Letters from Robert James Henderson, January - June 1916 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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66 Just heard regularly I suppose. some rather gratifying news from my officer who told me that he & several other officers had reccomended me for a Commission which if approved may be through any time I got a hell of a shock. And was all together taken back. think Les. Henley ncest have put in some good work for me also murray. O course I do not deserve it but still I shall kook on of same comes along of course firming these new battaltions ets they will nied more officers Shall cable & let you know if anything comes of it. also shall require some more mrey I suppose. H wre news at present lots of love to all Rob
Fectorin 5.3.16 My dear Mum yesterdy Acrived here afternoon at the school 6 instruction. Have been recommended in a commission which should be through at any time now in the meantime me up here they have sent the infantry to go through course which lasts 3 weeks things in style am doing this time going through the officers class. all the healts so this in creation here swank also chicken had to consequently after asriving fisced up getting here and went struight into Carro bought clothes booto dle and
12 myself presentable make to thing this sort of course expensive I shent is most about £ 10-0 yestersilig and have nothing really seem to cabled to & ather however 235 t to send yesterday Egglain Bank Caus the Anglo should see me so that for a while. Tell through fir him up to wick to chigie for same a with time in Cairo great a Will good in night so last did not fact that here until back arrive this morning 11 o clock Young & Mussay Met Lieuts. hall a real black chernes and then went to the Kausaal, which commenced 45 hem and lasted at
(3 then 12.30 am. until to them with back went stayed all and hotel their indeed great was night it good time reat to have a is going Again. Everything we have ok here be with beds to sleep in buts alnchaus wats also and provided a batman and & writing a gooll reading room and an excellent mess & bar which bye the bye costs about 20 peastres of her day to say nothing expenses etc etc butman all quite a treat this is dained expense but to we takes in these one but if one must be Twank fobe live up to them prepased to suppose.
(4) Of course I intend to work real hard here and do for much may debiend well result the trouble is on the very forgotten all have I infantry dull havingbeen Gren work fir doing Machine the last 3 months or so. been transferred Manee has 45 Buttalion duing to to the this spletting up business & th stay with the 13t expect to Batt. we will be in the one division and fairly close to could easely one another and get him claim him me but think back with good iea to it rather a be separated and y 2 receive a commission and I should it make good probably be able to do a
(57 which deal for him great we y would be impossible were in the one unit. however we shall see later as time goes on. Reeeved e a letter from mick other day dated 23 San also a paper the Herald. glad to hear every one well very oK. Shall write things aud when some news soon again be plenl should turns up many to very great a shortly Officers here which English provide a lot should 6 amusement for mne nn ways. love to lots & & sep all. t Muna health fo in the best Spirits Bob.
Gcetown 12.3. 16 My dear Mum Have jist completed a week here in the officers class School of Instruction We have had two Examinations one oral in muskety and a written haber on the weeks lictures I seaed 94 werks out of 100 in the muskitry the results of the written hape are not out yet but think et is I did pretty well. very hard work here and feels it greatly having one to back in and stirlly hard all day and the the night best part tremendon there is a to get through amount won
() we have 3 in 3 weeks 3 oral exames written papers and 2 drill in musketry exams re in company dsell and I in battalion drill besides a note book to write up. Then we lave other suchb bayonet subjects Mekoweter periscobe fighting whole thing the fact etc in to a very into en is give We get up dimeited time every morning at 5-30 am course when except Sunday jrrst as you you can do please and go hasd until about 11 o'clock each night still things are very nice hure in the officers class ael Lieutenants They are all who have received their
31 feld and are promotion on here for instruction sent of us and about a dozen for who are canditates commissions We have a fine excerlent poe and the wess and also a great reading writing room in which is a fine bar then we have buts to sleep in with a batman to ceen your brots make your bell and generally you Ill look after you so caicken to comsencivg this but- on to Swank and if it wore and dog ince for the hard was not have a would work one However we have royal time our week ends free so intend to make the best of them provided the money couses
(41 for. Aur pieety Isent along broke again ane also over draw in my pay book of course I had to buy decent clothes and large wess accounts its here took all my share 7 cabled about cash $35 last Satureley to Father for. and up to Wednes day it had not arrived I have not getting opportunity lre had find out Caro since to to same has come but wrote if him asking the managa know. when to let me the money arrived Of commessinn our course when we get an come through $15 for clothes allowance meantime the etc but in have some money you must

regularly I suppose.  Just heard 
some rather gratifying news from 
my officer who told me that 
he & several other officers had 
recommended me for a commission 
which if approved may be through 
any time I got a hell of stock
shock. And was all together 
taken back. think Les. Henley 
must have put in some good 
work for me. also Murray. Of 
course I do not deserve it 
but still I shall hook on 
if same comes along of course 
forming these new battallions 
etc they will need more officers.
Shall cable & let you know
if anything comes of it also 
shall require some more money 
I suppose.  No more news at 
present lots of love to all, 


My dear Mum.

Arrived here yesterday 
afternoon at the school of 
instruction. Have been recommended 
for a commission which 
should be through at any 
time now in the meantime 
they have sent me up here 
to go through the infantry
course which lasts 3 weeks.  
I am doing things in style 
this time going through the 
officers class.  All the heads in 
creation here so this 
chicken had to swank also 
consequently when after arriving 
here and getting fixed up 
went straight into Cairo 
and bought clothes boots etc


to make myself presentable 
of course this sort or thing 
is most expensive I spent 
about £7-10-0 yesterday and 
seem to have nothing really 
however I cabled to Father 
yesterday to send £35 to 
the Anglo Egyptian Bank Cairo 
so that should see me 
through for a while. Tell 
Mick to fix him up to 
with a cheque for same
Had a great time in Cairo 
last night so good in 
fact that I did not
arrive back here until 
11 o'clock this morning 
met Lieuts. Young & Murray 
had a real flash dinner 
and then went to the 
Kansaal. which commenced 
at 9.45 pm and lasted


until 12.30 am. I then 
went back with them to 
their hotel and stayed all 
night it was indeed great 
to have a real good time 
again. Everything is going 
to be OK here we have 
huts to sleep in with beds 
and mats also armchairs 
and a batman provided 
a good reading & writing 
room and an excellent 
mess & bar which bye the 
bye costs about 20 piastres 
per day to say nothing of 
batman expenses etc etc 
this is all quite a treat 
to me but damned expensive 
but if one takes on these 
swank jobs one must be 
prepared to live up to them.
I suppose.


Of course I intend to work 
real hard here and do 
well for much may depend 
on the result the trouble is 
I have forgotten all my 
infantry drill having been 
doing Machine Gun work for 
the last 3 months or so.  
Nana has been transferred 
to to the 45 Battalion during 
this splitting up business I 
expect to stay with the 13th 
Batt.  we will be in the one 
division and fairly close to 
one another. I could easily 
claim him and get him 
back with me but think 
it rather a good idea to 
be separated and if I 
receive a commission and 
make good it I should 
probably be able to do a


great deal for him which 
would be impossible if we 
were in the one unit. 
however we shall see later 
as time goes on. Received 
a letter from Mick the 
other day dated 23rd Jan 
also a paper the Herald.  
Very glad to hear everyone well 
and things OK. Shall write 
again soon when some news 
turns up should be plenty 
shortly a great many En very 
English Officers here which 
should provide a lot of 
amusement for me in 
lots of ways. love to 
all.  Me Nana & self 
in the best of health & 
spirits  Bob.



My dear Mum.

Have just completed 
a week here in the officers 
class School of Instruction We 
have had two Examinations 
one oral in musketry and a 
written paper on the weeks 
lectures I scored 94 marks 
out of 100 in the musketry 
the results of the written paper 
are not out yet but think 
I did pretty well. It is 
very hard work here and 
one feels it greatly having 
to buck in and study 
hard all day and the 
best part of the night 
there is a tremendous 
amount of work to get through


in 3 weeks we have 3 
written papers 3 oral exams 
in musketry and 2 drill 
exams one in company drill 
and 1 in battalion drill 
besides a note book to 
write up. Then we have other 
subjects such baynot bayonet 
fighting, Mekometer periscope 
etc in fact the whole thing 
is gone into in tl a very 
limited time We get up 
at 5.30 am every morning 
except Sunday of course when 
you can do just as you 
please and go hard until 
about 11 o'clock each night  
Still things are very nice 
here in the officers class  
They are all 2nd. Lieutenants 
who have received their


promotions in field and are 
sent here for instruction 
and about a dozen of us 
who are candidates for 
commissions We have a fine 
mess and the food excellent 
also a great reading and 
writing room in which is a 
fine bar then we have huts 
to sleep in with a batman 
to clean your boots make 
your bed and generally 
look after you So you see 
this chicken is commencing 
to swank and put on 
dog once more and if it 
was not for the hard 
work one would have a 
royal time However we have 
our week ends free so intend 
to make the best of them 
provided the money comes


along I sent for. Am pretty 
broke again am also overdrawn 
in my pay book of course 
I had to buy decent clothes 
and large mess accounts etc 
here took all my spare 
cash about £7 I cabled 
to Father for £35 last Saturday 
and up to Wednesday it 
had not arrived I have not 
had an opportunity of getting 
to Cairo since to find out 
if same has come but wrote 
the manager asking him 
to let me know. when 
the money arrived  Of 
course when our Commissions 
come through we get an 
allowance of £15 for clothes 
etc but in the meantime 
you must have some money

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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