Letters from Robert James Henderson, January - June 1916 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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(4) Henley Hast a long Mr into talk to him and a great it is a bly asornd Alexe great place situated right on the water and very to much better puttery I like bye the bye tell than caers & here a bels. Jame sent from these which buckle hope she receives all right lote We arrwell back at totel at I am on Tuesday and caught the gocher cowenin the same day train to Carro nown then at seaching there the Continental to O0e went the sest ened when I Hotel family the Benloy I was see them all ply glad t they are having time the their life the girls enforiving
15 Had every thing immensely quite to givld evening in Cairo & left there 7 am hire wellunsday morning alewng the same abt 50 cha Klene now day. Tell Wick t 6f. atterest ay allolment her day which should go anl You Cmandale my afc NSw let Mr. Yonvgkne also nught the Elictric Light Cy. know that I have received a crice carrie concumiion which which I suppose pear extre caneel any payment will Shall fie from oota hem but he wershd te write not get the letter then mish be enclused to think that I was coming on the sentioned double Thenk I
16) letter that I ber my last received the £35 pounds all and it has been most right of course I shent it useful all but have had the time of my life and exhect I shall not get any suore leave for come cnsillerable time. Tusling home all well at you are write K. shall everthing And live to all best Allrn somn Bob Enclor pheb. A yd Apr. th
Serspen 30.3.16 My dear Lora Expect you have been down to Austerner and bong a time as her had a usual. Where we are at prsend about for Swemming is OR the canal a mile or so from barade we have a sweing about every two dleys it is sendly great the water beautifully fresh and clean if a P..0 or Prient and bout is going through the to them lads surim ont & get agarettes etc also tols good wishes from the s passengers of anise the stipulation is that when
12) boats passes one of these keep under we must all afternoon I slam water. Yesterdlay opposite shre devrs to the seee from erewell the t there there were about 2000 water stitched kesk in the but fo eling the bank. And the turf was excatty like heanly or Bonde. being near the caual is the only redeem fenture about this place which deems to be in the wnidell desert kuudeads of the from no where. it is mites very dusty and becoming hot so that we damed all be glad when shall to a secorie on we get hel that is if France go there which seems like
(3) f Am doting on the thought to possibly getting a trip te England for accortling bad reports from fellws have the have returned the there Have first time of their lives 3 Enfanbry completed to consse traing in the officers class the School Instruction an ad Zectorm I dill very well with one over 90/ having arsccted will pet paper not the firad sesuet later. When Fet sat Rebin I arrived back at pound the bettalion had first left on a 40 miles murch to this place of cousse I was to sorry. So decided to have 3 more days allow them to arrive at destination and settle sorm their
64 recanture I deased Sn the had a Alexanders to of around so gooll fly riphing did nnod that fact der go to bed have to time Mr Henley there and had Met with hims o alm long a same hoted staed as the he waded & when leeving sorts of thing mne up with all tolace agaie its it bielies him especially fobly desent other friends as I had with me still he coaded then upo Only spent one in ClexcS then day & night Cairo put ah went on to whaat the Continental thtet Af there is very swank while san into Mer Knley and 9 was bosk the giels et
157 meeting them and having a long talk about everything in general write home are going to Shey her what to blen and tell etc. Staged bal by I am a and night in thero one cleay picked up the battalion othrn and havig started work aain few days have had e Last life in llee 7 lime aanding admt lano and fou clangs the casd $50 in leave th you to imagine will a land whato I have had. Of course being an officer now of leent tolove been able to do anything I likeed stay at the swant all nsht hotels stay out etc. to Leequets it to left every about I have
1h and am gan section now the t attacted to H company 13 Batt with Cast Barton as which the company commander is great for me kowing him a to Sisbe Henley to well. captain now very hod stuff is te so veay well & the not in command to company is 2nd adcived down yesterad Hane Just Ball having with the 45 Feb- et. Reber marchaed from a distance of 40 miles he was O.R. & very fit they are cawked about yes of a mide from us he came actors to see I would me he thought mait & He thousht have some hame some snstead he urried the dsapointiet great was of ns had any. when neather
17 However there may be something here for me shall enquire when they get settlest foodenly in Plenly of lome for this shot yousel Jack the kid & hope his damed wer will som be over so that os man get home & will be able See you all again aan frrm B00

into Mr Henley. Had a long
talk to him and a great
fly around Alexs it is a
great place situated right
on the water and very
pretty I like it much better
than Cairo & bye the bye tell
Jane I sent her a belt
buckle from there which I 
hope she receives all right
We arrived back at the 
Hotel at 2 am on Tuesday
morning and caught the 9 o clock
train to Cairo the same day
reaching there at noon then 
went on to the Continental
Hotel where I met the rest
of the Henley family I was
jolly glad to see them all
they are having the time of
their life the girls enjoying


everything immensely Had
quite a good evening in
Cairo & left there 7 am
Wednesday morning arriving here
about 5 o'clock the same
day. Tell Mick I have now
altered my allotment to 6/-
per day which should go into
my a/c NSW Annandale You
might also let Mr Donoghue
of the Electric Light Coy. know
that I have received a 
commission which of course carries
extra pay which I suppose
will cancel any payment
from the office I shall
write to him but he might
not get the letter then might
be inclined to think that
I was coming on the
double Think I mentioned


in my last letter that I 
received the ₤35 pounds all
right and it has been most
useful of course I spent it
all but have had the time
of my life and expect I shall
not get any more leave for
some considerable time. Trusting
you are all well at home
and everything oK. shall write
again soon. best love to all.

Enclosing Post
card Photos of
Officers class at
the school Zeitoun



My dear Lorna
Expect you have 
been down to Austimer and
had a bonza time as per
usual. Where we are at present
is OK for swimming about
a mile or so from the canal
we have a swimming parade
about every two days it is
simply great the water
beautifully fresh and clean
and if a P & O or Orient
boat is going through the
lads swim out to them
& get cigarettes etc also lots
of good wishes from the
passagers passengers of course
the stipulation is that when


one of these boats passes
we must all keep under
water. Yesterday afternoon I swam
across to the opposite shore
a viewed the scene from 
there there were about 2000
in the water stretched right
along the bank. and but for
the surf was excatly like
manly or Bondi. being near
the canal is the only redeeming
feature about this place which
seems to be in the middle 
of the desert hundreds of
miles from no where. it is
becoming very dusty and
darned hot so that we
shall all be glad when
we get a move on to
France that is if we
go there which seems likely.


Am doting on the thought ofof
possibly getting a trip to
England for according to 
reports from fellows that 
have returned they have the
time of their lives there. Have just
completed a course of 3  n infantry
training in the officers class
at the School of Instruction
Zeitoun I did very well
having over 90% with one
paper not corrected will get
the final result later. When
I arrived back at Tel-el-Kebir
found the battalion had just
left on a 40 miles march
to this place of course I was
sorry? so did decided to
have 3 more days off to
allow them to arrive at
their destination and settle down


In the meantime I cleared
off to Alexandria had a 
ripping fly around so good
in fact that I did not
have time to go to bed.
Met Mr Henley there and had 
a long yarn with him
stayed at the same hotel
& when leaving he loaded
me up with all sorts of things
billies tobacco cigars etc etc.
jolly decent of him especially
as I had 3 other friends
with me still he loaded them
up also Only spent one
day & night in Alex's then
went on to Cairo put up
at the Continental Hotel which
is very swank while there
I ran into Mrs Henley and
the girls it was boska


meeting them and having a long
talk about everything in general
they are going to write home
to Mum and tell her what
a bad boy I am etc. Stayed
in Cairo one day and night
then picked up the battalion
and having started work again
Last few days have had the
time of my life in Alex
and Cairo spending about
₤50 in the last few days
will leave to you to imagine
what time sort of a time
I have had. Of course being
an officer now 2/Lieut I
have been able to do anything
I liked stay at the swank
hotels stay out all night
etc. no picquets etc to 
worry about. I have left.


the gun section now and am
attached to A company 13th
Batt. with Capt Barton as
the company commander which
is great for me knowing him
so well. Leslie Henley is a
captain now very hot stuff is
he not. he is very well &
is 2nd in command B company
Nana just arrived down yesterday
with the 45th Batt having
marched from Tel-el-Kebir
a distance of 40 miles he
was OK. & very fit they are
camped about ¼ of a mile
from us he came across to see
me he thought I would
have some mail & I thought
he would have some instead
great was the disappointment
when neither of us had any.


However there may be something
here for me shall inquire when
they get settled properly in
this spot Plenty of love for
the kid, Jack, & yourself.
& hope this damed war will
soon be over so that a man
will be able to get home &
see you all. again
Love from

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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