh Bank Londlon be sent to the getting across yet all o There is no chance leave having been stopped. Since we went into the truches however I have a sort of feeling I shall go to England sooner Ir later and shall then have some me of unlucky money there waiting for presume there will be no course 8 trouble about getting them to send it back home to Austinlia. Tell Lowne I received her letter dated 14-5-16 also 2 heralds and splashes from home in the trenchs a couple of days ago and was very pleased to hear the news also received letter from you Mun & Wick while billetted a little behind the firing lie first answered mieks and this is the of writing Since Excheet I have had opportunity the brg push on you will get accounts in Anitialia every body is very thes front
slated & the Loudon papers very cheerful but have all a lot to put wt I think we lot of hard fighting before with also a the Huns. However I trust settling with business will be over shortly this awful seen Hana yet, but think I have not will be going into the his battalion now. but expect you trenches Avy time Will I could ramble on hea from him. Sorts a long time telling you of all for experiences pleasant and otherwise but of can do nothing else but steek here having had none for 4 nights previous to coming cannot settle down to here in fact go to sleep lictures work and during this war businers is no so that you see joke Fighting on the Peninsular as far as my to this and all experience goes was a baby the old hands are of a simeliar exherience Shall write again soon trust all are well from Boby love to all and send lots of w
Shrane 2.816 dear Manl My for written Sorry I have not been about 10 days or so but we have one miving about from so busy marching one weather. wilh hot place to another and each day is very tired at the enc live again are very close to the fuling We be at any well in it again 5 and expect we haveal dimbed our time fact in Aud are to be ready to more here striff I and cannot hours notice verry at ot towns etc we stay at mention names make a through which would and pass more enterestng Hall a bittle letter much champagoe with Rupert Furber last iight 4 Field Ambulance here he is with the & is very well incidentilly told him expected to see him professionally shortly send me durict on to and squared him peomised to do he wndon which to
(3 is in this lone Taylor Also beleve Bobby but have not yet Nava -hen into him behind us somewhere, but fust to him as cannot get away to see we any monnent so that it may move at from go far away wisl is not to I am now Battalu Kimbirg the battation 1 ch officer and am responsible for lraning timbers also each ofmy own platoon of battali as that Companys bombers in the at present kine wriking I am the hard shall be all my troubles however expect the battaliig returning over shortty as of seen terribly short live from the is very entiusting work timbers but it can throw as for if I and find as any one further and not as accurate cucket) so the battalun (thanks to in any Geeman given a fair duel with that wnst sure he would get the feet There have been several bombirg it platoons against the German duels our bombing last one I heard 9 on this frent the lasted for 2 hours out of 36 mestly
(3) alive. and two of our chaps came out who there was one aferman left fancy the Yuss thee in the shonge excitement in a wood for instance it will to get in glad always do we shall be & finish this show the way or another game but this and getting feel up 1 fuel mne is doing all the same sort not like to be back wis duty and should without a reasonable in Lydney at present dear eschect all this excuse Never kind Mum will be over some day terrible business they say you know the first five is always the worst any war years are at present We think. do. You what Ence French gul very billeted with a play anction briedge both Mother & her I have a good letter will also make then we bay all sorts fine gramaphone supper each wisht of wce things for badly Have been too so am not doing my chaps throwng out this afternoon with for practice we had some live bombs created much competations which great
B amongst the boys when fineshell kiners I had ssome sevolver practice + bombing free bottle managed to win a Yesterday I saw chamhogne over it 15 arroplanes flying just alove me and they all landed with 10yds of me also from the same shot it 6 others ascended was most enteresting and one the finert sights I have ever seen you will never and see Bid mme to pay 5/- Eo to fireworks or authlones again have also seen between the Hunns fishts good an some we have them well bluffed and ourselves Have is a most interesting spectacle it received letters for some time except not all doubt England but have us from it. this mving about accounts for Will we have a night stunt on tought will have to go & do a bit but Ao having some supper when we get back are to all shall write again lots of lone at just opportunity fom Bot
- 7011


My dear Mum
We are once again in the thick
of the fighting against Fritz this time instead
of Joe Burke and although we have only
been in the firing line a very short while
our casualties have been large several officers
and men haveing left us killed, wounded, &
shell shock. One has no chance if caught
with the large shells, bombs etc the Germans
send across. of course he gets something to go
on with from us.  also it is a perfect hell
when these artillery duels start and they do
start every day and night I have seen some
awful sights already men having their heads
blown clean off etc but why talk of these
things I do not know if you will receive this
letter or previous ones written from France we
do not know anything about postal arrangements
yet.  however will chance to luck. I have just
come away from the trenches for 5 days to
attend a bombing school where I am writing


this letter from  at present. It is situated
about 10 miles from the trenches and situated
in an ideal spot pretty farms around plenty
of crops, cherry trees, etc the hedges and walks
are simply lovely I am doting on the
rest and beautiful scenery, fresh eggs, milk, butter
etc for while in the trenches you get no
sleep and a hell of a row going on all the
while which is very nerve racking have had
several narrow escapes from shrapnel & shell
but so far have been lucky I am down
here learning something about bombs having been
detailed for bombing officer to the battalion
of course it is a very tick tricky job and
expect to be blown up with the rotten things
sooner or later which of course is all in
the game. Bombing plays a large part in
the war here raids on the enemy's trenches
etc so if lucky enough to pull through
will have had some great experiences
exciting stunts which of course may be a
bit too exciting I wonder if you Father received
a cable from me I sent across with Mr.


Davis one of our officers who went to
London on leave and got him to send
it across from there saying I was in
France & well also asked for £50 to
be sent to the Commonwealth Bank London
There is no chance of getting across yet all
leave having been stopped since we went
into the trenches however I have a sort
of feeling I shall go to England sooner
or later and shall then have some the
money there waiting for me if unlucky
of course I presume there will be no
trouble about getting them to send it back
home. to Australia. Tell Lorna I received her
letter dated 14-5-16 also 2 heralds and splashes
from home in the trenches a couple of days
ago and was very pleased to hear the news
also received letter from you Mum & Mick
while billeted a little behind the firing line
answered Micks and this is the first
opportunity I have had of writing since Expect
you will get accounts of the big push on
this front in Australia everybody is very


elated & the London papers very cheerful but
I think we have all a lot to put up
with also a lot of hard fighting before
settling with the Huns. However I trust
this awful business will be over shortly.
I have not seen Nana yet but think
his battalion will be going into the
trenches any time now. but expect you
hear from him. Well I could ramble on
for a long time telling you of all sorts
of experiences pleasant and otherwise but
can do nothing else but sleep here having
had none for 4 nights previous to coming
here. in fact I cannot settle down to
work and during lectures yo go to sleep.
so that you see this war business is no
joke Fighting on the Peninsular as far as my
experience goes was a baby to this and all
the old hands are of a similar experience
Shall write again soon trust all are well
and send lots of love to all from Bob.




My dear Mum
Sorry I have not written for
about 10 days or so but we have been
so busy moving about marching from one
place to another and with hot weather one
is very tired at the end of each day.
We are very close to the firing line again
and expect to be well in it again at any
time in fact we have all dumped our
stuff here and are to be ready to move
out at an hours notice Sorry I cannot
mention names of towns etc we stay at
and pass through which would make a
letter much more interesting Had a bottle of
champagne with Rupert Furber last night
here he is with the 4th Field Ambulance
& is very well incidentally told him I
expected to see him professionally shortly
and squared him to send me direct on
to London which he promised to do.


Also believe Bobby Taylor is in this town
but have not yet run into him.  Nana
is just behind us somewhere but
cannot get away to see him as we
may move at any moment so that it
is not wise to go far away from
the battalion. I am now Battalion Bombing
officer and am responsible for training etc
of my own platoon of bombers also U each
Companys bombers in the battalion so that
I am the hard working king at present
however expect all my troubles shall be
over shortly as the battalions returning
from the line seem terribly short of
bombers but it is very interesting work
and find I can throw as far if
not further and as accurately as any one
in the battalion (thanks to cricket) so
that given a fair duel with any German
feel sure he would get the worst of
it There have been several duels bombing
duels our bombing platoons against the Germans
on this front the last one I heard of
recently was lasted for 2 hours out of 36


two of our chaps came out alive and
there was one German left who xxxxxxxx
threw in the sponge Just fancy the
excitement in a word for instance it will
always do me shall be glad to get in
& finish this show one way or another
am getting feed up of this game but
all the same sort of feel one is doing
ones duty and should not like to be back
in Sydney at present without a reasonable
excuse Never mind Mum dear expect all this
terrible business will be over some day or
then they say you know the first five
years of any war is always the worst
what do you think.  We are at present
billeted with a very nice French girl
& her Mother both play auction bridge
well also make good cider & have a
fine gramaphone then we buy all sorts
of nice things for supper each night
so am not doing too badly Have been
out this afternoon with my chaps throwing
live bombs for practice we had some
great competitions which created much


keeness amongst the boys When finished
bombing I had some revolver practice &
managed to win a free bottle of
champagne over it. Yesterday I saw
15 airoplanes flying just above me and
they all landed with 10 yds of me also
6 others ascended from the same spot it
was most interesting and one of the finest
sights I have ever seen You will never
kid me to pay 5/- to go and see
fireworks or airoplanes again have also seen
some good air fights between the Huns
and ourselves we have them well bluffed
it is a most interesting spectacle. Have
not received letters for some time except
from England but have no doubt all
this moving about accounts for it.
Well we have a night stunt on tonight
so will have to go & do a bit but
are having some supper when we get back
lots of love to all shall write again
at first opportunity from Bob



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