Letters from Robert James Henderson, January - June 1916 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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(3) the doubt you were all very much surprised. Personally I think it was a very good thing for there 10 years hall we remained I do not think the turks would have been pushed back to any extent or defented. If we do not get any fighting here we all expect Flanders shortly to go to where no doubt this summer every body will get as much fighting as they like. Have just read a book ntie called are for a Scab of Paper by Joseph Hocking it is very interesting all about this was in France tell Iave to get it from the libeary We are getting lovely weathen here at present fairty warm
(4) very cold in the day time but at night the old sheepsken rest comes in very handy for staking very warm in they do keep one to not think I told you our was cry. it goes like this Ah at ah at he Machene Gun sectin are we We fire that jast that the opposition cant last. At als al at at he for opposition is the wnrd the ludies sake we of course stronger ons use a much could think Mick no doubt one but do the corrict to express it not ask him aught it I remember berthdey this is somebolly; mother & Lomas month yours a bit late but is it not.
153 wish you both very many Lably shall returns and trust I you this be back among year. You never time next know your luck. lots of long to all the o rumoy no people youselves Nane & plenty for in the best of health & self Bot + spirits
Moascar 19/2/16 My dear Tane. 6th Janury Received your letter dated also one from Lorna dated 2. January also received the parcel containing sicks lobeee hibe agareetes ehe everything was in good order socks and greatly appreciated the pen of for Mana were duly handed over to him if I do not get time to Write to ten and mrt bale for the cigarrates & mittens kindly thank them very much for me and let them know how useful all these things are. Lis Wenley had a couple of days leave this week and picked up the Osterley coming through the canal about 2 miles from here it must have been great for him to row out and crawl over the side of the boat to meet his Mothert he is back again now but have not seen him to talk to yet We are about to more from here tomorrow I think to a place called Tel-el a Reber about
(2). 25 miles from here towarlls Caus then the Anzac contination is to be done away with we are being separated from the New Gealanders and forming a punly Australian Peves con half of or battation is being split up and put in with some other people in fact do not know quiete yet what is going to happen every bodly is dreadfully upset both our chaks & the New Zealanders. We have had a farewell concert a few nights ago. it was very good but in parts very sad. Thank was going wp to Cario to-day but at the last minute all leave was cancelled so will be deferred until we are fixed up at our new place he hope to receive the ₤20 he cabled for both being pretty broke. I gave Mana L8 when arriving on the peninsular so that he will now be able to repay me it is indeed mawellous how money goes. here but one may as well have as good a time as possible. No news-here may be more nixt week: lots of lve to all Bob

No doubt you were all very much
surprised. Personally I think it
was a very good thing for
had we remained there 10 years
I do not think the Turks
would have been pushed
back to any extent or
defeated. If we do not get
any fighting here we all expect
to go to Flanders shortly
where no doubt this summer
every body will get as much.
fighting as they like. Have just
read a book entitled called.
“All for a Scap of Paper” by
Joseph Hocking it is very
interesting all about this war
in France tell Jane to
get it from the library
We are getting lovely weather 
here at present fairly warm


in the day time but very cold
at night the old sheepskin vest
comes in very handy for sleeping 
in. they do keep one very warm
Do not think I told you our
war cry. it goes like this
Ah ah ah ah he Machine Gun
Section are we
We fire that fast that the
opposition cant last.
Ah ah ah ah ah he. 
the word opposition is for
the ladies sake we of course
use a much stronger one
Mick no doubt could think 
of the correct one but do
not ask him to express it,
If I remember aright it 
is somebody’s birthday this
month yours Mother & Lorna’s
is it not? a bit late but


wish you both very many happy
returns and trust I shall
be back among you this
time next year. You never
know your luck. lots of love
to all the Drummoyne people
& plenty for yourselves Nana
& self in the best of health
& spirit Bob


My dear Jane.
Received your letter dated 6th. January
also from Lorna dated 2nd January also
received the parcel containing socks tobacco pipe
cigarettes etc everything was in good order
and greatly appreciated the pair of socks
for Nana were duly handed over to him if I
do not get time to write to Amy  and Mrs
Vale for the cigarettes & mittens kindly thank
them very much for me and let them know
how useful all these things are. Les Henley had
a couple of days leave this week and picked up
the "Osterley" coming through the canal about 2
miles from here it must have been great for
him to row out and crawl over the side of
the boat to meet his Mother it he is back
again now but have not seen him to talk to yet
We are about to move from here tomorrow I
think to a place called Tel-el a Kebir about


25 miles from here towards Cairo then the Anzac
combination is to be done away with we are
being separated from the New Zealanders and
forming a purely Australian Division half of
one battalion is being split up and put in
with some other people in fact do not know
quite yet what is going to happen everybody is
dreadfully upset both our chaps & the New
Zealanders. We have had a farewell concert a
few nights ago. it was very good but
in parts very sad. Nana was going up to Cairo
to-day but at the last minute all leave was
cancelled so will be deferred until we are fixed
up at our new place We hope to receive the
₤20 he cabled for both being pretty broke. I
gave Nana £8 when arriving on the peninsular
so that he will now be able to repay me
it is indeed marvellous how money goes. here-
but one may as well have as good a time as
possible. No news. here may be more next
week. lots of love to all Bob.


Tel - el - Kebir
My dear. Mum. 
The 13th Battalion
arrived here yesterday from Moascar
the distance being about 25 miles
of nearer to Cairo it is a very large 
camp. there must be 40,000 or
more Australians here. men who
have been in action also later
reinforcements which have been at 
Zeitoun & other places. Here wer are
all going to be reformed and
adjusted and expect to put in
about 4 weeks solid work then
to imshi to France and have
a go against the square heads.
This camp is on the desert
but think it will be a nice
change providing one has plenty
of money. There are shops in the camp


of all descriptions dry & wet
canteens, restaurants, picture shows
etc. This place is also historically
interesting there is a cemetery &
trenches a little distance away 
where the British & niggers had
a go somewhere about 1880 we
intend to take a walk and
investigate this afternoon. Cecil
Clifton looked me up yesterday
afternoon he has been here some
time now and is attached to
the M.G. section 3rd Batt.
He looks very well and fit
but a bit tired of all this
training. I heard from him his 
brother Bob. also Jack Cowdery
have returned to Australia.
I had a day off last Thursday
and went to Cairo arriving about
10.am. & leaving there at 7.15pm


Had a great day. several good
feeds went out to the hospital
to see Molly Riley & some other
sisters but they were either
out or engaged so did not
see any of them however may
have another chance later. Bought
some books. while in Cairo entitled 
Doings of the Brave Australiasians
in the present war also the 
Kangaroos Marines have read the 
former which was most interesting
get it from the library I think
you would all enjoy it.
Went to the pictures here last
night they were excellent the
military band there was also
great to listen to there must
have been at least 2,000 soldiers
present. Am at present in the 
YMCA building it seems OK


piano refreshments writing gear
etc. it is no doubt a great
institution & does a power of good
besides offering comfort and
enjoyment to the boys. Some are
playing & singing others having
cake and cocoa. others reading
& writing the place is crowded
to the doors. Had a letter from
Lloyd at the works. he seems
a bit upset. wanted to know
whether I thought a young 
married man should enlist
or whether the thing could be
carried on with men who
had no encumberances. I 
wrote back and said that
if I were in his position
as far as I knew I should
not enlist there were over
100,000 troops taken from the 
peninsular besides others who are


all in Egypt & England also
said I hoped to be back in
Australia next Christmas barring
accidents for I am of the 
opinion the war will end 
this year. also received Printers
Pie magazine from Lorna and
2 papers from home, and letters
from you Mum, Billy Bull. & Lorna.
Nana also received letters and
papers we always change one 
another so get all the news.
it is great to hear all the
news. You may not receive letters 
from us for some time after 
the evacuation we were not
allowed to write for 3 weeks
also I doubt if you will
receive our letters from the
trenches just before coming
off. However one is lucky
to receive things fairly

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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